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Tool for opening and closing a/c vents

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May 2, 2016, 10:49:30 AM5/2/16
The vents for our a/c are supposed to open and close by turning something that I will try to describe - it is a small knurled post with a slot at the top, although the slot is large compared to what a typical large slotted screwdriver would fit into. Years ago I used to use a screwdriver anyhow as it worked after a fashion but not any longer as the venetian blind-like elements don't move as easily. As a result, it takes a considerable effort to open the vents by poking a screwdriver at the elements until they are all open.

There must be some kind of tool that fits around the knurled post and has a screwdriver-like tip but the previous owner of the house didn't leave it with us. Is something like that available for purchase?

May 10, 2016, 11:33:13 AM5/10/16
On Monday, May 2, 2016 at 10:49:30 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> The vents for our a/c are supposed to open and close by turning something that I will try to describe - it is a small knurled post with a slot at the top, although the slot is large compared to what a typical large slotted screwdriver would fit into. Years ago I used to use a screwdriver anyhow as it worked after a fashion but not any longer as the venetian blind-like elements don't move as easily. As a result, it takes a considerable effort to open the vents by poking a screwdriver at the elements until they are all open.
> There must be some kind of tool that fits around the knurled post and has a screwdriver-like tip but the previous owner of the house didn't leave it with us. Is something like that available for purchase?

Replace your vents with new ones that have working controls. Go look at lowes or hd.


May 11, 2016, 4:29:54 PM5/11/16

wrote in message
All vents can not be regulated it may have slot but is there anything

May 14, 2016, 7:24:52 PM5/14/16
> All vents can not be regulated it may have slot but is there anything behind????

Not sure what you are asking. There are two sets of louvres - an outside set that allows you to direct the air flow and an inside set that allows you to shut the vent completely or open it to various degrees. The control that I am asking about turns to adjust the inside louvres. It's hard to do as the slot in the control is wider than a wide screwdriver. There must be a tool specifically for this control.


May 15, 2016, 2:21:29 PM5/15/16
What I am saying that louvers may be there, but are they fix or integrated
into moving adjustments.

wrote in message

May 15, 2016, 6:06:49 PM5/15/16
They are adjustable, not fixed. Turning the slotted post makes them open or close. It's just hard to do with an ordinary screwdriver as the slot in the post is much wider than the screwdriver tip. As a result, I have to repeatedly poke at the louvres themselves to get them to open.

May 16, 2016, 8:09:08 AM5/16/16
> Replace your vents with new ones that have working controls. Go look at lowes or hd.

I think that's the best option.

The vents I have are several different sizes and they mount with screws onto the ducts. Do these things come in standard sizes and are the mounting screws in standard locations so that the new ones can easily be swapped into place?
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