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A Few Things I'd Like To Say About This NG

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Oct 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/6/98
All right.

Firstly, this Newsgroup is really looking up, especially now with my
"killfile" tinted glasses. What's the story on GEEK? Has he been booted off

Secondly, I notice that some of you have begun to emulate what I started a
few weeks ago in response to flames. Just respond but completely change the
subject. Don't include the original message in your reply, just respond on a
horror related topic. It's good that others have started to do this besides
myself (it's a lot of work for one man).

Thirdly... oh, darn. Dash it all, I seem to have forgotten the third thing.
I'll tell you what, if I remember, I'll respond to this and let you know.

Well, until then!

Oh, hold on!!! I remembered the third thing. No one has commented on my new
sig yet :(

"And aren't we glad that her parents decided to
have her made a woman!"
Jeffrey Rudd on Jamie Lee Curtis
This message has been brought to you by HitchKing


Oct 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/6/98
Oh, and I've been away for three days. Have I missed anything important?

HitchKing wrote in message <#2EvxqW89GA.92@upnetnews05>...


Oct 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/6/98
I've been trying to ignore this crap on this NG for long enough. I've
been asking questions about horror movie related subjects and have not
seen one reply to my posts. I used to get 3, 4, 5 replies to my input,
questions, and comments. Now all I see is N.......W......O.......
alt.horror and larg men that sweat, can someone tell me the relation.
Isn't there some other group where these things can go. I hate to
contribute to the shit on this page but this group used to be a useful
tool to me. Now it is flooded with Hollywood Hogan. Mabey now I'll get
some replies.........

Tom Perconti

Oct 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/7/98
In article <#2EvxqW89GA.92@upnetnews05>, "HitchKing" <> wrote:
>All right.
>Firstly, this Newsgroup is really looking up, especially now with my
>"killfile" tinted glasses. What's the story on GEEK? Has he been booted off
>Secondly, I notice that some of you have begun to emulate what I started a
>few weeks ago in response to flames. Just respond but completely change the
>subject. Don't include the original message in your reply, just respond on a
>horror related topic. It's good that others have started to do this besides
>myself (it's a lot of work for one man).

Umm, please don't. It makes it very difficult for the rest of us. Many of us
have added "NWO", etc. to our killfiles. If substantive discussions go on
under that subject, we'll miss it. Rather than responding with a horror
related topic, why not simply ignore the thread altogether?

Tom Perconti (aka SpeedRacer: Lancelot of the Information Superhighway)
SpeedRacer's Pitstop:
The Unofficial Home Page of Cadaco's All-Star Baseball Game:


Oct 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/7/98

>Now all I see is N.......W......O.......
> alt.horror and larg men that sweat, can someone tell me the relation.

There is no relation. They're trolls who have underdeveloped imaginations and
don't know how else to enjoy themselves but be a nuisance to other people. By
getting pissed, you're just giving them what they want. Post around em, over
em, and through em.

"Do I dare disturb the universe.........?"


Oct 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/7/98

HitchKing <> wrote ...

> Oh, and I've been away for three days. Have I missed anything important?

Not much, except for about 100 messages per every 5 hours about NWO...
But I did see Deep Rising and got a kick out of it. Ranks up there with
Event Horizon of the past year's horror.


"Send more paramedics." --Hungry Zombie
Return of the Living Dead

Rev. Evil Ed

Oct 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/7/98

So, what's on the menu for new video releases? Anything worthwhile?

"There should be some things we don't name, just so
we can sit around all day and wonder what they are."
-George Carlin
The QCBB, "The Lamest Show on Earth"


Oct 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/7/98

HitchKing wrote:

>All right.
>Firstly, this Newsgroup is really looking up, especially now with my
>"killfile" tinted glasses. What's the story on GEEK? Has he been booted off

Yes--basically--by us. The hard way..alt.horror forced him out (as we will his
friends, in the end).

>Secondly, I notice that some of you have begun to emulate what I started a
>few weeks ago in response to flames.

Yes, Hitch, I remembered all along that YOU actually initiated this strategy
early on, first.

Then, several others did it sporadically night to night thereafter. It's
certainly nothing new, no, but no one was sticking with it and going along with
it, unfortunately (as you noticed) AS A GROUP, so it never stuck. In fact, many
who finally came together on this yesterday, were the same ones ignoring the
idea and efforts by you so long ago. But the good news is, everyone has finally
gotten together on it NOW and stuck with it as a group, so it has a happy
ending after all. :)

It's just too bad that when you (and a few others) tried this two, three weeks
ago, and pleaded with everyone to just ignore it completely (that's all I did
for a couple nights there), that it didn't take back then. It would've saved us
all so much time and frustration. Oh well. At least it's over now.

> Just respond but completely change the
>subject. Don't include the original message in your reply, just respond on a
>horror related topic. It's good that others have started to do this besides
>myself (it's a lot of work for one man).

Heh, yeah, I was railing endlessly back then, too, for EVERYONE to just ignore
the whole thing like it wasn't even there, and not only did I get roundly
ignored myself when I preached this everynight (and everyone just kept right on
posting to those guys and vehemently arguing with them), but, I even got
branded a "broken record" for it on a couple occassions by a few people (who
should've known better, and who now know it was a good idea after all)!!! :D
Now these same people are saying the exact same things I was 2, 3 weeks ago.
Hehehe. Yeah, People said, ah, it'll go away...but I knew it wouldn't till
EVRYONE got together--as a whole--and ignored it completely. Just took a while
for us all to realize it and come together on it.

But anyway, in the end, it was a mixture of things that finally ended this

1. People like you, Hitch (for the record, I tried it, too), who TRIED to get
this policy of ignortion implemented long ago, but generally got ignored
themselves for it by almost everyone.

2. Of late, Gore, who did his part by e-mailing several regulars and covertly
deciding to ignore the NW@ stuff, completely. Shoulda' been thought of long
ago...well, er, I actually thought of it, but didn't move on it. Duh. <g> Props
to Gore at any rate for doing his part there.

3. Alt.horror, in general (least everyone who's going along with it and
ignoring every single thing those geeks post). Yes, EVERYONE here owes
themselves a round of applause, for, once you saw what was going on here last
night, it didn't take a genius to figure out what wasbeing attempted,
and--finally!!!--every single person here got in line and cooperated with it.
So, we ALL did it, really--cuz if just a few people did it (which did happen
from time to time the past few weeks), it still wouldnt' make much of an
impact, but no--EVERYONE did the right thing and joined in last night, even
without getting an e-mail or knowing what was specifically happening. I
personally, am very proud of us all here.

>Thirdly... oh, darn. Dash it all, I seem to have forgotten the third thing.
>I'll tell you what, if I remember, I'll respond to this and let you know.
>Well, until then!
>Oh, hold on!!! I remembered the third thing. No one has commented on my new
>sig yet :(

Hmm, interesting, Hitch. I likey. :)

Hey, heck out my quote below, for a great piece of human wisdom.

"It ain't no fun when a guy be high-steppin' against you. It only fun when he
high-steppin' with you."
--Deion Sanders


Oct 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/7/98

Strickland wrote:

>I've been trying to ignore this crap on this NG for long enough. I've
>been asking questions about horror movie related subjects and have not
>seen one reply to my posts. I used to get 3, 4, 5 replies to my input,

>questions, and comments. Now all I see is N.......W......O.......

No, you're right. This has been the sad state of affairs here for the past few
weeks, obviously--and yes, even most of the vaunted 'regulars' got totally
caught up in arguing night after night with those guys. Not many are innocent
in this, in the end, but we're on the right track now and I suspect your posts
will start getting more responses now that everyone has come to their senses.
It should settle down now and get back to the semi-normal state that it was
before this stuff. :)

>alt.horror and larg men that sweat, can someone tell me the relation.

>Isn't there some other group where these things can go. I hate to
>contribute to the shit on this page but this group used to be a useful
>tool to me. Now it is flooded with Hollywood Hogan. Mabey now I'll get
>some replies.........

Heh, well don't feel bad, some my most sincere, well-meaning and creative posts
go unresponded to and largely ignored, all the time (I'll prolly up and leave
the ng one night for it eventually, as a matter of fact), but, if I post
something that someone doesn't agree with and a heated debate ensues, or
somehow I fall into an all-out flamewar (it's been a long time on that one,
thankfully), I get all the posts I can handle! Too many, in fact. It's a shame,
but that's just the way it works, sadly. :)


Oct 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/7/98

....and CHECK out my sig, too. <g>


Oct 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/7/98

Universal just released THE BLACK CAT (41), SHE-WOLF OF LONDON, JUNGLE
Dwight A. Macpherson
Creative Services
The Ottawa Citizen
Not in any way speaking for The Ottawa Citizen or Southam, Inc.

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