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Manufactured Home Owners Network Questions & Answers & Some Insight

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John Sisker

Feb 20, 2010, 6:47:02 AM2/20/10
Manufactured Home E-Mail Net(work)
February 20, 2010

Manufactured Home Owners Network Questions & Answers & Some Insight


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Questions & Answers:
Here is the opportunity to have your concerns addressed on an individual
basis. While I am not a lawyer, I will try to answer each submitted question
to the best of my ability. However, remember that this is just my opinion.
If any additional and/or legal advice seems appropriate, I will tell you
that as well. For those questions submitted that would benefit from
additional input, I have included here. This way, others can add their
comments as well. Therefore, if you have a new question or concern, let's
hear from you. On the other hand, if you want to enhance a question/answer
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John Sisker

(pay or quit)

Hi all,

I just got a call back from Laura Payne at the City. She said the Staff
Report will be heard at the Planning Commission meeting on February 23,
Tuesday, at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers, Item A-1,
and then at the Subdivision Committee meeting on February 25th at 3:30 PM
downstairs in Room B-7 near the Council Chambers.

I know a lot of speakers from Huntington Shorecliffs will probably speak at
the Planning Commission, but since this is so very important, it may be good
for them to hear from homeowners in the other MH Parks. If this Subdivision
("Condoizing") gets approved, it will quickly be spread to many of our MH
Parks in Huntington Beach...and elsewhere.

This must be stopped now! It is another form of contrived economic
displacement and elder abuse. The Park Owner does not care if people cannot
afford the costs that he is suggesting. It's either pay or quit!

Please, I would like to hear from you.

Mary Jo

(making a cash cow even more so)

Mary Jo,

I agree with your assignment regarding Huntington Shorecliffs; the park
owners projected value for the land is totally out of line. He is no-doubt
simply trying to re-coop his initial investment for the park to begin with,
by creating an greatly inflated and fabricated market value.

It was just a few years ago, that I could sell a brand new high-end Hallmark
manufactured home, all HUD standards, 1566 sq.ft., 2-bedroom, 2-bath, with a
den, in that park for under $275,000, and that included the full outside
package requirements (delivery, setup, awnings, carport, new cement
driveway, walkways, brick-work in the front, with landscaping and a
sprinkler system, etc.). And keep in mind, that price also included what it
took us, or any other dealer, to get a space in that park to begin with,
plus remove the old home, and to fully prep the lot for a new home. In fact,
this price would actually be lower today because of the real estate market
and current state of the economy.

In my personal opinion, but from actual industry experience, the price the
new park owner has estimate for just the lots themselves is totally bogus
and completely devalues all the homes themselves, even the new ones. It is
definitely not the solution to any issues the residents have, but actually
created far more, while allowing a park that is a cash cow anyway for the
owner, to make even more money, but now at the total expense of all the

Furthermore, I've been in this business long enough to know that one can
come up with any type numbers they want in order to justify an already
predetermined objective. A so-called market value is rather subjective in
this business, for a rental mobile home park is actually valued by the
income it produces, not any projected profits by this conversion. In this
particular case, even if I took a similar resident owner park in Fullerton,
the numbers from the actual comps over the last two years still would not
even come close to what is being projected here. Yet, let's even take into
consideration the fact that Huntington Shorecliffs is close to the ocean,
yet, it is still out of line. I personally feel the final decision of our
Council whether to support these numbers or not, could be totally
politically. Unfortunately, the thinking is becoming more of... "if you
can't afford it, someone else can." In fact, I've even been told that we
should be happy that we got to stay this close to the ocean for a long as we
have, but your time is coming.

This callus and backward thinking reminds me of the tongue and cheek phrase
in the Disney movie Pocahontas, when England encountered Indians already
living here when they arrived, and that was... "you were just using our land
before we got here." We're quickly becoming second class citizens, with
little to no say in our own destiny. As I said, this decision could very
well be political, actually with the decision already made. Now, who is up
for re-election or seeking a higher office? The final vote will tell the

I will try to make this meeting.

John Sisker
Founding Director
Manufactured Home Owners Network
(714) 536-3850

(huntington shorecliffs conversion)

Hi Elmer and everyone,

Please read the attachment,,
especially pages 27 to 34 where the property owner spells out their
estimated costs to the people who buy and those who rent. This is DEADLY

There will be a Subdivision Committee Meeting on February 25th. I believe
we will be getting notices for the time. It will be before the Planning
Commission again on March 9th.

To cite the new costs:

Current estimate for Purchase: $275,000 to $385,000 for the lots

* Based on 6% interest, $275,000 would mean $1648.76 per month, plus the
$335 assessment below, for a total of $1983.76 per month.
* Based on 6% interest, $385,000 would mean $2308.27 per month, plus the
$335 assessment below, for a total of 2643.27 per month.

Current estimate of potential monthly Assessment by the owner:
* Base: $210 per Lot
* Utility: $80 per Lot
* Reserve: $45 per Lot

* Total: $335 per Lot per Month

Current estimate of potential market Rent: $1,600 to $1,850 (plus utilities
and some "Assessments")

This is not a pretty picture!

Whatever will happen to those who still owe mortgages? About six months
down the road, they will probably do as they just did in Huntington By The
Sea... just walk away... and the park owner (after he received his payments
for the lots) will just laugh his way to the bank.

The fixed-income very low income homeowners will not be able to keep up the
new space rents. They will have to pay a portion of their own utilities on
top of the space rents.

Submitted by Mary Jo

(huntington beach, ca, could be our downfall)


I've just begun to get back into things and it looks to me that what Mr.
Coldren is attempting is a form of conversion to condo-izing and therefore
could come under some aspects of the H.B. Conversion Ordinance, namely
change of use. This condo-izing could force homeowners trying to comply,
into a financial crisis that could lead to bankruptcy and/or loss of their
homes. This park owner, in my opinion, is apparently trying to get the
profits of the park's anticipated lifetime, all at once and is using the
homeowner's investment and financial responsibility for that investment, as
a tool to force them into deeper debt to satisfy the despicable level of
insatiable greed of this particular park owner. The facts of eventual
financial disaster to so many citizens of Huntington Beach, should be
brought out in broad daylight to the Counsel if this park owner is allowed
to commit such a
dastardly act upon so many innocent citizens. My argument in part would be
that this attempt by the park owner to condo-ize is not in the best
interests of the citizens of Huntington Beach, and is a violation of Section
234.08 of the Huntington Beach Subdivision and Ordinance Code. I wish I
were able to be there, but right now that is highly unlikely.


(it's all political)


Good insight and information. If you can't make this meeting you might want
to consider sending a letter to the Council for the record. However, we all
need to remember that for the most part, we are dealing with a Council who
worships developers and big money, some even having to return favors for
getting elected in the first place.

John Sisker
(714) 536-3850

(planning commission agenda and city council appointment of MHAB members)

Hi all, attached is the link to the February 23rd Planning Commission
Agenda. Of note is the Huntington Shorecliffs item. Thought you might want
to know.

Also, the reappointment of Gullage and appointment of two new MHAB members
is scheduled for the March 1, 2010 City Council Meeting. You can view the
item on the City�s website next Monday if you like.

Terri King
MHAB Staff Liaison (Huntington Beach Mobile Home Advisory Board)
City of Huntington Beach
(714) 960-8831

(now coming to a head)

Hi Terri,

Thanks for this information and for the supplemental attachment. This
certainly helps puts everything in the right perspective, with actual black
and white data, not just speculations. I was already aware of such meeting
dates from inside information, but not with all the details that you
provided. I will be attending everything I can in this regard.

Thanks again,
John Sisker
(714) 536-3850

(AB 761 and other news)

The Capitol has been largely quiet the last few days. In the next week and
a half, new bills will begin to trickle in as we approach the flood of new
bills that usually occurs in the last two days before the February 19th
deadline to introduce new bills. Once we know all of the new bills we will
send out an alert to update you. What follows is an update on the park
owner's current bills carried over from the 2009 session.

AB 761 (Caldedron) the anti-mobilehome owner bill, has been referred to the
Senate Judiciary Committee. This is just a procedural step and no hearing
date has been scheduled because we still do not know whether or not the park
owners and Mr. Calderon will seek a hearing on the measure. As previously
reported, the current composition of that committee makes it very unlikely
that the bill will move forward. It is possible that park owners will
pursue a new bill on the subject, or they may ask for a hearing on the bill
despite its likely fate in committee. We will let you know as soon as we
know more.

As we've reported previously, AB 481 (Ma) did not meet the deadline for
passing out of the Assembly, and is now dead. The parkowners are likely to
introduce a new bill on the subject sometime before next week's deadline for
new bill introductions.

Finally, we very much appreciate the continued interest of our coalition
partners in the legislative process. We know folks are anxious to get to
work on our legislative priorities, and it is encouraging to see all of the
questions and discussion. It is this same energy that helped turn out record
numbers of your responses with cards, letters and calls last year.

We know information has been thin lately out of Sacramento. That's largely
because at this time of year in the Capitol, there is little new action on
bills of any kind. We are all in a holding pattern until after the bill
introduction deadline February 19th, when we will have a more complete
picture of what legislation is moving this year.

Please be patient as we work through the opening issues of the 2010
session - shortly after the Feb 19th deadline, we will have our targets
lined up and be moving quickly into a winning action mode as before.

We will update you when we learn more.

-Brian Augusta and Christine Minnehan

(we fought the good fight)

The blood bath certainly did occur. The relocation specialist, according to
the city council will not be able to get more money than the 12 to 15,000.
The folks with larger mortgages will probably have to declare bankruptcy
even though they purchased after the developer knew he was going to close
the park. We had a conservative, pro property owner judge and a
conservative, pro property owner interpretation of the judge's decisions by
the city council.

I am ashamed of them all. Our only friend on the city council, Claudia Bill
de la Pena, stated we fought the good fight and were right to do it. I

Janet Wall and her amazing devotion to us mobilehome residents and Richard
Francis were and are unbelievable. We all were magnificent. Thank you so
much GSMOL for your help. We are sincerely grateful.

By the way, would you mind if I broadcast this message along with all your
comments to all the mobilehome residents in Thousand Oaks for whom I have an
email address?


(unfair business practices)


In this day and age, it would seem that an economic and emotional disaster
like this could not happen. As a society, we have been successful in
abating many unfair business practices wherein one party has such an unfair
economic business advantage over another. We have to admit that, as
immobile manufactured home owners, we have failed in this aspect of
dominance allowed by park owners. In a way, this is reminiscent of Dodge
City, Kansas in the 1850�s!

On a go-forward basis, most new law is based on documented need to
demonstrate a justifiable �standing�. One consolation resulting from this
disaster is there should be an abundance of documentation to justify an
attempt to improve existing laws, and/or create new law. If you haven�t
already planned this, our hope is that you, Janet, Richard and others
maintain a contact information file of those who have been so severely
affected by this action. This is necessary because, after a similar disaster
in El Dorado Park in Palm Springs resulting from a park owner initiated
forced condo-conversion, we were simply unable to contact those unfortunate
homeowners who left the park and scattered in all directions. Their contact
information would have been very helpful in locating whiteness for policy
committee hearings, or their statements, to justify the need for AB 1542 in
2008. We were simply unable to contact any of them who were willing to

As only a layperson, I see a definite need for new law to prevent this from
happening in the future. While this would be an absolute waste of time and
resources in this Governor�s last year in office, please help us keep this
matter on our short-list of priority legislation under a more favorable
political climate in Sacramento. As John Sisker alluded to � it�s politics
over policy. Please be our constant reminder, while we work with Brian,
Christine, Bruce, Will and others on a plausible solution.

In the interim, our good thoughts and prayers go out to those so badly
disadvantaged by this life-changing event. And, please do broadcast these
messages to your good folks and Thousand Oaks and beyond...

Jim Burr, Chair
GSMOL Legislative Action Team
Phone & Fax (559) 732-2177
Cell (559) 799-3821

(when selling, who do you believe?)

Most of you know by now that I changed where I hang my Housing & Community
Development license to sell, list and buy manufactured/mobile homes, from
Mesa Homes to that of Modular Lifestyles. There were a number of reasons for
this decision, not the least being that Mesa Homes pulled out of the Orange
County area, and is emphasizing Hemet instead. With all the issues happening
here at home, as pointed out elsewhere in this newsletter, can you blame

But this benefits you two-fold, for one, I am still here, with not only
years of first hand experience in this industry, but an actual mobile home
owner myself. Yet, I still get the doubting Thomas's questioning as to why I
don't have more listing, when they see the signs of other dealers all over
the place. But once people think about this objectively, and do a little
research, they soon realize that some dealers taking just about any listing
at any price, does not necessarily translate into sales. However, it's a
good way for them to get free advertising.

As an affiliate with Modular Lifestyles, also being a park management team,
we don't normally have to wait too long before completing a sale from our
listings. We have more contacts, with an in-depth access to tap into and
from the inside out, not just being on the outside looking in - and hoping
some potential buyer shows an interest. No wonder you don't see out signs up
for very long - we actually sell them.

Likewise, I've made a pretty good practice of what I call pick-up listings.
Sellers want to believe any pie-in-the sky promise; that another agent will
get them a price too good to be true, or the old sales line of they just
happen to have a customer or business looking for a home just like theirs.
This is the old car sales trick, but many of you still believe it. Now I
realize that this is just talk at this point, for everyone wants to believe
what they are told. And I am not here to tell you any different right now,
that's not how I am going to get your listing.

But as I said before, I found a very successful and effective niche, and
that is to simply wait a number of months, when your home is not selling,
and all you've been told by others is not coming true, then I can step in
and get your home sold for you. It's that simply. So give me a call when
you're fed up with everyone else.

Now to be realistic, does this guarantee a sale or that you will have to
reduce your price so much that you are almost giving it away? Neither I nor
Modular Lifestyles can guarantee any sale, but it seems that we have a
better change of doing so, and at a realistic price, than some many of these
other dealers simply going out of business.

Your one-source contact...
John Sisker, Senior Sales Consultant

(Licensed by the State of California)
... a manufactured/mobile owner myself ...
Manufactured Housing Specialist

Modular Lifestyles
17300 Red Hill Avenue, Suite 280
Irvine, CA 92614

Cell (714) 815-7625
Office: (888) 437-4587
Home: (714) 536-3850
Fax: (801) 365-8205
Toll Free: (800) 724-6644 & (10-digit code: 714.536.3850)

-- affiliations --
* Founding Director: Manufactured Home Owners Network
* Member: Senator Correa's Southern California Manufactured Home Task Force
* Board Member: Huntington Beach Mobile Home Advisory Commission

(meeting with assemblyman Pedro Nava)

Hi John,

I am with the Pedro Nava for Attorney General campaign, hoping to set up a
meeting between yourself and the Assemblyman to discuss his candidacy. Mr.
Nava was named "Legislator of the Year" by GSMOL last year and has a solid
reputation within the Mobile Home community.

Would you be interested in meeting with him? Where are you generally
located? He is going to be in LA this weekend if that would work for you.

You can read more about him at

Let me know if you have any questions/comments.

Hannah Linkenhoker
Southern California Coordinator
Pedro Nava for Attorney General
(415) 652-6909

(need to check this out first)


I was asked by Hannah Linkenhoken, Southern California Coordinator for
Assemblyman Pedro Nava's bid for Attorney General, to meet with me
personally to discuss mobile home issues along his candidacy. I was told
that Mr. Nava was named "Legislature of the Year" by GSMOL last year and has
a solid reputation within the Mobile Home Community.

First of all, is this an accurate statement, and in your opinion, would it
be beneficial if I did meet with Assemblyman Nava? Is he indeed on our team,
sort-of-speak? Any heads-up in this reference would be most appreciated.

John Sisker
Founding Director,
Manufactured Home Owners Network
(714) 536-3850

(definitely meet with him)


Absolutely meet with him. Let him know that the potential for endorsement
for office depends upon him giving his word (Dave Hennessy used to make them
put it in writing) that he will give mobile home issues a fair and balanced
hearing. Be sure he is aware of the fact that our group, individually and
combined, have the power to deliver up to a million plus votes through our


(Gus - CMRAA)


Thanks for the quick feedback and insight as to Assemblyman Pedro Nava. I
will indeed be following up on this invitation to meet with him.

Thanks again,

(let's meet)

Dear Ms. Linkenhoker:

As the Founding Director of the Manufactured Home Owners Network at, I think it would indeed be very beneficial if
Assemblyman Pedro Nava and I could meet and discuss mobile home issues,
especially for the Southern California area.

I am located in Huntington Beach, so I am seldom in the Los Angeles area,
which is some 40 miles away. As an alternative, perhaps the Assemblyman and
I could communicate via e-mail, until we can establish a mutual interest and
see if indeed meeting one-on-one would be helpful.

John Sisker
Founding Director,
Manufactured Home Owners Network
(714) 536-3850

(meeting yet to happen - but will, so stay tuned)


Great! We are going to be doing an Orange County swing in a couple of
weeks, maybe we could set something up for then?

I will have Pedro give you a call before then to chat.

Hannah Linkenhoker

(news from Golden State Manufactured-home Owners League)


February 19, 2010

Announcing the 2010 GSMOL State Convention

The 2010 GSMOL State Convention is just around the corner, Friday April 9
through Sunday April 11, in Ontario. You won't want to miss it. Join us
and experts from around the state to learn how to work together to protect
our way of life. During three days of informational seminars, skill
building workshops, panel discussions, working groups, business meetings,
and the election of our statewide officers we will prepare ourselves for the
coming decade and build the skills to keep mobile home ownership strong.

Below is a summary of what you can expect at this year's convention. Please
help us publicize the convention among your neighbors and friends. For a
printer friendly version of the convention flyer, click on this link.

A New Decade, A New Spirit, A New Commitment
The 2010 GSMOL State Convention

April 9, 10, 11, 2010
Marriott Ontario Airport Hotel
2200 East Holt Boulevard, Ontario, California

Friday Afternoon and Saturday Morning Small Group Breakouts

� Building Strong Homeowner Action Teams: Working with Neighbors to
Get Organized
� Zone Meetings: Get to Know Successful Activists from Parks Near You
� Condo-Conversion for Manufactured Home Owners: Legal and Political
� Effective Legislative Action: How to Work with Local and State
Elected Officials
� Defending Against Eviction: Protecting Your Home
� Working with Park Owners: Improve Parks Through Cooperation and
� Selling Your Mobile Home: Transferring Rent Control Rights and
Preventing interference
� Using Failure to Maintain: Understanding Yours Rights & Park Owner's
� Community Organizing: What Is It and How Can It Help Me in My Park?

Saturday Morning, Saturday Afternoon, and Sunday General Sessions

� The California Legislature, Friend or Foe? A Report on Critical
Mobile Home Issues
� "Mobile Home Owner Organizations Working Together: A Facilitated
Discussion on How We Building Local, Regional and Statewide Power
� Know Your Rights": Mobilehome Residency Law (MRL) and Rent Control
� Attorney Panel Discussion: Legal Question Open Forum
� Keeping GSMOL Moving Forward: The Business Meeting and Election of


To find out how to get involved and to give us your ideas please call
1-800-888-1727 or email

Celebrating 48 years of Homeowner Advocacy


John Sisker
Founding Director
Manufactured Home Owners Network
(800) 724-6644 & (Phone ID: 714.536.3850)
Fax: (801) 365-8205
(714) 536-3850

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