<iframe marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 src=text.html
Of course a frameborder=0 can be desiderable too :-)
Also, the same trick simplifies DIV loading:
<div id=pie></div>
scrolling=no width=100% height=1% frameborder=0 style="visibility:hidden"
here the this.innerHTML, which is not transferred
Regretly, the onload tag does not work in konqueror.
I get
Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property HTMLDocument.height
when trying this with Mozilla (?)
Love to see it work though...
ninth ave p: +61 7 3870 8494
_ _ _ m: +61 405 048 371
__(@)< __(@)> __(@), w: http://www.ninthave.net
\___) \___) \___) e: r.k...@ninthave.net
Hmm. Intriguing. My version of Mozilla is
Mozilla 1.4
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030908 Debian/1.4-4
I have a page (http://cgt.unizar.es/jornadas/) with the resizing code in
an extended version, and it works:
onclick="this.height= this.contentDocument.height"
scrolling=auto width=100% height=0 frameborder=0
Tu browser no soporta iframes. Carga directamente el
<a href=punterosSL.html>fichero</a>
except for the onclick :-( But the onload does its work perfectly.
All the other stuff, btw, is just to avoid the vertical scroll bar nuissance.
>>> <iframe onload="this.height=this.contentDocument.height"/>
>> Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property
>> HTMLDocument.height
DHTML and HTML are practically unrelated disciplines, please see
http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/usenet/xpost.html. Also check out your
cross-site-scripting privleges. And use real properties:
this.setAttribute ( "height", this.contentDocument.
getElementsByTagName ( "body" ).item ( 0 ).
offsetHeight );
> All the other stuff, btw, is just to avoid the
> vertical scroll bar nuissance.
To handle this in Mozilla, style the content-documents:
:root {
overflow: moz-scrollbars-horizontal;
height: 100%;
Explorer has an overflow-x property to check. Both browsers support
adding these styles by force.
>>> Regretly, the onload tag does not work in konqueror.
Tapping into iframe events is badly supported in most browsers. Perhaps
You can pass the information from content-document to the surrounding
enviroment for wider browser support.
window.addEventListener ( "load", function () {
top.yourResizeFunction ( document.body.offsetHeight );
}, false );
Wired Earp
Wired Earp wrote:
> alejandro.rivero wrote:
>>>> <iframe onload="this.height=this.contentDocument.height"/>
>>>Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property
Yeh, it only works for pages from the same domain. :(
> DHTML and HTML are practically unrelated disciplines, please see
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/usenet/xpost.html. Also check out your
> cross-site-scripting privleges. And use real properties:
> this.setAttribute ( "height", this.contentDocument.
> getElementsByTagName ( "body" ).item ( 0 ).
> offsetHeight );
>>All the other stuff, btw, is just to avoid the
>>vertical scroll bar nuissance.
> To handle this in Mozilla, style the content-documents:
> :root {
> overflow: moz-scrollbars-horizontal;
> height: 100%;
> }
> Explorer has an overflow-x property to check. Both browsers support
> adding these styles by force.
>>>>Regretly, the onload tag does not work in konqueror.
> Tapping into iframe events is badly supported in most browsers. Perhaps
> You can pass the information from content-document to the surrounding
> enviroment for wider browser support.
> window.addEventListener ( "load", function () {
> top.yourResizeFunction ( document.body.offsetHeight );
> }, false );