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Re: CPS Being Paid to BreakUp Families?

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R. LaCasse

Aug 4, 2011, 1:31:54 AM8/4/11
On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 01:00:23 -0800 (PST), Greegor <>

|>G >When a government actor LIES, they get a LOT of immunity.
|>RLC > � � � � Waayyyy Toooo Much of it too!
|>G > PROVING that a government actor lied about
|>G > you to destroy your family is extremely difficult
|>G > because of other obstructionist laws.
|>RLC > This has been a problem since they got
|>RLC > into the business........some have resorted
|>RLC > to taking the law in their own hands and
|>RLC > just eliminating the virus that plagues them......
|>RLC > These cases are always dumbed down and the facts are
|>G > A caseworker swore on paper to lies about me,
|>G > in reference to an investigation 6 years before.
|>G > I had the unusual fortune to be able to prove that it
|>G > was a LIE (not a mistake) using old documents
|>G > from the very same office of the very same agency
|>G > from 6 years before. � Nobody gave a crap.
|>RLC > They only care about their personal ego and
|>RLC > your feelings and rights, are of no concern
|>RLC > to them......the old biddys are just snotty
|>RLC > bug cases anyway.
|>We had one who actually looked just like
|>the wicked witch/nasty neighbor from the
|>Wizard Of Oz.
|>G > Not the liar, not the other caseworkers and
|>G > not even the Judges gave a crap.
|>RLC > They are ALL crapless, they never cared
|>RLC > when I lost the use of my office and home
|>RLC > due to a RENOVICTION based on
|>RLC > ceiling height...they never cared when
|>RLC > they surprise locked me out of my
|>RLC > life/home for 5 months threatening to
|>RLC > send a bailiff, and locking me out illegally
|>RLC > because they are de lockoutsociety....
|>RLC > homeless industry and scabs for every
|>RLC > commerce in BC.
|>G > MOST people wronged like that would NOT
|>G > have the ability to prove that the caseworker
|>G > outright LIED to make a case.
|>RLC > Right, they have all the cards stacked against
|>RLC > you and their support agency is a cushy job
|>RLC > worth their capacity to hassle you and beat
|>RLC > their chests all over the place.
|>G > It's totally understandeable that a citizen so badly
|>G > screwed over by a government actor would
|>G > be extremely angry and would use their
|>G > First Amendment Rights to express their anger.
|>G > But to speak out like that in the UK is
|>G > treated almost like treason in itself.
|>RLC > They are selling a lot of that police
|>RLC > state to Canada as well...see
|>RLC > the UK now, everything is illegal,
|>RLC > so riots are the only answer.
|>G > If CPS tried their usual in some less peaceful
|>G > places, they would experience a LOT of
|>G > violence.
|>RLC > Lots get assaulted or shanked .....the
|>RLC > motive is never too clear after the fact,
|>RLC > there is always an ^ongoing investigation^ blah about it.
|>G > It's my understanding that CPS is as loathe
|>G > to go into certain neighborhoods as Police are.
|>RLC > They have committed most of their crimes
|>RLC > there, and facing justice is no fun....
|>G > And an amazing number of Cops hate CPS.
|>RLC > They got tired of being used as a
|>RLC > punching bag for these parasites.
|>G > The article that I reposted referred to code sections
|>G > that you can easily look up and read, although
|>G > they are in legalese and documents "refer out"
|>G > to the point of madness.
|>RLC > hmmmm one of those heh.....wayy too much work right?
|>Certainly a difficulty.
|>US Federal Social Services codes use "agency speak"
|>and "refer out" to codes which themselves refer out.

THEY have tons of Homeless Industry Social Workers types to do tons
of paperwork for themselves, at the expense of unsuspecting Guv't do-gooder
will and loads of grants to generate an income for these parasitic S/Workers
of the Housing Homeless Industry.

Most Homeless Industry Social Workers never go to court, on evicting
people to suit their Nazi agenda of compartmentalizing "Warehousing" people,
at the Renters expenses. Voire Dire Courts can be nasty, and the Homeless
Industry Social Workers all hob nob each other like dogs sniffing each
other....I find them disgusting in that measure.

They shit disturb, and don't have to show in court because they are
wrong, and can't support their insolent claims in a Voire Dire court without
trying to install a bullshit legislation that does not carry any weight in
Voire Dire court hearings.

The Lookout Society and B.C. Housing have done myself and other
homeless a great deal of hardships to satisfy a zoning by-law or ceiling
height rule because they would loose their personal Guv't subsidized housing
and to witch is their ONLY concern, maybe they have a some sort of
quota.....they won't say, they simply tell me it's confidential, and expect
me to eat shit for them.

They really push the Mental Health Act to limit any human rights you
once had.....they send dolts of all kinds to try to entrap you into their
particular, Competitive Homeless Industry Social Workers Concession of the
long list of D.T.E.S. Communist Mentality.

If you have any surgical amputations,....BANG your listed in the MHA
environment, which eliminates you to acquire permits like
FAC/PAL....everything to them is in the R.T. Coleman's MHA ruse.

I am still negotiating with THEM, and will mention that they were
Holding my Federally Registered Sports Pis*ol* for several months, whereas
only I have all the permits for.....but hey I can call the bATFe or the
RCMP on this at any instant my tolerance level becomes too challenged for
their power gluttony.

Do you like dealing with the bATFe or the RCMP, well NO heh, but
what gets me is the boorish way the local Police Department handle and
confiscate other peoples stuff till I get them returned after about 5 weeks
of courts at MY expense not their irresponsible acts.


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