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God and Satan - the ULTIMATE Illuminati Discussion

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non lue,
10 févr. 1998, 03:00:0010/02/1998

Let's ask ourselves one question - WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRITING
HISTORY? Well, the answer would have to be: THE VICTORS, THOSE IN

Now, let's ask ourselves, "What if God was really Evil incarnate,
out to strike a blow for man, but won the Heavenly war, and painted
Satan as the bad guy?"

The name LUCIPHER means, literally, "The Shining One". God lets bad
things happen to good or innocent people (38 Children die in a school
bus accident, etc.). So, what if the wrong heavenly body won the Heaven
War, and took that opportunity to rewrite everything?

That would mean we're being led by the one who has chosen to deceive
us for the ultimate prize - world (and universal) domination......


Thank you, That is All.

Please post replies to this newsgroup.


non lue,
10 févr. 1998, 03:00:0010/02/1998

On Tue, 10 Feb 1998 12:20:02 -0800, wrote:
> Let's ask ourselves one question - WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRITING
>HISTORY? Well, the answer would have to be: THE VICTORS, THOSE IN
> Now, let's ask ourselves, "What if God was really Evil incarnate,
>out to strike a blow for man, but won the Heavenly war, and painted
>Satan as the bad guy?"
> The name LUCIPHER means, literally, "The Shining One". God lets bad
>things happen to good or innocent people (38 Children die in a school
>bus accident, etc.). So, what if the wrong heavenly body won the Heaven
>War, and took that opportunity to rewrite everything?
> That would mean we're being led by the one who has chosen to deceive
>us for the ultimate prize - world (and universal) domination......
ncorp giggles... Karma’s a phuckin’ bitch, ain’t she?
tee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee...


non lue,
10 févr. 1998, 03:00:0010/02/1998
ha he ha ha ha ha he ha hah hahahahahehhahahahahHA!

non lue,
11 févr. 1998, 03:00:0011/02/1998

Without darkness, there can be no light.....

My point exactly, but which one of the heavenly bodies is really the
Dark, and the Light? Could Jehovah actually be the Dark one, taking the
opportunity of his victory in Heaven to re-write history to show Lucifer as
the bad guy? Think about it.... noone would know the difference....

That, my friend, is the whole subject of my question.... wrote:

> uhh. Lucifer means "light bearer" in latin.
> He/she/it is also considered the "morning star"
> but, then again - so is Jesus.

> >
> > The name LUCIPHER means, literally, "The Shining One". God lets bad
> >things happen to good or innocent people (38 Children die in a school
> >bus accident, etc.). So, what if the wrong heavenly body won the Heaven
> >War, and took that opportunity to rewrite everything?

> If you want to eliminate negatives from the world, then first
> experiment with your car battery, and unhook the black cable.
> then see if you go forward ( or reverse ).
> or try and stop the leaves from falling and rotting in the ground.
> without darkness there could be no light.
> what goes around comes around.
> so be it.
> >

non lue,
12 févr. 1998, 03:00:0012/02/1998


non lue,
14 févr. 1998, 03:00:0014/02/1998

I had the same theory, amazing PAL.........

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