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[alt.config,...] Run! It's the Delphioids!

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Matthias Neeracher

Jan 22, 1994, 6:02:57 PM1/22/94
Subject: Re: Run! It's the Delphioids! (Patrick Schaaf) writes:

>Wonderful. Class struggle on the Internet. Get out yer Communist Manifesto,
>unwashed masses! Put an end to elitist bandwith hoarding! Free Bit for all!


#ident "@(#)/pub/manifest.delphic 1.1 3.0 04/01/1888 Friedrich_-_Engels "

A spectre is haunting the Internet -- the spectre of Delphism.
All the Powers of old Usenet have entered into a holy alliance to
exorcise this spectre: User and Admin, Hacker and Newbie, Academic
Radicals and NSA net-greppers.

Where is the Posting of Stupidity that has not been decried as
Delphic by its replies of flamage? Where the poster that has not
hurled back the branding reproach of "From:"
against the more Content-Free messages, as well as against the

Two things result from this fact.

I. Delphi is already acknowledged by all Internet Sites
to be itself a Host.

II. It is high time that Delphists should openly, in the face
of the whole alt hierarchy, post their messages, their .sigs, their
FAQs, and meet this UL of the Path: of !! with a
Manifesto of the Site itself.

To this end, Delphists of various baud-rates have assembled
in a.o-s.d, and edited the following Manifesto, to be
distributed by the UUCP, nntp, and FTP protocols.


The history of all hitherto existing networks is the history
of user struggles.

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf,
hacker and newbie, admin and user, in a word, clued and clueless
stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an
unSIGINTed, now ~/.hidden, now open() fight, a fight that each time
ended, either in a revolutionary rewrite of interfacing protocols
or in the common ruin of the contending networks. (Film at 11:00.)

In the earlier logfiles of history, we find almost everywhere a
complicated arrangement of computers into various networks, a
manifold gradation of system access. In ancient IBM we have
Man-Versus-System and BITNET; in the DEC Ages, VMS, DCL, and DECNET;
in almost all of these systems, again, subordinate gradations.

The feudal system of mailing lists, under which message distribution
was monopolised by closed servers, now no longer sufficed for the
growing wants of the new users. The uux - $NODE!rnews system took
its place. The LISTSERVs were pushed on one side by flood-fill
propogation; division of distribution between the different primary
servers vanished in the face of replication of batching in each single

The modern Usenet society that has sprouted from the ruins
of proprietary systems has not done away with clash antagonisms. It
has but established new RFCs, new conditions of flamage,
new forms of posting in place of the old ones. Our epoch,
the Epoch of Usenet, possesses, however, this distinctive
bug^H^H^Hfeature: it has simplified the class antagonisms: Society as a
whole is less and less splitting up into two great hostile camps,
into two great classes, directly facing each other: User and


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