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AHWw Poll'97 - The RESULTS!

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The Utlah

Nov 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/9/97

Ululations all,

Well after all the wait, the poll results are finally here.
It's taken a long time to calculate the results, SO YOU BETTER BE
APPRECIATIVE!!! ;) The results are also available on my website in a
nice posh graphical display at;

- Utlah.


Total Results Processed - 56

Only 25 poll results were received back in '95, so there was
a better response to this year's poll. I estimate about two thirds of
the group replied to the poll, so it's a very good representation of
the pack. There was a total of nearly 20 thousand lines, or 571Kb,
of data.


Average 23.4 years
Oldest 52 years
Youngest 13 years
Number left blank 12

I'm not sure why so many left the age question blank. Some
might have been out of shame, but I think most missed it simply
because it didn't have a box. In '95 the average age was 23.6 years
so no change there.

Male - 42 75%
Female - 14 25%

USA - 35 62%
UK - 10 16%
Canada - 2 4%
Germany - 2 4%
Netherlands - 2 4%
Belgium - 1 2%
Australia - 1 2%
Norway - 1 2%
Sweden - 1 2%
Japan - 1 2%

The Americans still maintain their majority, but at
least the UK has managed to increase it's presence from 4%
to 16%.

Current Occupation:
Student - 24 43%
Full Time Employment - 17 30%
Unemployed - 10 18%
Part Time Employment - 5 9%

Wolf - 38 68%
Fox - 9 16%
Coyote - 3 5%
Dragon - 3 5%
Tiger - 3 5%
Cat - 2 4%
Jaguar - 2 4%
Lion - 2 4%
Panther - 2 4%
Dog - 2 4%
Bear(Grizzly) - 2 4%
Bear(Polar) - 1 2%
Raven - 1 2%
Crow - 1 2%
Cougar - 1 2%
Dolphin - 1 2%
Phoenix - 1 2%
Centaur - 1 2%
Ferret - 1 2%
Falcon - 1 2%
Lynx - 1 2%
Eagle - 1 2%
Psion/Caveperson - 1 2%
Polymorph - 1 2%
Gecko - 1 2%

That makes 25 different phenotypes, 82 Animals,
1.46 phenotypes on average. Again, the wolves came out top,
but the foxes are starting to show a stronger presence after
the 4% showing in '95.

Wereside Nature:
Mental Shift - 45 80%
Behaviour / Characteristics - 44 79%
Dreaming / Autohypnosis - 34 61%
Totem Animal - 34 61%
Spirit Guide - 25 45%
Astral Shift - 17 30%
Physical Shift - 4 7%
Others - 5 9%

Most of the "others" dealt with the soul, such as an
animal soul within a human body.


Hair Colour:
Dark brown - 25 45%
Light brown - 19 34%
Blond - 6 11%
Black - 4 7%
Red - 1 2%
Others (Grey) - 1 2%

Hair Length:
Medium - 25 45%
Long - 12 21%
Short - 9 16%
Very Long - 8 14%
Very Short - 2 4%

Facial Hair:
None - 21 50%
Beard / Goatee / Muttonchops - 15 36%
Moustache - 6 14%

No females admitted to having facial hair, so
they were discounted from this question. ;) But the males
show a strong preference for facial hair.

Eye Colour:
Blue - 18 32%
Brown - 18 32%
Others (Mainly Grey) - 7 13%
Hazel - 7 13%
Green - 6 10%

5'0"-5'4". (1.53m-1.63m) - 0 0%
5'5"-5'8". (1.64m-1.72m) - 9 21%
5'9"-6'. (1.73m-1.83m) - 18 43%
6'1"-6'4". (1.84m-1.92m) - 12 29%
Above 6'4". (1.93m) - 3 7%

Below 5'0". (1.52m) - 0 0%
5'0"-5'4". (1.53m-1.63m) - 5 36%
5'5"-5'8". (1.64m-1.72m) - 6 43%
5'9"-6'. (1.73m-1.83m) - 3 21%
6'1"-6'4". (1.84m-1.92m) - 0 0%

Below 100lbs. (44kg) - 0 0%
100-139lbs. (45kg-63kg) - 5 12%
140-159lbs. (64kg-72kg) - 10 24%
160-179lbs. (73kg-81kg) - 9 21%
180-199lbs. (82kg-90kg) - 4 10%
200-219lbs. (91kg-99kg) - 6 14%
Above 220lbs. (100kg) - 8 19%

Below 100lbs. (44kg) - 0 0%
100-139lbs. (45kg-63kg) - 5 42%
140-159lbs. (64kg-72kg) - 0 0%
160-179lbs. (73kg-81kg) - 4 33%
180-199lbs. (82kg-90kg) - 0 0%
200-219lbs. (91kg-99kg) - 1 8%
Above 220lbs. (100kg) - 2 17%

Physical Build:
Medium - 25 45%
Broad - 16 30%
Wiry - 12 21%
Muscular - 2 4%

Although the group has remained the same height, it seems
you've been putting on weight the past two years. It was mainly
the Americans that were overweight, so blame a consumerist
society. :)


Eyesight Quality:
Short sighted - 31 55%
Perfect - 13 23%
Near-perfect - 10 18%
Long sighted - 2 4%

Again, the group has a large percentage of short sighted
people. A kinship to the short sighted wolf, or just too much time
in front of a computer screen?

Colour Blindness:
No - 49 88%
Yes - 7 12%

Night-Vision Quality:
Good - 24 43%
Exceptional - 21 37%
Average - 9 16%
Poor - 2 4%

Sense of Smell:
Good - 26 46%
Average - 15 27%
Exceptional - 13 23%
Poor - 2 4%

Sense of Hearing:
Good - 27 48%
Exceptional - 20 36%
Average - 8 14%
Poor - 1 2%

"Were" Attributes:
Heightened awareness - 39 70%
Some kind of psychic ability - 31 55%
Good stamina/strength - 23 41%
Sharp/long canine teeth - 23 41%
Increased aggression - 20 36%
Exceptional balance - 18 32%
Soft fur like hair - 18 32%
Unusually prevalent body hair - 13 23%
Others - 8 14%

The "others" included such things as physical appearance,
movement, or increased animal understanding. Similar results to
the '95 poll.

Period in sync with the Full Moon:
No - 10 71%
Yes - 4 29%

So much for a link between lycanthropy and PMS. :/ Still,
29% is higher than expected. Such things as oral contraceptives
and artificial lighting could effect cycles. Any other suggestions
as to why werewolves are monthly?

Lucid Dreams:
About once a month - 18 32%
2-3 times a week - 14 25%
Nightly - 11 20%
Rarely - 11 20%
Never - 2 3%

Now this came as a great surprise. The average rate
for lucid dreams is only supposed to be once a month. However
this poll didn't take into account if the dreams are natural
or induced.


Ruled by Emotions:
Sometimes - 34 61%
Mostly - 16 29%
Not at all - 6 10%

Show of Emotions:
Only strong emotions - 30 53%
Most times - 21 38%
Never - 5 9%

It would seem you are less emotional than you were back
in '95.

Most Common Emotion:
Happiness - 14 25%
Frustration - 13 23%
Sadness - 7 13%
Loneliness - 7 13%
Pleasure - 3 5%
Anger - 2 3%
Others - 10 18%

The "others" included such emotions as curiosity, passion,
hope, contentment, and disinterest. It seems some of you feel a
little more lonely that you did back in '95.

General Outlook:
Neither - 27 48%
Optimistic - 19 34%
Pessimistic - 10 18%

There were a lot more optimistic people in '95.

Makes us the most Happiest:
Helping others - 20 36%
Overall relaxation - 13 23%
Giving to others - 6 11%
Success - 4 7%
Physical pleasure - 0 0%
Material Wealth - 0 0%
Others - 13 23%

The "others" included being with friends, mentally
stimulating activities, inner peace, and wandering.

Which Weres Prefer:
Good friends - 50 90%
A nice place to live - 6 10%
A fantastic sex life - 0 0%

Nobody wants a fantastic sex life this year. :)


Self-assessed Education:
Well Educated - 32 57%
Very Well Educated - 14 25%
Average - 10 18%
Below Average - 0 0%

Highest Qualification (or equivalent) Gained or Working Towards:
Ordinary Degree - 15 27%
High School - 13 23%
Diploma - 13 23%
Honours Degree - 8 14%
Masters Degree or above - 7 13%

These results are slightly biased since some of you are
still in school. But you think that you're more smarter than two
years ago, though I've seen no proof of this. ;)


None - 17 30%
Christian - 10 18%
Pagan - 6 11%
Shaman - 6 11%
Wiccan - 4 7%
Anubic - 0 0%
Others - 15 27%

Most of the "others" were personal "one person" religions,
or a blend of several such as Wiccan and Shaman. 56% were not
religious back in '95, so a significant decrease there.

Importance of Spirituality compared to Religious Faith:
More Important - 25 45%
About Equal - 13 23%
Less Important - 1 2%
(Not religious) - 17 30%

Therianthropy Conflict with Faith:
Supports Faith - 19 34%
Neither - 18 32%
Opposes Faith - 0 0%
(Not religious) - 19 34%

It seems by this question, a couple of packmembers lost
their faith...

Born into the wrong body:
Yes - 28 50%
No - 27 48%

This question kept swinging between "yes" and "no"
throughout the entire poll, much to my frustration. It was only
foiled from a stalemate by someone not answering the question...
Yet 72% said "no" to this back in '95.

Full Moon Effect:
Emotional change - 35 63%
Increased physical activity - 19 34%
Increased shifting ability - 17 30%
Increased sex drive - 11 20%
None - 14 25%
Others - 19 34%

"Others" included what I could only term as a "Moon Buzz",
causing manic or restless activity. However as a complete reversal,
it caused a calmness within others. Several also expressed an urge
to wander during full moon. Also there was increased creativity.

Creative Expression of Were-nature:
Writing - 47 84%
RPG - 27 48%
Art - 22 39%
Music - 16 29%
Wear/Create costumes - 6 11%
Dance - 6 11%
None - 3 5%
Others - 5 9%

"Others" included such bizarre pastimes as animal noises,
face paints and photography. A very high percentage of you write,
so let us see some more of these stories on the group!

Frequency of posts to AHWW:
Occasional - 36 64%
Often - 14 25%
Lurking - 6 11%

There is quite a high percentage of people lurking, however
not all of them are newcomers to the group.


Level of Exercise:
Casual Exercise - 33 59%
Couch Potato - 19 34%
Fit Athlete - 4 7%

Member of a non-Internet Interest Group/Society:
Yes - 29 52%
No - 27 48%

Non-Internet Therianthropy-linked Interests?
Yes - 47 84%
No - 9 16%


Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual - 31 55%
Bisexual - 10 18%
Homosexual - 5 9%
Asexual - 4 7%
Not Sure - 6 11%

Compared to the '95 results, this category shows the largest
change. Back in '95 there was a staggering 52% bisexual, and only
36% Hetero.

Marital Status:
Single - 38 68%
Committed long-term - 13 23%
Married - 5 9%

No - 32 57%
Yes - 15 27%
Yes, through choice - 9 16%

We've increased virgins by 20%... :)

Current Sexual Relationship:
No - 41 73%
Yes - 15 27%

Has or Had a Were partner:
No - 40 71%
Yes - 16 29%

Lucky thirty percent. ( Again, little change from '95. )

Importance of Sex:
Could do without it - 23 41%
Important - 19 34%
Not Important - 13 23%
Essential - 1 2%

It would seem that a lot more of you feel that sex is less
important than back in '95.

Therianthropic advantages during sex:
Increases sexual appetite - 18 32%
Changes your attitude to sex - 14 25%
Increases your skill as a lover - 8 14%
Increases sexual stamina - 5 9%
None - 19 34%
Others - 7 13%

"Others" included different styles, feelings, increased
sex-appeal, and shifting ability. A massive decrease in percentages
since '95, possibly helped by the increase in virgins. ( You never
see figures like *that* on the Stock Exchange... )

Sexually Attracted to Furry Media:
Yes, more than one phenotype - 23 41%
Not attracted - 22 39%
Yes, only same phenotype - 11 20%

Zoosexual attraction to phenotype:
Not attracted - 29 52%
Yes, only same phenotype - 17 30%
Yes, more than one phenotype - 10 18%

A significant reduction in zoophiles, down from 3/4 to 1/2.

Nature of Zoosexual Attraction:
Heterosexual - 13 23%
Bisexual - 10 18%
Homosexual - 3 5%
None - 30 54%

Frequency of Zoosexual Experiences:
Never - 45 80%
More than once - 7 13%
Once only - 3 5%
Continually - 1 2%


You come across the scene of an accident, to find that there
is a human and an animal who are both mortally injured. The animal is
the same as your phenotype. Due to improbable circumstances you can
only save one of them, no matter what you do. Which do you save?

Animal - 33 59%
Human - 18 32%
Excuses - 5 9%

Several people backed out of answering this question. It's
a hard question, but I feel that it's realistic. You're fooling
yourself if you believe that life will always offer you an easy or
simple choice. One person said they'd save the human because there
was more chance of a reward for it. I thought this answer was
wonderfully inventive! :)

If you found yourself with the ability to physically
shapeshift into either a full animal or hybrid, what would you most
like to do with your new found skill?

Infect others - 14 25%
Run of to the woods - 10 18%
Fight crime - 4 7%
Kill people you really hate - 0 0%
Others - 23 41%
Faults - 5 9%

Most of the "others" were people wanting to maintain a normal
life, but shift occasionally to get away from the mundane world.
Others wanted to experience the world from the animal's point of
view, while some just wanted to infect one or two other people and
run off. (Unfortunately there was a small fault on the first couple
of webform results which I caught and corrected, hence the "Faults".)


Attitude to human society:
Positive - 2 4%
No problem - 11 20%
Indifferent - 24 42%
Against - 19 34%

As suspected, we're a pretty anti-social bunch. :)

Attitude to Homosexuality:
Positive - 20 36%
No problem - 28 50%
Indifferent - 7 12%
Against - 1 2%

Attitude to Bisexuality:
Positive - 18 32%
No problem - 27 48%
Indifferent - 8 14%
Against - 3 6%

Attitude to Zoophilia:
Positive - 15 27%
No problem - 18 32%
Indifferent - 16 28%
Against - 7 13%

Is physical shifting possible:
Yes - 30 54%
Unsure - 20 36%
No - 6 10%

Now this came as a complete surprise. I was expecting people
to be a lot more sceptical than this.


Hunted wild animals:
No - 38 68%
Yes - 18 32%

Feelings about the prey of phenotypes:
Prey - 24 43%
Indifference - 20 36%
Kinship - 12 21%

Involvement with animal issues/rights:
Yes, for various animals - 24 43%
No - 21 38%
Yes, for just phenotype(s) - 11 19%

Eating habits:
Carnivore / Omnivore - 52 93%
Vegetarian / Vegan - 4 7%

Another eyebrow raiser. I would have expected a greater number
of vegetarians in the group.

Get on well with animals:
Very well - 28 50%
Well - 26 46%
Average - 2 4%
Badly - 0 0%

Pets as a Child:
Yes - 54 96%
No - 2 4%

I wish I'd had the foresight to ask what that pet was. Do
Canines prefer dogs, or were most of these something obscure like

Current Pets:
Yes - 35 63%
No - 21 37%

Happier in the town or the woods:
Forest - 50 89%
City - 6 11%

Comfortable with Humans or Animals:
Animals - 28 50%
Both - 28 50%
Humans - 0 0%
Neither - 0 0%

AHWW Poll'97 created and compiled by Utlah. Additional
contributions to the '97 Poll by; Locandez, Lovebear, Moonchild, Running
Red, The Wind King, Nightlyre and Firefox. AHWW Poll'95 created by
- Utlah.

(Remove S P A M from address when replying.) /\_/\
The WEREWeb, at /<_ _>\
WereHumour Archives - Werecard Archive - Beginners Guide \ `/
"Once upon a time there was a lonely wolf, lonelier than angels."
- "Fable" by Janos Pilinszky

Running Red

Nov 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/9/97

On Sun, 9 Nov 1997 00:48:46 +0000, The Utlah
<> wrote:
>Ululations all,
> Well after all the wait, the poll results are finally here.
>It's taken a long time to calculate the results, SO YOU BETTER BE
>APPRECIATIVE!!! ;) The results are also available on my website in a
>nice posh graphical display at;
We are appreciative.

It was interesting to note the "decline" in sex among members.
I was becoming concerned about my own waning lust, but now I'm
wondering if it isn't a side-effect of my therianthropy. Most (if not
all) animals only reproduce at certain times of the year, and then
only when receiving the proper "signals" from a prospective mate.
This makes a lot of sense when one considers the survival imperative
of animals - they can't be preoccupied with "getting some tail" when
they need to be focused on eating and not being eaten, especially with
the coming of winter, when energy must be conserved.

But to get back to the poll:
Did you respond to the poll?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Did you like the poll?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Did you find the results to be what you expected?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Did you results, overall, tend to be in:
[ ] In the majority of repsonses
[ ] In the minority of repsonses
[ ] Somewhere in between

Did you check Utlah's math to see if he made any errors?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Do you like Yes/No questions?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Would you fill out a similar poll next year?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Would you fill out a similar poll next week?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Yes, if I got paid
[ ] Not even if wild pit bulls chewed on my genitals
[ ] Yes, If it were available in Spanish
[ ] No, amnesia has blanked my mind
[ ] Yes, years of schooling have made me addictive to answering
[ ] No, I'll be dead from a terminal disease before next week
[ ] Yes, if you wrote all the questions in "Jeapordy" format
[ ] No, I've scheduled a suicide before next week

Forever Running,
Running Red
The acrid air is heavy with hate
and a question hangs in the haze-
When Will You Rage? (W:tA)

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/9/97

The Utlah ( wrote:
> Well after all the wait, the poll results are finally here.
> It's taken a long time to calculate the results, SO YOU BETTER BE
> APPRECIATIVE!!! ;) The results are also available on my website in a
> nice posh graphical display at;

First, yes, we're appreciative. If only because someone else took the
time to compile all these stats so that we (I) didn't have to do so. :)

> Current Occupation:
> Student - 24 43%
> Full Time Employment - 17 30%
> Unemployed - 10 18%
> Part Time Employment - 5 9%

Well, this shouldn't total to 100% because at least one of us put down
x's in two blanks. I'm both a student and a full-time employee. (Well,
employed in two part-time jobs.)

> Although the group has remained the same height, it seems
> you've been putting on weight the past two years. It was mainly
> the Americans that were overweight, so blame a consumerist
> society. :)

I'm making up for lost time (and weight) as I can. *sigh*

> It would seem you are less emotional than you were back
> in '95.

For some of us, there's a reason.

> The "others" included such emotions as curiosity, passion,
> hope, contentment, and disinterest. It seems some of you feel a
> little more lonely that you did back in '95.

Again, there's a reason.

> General Outlook:
> Neither - 27 48%
> Optimistic - 19 34%
> Pessimistic - 10 18%

> There were a lot more optimistic people in '95.

See above.

> Nobody wants a fantastic sex life this year. :)

Seeing as I wouldn't get one even if I wanted one... affairs with
my other paw just aren't the same.

> These results are slightly biased since some of you are
> still in school. But you think that you're more smarter than two
> years ago, though I've seen no proof of this. ;)

I'm not surprised. "More smarter," indeed! :)

> "Others" included such bizarre pastimes as animal noises,
> face paints and photography. A very high percentage of you write,
> so let us see some more of these stories on the group!

You've seen everything I've written. When I write something new, I'll
let you know.

> It would seem that a lot more of you feel that sex is less
> important than back in '95.

Some of us are getting less than we did in 1995.


MegaDog the Nettweiler

Nov 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/9/97

It would appear that Running Red <> scribbled:

>On Sun, 9 Nov 1997 00:48:46 +0000, The Utlah
><> wrote:
>>Ululations all,
>> Well after all the wait, the poll results are finally here.
>>It's taken a long time to calculate the results, SO YOU BETTER BE
>>APPRECIATIVE!!! ;) The results are also available on my website in a
>>nice posh graphical display at;
> We are appreciative.

We sure are...

> It was interesting to note the "decline" in sex among members.
>I was becoming concerned about my own waning lust, but now I'm
>wondering if it isn't a side-effect of my therianthropy. Most (if not
>all) animals only reproduce at certain times of the year, and then
>only when receiving the proper "signals" from a prospective mate.
>This makes a lot of sense when one considers the survival imperative
>of animals - they can't be preoccupied with "getting some tail" when
>they need to be focused on eating and not being eaten, especially with
>the coming of winter, when energy must be conserved.

Sex can be good, at the right time, yes... but just as important as
sex to me can be friendship, companionship, someone to cuddle...
even if there is *no* underlying lust...

> But to get back to the poll:
>Did you respond to the poll?

> [X] Yes

> [ ] No
>Did you like the poll?

> [X] Yes

> [ ] No
>Did you find the results to be what you expected?

> [X] Yes

> [ ] No
>Did you results, overall, tend to be in:
> [ ] In the majority of repsonses
> [ ] In the minority of repsonses

> [X] Somewhere in between

>Did you check Utlah's math to see if he made any errors?
> [ ] Yes

> [X] No

(You mean he's got an early Pentium? 2*2=7.5 !! run away! run away! )

>Do you like Yes/No questions?
> [ ] Yes
> [ ] No

[X] Maybe (I have to be difficult)

>Would you fill out a similar poll next year?

> [x] Yes

> [ ] No
>Would you fill out a similar poll next week?

> [X] Yes

> [ ] No
> [ ] Yes, if I got paid
> [ ] Not even if wild pit bulls chewed on my genitals

(OOoh! Yes please!!!)

> [ ] Yes, If it were available in Spanish
> [ ] No, amnesia has blanked my mind
> [ ] Yes, years of schooling have made me addictive to answering questions
> [ ] No, I'll be dead from a terminal disease before next week
> [ ] Yes, if you wrote all the questions in "Jeapordy" format
> [ ] No, I've scheduled a suicide before next week

!Raised Tails! -:MegaDog:-
"...No, you fool! Botticelli isn't a wine, Botticelli's a *cheese*!..."

Coyote Osborne

Nov 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/10/97

Whee! I'd been eagerly awaiting the poll results! Thanks Utlah!

Well... A few things seem different this time around. Too bad more people
didn't take the poll <the coyote glares around at the werechickens>.

For the next poll, how about some more questions related to weird stuff
like medical conditions or disorders or idiosyncrasies.

While the thread on the NG seemed to rapidly degenerate into a punwar and
tarot discussion (not that it wasn't fun <G>) I have been given the
impression that lots of weres... maybe not a majority or anything, but a
significant number, have odd little physical idiosyncrasies, or disorders.

I'd also suggest questions regarding how many folks had nice childhoods, or not.

Also, I'd be curious as to how the results compare to the average non-were
population... as in how many "regular" folks are gay/bi/les/zoo, or have
certain builds or eye color, or have pets, etc.


If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize
world peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be
until the looting started.
Why Do I think U-Haul is Evil? Why was I offline so long? I was trapped in
Before you rent from U-Haul, please read about our Nightmare in Moving at:
|Coyote | 113 Highland Park Drive; Athens, Georgia 30601
|Osborne| Personal Webpage:
+-------+ Coyote's Artwork:
Heart's Dream WereCommunity:
Stygian Vortex Publications:

Coyote Osborne

Nov 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/10/97

> It was interesting to note the "decline" in sex among members.
> I was becoming concerned about my own waning lust, but now I'm
> wondering if it isn't a side-effect of my therianthropy.

Interesting thought. I'd noticed my desire for sex declining... somewhat.
Hard to tell though with me <G>. I've really been wanting more
touchy-feelies, but not sex really.

> But to get back to the poll:
> Did you respond to the poll?

> [ ] Yes

> Did you like the poll?

> [ ] Yes

I love polls. Especially opinion polls. Especially the kind where political
parties call up and ask inane questions on important issues and I can
lambast some poor operator for an hour.

> Did you find the results to be what you expected?

> [ ] No

In only some area though.

Actually, I was kinda surprised to see that some folks answered that they
were "against" homosexuality or bisexuality. I'd be interested (genuinely)
in hearing why, but fear it'd only end in a flamewar <sigh>.

> Did you results, overall, tend to be in:

> [ ] Somewhere in between

More towards the majority. Darn! I'm not in the fringe of this fringe group!

> Did you check Utlah's math to see if he made any errors?

> [ ] No

I'm too lazy. I just eyeballed the math.

> Do you like Yes/No questions?
> [ ] Yes

Though I prefer multiple choice with an "Other" or "Explanation" section.
But it's hard to do a percentage on essay responses. <G>

You can quantify "Other" though. I liked that there was some indication of
what kinda responses "Other" tended to consist of, and I'd like the fact
that most people did not have to fall into "other" indicates that the
options nicely fit most folks.

> Would you fill out a similar poll next year?

> [ ] Yes

I love filling things out.

> Would you fill out a similar poll next week?

> [ ] Yes

The Utlah

Nov 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/10/97


Hum, Coyote Osborne <> mentioned:

>Interesting thought. I'd noticed my desire for sex declining... somewhat.
>Hard to tell though with me <G>. I've really been wanting more
>touchy-feelies, but not sex really.

I hope this poll won't be remembered for all the subsequent sex
threads. The only reason why there were so many was because they were
all in the '95 poll as well. Still, you lot all seem interested in that
sort of thing. ;)

>> Did you results, overall, tend to be in:
>> [ ] Somewhere in between
>More towards the majority. Darn! I'm not in the fringe of this fringe group!

Terrible, isn't it? :)

>Though I prefer multiple choice with an "Other" or "Explanation" section.
>But it's hard to do a percentage on essay responses. <G>

It won't come as any surprise to anyone on the group, but
Coyote's poll was the most... vocal. :)

>You can quantify "Other" though. I liked that there was some indication of
>what kinda responses "Other" tended to consist of, and I'd like the fact
>that most people did not have to fall into "other" indicates that the
>options nicely fit most folks.

Since I based the poll on the '95 one, I knew what sort of
answers to expect. Also, the questions were rather direct so the answers
were either one thing or another. Ambiguous "other" boxes weren't
required for most of them.

The Wind King

Nov 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/10/97


The Utlah <> wrote in article

U: I hope this poll won't be remembered
U: for all the subsequent sex threads.
U: The only reason why there were so many
U: was because they were all in the '95 poll as well.
U: Still, you lot all seem interested in that sort of thing. ;)

{Ooo, teasing time!}

Oh, and you aren't, St. Utlah? :-} Let's see here...
Your own evaluation of the psych test at EuroHowl
is that your "sex drive is roadkill". Were you one of
those real sickos who marked "Asexual" in the poll?
Were you one of the other three besides me... Whoops!
; )

U: It won't come as any surprise to anyone on the group,
U: but Coyote's poll was the most... vocal. :)

Not only not surprising, but *expected*! [Grin]

U: Since I based the poll on the '95 one, I knew what sort of
U: answers to expect. Also, the questions were rather direct
U: so the answers were either one thing or another.
U: Ambiguous "other" boxes weren't required for most of them.

Indeed, probably not required, but then again, neither is an
appendix, and it's there {unless you had surgery}. Although
there is one thing that was perhaps a bit unnecessary that
probably could have been whacked off. Apparently those
who answered "Anubic" under religion have left the group.
I know, I'm just being picky and annoying again. : )

: Utlah.

The Wind King



~\ /\ ~/ /
\ / \ /< The Wind King
\/ \/ \

AHWw Addict + OCD + No Life = Me


The Utlah

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97


Hum, The Wind King <heidel?> mentioned:

>U: I hope this poll won't be remembered
>U: for all the subsequent sex threads.

>U: Still, you lot all seem interested in that sort of thing. ;)
>{Ooo, teasing time!}
>Oh, and you aren't, St. Utlah? :-} Let's see here...

Well that's the first, and most likely *last*, time I've been
called that. :)

>Your own evaluation of the psych test at EuroHowl
>is that your "sex drive is roadkill".

It was very large roadkill... besides, that could mean anything!

>Were you one of
>those real sickos who marked "Asexual" in the poll?
>Were you one of the other three besides me... Whoops!
>; )

Actually I just put my answers on the end of the final tally, so
unless I go through all 56 result forms again, I won't remember what I
put. :)

>Indeed, probably not required, but then again, neither is an
>appendix, and it's there {unless you had surgery}. Although
>there is one thing that was perhaps a bit unnecessary that
>probably could have been whacked off. Apparently those
>who answered "Anubic" under religion have left the group.
>I know, I'm just being picky and annoying again. : )

I did get several people asking what "Anubic" meant. I don't
think anyone else on the group had a clue either! It might be to do with
Egyptian stuff, but I can't be certain. Besides, if I missed it off I
know some awkward bugger would have come along and asked for it to be
included. :)


Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

> Well... A few things seem different this time around. Too bad more people
> didn't take the poll <the coyote glares around at the werechickens>.

Its not my fault i didnt take it, I wasn't here. Were-chickens where?
(rubs his tounge hungrily across his fangs)

you can reach me at

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

The Utlah ( wrote:
> Hum, The Wind King <heidel?> mentioned:
> >{Ooo, teasing time!}
> >Oh, and you aren't, St. Utlah? :-} Let's see here...

> Well that's the first, and most likely *last*, time I've been
> called that. :)

Wrong again, St. Utlah. Now we just need to figure out exactly of what
you're the saint. Anyone care to suggest an addition to the god list?

> >Your own evaluation of the psych test at EuroHowl
> >is that your "sex drive is roadkill".

> It was very large roadkill... besides, that could mean anything!

You're attracted to roadkill, maybe? No.. then you'd be a coyote or a raven...


The Wind King

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97


Coyote Osborne <> wrote in article
: In article <>, wrote:

:RR> Did you respond to the poll?
:RR> [ ] Yes

I am the 56th, I am the last. The Omega, as such.

Public thanks to St. Utlah for his patience & tolerance.

:RR> Did you like the poll?
:RR> [ ] Yes

CO: I love polls. Especially opinion polls.

Agreed, even if I'm a bit slow at it. : ]

:RR> Did you find the results to be what you expected?
N/A, since I had no idea what to expect and wouldn't guess.

CO: Actually, I was kinda surprised to see that
CO: some folks answered that they were
CO: "against" homosexuality or bisexuality.
CO: I'd be interested (genuinely) in hearing why,
CO: but fear it'd only end in a flamewar <sigh>.

Quite probable. People who're against a state
of being or belief usually aren't against it for
logical reasons, and people who have those
systems can get really offended and mad fast.
Perhaps if you asked to take it into E-Mail...

:RR> Did your results, overall, tend to be in:
:RR> [ ] Somewhere in between

CO: More towards the majority.

Same here. For the most part.
I was usually in the majority,
with a few swings into the
extreme minority, and a few average.

CO: Darn! I'm not in the fringe of this fringe group!

Heh, be grateful. Being on the fringe of a fringe
might make you *normal*! [Shudder!] :-}

:RR> Did you check Utlah's math to see if he made any errors?
:RR> [ ] No
CO: I'm too lazy. I just eyeballed the math.
Any errors on Utlah's part are probably deliberate... ;-}

:RR> Do you like Yes/No questions?
:RR> [ ] Yes
Though they're quite limiting.

CO: Though I prefer multiple choice with an "Other" or "Explanation"
CO: But it's hard to do a percentage on essay responses. <G>

Indeed. An essay question on this poll would have given me
a headache to write, and the sum total would've killed Utlah. :-)
I love essays {sometimes}, but mine are a strain on both parties.

:RR> Would you fill out a similar poll next year?
:RR> [ ] Yes
CO: I love filling things out.

So do I! Great! I love filling out forms, polls,
questionnaires... It's all so nice and easy.

:RR> Would you fill out a similar poll next week?
:RR> [ ] Yes
Um, maybe.

: Coyote

I really enjoyed the introspection the poll forced me into,
but I wouldn't want to spoil it by doing it too often.

The {Polled} Wind King


Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

Howls folks,

> Breezes!
> Coyote Osborne <> wrote in article
> <>...
> CO: Well... A few things seem different this time around. Too bad more
> people
> CO: didn't take the poll <the coyote glares around at the werechickens>.
> If they're werechickens, Coyote's glaring hungrily, I imagine. [Grin]

Werechickens?!? Where?? Where!!

> CO: I have been given the impression that lots of weres...
> CO: maybe not a majority or anything, but a significant number,
> CO: have odd little physical idiosyncrasies, or disorders.
> Indeed, many here, perhaps more than anyone realizes,
> have some very strange health disorders, or just quirks.
> And then again, a handful have or had some rare
> life-threatening disorders. {Walksie & Darkmoon spring to mind.}
> And yet, Weres with odd health problems
> also seem to have an uncanny ability to deal with it.
> I can smell another poll lurking in the forest...

I'm a very lucky coyote. I have a pretty normal life ahead of me
instead of a slow inevitable death. That realization often puts
things in perspective at the end of a real bad day.

> CO: I'd also suggest questions regarding how many folks
> CO: had nice childhoods, or not.
> Yes, comparatively a pipe dream, or so I've heard. {: ]

Oh, I don't know. My childhood was pretty normal. My mother
and father divorced when I was less than a year old. My mom
re-married when I was 5. I was raised by my mother and
step-father with help from my grandmother and great aunts.

Ok, so that's not normal! :)

> CO: Also, I'd be curious as to how the results
> CO: compare to the average non-were population...
> Um, one problem with that -- how are we going to
> get results from the "average non-Were population"?
> "Hello, would you mind taking the time to fill this out?
> We need you as part of a control group for a bunch
> of werecreatures... Hm, you look human enough..." ;-}

I know some aerospace folks we could send it to. That would
really skew the results! :)

> : Coyote
> Now, what's a really interesting trend:
> coyotes and long signatures.
> Darkmoon's is 13 lines, yours is 17.
> {I think it's so they look like they're
> saying more- no post under 20 lines.}
> ;-}

I'll have you know I had my long sig. before it was trendy!
Actually when I came here initally there were several people
with really neat ASCII sigs. I decided I wanted to try my hand
at it. I've been using the body-surfing coyote ever since.

Funny thing is that people either like ASCII art, or hate it.

At this point the ASCII art has all but died out here. Is this
a good thing or a bad thing?? I'm not sure I'm qualified to
comment, but I am curious what everyone thinks on the subject.
This should probably be part of the next poll.

> The Wind King {12 Lines}

Does this mean you consider yourself long winded?? :) Or are
you a coyote in disguise??

_~_/ ^^ ~ -\ Till next time,
~~ . ._\ \ Darkmoon
^^ -- .___ \ \
^ ~ //// \\ /|_ root@[localhost]
~~ //// / o\__
./||| / =,=> postmaster@[localhost]
~ |||| / (~~~~ _ Replace HAL with ibm below:
.\\\\\ / \____//
~ ^\\\\\ / =====)
- - \\\\\/ / // Surf's up at Huntington!
~~ .. ~~ , ^ ~~~ . .~~ _ ., ~~ ~~ The worst day body-surfing
~ . , . ~~~ _ . . ~~ ^ ~^ ~~ ~~~ . beats the best day working!
~`` ^ - ` ~ . . ` ~~ ` ^


Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

The Utlah wrote:
> Ululations all,
> Well after all the wait, the poll results are finally here.
> It's taken a long time to calculate the results, SO YOU BETTER BE
> APPRECIATIVE!!! ;) The results are also available on my website in a
> nice posh graphical display at;

Well I certainly am.

> Location:
> USA - 35 62%
> UK - 10 16%
> Canada - 2 4%
> Germany - 2 4%
> Netherlands - 2 4%
> Belgium - 1 2%
> Australia - 1 2%
> Norway - 1 2%
> Sweden - 1 2%
> Japan - 1 2%

You mean that there is only <ONE> were in the entire southern
hemisphere? No wonder I feel so miserable on occassion. But on the
upside, I have 1/2 the world as my undesiputed territory. I may even get
around to marking it one of these days ;).

Any northeners crosing the equator please howl an introduction.

> "Others" included such bizarre pastimes as animal noises,
> face paints and photography. A very high percentage of you write,
> so let us see some more of these stories on the group!

Ah, there's a difference between being able to write, and being able to
write something readable. I fall in the latter catagory.

> Several people backed out of answering this question. It's
> a hard question, but I feel that it's realistic. You're fooling
> yourself if you believe that life will always offer you an easy or
> simple choice. One person said they'd save the human because there
> was more chance of a reward for it. I thought this answer was
> wonderfully inventive! :)

Ah yes, but the odds are the same that the same human will turn around
and sue you later on. Easy come easy go.

- DarkWolf -

The Utlah

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97


Hum, The Wind King <heidel?> mentioned:

>I am the 56th, I am the last. The Omega, as such.

Or alternatively, "The bugger who waits until I'm halfway
through the final tally before sending me his poll results." :)

>Public thanks to St. Utlah for his patience & tolerance.

Does this mean I have to start wearing a serviette on my head?

>CO: Actually, I was kinda surprised to see that
>CO: some folks answered that they were
>CO: "against" homosexuality or bisexuality.
>CO: I'd be interested (genuinely) in hearing why,
>CO: but fear it'd only end in a flamewar <sigh>.
>Quite probable. People who're against a state
>of being or belief usually aren't against it for
>logical reasons, and people who have those
>systems can get really offended and mad fast.
>Perhaps if you asked to take it into E-Mail...

There were a few interesting quirks in that part of the poll.
Two people were positive towards homosexuality, but against bisexuality.
It's also interesting to note that a lot of the zoophiles put down
"indifference" to zoophilia, few actually felt "positive" about it.

But don't ask me who they all were, like I said, the results are
confidential, and even I won't be asking them why.

>:RR> Did you check Utlah's math to see if he made any errors?

>CO: I'm too lazy. I just eyeballed the math.
>Any errors on Utlah's part are probably deliberate... ;-}

Actually they are. :) Rounding to the nearest percentile
sometimes cause totals of 102% or something silly, so I had to adjust
one or two percentiles by 1% to make them tally.
Also "tick one box" meant just that, so I had to improvise when
it came to people selecting two. ( or creating their own categories! )
For example; all those marking down both beard and moustache, just got
marked down as a beard. My reasoning for this, was that most people with
beards also have a moustache anyway. The moustache option was only
really intended for those with only a small amount of facial hair.

>Indeed. An essay question on this poll would have given me
>a headache to write, and the sum total would've killed Utlah. :-)
>I love essays {sometimes}, but mine are a strain on both parties.

I dunno, some of you lot wrote essays to some of the questions
regardless. :) ( To which I normally replied by sighing, and making the
relevant tick in the appropriate box. ) I was only after numeric
figures, so long winded answers were pointless. Anything requiring a
long essay answer would probably be better handled as a discussion
thread, rather than a poll.

>I really enjoyed the introspection the poll forced me into,
>but I wouldn't want to spoil it by doing it too often.

I think a large poll every two years is just about right. If it
were held more often, people would probably be less inclined to fill it
St. Utlah... D'oh!

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

The Wind King (heidel? wrote:
> Now, what's a really interesting trend:
> coyotes and long signatures.
> Darkmoon's is 13 lines, yours is 17.
> {I think it's so they look like they're
> saying more- no post under 20 lines.}
> ;-}

> The Wind King {12 Lines}

Then, of course, the typical bear. We let the message contain the message,
not the signature file. :)

LoveBear (One-line, and three if it's email)

MegaDog the Nettweiler

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

It would appear that Christopher Eric Hughes <hughes@nfs-> scribbled:

>The Utlah ( wrote:
>> Hum, The Wind King <heidel?> mentioned:
>> >{Ooo, teasing time!}
>> >Oh, and you aren't, St. Utlah? :-} Let's see here...
>> Well that's the first, and most likely *last*, time I've been
>> called that. :)
>Wrong again, St. Utlah. Now we just need to figure out exactly of what
>you're the saint. Anyone care to suggest an addition to the god list?

Well, if the EuroHowls are anything to go by, Cass the Werefox would
probably say that he's "St. Utlah of the Cute Butt".

!Raised Tails! -:MegaDog:-
"A Smiling face, a Warm embrace, two Paws to hold you tenderly..."

The Wind King

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97


The Utlah <> wrote in article

: Ululations,
: Hum, The Wind King <heidel?> mentioned:

:>[Bounce, Bounce!] OOH, the GodList!
:>Somehow I had a feeling it would get back to that!

U: Well the current Godlist is on my website, under the
U: (rather feeble) AHWw archive, if anyone wants to dig it up.
U: Greywolf the Wanderer ( borrowing Zepp's account ) maintained it,
U: but he hasn't been around the campfire for a while.
U: He'll kick himself when he finds out about the poll...

Oh, gosh, you're right. He probably will. By the way,
your site /is/ where I found the ol' GodList. Looks like
you'll be updating it pretty soon... [Smirk]

:>Well, as for suggestions, when I first saw his website,
:>{About a year ago} I wanted to congratulate him on his
:>total exuberance of anti self-esteem. I'd been thinking
:>"Patron Saint of Self-Depricating Humor", but now,
:>things have cheered up a bit, and I'm not so sure...

U: Well no one could put me down as well as I could,
U: so it's good to know I can do something well. :)

U: "Patron Saint of Self-Deprecating Humour" is kinda catchy...
U: ( I'm British, so let's have "Humour" spelt properly please! :] )

Yeah, I know, I get a bit caught up in my writing sometimes.
Picky, picky, picky... I'll try to be more careful in future,
Mister "more smarter"! }:-}

U: It's just you don't get the full effect over the Net, since you don't
U: see that stupid lopsided grin I do whenever I put myself down...
Aw, and I don't suppose you've any pictures either...

:>:>>Your own evaluation of the psych test at EuroHowl

:>:>>is that your "sex drive is roadkill".

:>:U> It was very large roadkill... besides, that could mean anything!
"Very large roadkill"? It could mean you're overcompensating... };-p

:>LB: You're attracted to roadkill, maybe?
:>LB: No.. then you'd be a coyote or a raven... *grin*

U: Anyone who knew me in 1995,
U: knows me as Coyote instead of Utlah.
U: There's only about two people left who still call me Coyote though,
U: and that's because they know the origin of the term "Utlah".

Well, I know what you say is the origin of the term on your website,
and I call you that anyway, 'cause it is your wish, and
because it would get damn confusing with 2 'Coyote's around here.
Or would you rather be called by your /human/ name?
[Waits for Ut to start screaming in protest]

U: So perhaps I'm a "Covert Coyote". :)

So perhaps you need to 'come out of the closet'...
Come on, you've seen it cooking on the highway...
It's been dead three days... You know you want it...

:>No, you're thinking of the wrong kind of attraction.
:>*That* would most likely make him a necrophiliac,
:>which I most seriously doubt. ¦-P

: <LOL!> Nope, I'm not. So I guess I do have a limit after all! :)
Thank goodness!

:>Perhaps, given the ending of "Twisted Tail", and his
:>comments about the EH Psych test, he should be asked
:>if he's ever been in any gruesome automotive accidents...

U: I have been in a car accident,
U: but it wasn't very gruesome at all.
U: I was nearly run over on several occasions too,
U: but I've not been hit yet. So I'm no Smash Greywolf. :)

Ah? Smash Greywolf has been in a few vehicular mishaps?
[Ears Perk Up] Tell me about it, please!
His website is so sadly understated. Nothing juicy on it.

:>And Utlah...
:>"You can't...stop it." -Millenium

U: So I just keep repeating it until everyone is sick of it. :P

U: St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah,
[Next 3 lines of "St. Utlah"s Surgically Removed]
U: St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah... sick of it yet? :)

No... SAINT UTLAH! [Grin Duck Run]

The {Sadistic} Wind King

{Who is patiently waiting for some form of revenge.}

The Wind King

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97


CO: Well... A few things seem different this time around. Too bad more
CO: didn't take the poll <the coyote glares around at the werechickens>.
If they're werechickens, Coyote's glaring hungrily, I imagine. [Grin]

CO: I have been given the impression that lots of weres...

CO: maybe not a majority or anything, but a significant number,
CO: have odd little physical idiosyncrasies, or disorders.

Indeed, many here, perhaps more than anyone realizes,
have some very strange health disorders, or just quirks.
And then again, a handful have or had some rare
life-threatening disorders. {Walksie & Darkmoon spring to mind.}
And yet, Weres with odd health problems
also seem to have an uncanny ability to deal with it.
I can smell another poll lurking in the forest...

CO: I'd also suggest questions regarding how many folks

CO: had nice childhoods, or not.

Yes, comparatively a pipe dream, or so I've heard. {: ]

CO: Also, I'd be curious as to how the results

CO: compare to the average non-were population...

Um, one problem with that -- how are we going to
get results from the "average non-Were population"?
"Hello, would you mind taking the time to fill this out?
We need you as part of a control group for a bunch
of werecreatures... Hm, you look human enough..." ;-}

: Coyote

Now, what's a really interesting trend:
coyotes and long signatures.
Darkmoon's is 13 lines, yours is 17.
{I think it's so they look like they're
saying more- no post under 20 lines.}

The Wind King {12 Lines}


The Wind King

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97


Christopher Eric Hughes <>
wrote in article <648kdo$>...

: The Utlah ( wrote:
: > Hum, The Wind King <heidel?> mentioned:

:>>{Ooo, teasing time!}

:>>Oh, and you aren't, St. Utlah? :-} Let's see here...

:U> Well that's the first, and most likely *last*,
:U> time I've been called that. :)

Whoops, too late, I already made a reference in another
post. Looks like I've started a domino effect... [Evil Grin]

LB: Wrong again, St. Utlah. Now we just need to figure out
LB: exactly of what you're the saint.
LB: Anyone care to suggest an addition to the god list?

[Bounce, Bounce!] OOH, the GodList!
Somehow I had a feeling it would get back to that!

Well, as for suggestions, when I first saw his website,

{About a year ago} I wanted to congratulate him on his
total exuberance of anti self-esteem. I'd been thinking
"Patron Saint of Self-Depricating Humor", but now,

things have cheered up a bit, and I'm not so sure...

:>>Your own evaluation of the psych test at EuroHowl
:>>is that your "sex drive is roadkill".

:U> It was very large roadkill... besides, that could mean anything!

LB: You're attracted to roadkill, maybe?

LB: No.. then you'd be a coyote or a raven... *grin*

No, you're thinking of the wrong kind of attraction.

*That* would most likely make him a necrophiliac,

which I most seriously doubt. ヲ-P

Perhaps, given the ending of "Twisted Tail", and his
comments about the EH Psych test, he should be asked
if he's ever been in any gruesome automotive accidents...

: LoveBear

Thanks LoveBear, for saying something that needed to be said,
and for saving me the trouble and giving me more to work with...

And Utlah...
"You can't...stop it." -Millenium

The Wind King

{A truly evil-minded bastard if there ever was one!}

The Utlah

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97


Hum, The Wind King <heidel?> mentioned:

>LB: Wrong again, St. Utlah. Now we just need to figure out
>LB: exactly of what you're the saint.
>LB: Anyone care to suggest an addition to the god list?
>[Bounce, Bounce!] OOH, the GodList!
>Somehow I had a feeling it would get back to that!

Well the current Godlist is on my website, under the (rather
feeble) AHWw archive, if anyone wants to dig it up. Greywolf the
Wanderer ( borrowing Zepp's account ) maintained it, but he hasn't been
around the campfire for a while. He'll kick himself when he finds out
about the poll...

>Well, as for suggestions, when I first saw his website,
>{About a year ago} I wanted to congratulate him on his
>total exuberance of anti self-esteem. I'd been thinking
>"Patron Saint of Self-Depricating Humor", but now,

>things have cheered up a bit, and I'm not so sure...

Well no one could put me down as well as I could, so it's good

to know I can do something well. :)

"Patron Saint of Self-Deprecating Humour" is kinda catchy...
( I'm British, so let's have "Humour" spelt properly please! :] ) It's
just you don't get the full effect over the Net, since you don't see

that stupid lopsided grin I do whenever I put myself down...

>:>>Your own evaluation of the psych test at EuroHowl
>:>>is that your "sex drive is roadkill".
>:U> It was very large roadkill... besides, that could mean anything!
>LB: You're attracted to roadkill, maybe?
>LB: No.. then you'd be a coyote or a raven... *grin*

Anyone who knew me in 1995, knows me as Coyote instead of Utlah.
There's only about two people left who still call me Coyote though, and
that's because they know the origin of the term "Utlah". So perhaps I'm

a "Covert Coyote". :)

>No, you're thinking of the wrong kind of attraction.
>*That* would most likely make him a necrophiliac,
>which I most seriously doubt. ヲ-P

<LOL!> Nope, I'm not. So I guess I do have a limit after all! :)

>Perhaps, given the ending of "Twisted Tail", and his

>comments about the EH Psych test, he should be asked
>if he's ever been in any gruesome automotive accidents...

I have been in a car accident, but it wasn't very gruesome at
all. I was nearly run over on several occasions too, but I've not been

hit yet. So I'm no Smash Greywolf. :)

>And Utlah...
>"You can't...stop it." -Millenium

So I just keep repeating it until everyone is sick of it. :P

St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah,
St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah,
St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah,
St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah,

St. Utlah, St. Utlah, St. Utlah... sick of it yet? :)

Running Red

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97

On Mon, 10 Nov 1997 11:31:21 +0000, The Utlah
<> wrote:
> I hope this poll won't be remembered for all the subsequent sex
>threads. The only reason why there were so many was because they were
I thought about that as well, noting how many people picked up
on the celibacy part of my post.
I'll probably be remembered for being a "virgin" werewolf. :)
>all in the '95 poll as well. Still, you lot all seem interested in that
>sort of thing. ;)
Really? Hawkeye was right: We are *preoccupied* with sex
because of a lack of *occupation* with sex
Maybe the Howls should feature orgies like the one they had in
Howling II. Maybe a combination Yiff-ball/Orgy.

>>> Did you results, overall, tend to be in:
>>> [ ] Somewhere in between
>>More towards the majority. Darn! I'm not in the fringe of this fringe group!
> Terrible, isn't it? :)
Yeah. It sucks when everyone expresses their individuality in
the same way. :)

>>Though I prefer multiple choice with an "Other" or "Explanation" section.
>>But it's hard to do a percentage on essay responses. <G>
> It won't come as any surprise to anyone on the group, but
>Coyote's poll was the most... vocal. :)
Really? Though I fully endorse keeping indivual responses
private, I wouldn't mind if Coyote consented to publicly post his

>>You can quantify "Other" though. I liked that there was some indication of
>>what kinda responses "Other" tended to consist of, and I'd like the fact
>>that most people did not have to fall into "other" indicates that the
>>options nicely fit most folks.
> Since I based the poll on the '95 one, I knew what sort of
>answers to expect. Also, the questions were rather direct so the answers
Then why did it take so long to compile the results? :-)
>were either one thing or another. Ambiguous "other" boxes weren't
>required for most of them.
Despite the best efforts of a lot of people. :)
Just wait to see what suggestions I have for the *next* poll.
> Utlah.

The Wind King

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97


Darkmoon <abuse@[localhost]> wrote in article <>...
: Howls folks,
: > Breezes!

: > Coyote Osborne <> wrote in article
: > <>...

:>CO:<the coyote glares around at the werechickens>.

:> If they're werechickens, Coyote's glaring hungrily, I imagine. [Grin]

D: Werechickens?!? Where?? Where!!

[WK cruelly points out a shack full of sadistic roadrunners]
[Darkmoon runs in, sounds of falling anvils follow]

:> Indeed, many here, perhaps more than anyone realizes,

:> have some very strange health disorders, or just quirks.
:> And then again, a handful have or had some rare
:> life-threatening disorders. {Walksie & Darkmoon spring to mind.}
:> And yet, Weres with odd health problems
:> also seem to have an uncanny ability to deal with it.
:> I can smell another poll lurking in the forest...

D: I'm a very lucky coyote. I have a pretty normal life ahead of me
D: instead of a slow inevitable death. That realization often
D: puts things in perspective at the end of a real bad day.

I'm sure it does. Facing death definitely makes one love life
all the more. Lucky, yes you are.
But the idea of you having a normal life is laughable! ;-}

:> CO: I'd also suggest questions regarding how many folks

:> CO: had nice childhoods, or not.
:> Yes, comparatively a pipe dream, or so I've heard. {: ]

D: Oh, I don't know. My childhood was pretty normal. My mother
D: and father divorced when I was less than a year old. My mom
D: re-married when I was 5. I was raised by my mother and
D: step-father with help from my grandmother and great aunts.
D: Ok, so that's not normal! :)

See above comment. :-)
I've had a good childhood {had or have?}, but not a normal one.
My parents divorced -- and remarried after about 2 months.
They decided they couldn't leave me. I was about 4. From then
I led a sheltered life in this little house with my parents, who
kept me safe from the gun-toting maniac next door.
Nothing's changed. {Except the maniac's in prison.}
I still live at home, and see no change ahead.
Like I said, good, but *never* normal.

:> CO: Also, I'd be curious as to how the results

:> CO: compare to the average non-were population...

D: I know some aerospace folks we could send it to.
D: That would really skew the results! :)


:> Now, what's a really interesting trend:
:> coyotes and long signatures.

D: I'll have you know I had my long sig. before it was trendy!
D: Actually when I came here initally there were several people
D: with really neat ASCII sigs. I decided I wanted to try my hand
D: at it. I've been using the body-surfing coyote ever since.

You have not! Not always, anyway. I thought the canid at
the computer sig was very cute, by the way. Nice job on both.
Now, as for me, I'm so artistically challenged I can't even do it
in ASCII. My sig is simply a representation of my insignia,
and whatever quote I come up with that's interesting.

D: Funny thing is that people either like ASCII art, or hate it.

I started out hating it, since I could never make sense of it.
After I could, well, it's OK, I don't really feel either way.
Now I'm frustrated, because my newsreader uses a [Gasp!]
proportional font, which just mangles sigs. I could change it,
but the text just isn't as nice to read. No big deal anyway.

D: At this point the ASCII art has all but died out here.
D: Is this a good thing or a bad thing??
D: I'm not sure I'm qualified to comment,
D: but I am curious what everyone thinks on the subject.
D: This should probably be part of the next poll.

I'd say it's not exactly good, but it isn't bad.
It indicates that people are more pragmatic,
more concerned with content than a big sig.
It may just show that folks are less creative...
I don't know. It is, however, deceptive to
newsreaders which count lines in a post.
I like 'em if they're done well, though. : )

:> The Wind King {12 Lines}

D: Does this mean you consider yourself long winded?? :)

Do you remember the stuff I posted when I first arrived?
I am, for the most part, very long-winded. Less now, though.
Needless to say, my essay-writing skills and my
manual dexterity have deteriorated because of AHWw. ;-p
I believe my vocabulary is right behind...

D: Or are you a coyote in disguise??

Haha. If I am, it would be a surprise to me.
Of course, ANY self-discovery would surprise /me/.
It would seem that I definitely have a coyote's karma, though...

The {Weird} Wind King

Running Red

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97

On Mon, 10 Nov 1997 01:25:46 -0500,
(Coyote Osborne) wrote:

>Whee! I'd been eagerly awaiting the poll results! Thanks Utlah!

>Well... A few things seem different this time around. Too bad more people

>didn't take the poll <the coyote glares around at the werechickens>.
What werechickens? <belch>

>For the next poll, how about some more questions related to weird stuff
>like medical conditions or disorders or idiosyncrasies.

Taking the poll gave me a lot of ideas for the next one.
We'll just have to see who's ideas are weider. :)
Though Utlah recommended just posting them, since they were
more essay related.
Perhaps someone could keep track of interesting thread
questions and include them in updated polls.

>While the thread on the NG seemed to rapidly degenerate into a punwar and

Punwar Sadat?
>tarot discussion (not that it wasn't fun <G>) I have been given the
But no Tarot readings. <Damn>
>impression that lots of weres... maybe not a majority or anything, but a
>significant number, have odd little physical idiosyncrasies, or disorders.
Like one eyebrow and pentacle birthmarks on our palms? :)
I suffer from schizophrenia and an early case of geriatric
profanity disorder, damn it!
>I'd also suggest questions regarding how many folks had nice childhoods, or not.
I spent mine in daydreams in my own mind. Perhaps the
question could relate to whether or not one's childhood affected one's
wereness - ie. always wanting to visit the zoo, or an over-active
imagination (like mine).

>Also, I'd be curious as to how the results compare to the average non-were
>population... as in how many "regular" folks are gay/bi/les/zoo, or have

By regular folks. are you referring to other people on-line
(none of whom are regular), or people in RL.
There might be a listing of statistics (maybe on-line) about
percentages of people WRT physical build, religion, sexuality, etc.

>certain builds or eye color, or have pets, etc.

Heh. I recall a line from "Shadowlands" about wanting to be
the magician casting the spell, or the little boy *in* the spell.
Would you rather be the person petting the animal, or the
animal being petted? <grin>
>You're just being Coy-ote

The Wind King

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97


Running Red <> wrote in article
: On Mon, 10 Nov 1997 01:34:23 -0500,
: (Coyote Osborne) wrote:

RR: I've never been connected to the physical world.
RR: I can contemplate and fantasize about sex and love, but...
RR: the reality is too scary.

Good Grief. I read this and am just now recovering from the shock.
You pretty much just said how I've always felt.
Were *you* one of the others who marked "Asexual"?

RR: Animals have it easier - no hang ups about sex,
RR: going to the bathroom, or keeping in shape.

RR: (We're setting a good example for other NGs.<g>)

Actually, I'd like to think that we are.
That's also what makes us good targets for trolls.
We're different, and when they insult us, {Most}
don't explode into a brainless swearing match.

:CO>I love filling things out.
RR: Maybe you should have been a dentist. :)
Technically, wouldn't that be filling things _in_?

RR: Heh. I can imagine Utlah's mailbox getting swamped
RR: with people sending him poll results every week.
I can see him cracking from the pressure and turning normal.


: Forever Running,
: Running Red

The Wind King

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97

The Wind King (heidel? wrote:
> [WK cruelly points out a shack full of sadistic roadrunners]
> [Darkmoon runs in, sounds of falling anvils follow]

"Now I'd like to show you one of my favourite cartoons. It's a sad
depressing tale about a pathetic coyote in his futile pursuit of a
/sadistic/ roadrunner, who LAUGHS at him and MOCKS him as he's
repeatedly CRUSHED and MAIMED! Hope you ENJOY IT!"

> I'm sure it does. Facing death definitely makes one love life
> all the more. Lucky, yes you are.
> But the idea of you having a normal life is laughable! ;-}

Darkmoon? "Normal life"? Somehow those two phrases refuse to
hook up with each other in my processing system. :)


The Wind King

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97


Running Red <> wrote in article

: On Mon, 10 Nov 1997 11:31:21 +0000, The Utlah
: <> wrote:

RR: I'll probably be remembered for being a "virgin" werewolf. :)
I *know* I will. : D

RR: Maybe the Howls should feature orgies
RR: like the one they had in Howling II.
RR: Maybe a combination Yiff-ball/Orgy.

EEEWW.. [Hands out earplugs for the SE Howlers]
Besides being incredibly...inconvenient,
think of what could happen in a dark room with
luminescent objects flying about...
The three most-heard sounds would be
[Squish], "OW!", and "Oh, no, the ball landed *there*..."

:>CO>More towards the majority.
:>CO> Darn! I'm not in the fringe of this fringe group!
:U> Terrible, isn't it? :)
RR: Yeah. It sucks when everyone
RR: expresses their individuality in the same way. :)

"I want to do my very own individual thing."
"So what's the problem? Why are you still mad?"
"I can't find anybody to do it with!"
-MAD Magazine

:U> It won't come as any surprise to anyone on the group, but
:U>Coyote's poll was the most... vocal. :)
Once again: Duh. :-)
RR: Really? Though I fully endorse keeping individual responses
RR: private, I wouldn't mind if Coyote consented to publicly post his
RR: results.

Well, since you're so surprised you're not the most vocal,
what if you post /yours/ as well? }:-)

:U> Since I based the poll on the '95 one, I knew what sort of
:U>answers to expect. Also, the questions were rather direct so the answers
RR: Then why did it take so long to compile the results? :-)
It didn't; he was waiting for the trolls to leave before he released them.

:U>Ambiguous "other" boxes weren't required for most of them.
RR: Despite the best efforts of a lot of people. :)
RR: Just wait to see what suggestions I have for the *next* poll.
RR: <g>
There's that little instinct again, saying "Danger, Wind King! Danger!"

: > Utlah.
: Forever Running,
: Running Red

The {Disturbed & Disturbing} Wind King

The Utlah

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97


Hum, The Wind King <heidel?> mentioned:

>your site /is/ where I found the ol' GodList. Looks like
>you'll be updating it pretty soon... [Smirk]

Oh joy... :)

>U: It's just you don't get the full effect over the Net, since you don't
>U: see that stupid lopsided grin I do whenever I put myself down...
>Aw, and I don't suppose you've any pictures either...

Not on public display, no. I do have one, but thanks to modern
technology it looks more like half my face has melted, than a lopsided
grin. :)

>:>:U> It was very large roadkill... besides, that could mean anything!
>"Very large roadkill"? It could mean you're overcompensating... };-p

I had another psyche test sent to me the other day. I'll have to
run it by the EuroHowl pack and see what results I get sometime. :)

>Well, I know what you say is the origin of the term on your website,
>and I call you that anyway, 'cause it is your wish, and
>because it would get damn confusing with 2 'Coyote's around here.

Hence the reason I came here as Utlah rather than Coyote, to
avoid confusion.

What my phenotype(s) are has always been a rather sketchy issue.
"Officially" it's Arctic Wolf and Fox, but put them together I guess you
end up with a Coyote-like phenotype. It's just at the moment, the split
phenotypes seems to match my own personality better than just a single
phenotype. Maybe when I know myself better, I'll be able to find out for

>Or would you rather be called by your /human/ name?
>[Waits for Ut to start screaming in protest]

One of these days I'll remember to remove that from my Werecard.

>U: So perhaps I'm a "Covert Coyote". :)
>So perhaps you need to 'come out of the closet'...
>Come on, you've seen it cooking on the highway...
>It's been dead three days... You know you want it...

I can imagine the meetings...

"Hello, my name is Utlah and I'm a Coyote. It's been three
months since my last roadkill..."

>:>No, you're thinking of the wrong kind of attraction.

>:>*That* would most likely make him a necrophiliac,
>:>which I most seriously doubt. ヲ-P
>: <LOL!> Nope, I'm not. So I guess I do have a limit after all! :)

>Thank goodness!

I don't think goodness has much to do with it. :)

>U: I have been in a car accident,
>U: but it wasn't very gruesome at all.
>U: I was nearly run over on several occasions too,
>U: but I've not been hit yet. So I'm no Smash Greywolf. :)
>Ah? Smash Greywolf has been in a few vehicular mishaps?
>[Ears Perk Up] Tell me about it, please!
>His website is so sadly understated. Nothing juicy on it.

Why do you think he has the name "Smash"? :) What's the total
now? Six?

>The {Sadistic} Wind King
>{Who is patiently waiting for some form of revenge.}

What could I possibly do in revenge?


The Utlah

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97


Hum, Running Red <> mentioned:
>>Actually, I was kinda surprised to see that some folks answered that they
>>were "against" homosexuality or bisexuality. I'd be interested (genuinely)
>>in hearing why, but fear it'd only end in a flamewar <sigh>.
> Perhaps. My guess is that thsoe people were either lurkers,
>or filled out the poll on a web site.

Wrong. One or two were 'minor' packmembers, but the others have
been on the group a while. But I got the impression that it was not
outright homophobia anyway, more just a personal discomfort.

> I haven't noticed any anti-gay sentiments in the time I've
>been here, I guess because the people who are against it are too
>polite to risk offending someone they know and like. I'd say that
>excepting for certain issues directly relating to were-ness, we're all
>pretty tolerant of other things like sex or religion (or sex *and*
>religion), at least so far as expressing those views openly.

> (We're setting a good example for other NGs.<g>)

I have no problem with homophobes... As long as they're
homophobic in private, behind closed doors, and they don't hurt anyone,
I don't see a problem. :)

> That's why Utlah spent so long on the Beta version - to make
>sure that the options covered enough situations that people wouldn't
>fill out others or be offended by the given choices.

I did?... Oh yes, I did. :) I must admit the Beta polls provided
invaluable feedback towards the final poll. Well, all except for Running
Red who gave me wonderful suggestions *after* the final poll was
released. :P

>>> Would you fill out a similar poll next week?

>>> [ ] Yes
> Heh. I can imagine Utlah's mailbox getting swamped with

>people sending him poll results every week.

At the moment I wouldn't notice the difference! Ever since I
reworked the WEREweb the rate of visitors to the site has quadrupled.
I'm inundated with people Emailing questions to me. I'm sure poor
Spyder's in the same boat.


Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97

> Heh. I recall a line from "Shadowlands" about wanting to be
> the magician casting the spell, or the little boy *in* the spell.
> So...
> Would you rather be the person petting the animal, or the
> animal being petted? <grin>
> >

That depends... is your name Tyr? Talk about putting your foot... er
hand in it...



Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97

Running Red wrote:

> >
> > Does this mean I have to start wearing a serviette on my head?

> No, but we'll put little statues of you in our cars. :)

Egad - I believe there's an image of him if you turn upside down, look
between your legs crossways at a 348 degree angle at two-pi radians and
gaze into a highly polished reflective surface... No wait... that's
something else...


Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97

MegaDog the Nettweiler ( wrote:
> Well, if the EuroHowls are anything to go by, Cass the Werefox would
> probably say that he's "St. Utlah of the Cute Butt".

It'll do for a start. Anyone else want to suggest a title for St. Utlah?
I heard someone say self-mockery, and I don't think that's taken yet.

LoveBear, God of Null Pointer Assignments

Follower of the Clawed Albino

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97


In article <01bcee40$3713e6a0$6102c9cf@neonvnm>,
"NeonVenom" <> carved on the cave wall:

>> Well... A few things seem different this time around. Too bad more people
>> didn't take the poll <the coyote glares around at the werechickens>.

> Its not my fault i didnt take it, I wasn't here. Were-chickens where?
>(rubs his tounge hungrily across his fangs)

Well, I didn't take it either, but I do have a legitimate reason for that:
namely, this was the same time that the flooding shite was going on and I
did *not* want the survey targeted by certain individuals hellbent on
harassing AHWW members to get back at *me* reporting *their* net.abuse.

Between dealing with that and NOT wanting Utlah possibly being mailbombed
or getting a lot of bogus replies simply because I responded, I didn't
reply. If he does a poll in future, sure, I'll gladly reply.

(Folks on the Heart's Dream list, FWIW, can verify that I *was* afraid of
stuff being targeted outside of AHWW, possibly extending to meatspace. At
least one of the kooks who likely started the shite up again *did* libel
Heart's Dream and *did* forward info to some of the malicious gits; I was
considering dropping off the list because of that and concern that they
might find the listserv address and begin mailbombing it.

(I have not let the bastards win in this regard, and have had folks
document my concerns on that. Just when they start listserv-bombing
Nightstorm to get back at *me*...that tends to worry me a bit on just HOW
nuts these gits are.)

- --
- -Windigo The Feral (NYAR!)
Fight the Woodside Literary Agency! Support the Jayne Hitchcock HELP fund
<> * Boycott Internet
Spam! <> * Ban Spam Now! <>

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: cp850



Nov 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/13/97

> The Wind King (heidel? wrote:
> > [WK cruelly points out a shack full of sadistic roadrunners]
> > [Darkmoon runs in, sounds of falling anvils follow]

Thanks guys. In the immortal words of John Wayne, "We'll remember
you said that."

> "Now I'd like to show you one of my favourite cartoons. It's a sad
> depressing tale about a pathetic coyote in his futile pursuit of a
> /sadistic/ roadrunner, who LAUGHS at him and MOCKS him as he's
> repeatedly CRUSHED and MAIMED! Hope you ENJOY IT!"

"Now I'd like to show you one of my favourite cartoons. It's a sad
depressing tale about a pathetic coyote in his futile pursuit of a
Cosmic 2" X 4", who LAUGHS at him and MOCKS him as he's
repeatedly CRUSHED and MAIMED! Hope you ENJOY IT!" :)
In the end however, he does get his revenge VvgrinvV.
Yes I see the resembelence LB. Wylie is our savior! He will shown you
The light! <CRASH><BANG><rattle><rattle>

> > I'm sure it does. Facing death definitely makes one love life
> > all the more. Lucky, yes you are.
> > But the idea of you having a normal life is laughable! ;-}
> Darkmoon? "Normal life"? Somehow those two phrases refuse to
> hook up with each other in my processing system. :)

Remind me to tell you how I threw a Sears installation crew out
of my apartment when they refused to install my new washer/dryer.
I made them take thier new appliances with them and have had my
money cheerfully refunded. Anyone know a good laundrymat??

> LoveBear


Nov 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/13/97

On 12 Nov 1997, Christopher Eric Hughes wrote:

> > Well, if the EuroHowls are anything to go by, Cass the Werefox would
> > probably say that he's "St. Utlah of the Cute Butt".
> It'll do for a start. Anyone else want to suggest a title for St. Utlah?
> I heard someone say self-mockery, and I don't think that's taken yet.

St. Utlah the poll taker?
St. Utlah the overworked?

> LoveBear, God of Null Pointer Assignments

Silicon Panther

God of the Unknown.
"It is my scared duty to make
my domain as small as possible."


Nov 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/13/97

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Darkmoon wrote:

> In the end however, he does get his revenge VvgrinvV.

> Yes I see the resembelence LB. Wylie is our savior! He will show you
> The light!

But then, sadly, you realized the light is an on-comeing train.


That's _gotta_ hurt!

Silicon Panther

Acme Kitty


Nov 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/13/97

The Utlah <> wrote in article
> Period in sync with the Full Moon:
> No - 10 71%
> Yes - 4 29%
> So much for a link between lycanthropy and PMS. :/ Still,
> 29% is higher than expected. Such things as oral contraceptives
> and artificial lighting could effect cycles. Any other suggestions
> as to why werewolves are monthly?
actually, while I have a period every month, I do go into 'heat' in the
winter. What I mean is I get interested in sexual activity during this
time and am hardly ever intersted in it during the rest of the year
Katie "Wakko!" Bubenik

Damn other accounts on the other computer thats on the frits.
Erf, please reply to if you wish to reply via


Nov 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/13/97
> If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize
> world peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be
> until the looting started.
Coyote, this part of your sig reminds me of a dream my freind once had.
She was the ruler of a country and the whole world was at peace, me and
some of my other, rather, er, strange freinds were her adviseres. Her
country ended up attaching another country because they'd never expect it.
I have no idea why I thought of this now
Katie "Wakko!" Bubenik

Damn other account is on the other computer thats on the frits.

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/14/97

Darkmoon (abuse@[localhost]) wrote:
> Thanks guys. In the immortal words of John Wayne, "We'll remember
> you said that."

That's assuming you remember much of anything after a lovetap from the
2x4. :)

> "Now I'd like to show you one of my favourite cartoons. It's a sad
> depressing tale about a pathetic coyote in his futile pursuit of a
> Cosmic 2" X 4", who LAUGHS at him and MOCKS him as he's
> repeatedly CRUSHED and MAIMED! Hope you ENJOY IT!" :)

> In the end however, he does get his revenge VvgrinvV.

There is actually one episode in which Wylie does catch the Roadrunner.
Of course, when he does, said coyote is about two inches tall and said
bird is full-size. And he holds up a little sign that says, "Ok, now
I've got him. What do I do with him??"

> Yes I see the resembelence LB. Wylie is our savior! He will shown you
> The light! <CRASH><BANG><rattle><rattle>

After he replaces all the bulbs in the array, sure. :)

> Remind me to tell you how I threw a Sears installation crew out
> of my apartment when they refused to install my new washer/dryer.
> I made them take thier new appliances with them and have had my
> money cheerfully refunded. Anyone know a good laundrymat??

*chuckle* I'm not surprised. Really. One of these days I'm going to
expect a phone call from someone (you or someone close to you) that
informs me that half of LAX is missing and you were last seen boarding
a spacecraft of some kind.


Nov 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/14/97

In article <64abab$>, (Christopher Eric Hughes) wrote:
> The Wind King (heidel? wrote:
> > Now, what's a really interesting trend:
> > coyotes and long signatures.
> > Darkmoon's is 13 lines, yours is 17.
> > {I think it's so they look like they're
> > saying more- no post under 20 lines.}
> > ;-}
> > The Wind King {12 Lines}
> Then, of course, the typical bear. We let the message contain the message,
> not the signature file. :)
> LoveBear (One-line, and three if it's email)

Well, aside from the occaisional random quote I felt I had to share, my
signature's only one line...
-Brer Wolf

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Nov 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/14/97

Coyote Osborne <> wrote in article

> <>...

> If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize
> world peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be
> until the looting started.

Heh... :/


Nov 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/14/97

Howls Lovebear, you wrote:

> Darkmoon (abuse@[localhost]) wrote:
> > Thanks guys. In the immortal words of John Wayne, "We'll remember
> > you said that."
> That's assuming you remember much of anything after a lovetap from the
> 2x4. :)

The beauty of the 2" X 4" is that you are fully aware and awake while it
mangles you. Allowing you to forget would lessen the necessary pain. We
can't allow that now, can we!

> > "Now I'd like to show you one of my favourite cartoons. It's a sad
> > depressing tale about a pathetic coyote in his futile pursuit of a
> > Cosmic 2" X 4", who LAUGHS at him and MOCKS him as he's
> > repeatedly CRUSHED and MAIMED! Hope you ENJOY IT!" :)
> > In the end however, he does get his revenge VvgrinvV.
> There is actually one episode in which Wylie does catch the Roadrunner.
> Of course, when he does, said coyote is about two inches tall and said
> bird is full-size. And he holds up a little sign that says, "Ok, now
> I've got him. What do I do with him??"

<sigh> I musta missed that one. It is a common coyote problem however.
We are so used to failure that when we do succeed we are at a loss for what
to do next. It's a form of shock actually.

> > Yes I see the resembelence LB. Wylie is our savior! He will shown you
> > The light! <CRASH><BANG><rattle><rattle>
> After he replaces all the bulbs in the array, sure. :)

I didn't say the light would be working when he showed it, I merely implied
it. :)

> > Remind me to tell you how I threw a Sears installation crew out
> > of my apartment when they refused to install my new washer/dryer.
> > I made them take thier new appliances with them and have had my
> > money cheerfully refunded. Anyone know a good laundrymat??
> *chuckle* I'm not surprised. Really. One of these days I'm going to
> expect a phone call from someone (you or someone close to you) that
> informs me that half of LAX is missing and you were last seen boarding
> a spacecraft of some kind.

Well an installation crew that refuses to use tools is pretty worthless.
Fortunately I have a little more control of the situation than Coyote
Osborne did with U-Haul. I'm not in the middle of the Florida wilderness.

As far as the alien remark, Nitsutz Prime was just asking about you the
other day. I told him you had never seen the inside of a space ship and
would like to go for a ride. I gave him your address and number. Please
be nice when he calls for directions. He's very sensitive about his
oversized anteni, so no remarks please. He smells like a cheap perfume
factory when he gets angry. Last time it took a week to deodorize the

> LoveBear

_~_/ ^^ ~ -\ Fluthuk naew tocok,


Nov 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/14/97

On 14 Nov 1997, Christopher Eric Hughes wrote:

> > God of the Unknown.
> I thought this was St. Jude's domain (yes, I know my Catholic saints..
> I had a friend at UTA who was a Catholic Santarian).

Nope, he's just a saint. Pety servant.

Silicon Panther

Egotistical Kitty

The Wind King

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

Breezes Darkmoon,
and anyone else bored enough to read this...

Darkmoon <abuse@[localhost]> wrote in article

: Howls Wind King,

:> But the idea of you having a normal life is laughable! ;-}

D: Normal in coyote terms :). If my life was normal in human terms
D: I would die of boredom.
I'm certain. I believe what LoveBear said on the subject.

D: Your parents being divorced IS normal now.
D: If your parents remained married it would be abnormal.
D: The fact that they re-married... now that's strange! :)

Thank You! : ) Actually, I like to think it was
due to the fact that I wouldn't let them leave each other...

D: As far as gun toting maniacs go,
D: I probably pass 3 on the freeway every day.
D: Isn't that a wonderful commentary on modern civilization??

Well, yeah, but then again, you're in California... ;-)
And besides, it's not like living most of your life
next to one. The bastard shot at anything that moved,
though he was probably too high to care. When I was
little Mom took me inside because she saw him aiming at /me/...
In a strange way, I do owe him for being raised in this house.
The isolation made my rare combination of psychoses possible.

:> You have not! Not always, anyway. I thought the canid at

:> the computer sig was very cute, by the way. Nice job on both.

D: Actually the coyote at the computer was my original sig.
I already knew that before I even came to the group. Nice job.

D: The body-surfing coyote represents me much better.
D: I really am a water dog.

Oh, *really*... LoveBear's already done you with a balloon, so...
[WK whistles, and an evil roadrunner speeds up. The bird dumps
a huge bucket of ice water on the coyote, and takes off
with a mocking "Beep beep!". WK slips him a bag of bird seed.]

D: I sympathise with that. Mine defaults to porportional font.
D: I grew up in the mainframe world so I'm used to mono spaced text.
D: Porportional fonts do nothing for me.

I'm a writer by nature, and I couldn't live without Times New Roman.
I could change my reader to a mono-spaced font, but
I've been reading & composing in Arial for so long that
I'm used to it by now. Any other font just doesn't look the same.

D: I started my career at IBM. They had TSO logon screens that
D: were incredible. One had a palm tree on a beach with a sail
D: boat and clouds. Another one in Colorado had the rocky
D: mountains. That's where I picked up the ASCII art bug.
Sounds nice.

:>:> The Wind King {12 Lines}
:>D: Does this mean you consider yourself long winded?? :)

:> Do you remember the stuff I posted when I first arrived?
:> I am, for the most part, very long-winded. Less now, though.

:> Needless to say, my essay-writing skills and my
:> manual dexterity have deteriorated because of AHWw. ;-p

:> I believe my vocabulary is right behind...

D: Are you saying weres rot the brain?? I'm shocked!

No! This is not what I meant. It's just that the essay centers
of my brain had atrophied in the years prior, and I burned
myself out on this group in a short while. It's nothing to do
with AHWw {no, not even you!}, but with all this /typing/
I'm doing. And I'm planning to look into IRC soon...

:>D: Or are you a coyote in disguise??

:> Haha. If I am, it would be a surprise to me.
:> Of course, ANY self-discovery would surprise /me/.

It amazes me now, the irony of those words,
written just a few hours before the Revelation...

:> It would seem that I definitely have a coyote's karma, though...
:> ;-)

D: Come on, admit it. You're a secret coyote just like Utlah!
D: Watch out! Coyotes are taking over the world! hah hah hah!

No, I'm afraid not. I did have a brief encounter with one,
but it seems that I only have some of the coyote weirdness...
[WK puts his paws over his mouth, looks shocked...]

Gotcha. : )

The Wind King {Not a coyote, but still very strange.}

Coyote Osborne

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

In article <>, The Utlah
<> wrote:

> It won't come as any surprise to anyone on the group, but

> Coyote's poll was the most... vocal. :)

Coyotes got the latin name "canis latrans" because they are noisy. Latrans
come from the latin word meaning "Barking" or "To Bark" Or some other
conjugation involving barking.

It's lucky the four-footed coyotes don't type away at usenet. Think of the



If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize
world peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be
until the looting started.

Why Do I think U-Haul is Evil? Why was I offline so long? I was trapped in
Before you rent from U-Haul, please read about our Nightmare in Moving at:
|Coyote | 113 Highland Park Drive; Athens, Georgia 30601
|Osborne| Personal Webpage:
+-------+ Coyote's Artwork:
Heart's Dream WereCommunity:
Stygian Vortex Publications:

Running Red

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

On 12 Nov 1997 04:44:54 GMT, "The Wind King" <heidel?>


>Running Red <> wrote in article

>: On Mon, 10 Nov 1997 01:34:23 -0500,
>: (Coyote Osborne) wrote:
>RR: I've never been connected to the physical world.
>RR: I can contemplate and fantasize about sex and love, but...
>RR: the reality is too scary.
>Good Grief. I read this and am just now recovering from the shock.
>You pretty much just said how I've always felt.
>Were *you* one of the others who marked "Asexual"?

No. I am a non-practicing heterosexual (actually, that isn't
true, I practice all the time). :)
Asexual is someone not interested in sex at all. It does not
preclude reproduction, though.
It may be that whoever filled in that spot on the poll wasn't
using the biological definition. (Unless there are were-hydra here).

>RR: Animals have it easier - no hang ups about sex,
>RR: going to the bathroom, or keeping in shape.
>RR: (We're setting a good example for other NGs.<g>)
>Actually, I'd like to think that we are.
>That's also what makes us good targets for trolls.
>We're different, and when they insult us, {Most}
>don't explode into a brainless swearing match.
>:CO>I love filling things out.
>RR: Maybe you should have been a dentist. :)
>Technically, wouldn't that be filling things _in_?

But he has a talent...for causing things Pain!

>RR: Heh. I can imagine Utlah's mailbox getting swamped
>RR: with people sending him poll results every week.
>I can see him cracking from the pressure and turning normal.

Thne maybe he should forward all of them to you. Then you'd
come on saying, "Hi. I'm Vic Ferrari." :-)
>: Forever Running,
>: Running Red
>The Wind King

Running Red

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

On 15 Nov 1997 04:34:37 GMT, "The Wind King" <heidel?>

>Running Red <> wrote in article

>: On Mon, 10 Nov 1997 01:25:46 -0500,
>: (Coyote Osborne) wrote:
>:CO>I'd also suggest questions regarding
>:CO> how many folks had nice childhoods, or not.
>RR: I spent mine in daydreams in my own mind. Perhaps
>RR: the question could relate to whether or not one's childhood
>RR: affected one's wereness - ie. always wanting to visit the zoo,
>RR: or an over-active imagination (like mine).
>Now this is weird. I spent most of my childhood in my own mind
>as well. I had a *very* over-active imagination. We seem to share
>some of the strangest traits, don't we?
It could be worse. You could have spent most of *your*
childhood in *my* own mind.
>Or is that traits of strangeness...
d'uh i dunno.
>RR: Heh. I recall a line from "Shadowlands" about wanting to
>RR: be the magician casting the spell, or the little boy *in* the spell.
>RR: So...
>RR: Would you rather be the person petting the animal,
>RR:or the animal being petted? <grin>
>The obvious answer to this question, to me, is: YES!!!
>: Forever Running,
>: Running Red
>Did you come up with an equally sensible answer, Red?
I'd be the animal petting myself (with my tongue, ina private
And to answer Shadowfall - if I stuck my hand in Fenrir's
throat and he tried to bite it off, I'd grab onto that little thing
hanging down the back of his throat and rip it out.
I have read of people attacked by bears and such, who ram
their arms down the animal's throat to choke it.
Hmm. I wonder if anyone could draw analogies between the
Tyr/Fenrir legend and that scene from World According to Garp:
"Bitten off in a Buick."
>The {Imaginary} Wind King

Running Red

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

On Wed, 12 Nov 1997 15:34:20 +0000, The Utlah
<> wrote:
> Wrong. One or two were 'minor' packmembers, but the others have
>been on the group a while. But I got the impression that it was not
>outright homophobia anyway, more just a personal discomfort.
Makes sense. It can be uncomfortable, unless you use the
right lubricant. :-)

>> I haven't noticed any anti-gay sentiments in the time I've
>>been here, I guess because the people who are against it are too
>>polite to risk offending someone they know and like. I'd say that
>>excepting for certain issues directly relating to were-ness, we're all
>>pretty tolerant of other things like sex or religion (or sex *and*
>>religion), at least so far as expressing those views openly.

>> (We're setting a good example for other NGs.<g>)

> I have no problem with homophobes... As long as they're
>homophobic in private, behind closed doors, and they don't hurt anyone,
>I don't see a problem. :)

Consider that strictly speaking - homophobia is a "fear of
men" and could apply to any animal that is skittish around humans.
I'm actually against homo(sapien)-sexuality. I don't think
men should be having sex at all, not until the poulation drops down
below a few hundred million.

"We're not gay. But we are willing to learn."
-Harold Ramis, "Stripes"

>> That's why Utlah spent so long on the Beta version - to make
>>sure that the options covered enough situations that people wouldn't
>>fill out others or be offended by the given choices.
> I did?... Oh yes, I did. :) I must admit the Beta polls provided
>invaluable feedback towards the final poll. Well, all except for Running

Yeah, feedback about people who nitpick over polls (affect,
not effect!) :-)

>Red who gave me wonderful suggestions *after* the final poll was
>released. :P

Just getting ready for next year's poll. Hell, I've got my
XMas shopping done through 1999. :)

>>>> Would you fill out a similar poll next week?
>>>> [ ] Yes

>> Heh. I can imagine Utlah's mailbox getting swamped with

>>people sending him poll results every week.

> At the moment I wouldn't notice the difference! Ever since I
>reworked the WEREweb the rate of visitors to the site has quadrupled.
>I'm inundated with people Emailing questions to me. I'm sure poor

Probably all thr same questions:
"Are you really a werewolf?"
"How do I become a werewolf?"
"Would you like to make money in your own home?"

>Spyder's in the same boat.
> Utlah.
>(Remove S P A M from address when replying.) /\_/\
>The WEREWeb, at /<_ _>\
> WereHumour Archives - Werecard Archive - Beginners Guide \ `/
> \@/
>"Once upon a time there was a lonely wolf, lonelier than angels."
> - "Fable" by Janos Pilinszky


Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

Darkmoon (abuse@[localhost]) wrote:
> LoveBear huffed:
> > That's like Episcopalianism is Catholicism Lite, right? All the ceremony,
> > half the guilt?
> Ceremony is for whimps. If a coyote hold a formal ritual he must wear
> black tie, dress shoes and tails. Needless to say coyotes NEVER hold
> formal rituals.

Actually, I can envision Coyote holding a formal ritual. It'd be for some
new follower that expected all the ceremony and what-have-you. It'd be
all seriousness and formality until the target realises that Coyote's
making it up as he goes along.

> > Huh? Who what? Birdies...! *stares dazed into the distance*
> Aint they tweet?? ;)

*blink* *blink* *shakes head* Oohhhhh... Ok.. you want to get into a
cartoon war, do you? *goes in search of Acme catalog* It's well-known
that the only ones that can't make these gadgets work are coyotes...

> > Oh, no! I am NOT that thing's victim. Occasional side-target, but not its
> > focus.
> I believe you have a point on this one.

If I'd've been its target, I probably wouldn't've lived through Austin. :)

> > That's it.. I'm buying you another rainstick. We'll see how you fare when
> > Coyote starts playing fetch with it with you... >:)
> I'm honored sir, in fact I can hardly wait. :) If it proves half as much
> fun as the last one I'll have to spring for plane fare so you can attend
> the de-commissioning. Hopefully it won't come to that. :)

I'll ship it with your t-shirt. *grin*


Coyote Osborne

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

In article <>, The Utlah
<> wrote:

> There were a few interesting quirks in that part of the poll.
> Two people were positive towards homosexuality, but against bisexuality.
> It's also interesting to note that a lot of the zoophiles put down
> "indifference" to zoophilia, few actually felt "positive" about it.

Actually... I had a little trouble. I wondered exactly what was meant by

I mean... my personal feeling is that people should do what feels good as
long as they aren't harmign someone else, and that "harm" does not include
when people are uptight about what _other_ people do for fun.

I do not feel it necessary to either promote or rail against homosexuality,
zoophilia, monogamy, polyamory, bisexuality etc. Some of those traits work
perfectly well for me... but I feel no need to encourage people to "try"
them. Nor would I discourage people.

So.. does "positive" mean "positive for me" or "do I think other people
should be doing this thing because it is so good"?

> But don't ask me who they all were, like I said, the results are
> confidential, and even I won't be asking them why.

Of course not.

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

The Wind King (heidel? wrote:
> LoveBear huffed:

> > Find a nickname more apt than "Wind King." >:)

> And what did YOU have in mind, you evil-minded ursid??

Well, from the volume of posts you put out, "Wind" could probably
be safely replaced with "Hot Air" :) *g,d,r*


Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

Running Red ( wrote:
> No. I am a non-practicing heterosexual (actually, that isn't
> true, I practice all the time). :)

But do you practice with a partner, or are you in solo tryouts right now?
And do you plan on perfecting it any time soon? :)


The Utlah

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97


Hum, Running Red <> mentioned:

>>> Well, if the EuroHowls are anything to go by, Cass the Werefox would
>>> probably say that he's "St. Utlah of the Cute Butt".
>>It'll do for a start. Anyone else want to suggest a title for St. Utlah?
>>I heard someone say self-mockery, and I don't think that's taken yet.

> I don't know what he'll be called, but I'd love to see Val
>Kilmer play him in the next Saint movie. :-)

Well apart from the fact he's good looking, smart, well educated
and talented, he'd be the perfect person to play the role of me. :P
( Just going for "Patron Saint of Self Depreciating Humour" again. ;] )

What about Gary Cole? Or perhaps Kevin Bacon? They can play me
anytime! ;+]


Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

On Sat, 15 Nov 1997, Running Red wrote:

> I'm actually against homo(sapien)-sexuality. I don't think
> men should be having sex at all, not until the poulation drops down
> below a few hundred million.

I'd almost agree but for two things: one, that makes the future look
pretty gray for my late nights, and two, by the times that many people
died off, all the remaining men & women would be to old to have kids.
How about we just hold back on the birth rate untill it drops below
death rate?

Silicon Panther


Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

Howls folks,

This post is going to require a little explanation as I am NOT
it's author. It's actually from Lovebear. It seems our friend is having
a little technical difficulty but didn't want to deprive you all of the
high comedy being perpetrated in this thread. Here is Lovebear's
response to my last post. Enjoy!

Darkmoon, I can't for the life of me get tin to post this damn reply!
Any way I can get some help? Just hack the thing out en masse and post
it. :)

-- from here down --

Darkmoon (abuse@[localhost]) wrote:
> Howls Lovebear, you wrote:
> > That's assuming you remember much of anything after a lovetap from the
> > 2x4. :)
> The beauty of the 2" X 4" is that you are fully aware and awake while it
> mangles you. Allowing you to forget would lessen the necessary pain. We
> can't allow that now, can we!

It also makes a pain of the lesson. What is it with coyotes and the
learn by doing-wrong-and-getting-maimed teaching method?

> > There is actually one episode in which Wylie does catch the Roadrunner.
> > Of course, when he does, said coyote is about two inches tall and said
> > bird is full-size. And he holds up a little sign that says, "Ok, now
> > I've got him. What do I do with him??"
> <sigh> I musta missed that one. It is a common coyote problem however.
> We are so used to failure that when we do succeed we are at a loss for
> what to do next. It's a form of shock actually.

"Hunh? You mean I got it right?" I go through this in academia a lot.
When I answer one of my automata theory homework questions right I'm
typically so surprised I forget whatever it was I learned.

> > After he replaces all the bulbs in the array, sure. :)
> I didn't say the light would be working when he showed it, I merely
> implied it. :)

Well, if it isn't working, how am I going to see it? :)

> > *chuckle* I'm not surprised. Really. One of these days I'm going to
> > expect a phone call from someone (you or someone close to you) that
> > informs me that half of LAX is missing and you were last seen boarding
> > a spacecraft of some kind.
> Well an installation crew that refuses to use tools is pretty worthless.
> Fortunately I have a little more control of the situation than Coyote
> Osborne did with U-Haul. I'm not in the middle of the Florida wilderness.

Refuses to use tools? What, were they Neanderthals? One would think that
tool use was one of the few advantages being human has that would endear
more people to using them more often.

> As far as the alien remark, Nitsutz Prime was just asking about you the
> other day. I told him you had never seen the inside of a space ship and
> would like to go for a ride. I gave him your address and number. Please
> be nice when he calls for directions. He's very sensitive about his
> oversized anteni, so no remarks please. He smells like a cheap perfume
> factory when he gets angry. Last time it took a week to deodorize the
> carpets.

*blink* I'm 99% certain that you're yanking my tail (such as it is) and
about 1% waiting in fascinated horror for the phone to ring.


_~_/ ^^ ~ -\ Till next time,

Coyote Osborne

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

In article <64abab$>,
(Christopher Eric Hughes) wrote:

> The Wind King (heidel? wrote:

> > Now, what's a really interesting trend:
> > coyotes and long signatures.
> > Darkmoon's is 13 lines, yours is 17.
> > {I think it's so they look like they're
> > saying more- no post under 20 lines.}

Well, in my case, it's that I've let the number of urls I wanna mention get
outta hand. I'll haveta trim that.

Coyote Osborne

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

In article <01bcee59$347341c0$LocalHost@default>, "The Wind King"
<> wrote:

> Coyote Osborne <> wrote in article

> CO: Also, I'd be curious as to how the results
> CO: compare to the average non-were population...
> Um, one problem with that -- how are we going to
> get results from the "average non-Were population"?
> "Hello, would you mind taking the time to fill this out?
> We need you as part of a control group for a bunch
> of werecreatures... Hm, you look human enough..." ;-}

Actually... there's zillions of polls "normal" people take on just about
every subject. Should not be hard to collect the appropriate info. And lets
not forget scientific studies either.

Running Red

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

On 12 Nov 1997 12:30:31 GMT, "The Wind King" <heidel?>
>RR: I'll probably be remembered for being a "virgin" werewolf. :)
>I *know* I will. : D
And I'll make sure of that. Me and my trusty AutoPoster.
>RR: Maybe the Howls should feature orgies
>RR: like the one they had in Howling II.
>RR: Maybe a combination Yiff-ball/Orgy.
>EEEWW.. [Hands out earplugs for the SE Howlers]
Here, give them some kleenex, too. :)
>Besides being incredibly...inconvenient,
>think of what could happen in a dark room with
>luminescent objects flying about...
>The three most-heard sounds would be
>[Squish], "OW!", and "Oh, no, the ball landed *there*..."
How about a nice, wholesome family game instead
Anyone for a round of Twister?
>:>CO>More towards the majority.
>:>CO> Darn! I'm not in the fringe of this fringe group!
>:U> Terrible, isn't it? :)
>RR: Yeah. It sucks when everyone
>RR: expresses their individuality in the same way. :)
>"I want to do my very own individual thing."
>"So what's the problem? Why are you still mad?"
>"I can't find anybody to do it with!"
>-MAD Magazine
>:U> It won't come as any surprise to anyone on the group, but
>:U>Coyote's poll was the most... vocal. :)
>Once again: Duh. :-)
Still using that vocabulary builder I see.
>RR: Really? Though I fully endorse keeping individual responses
>RR: private, I wouldn't mind if Coyote consented to publicly post his
>RR: results.
>Well, since you're so surprised you're not the most vocal,
>what if you post /yours/ as well? }:-)
I didn't inlcude any essay-type answers, but I'll e-mail it to
you, and if you think it's interesting, you have permission to post it
(Knowing full well that when it reaches his mailbox, it will
disappear from existence)
>:U> Since I based the poll on the '95 one, I knew what sort of
>:U>answers to expect. Also, the questions were rather direct so the answers
>RR: Then why did it take so long to compile the results? :-)
>It didn't; he was waiting for the trolls to leave before he released them.
That makes sense.
It would also explain why the wrestlers haven't been
complaining about he results being posted to their NG.
>:U>Ambiguous "other" boxes weren't required for most of them.
>RR: Despite the best efforts of a lot of people. :)
>RR: Just wait to see what suggestions I have for the *next* poll.
>RR: <g>
>There's that little instinct again, saying "Danger, Wind King! Danger!"
Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist
Are you a homer-sexual?
How much wood could a were-woodchuck chuck....
>: > Utlah.
>: Forever Running,
>: Running Red
>The {Disturbed & Disturbing} Wind King
What is it that disturbs you, Stephen?

Running Red

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

On 12 Nov 1997 22:28:24 GMT, (Christopher
Eric Hughes) wrote:

>MegaDog the Nettweiler ( wrote:
>> Well, if the EuroHowls are anything to go by, Cass the Werefox would
>> probably say that he's "St. Utlah of the Cute Butt".
>It'll do for a start. Anyone else want to suggest a title for St. Utlah?
>I heard someone say self-mockery, and I don't think that's taken yet.

>LoveBear, God of Null Pointer Assignments

I don't know what he'll be called, but I'd love to see Val

Kilmer play him in the next Saint movie. :-)

Running Red

Nov 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/15/97

On 12 Nov 1997 06:23:57 GMT, (Skeezix88) wrote:

>> What! What about all the people with sideburns or VanDyke
>>beards? :)
>> Did anyone mark "beard" but not "moustache"?
>Now ye've done it! Ye've alienated the Amish Werewolf vote!
*snapping fingers*, yeah. I forgot about C.Everett Koop and
the homosexual Amish (old thread).
Amish Werewolves are only allowed to shift into black or grey
furs. Anything else is sinful.
Hmm. Could an Orthodox Jewish Werewolf shapeshift on a
>Back much later...
>New Branch Office Terrorizing Utah Now!


Nov 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/16/97

Greetings friends and neighbors,

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Darkmoon and I am
Vice President of Sales for the Western Region for American Coyote
Manufactureing Corporation. ACME is a fine corporation supplying
the highest quality good built by coyotes for coyotes. We pride
ourselves on our craftsmanship and attention to detail. We have
an extensive research and development division headed by
Dr. Wilie Coyote SG. He's a real genius. Anyway, if anyone is
interested in a catalog, just call our 800 number 1-800-4COYOTE
that's 1-800-4COYOTE. Note: Coyotes living in Anahiem, Azusa, or
Cucamonga get a special Mel Blank memorial discount with extended

This offer void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise regulated.
Offer not valid for non-coyotes. Certain restrictions apply,
consult your catalog for additional details. All warrenties void
within 500 ft. of a roadrunner. Mel Blank extended warrenty void
whenever explosives are used within 100 ft. of birdseed.


Nov 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/16/97

Howls Wind King,
> Breezes Darkmoon,
> and anyone else bored enough to read this...
> Darkmoon <abuse@[localhost]> wrote in article
> <>...
> : Howls Wind King,
> :> But the idea of you having a normal life is laughable! ;-}
> D: Normal in coyote terms :). If my life was normal in human terms
> D: I would die of boredom.
> I'm certain. I believe what LoveBear said on the subject.

But the bear is hardly an unbaised observer. :)

> D: Your parents being divorced IS normal now.
> D: If your parents remained married it would be abnormal.
> D: The fact that they re-married... now that's strange! :)
> Thank You! : ) Actually, I like to think it was
> due to the fact that I wouldn't let them leave each other...

Hey, whatever works! :)

> D: As far as gun toting maniacs go,
> D: I probably pass 3 on the freeway every day.
> D: Isn't that a wonderful commentary on modern civilization??
> Well, yeah, but then again, you're in California... ;-)

Not another California basher! Land of fruit and nuts. Yeah,
I've seen it all before. I got your nuts! I gottem right here...

> And besides, it's not like living most of your life
> next to one. The bastard shot at anything that moved,
> though he was probably too high to care. When I was
> little Mom took me inside because she saw him aiming at /me/...
> In a strange way, I do owe him for being raised in this house.
> The isolation made my rare combination of psychoses possible.

I can see where this could cause a little paranoia.

> :> You have not! Not always, anyway. I thought the canid at
> :> the computer sig was very cute, by the way. Nice job on both.
> D: Actually the coyote at the computer was my original sig.
> I already knew that before I even came to the group. Nice job.


> D: The body-surfing coyote represents me much better.
> D: I really am a water dog.
> Oh, *really*... LoveBear's already done you with a balloon, so...
> [WK whistles, and an evil roadrunner speeds up. The bird dumps
> a huge bucket of ice water on the coyote, and takes off
> with a mocking "Beep beep!". WK slips him a bag of bird seed.]

ANVIL TIME!!! <crash>

> D: I sympathise with that. Mine defaults to porportional font.
> D: I grew up in the mainframe world so I'm used to mono spaced text.
> D: Porportional fonts do nothing for me.
> I'm a writer by nature, and I couldn't live without Times New Roman.
> I could change my reader to a mono-spaced font, but
> I've been reading & composing in Arial for so long that
> I'm used to it by now. Any other font just doesn't look the same.

And whose font is that?? <grin>

> D: Are you saying weres rot the brain?? I'm shocked!
> No! This is not what I meant. It's just that the essay centers
> of my brain had atrophied in the years prior, and I burned
> myself out on this group in a short while. It's nothing to do
> with AHWw {no, not even you!}, but with all this /typing/
> I'm doing. And I'm planning to look into IRC soon...

Oh yeah, that will make things much better. :)

> :>D: Or are you a coyote in disguise??
> :> Haha. If I am, it would be a surprise to me.
> :> Of course, ANY self-discovery would surprise /me/.
> It amazes me now, the irony of those words,
> written just a few hours before the Revelation...

And what revelation is this?? Inquiring weres want to know.

> :> It would seem that I definitely have a coyote's karma, though...
> :> ;-)
> D: Come on, admit it. You're a secret coyote just like Utlah!
> D: Watch out! Coyotes are taking over the world! hah hah hah!
> No, I'm afraid not. I did have a brief encounter with one,
> but it seems that I only have some of the coyote weirdness...
> [Yap!]
> [WK puts his paws over his mouth, looks shocked...]
> Gotcha. : )
> The Wind King {Not a coyote, but still very strange.}

If looks like a coyote, smells like a coyote, and yaps like a coyote...

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/16/97

Darkmoon (abuse@[localhost]) wrote:
> But the bear is hardly an unbaised observer. :)

The bear is most certainly not unbiased. However, the bear is also
too amused by the reality of the situation to need to embellish it

> Not another California basher! Land of fruit and nuts. Yeah,
> I've seen it all before. I got your nuts! I gottem right here...
> :P

I was born in California, land of flakes, fruits and nuts. I'm
allowed to comment on that place. *grin* Mainly, that I know
my parents wish they'd never left.



Nov 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/16/97

Howls Lovebear,

> Darkmoon (abuse@[localhost]) wrote:
> > Ceremony is for whimps. If a coyote hold a formal ritual he must wear
> > black tie, dress shoes and tails. Needless to say coyotes NEVER hold
> > formal rituals.
> Actually, I can envision Coyote holding a formal ritual. It'd be for some
> new follower that expected all the ceremony and what-have-you. It'd be
> all seriousness and formality until the target realises that Coyote's
> making it up as he goes along.

But of course. :)

> > > Huh? Who what? Birdies...! *stares dazed into the distance*
> >
> > Aint they tweet?? ;)
> *blink* *blink* *shakes head* Oohhhhh... Ok.. you want to get into a
> cartoon war, do you? *goes in search of Acme catalog* It's well-known
> that the only ones that can't make these gadgets work are coyotes...

Thank you for your intrest in ACME products. As vice president of sales
for the western region allow me to thank you for your intrest in our
high quality product line. Just call our toll-free number 1-800-4COYOTE.
One of our oporators will rush you our latest catalog. NOTE: Some of our
oporators have taken to claiming that they don't work for ACME. I assure
you this is a joke. Just ignore thier protests and give them your mailing
information. :)

> > > Oh, no! I am NOT that thing's victim. Occasional side-target, but not its
> > > focus.
> >
> > I believe you have a point on this one.
> If I'd've been its target, I probably wouldn't've lived through Austin. :)

Very true.

> > > That's it.. I'm buying you another rainstick. We'll see how you fare when
> > > Coyote starts playing fetch with it with you... >:)
> >
> > I'm honored sir, in fact I can hardly wait. :) If it proves half as much
> > fun as the last one I'll have to spring for plane fare so you can attend
> > the de-commissioning. Hopefully it won't come to that. :)
> I'll ship it with your t-shirt. *grin*


> LoveBear


Nov 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/16/97


The Wind King wrote:

> He thought the threat was finally gone.
> He was wrong.
> Gary Bernard...
> Christopher Eric Hughes...
> Guest starring Rob L. Moon, John R. Osborne, and Wile E. Coyote...
> When it hits you, no one can hear you scream...
> [Whump!]
> The {Sick} Wind King

I like it... but I'm gonna have to ask you to keep your facts straight.
My name's Rob G. D. Moon. Rob, or more accurately Bob L. Moon, just
happens to be my dad. I don't want any errant posts/mails going to
him... he doesn't know about this place, and I don't know how he'd react
if he did.

Just an FYI... not meant as a bash. :-)

aboveline - + = address

"You have many wives! I want one!"

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

Darkmoon (abuse@[localhost]) wrote:
> This offer void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise regulated.
> Offer not valid for non-coyotes. Certain restrictions apply,
> consult your catalog for additional details. All warrenties void
> within 500 ft. of a roadrunner. Mel Blank extended warrenty void
> whenever explosives are used within 100 ft. of birdseed.

Why do I get this image of Ross Perot hawking ACME products as a
way to save this great nation? Either that or he's saying that you
couldn't run a taco stand like they do business and still be profitable...

Oh, and Darkmoon? It's Mel Blanc. :)


Running Red

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

On 15 Nov 1997 04:34:38 GMT, "The Wind King" <heidel?>
>LB: Send it this way. I love psych tests. >:)
>Might as well send one to me as well...
Oh joy, I remember tests liek that from school. My sister
wants to do a Myers-Brigg on me, like a need test to know I'm
introverted. ) (blind emoticon)
>:U> What could I possibly do in revenge?
>LB: Find a nickname more apt than "Wind King." >:)
>: LoveBear

>And what did YOU have in mind, you evil-minded ursid??
How about Montgolfier?

Coyote Osborne

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

In article <64g1m7$>,
(Christopher Eric Hughes) wrote:

> I can imagine Bear and Coyote sitting sitting down and watching my life.
> After a while, Bear looks over at Coyote and says something on the order
> of, "This is all /your/ doing, isn't it?"

"Urp! Your lunch is delicious, Bear," Coyote would answer, "Oh, did you ask
me something?"


Coyote Osborne

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

In article <>, Darkmoon <abuse@[localhost]> wrote:

> Ceremony is for whimps. If a coyote hold a formal ritual he must wear black
> tie, dress shoes and tails. Needless to say coyotes NEVER hold formal

Hey! I did once. It was my my ill-fated marriage.


> > > 1 ton anvil as opposed to the more customary 2 ton variety. :) The birds
> > > only hang around a few seconds.

> >
> > Huh? Who what? Birdies...! *stares dazed into the distance*
> Aint they tweet?? ;)

Yes. And they taste just like chicken.

Coyote Osborne

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

> It also makes a pain of the lesson. What is it with coyotes and the
> learn by doing-wrong-and-getting-maimed teaching method?

It's gruesomely fun to watch. Only reason I can figger. Also, we learn
through adversity. At this rate, Coyotes should be the most highly evolved
creatures to exist this side of Zorlon any day now, and then you will all
pay for laughing at us for all the times we caught fire or got crushed.

Coyote Osborne

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

In article <>, Darkmoon <abuse@[localhost]> wrote:

> Remind me to tell you how I threw a Sears installation crew out
> of my apartment when they refused to install my new washer/dryer.
> I made them take thier new appliances with them and have had my
> money cheerfully refunded. Anyone know a good laundrymat??

I know a _bad_ one.

The landromat I used to use for a while got into the news, because one of
the dryers "spun" some lady's arm off at the shoulder.

Just wanted to share.

Running Red

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

On Sat, 15 Nov 1997 17:36:38 +0000, The Utlah
<> wrote:

> Well apart from the fact he's good looking, smart, well educated
>and talented, he'd be the perfect person to play the role of me. :P
>( Just going for "Patron Saint of Self Depreciating Humour" again. ;] )
> What about Gary Cole? Or perhaps Kevin Bacon? They can play me

What about Gary Coleman?
>anytime! ;+]
Ugh. I get this disturbing image of Kevin Bacon in a band
playing an Utlah-guitar, like in "Dusk till Dawn".
> Utlah.

Running Red

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

On 15 Nov 1997 16:57:45 GMT, (Christopher
Eric Hughes) wrote:

>Running Red ( wrote:
>> No. I am a non-practicing heterosexual (actually, that isn't
>> true, I practice all the time). :)
>But do you practice with a partner, or are you in solo tryouts right now?

My only partner is a large directory file of Sailor Moon and
Furry pics. :)

>And do you plan on perfecting it any time soon? :)

I'm working on being ambi-dextrous.
So far all I've gotten the little guy to do is stand up
straight and spit. :)
I used to bemoan that I had no babes, until I met the man with
no Playboy. :)

Coyote Osborne

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

In article <64cmjp$dqs$>, Shadowfall
<No@Junk_E-mail_you.wanker!> wrote:

> > Heh. I recall a line from "Shadowlands" about wanting to be
> > the magician casting the spell, or the little boy *in* the spell.
> > So...

I'd rather be the magician.

> > Would you rather be the person petting the animal, or the
> > animal being petted? <grin>
> > >

I'd rather be the one being petted. ; )

> That depends... is your name Tyr? Talk about putting your foot... er
> hand in it...

Hey! Tyr showed _character_. Of course, I tended to side with Fenrir
anyway, but that's another story.

Not only did everyone pick on Loki, who always pulled everyone's asses
outta the fire (alright, so he had his little... idiosyncrasies), but they
were always picking on his kids, too.

Sleipnir getting used as a beast of burden, Fenrir being chained,
Jormungadr being hit on the head with a hammer.... everyone being
positively antisocial to Hela...

Some pantheons are just totally unappreciative!

Coyote Osborne

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

In article <64g9tc$>,
(Christopher Eric Hughes) wrote:

> *chuckle* I'm not surprised. Really. One of these days I'm going to
> expect a phone call from someone (you or someone close to you) that
> informs me that half of LAX is missing and you were last seen boarding
> a spacecraft of some kind.


You'll _SPOIL_ the surPRIZE!.

<cackle cackle>

Running Red

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

On Sat, 15 Nov 1997 13:46:46 -0700, Dannelly <>

>On Sat, 15 Nov 1997, Running Red wrote:
>> I'm actually against homo(sapien)-sexuality. I don't think
>> men should be having sex at all, not until the poulation drops down
>> below a few hundred million.
> I'd almost agree but for two things: one, that makes the future look
>pretty gray for my late nights, and two, by the times that many people

Join the club.

>died off, all the remaining men & women would be to old to have kids.

You figured out the secret of my plan!

> How about we just hold back on the birth rate untill it drops below
>death rate?

Sure. Let's abolish medicine and give Woodward a medal for
increasing the infant mortality rate.
Maybe we should do to humans what they did to the buffalo -
shoot at them from trains.
> Silicon Panther

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

Running Red ( wrote:
> Oh joy, I remember tests liek that from school. My sister
> wants to do a Myers-Brigg on me, like a need test to know I'm
> introverted. ) (blind emoticon)

I've done that one. I come up as XNTX. The first one (I/E) is right down
the middle. THe other X (P/J) swings back and forth from one extreme to
the other. Of course, I married an ENTJ. I think that's Rod's MBTI rating
anyway. It might be fun to retake them after I graduate and I'm not under
so much */STRESS/*.


Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

Running Red ( wrote:
> On 15 Nov 1997 16:57:45 GMT, (Christopher
> Eric Hughes) wrote:

> >But do you practice with a partner, or are you in solo tryouts right now?
> My only partner is a large directory file of Sailor Moon and
> Furry pics. :)

Just put one of those plastic keyboard covers down first. Ya know, it's
normally more comfortable if you /leave/ the computer to practice those
things. That's why we have colour printers.

> >And do you plan on perfecting it any time soon? :)
> I'm working on being ambi-dextrous.
> So far all I've gotten the little guy to do is stand up
> straight and spit. :)

Ah. Time to start working for distance and accuracy.


Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

Coyote Osborne ( wrote:

> You'll _SPOIL_ the surPRIZE!.

And North Dakota still doesn't exist.


Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

Coyote Osborne ( wrote:
> It's gruesomely fun to watch. Only reason I can figger. Also, we learn
> through adversity. At this rate, Coyotes should be the most highly evolved
> creatures to exist this side of Zorlon any day now, and then you will all
> pay for laughing at us for all the times we caught fire or got crushed.

Gruesomely fun to watch? Kind of like the way all the overweight tourists
stare in horrid fascination at the piranhas devouring the side of beef?

As for being the most highly evolved creatures, that might be true if Coyote's
booboos didn't keep setting back the evolutionary track. Get right up to
the lip of developing greatness and *boom* back to the bottom. Kinda like
watching Sisyphus push that rock. And Coyote keeps saying, "Just one more
time, I'll get it over THIS time for sure!" :)


Coyote Osborne

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

In article <>, Darkmoon <abuse@[localhost]> wrote:

> Come on, admit it. You're a secret coyote just like Utlah!

> Watch out! Coyotes are takeing over the world! hah hah hah!

Yes, but what will we do with it? <G>

Heh... sometimes, when t'shai sees something "wrong with the world", he'll
glare at me and say "this is all _your_ fault you know".

Humorously referring to the creation myths with Coyote in them.


The Wind King

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97


Darkmoon <abuse@[localhost]> wrote in article


D: Greetings friends and neighbors,

D: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Darkmoon and I am
D: Vice President of Sales for the Western Region for American Coyote
D: Manufactureing Corporation. ACME is a fine corporation supplying
D: the highest quality good built by coyotes for coyotes. We pride
D: ourselves on our craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Now that last sentence is the funniest of all.
Minor Clue x 4: Mel Blanc, Anaheim, warranty, manufacturing.
{Yes, people have called me a dictionary before.}
And the most interesting thing of all:
American Coyote Manufacturing Enterprises you could've gotten away with.
But American Coyote Manufacturing Corporation spells ACMC.

And people wonder why Wile E. could never catch that bird! ;-)

~WK~ {Almost as scatterbrained as a coyote, but *not quite*...}

The Wind King

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97


Darkmoon <abuse@[localhost]> wrote in article

: Howls Wind King,

:> Breezes Darkmoon,
:> and anyone else bored enough to read this...

:> Darkmoon <abuse@[localhost]> wrote in article
:> <>...
:>: Howls Wind King,

:> I'm certain. I believe what LoveBear said on the subject.
D: But the bear is hardly an unbaised observer. :)

True. He knows you better, therefore he is more qualified
to make statements about you! ;-}

:> Well, yeah, but then again, you're in California... ;-)
D: Not another California basher! Land of fruit and nuts.

Hey, I'm no CA basher! Lyle moved to CA for a reason...
And besides, I think Weres living in CA or NY
have an advantage...they don't stand out. ;-}

:> In a strange way, I do owe him for being raised in this house.

:> The isolation made my rare combination of psychoses possible.

D: I can see where this could cause a little paranoia.

More paranoia in my Mom than in me.
She's glad I'm online so much,
because now I don't want to leave the house.

D: ANVIL TIME!!! <crash>

Where did all these pretty stars come from?
[WK grabs a pawful of razor-tipped cartoon stars
and flings them at Darkmoon.]

:> I'm a writer by nature, and I couldn't live without Times New Roman.

:> I could change my reader to a mono-spaced font, but
:> I've been reading & composing in Arial for so long that
:> I'm used to it by now. Any other font just doesn't look the same.

D: And whose font is that?? <grin>
TNR, Arial, and Courier New are popular MS fonts.

:>And I'm planning to look into IRC soon...
D: Oh yeah, that will make things much better. :)

Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I'd thought.
Last night on IRC wasn't as brain-taxing as AHWw... ;-)

:>:> Of course, ANY self-discovery would surprise /me/.

:> It amazes me now, the irony of those words,
:> written just a few hours before the Revelation...

D: And what revelation is this?? Inquiring weres want to know.

One I had on the 12th about my wereside and my phenotype.
I'll be posting an account of it in a while, when the time's right.

:> The Wind King {Not a coyote, but still very strange.}
D: If looks like a coyote, smells like a coyote, and yaps like a coyote...
D: :)

A: I do not look anything like a coyote.
B: The yap was a joke...
3: I do not have carrion-breath!


The Wind King

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

Running Red <> wrote in article

:>Were *you* one of the others who marked "Asexual"?

RR: Asexual is someone not interested in sex at all.
RR: It may be that whoever filled in that spot on the poll
RR: wasn't using the biological definition.

Well, I know *I* didn't use the biological term.
Yes, I will freely admit to this.
I am curious about the other 3 who marked it though.

:>:CO>I love filling things out.
:>RR: Maybe you should have been a dentist. :)
:>Technically, wouldn't that be filling things _in_?
RR: But he has a talent...for causing things Pain!

:>RR: Heh. I can imagine Utlah's mailbox getting swamped
:>RR: with people sending him poll results every week.
:>I can see him cracking from the pressure and turning normal.
RR: Then maybe he should forward all of them to you.
RR: Then you'd come on saying, "Hi. I'm Vic Ferrari." :-)
Once again: HuH? Is there a reference I'm not getting?



Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97

::>:CO>I love filling things out.

::>RR: Maybe you should have been a dentist. :)
::>Technically, wouldn't that be filling things _in_?
:RR: But he has a talent...for causing things Pain!

Little Shop of Horrors

Miklos Corvidae

Follower of the Clawed Albino

Nov 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/17/97


In article <>, (Coyote Osborne) carved on the cave wall:

>In article <>, Darkmoon <abuse@[localhost]> wrote:
>> Come on, admit it. You're a secret coyote just like Utlah!
>> Watch out! Coyotes are takeing over the world! hah hah hah!
>Yes, but what will we do with it? <G>
>Heh... sometimes, when t'shai sees something "wrong with the world", he'll
>glare at me and say "this is all _your_ fault you know".
>Humorously referring to the creation myths with Coyote in them.

Coyotl, you know and I know that the appropriate response to this is to
pull out a picture of Bugs Bunny and state, loudly,

"No, dammit, it's all *HIS* fault, dat wascawwy wabbit!"

(humorously referring, of course, to Manabozho the rabbit, who is featured
in a number of creation myths, was the actual inspiration for Bugs Bunny,
and who may be on the moon :)


- --
- -Windigo The Feral (NYAR!)
Fight the Woodside Literary Agency! Support the Jayne Hitchcock HELP fund
<> * Boycott Internet
Spam! <> * Ban Spam Now! <>

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: cp850


Running Red

Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

On 17 Nov 1997 21:51:39 GMT, "The Wind King" <heidel?>


>Running Red <> wrote in article
>:>Were *you* one of the others who marked "Asexual"?
>RR: Asexual is someone not interested in sex at all.
>RR: It may be that whoever filled in that spot on the poll
>RR: wasn't using the biological definition.
>Well, I know *I* didn't use the biological term.
>Yes, I will freely admit to this.
>I am curious about the other 3 who marked it though.

Maybe they reproduce by budding - they might be were-hydras.

>:>:CO>I love filling things out.
>:>RR: Maybe you should have been a dentist. :)
>:>Technically, wouldn't that be filling things _in_?
>RR: But he has a talent...for causing things Pain!

Steve Martin in "Little Shop of Horrors."

>:>RR: Heh. I can imagine Utlah's mailbox getting swamped
>:>RR: with people sending him poll results every week.
>:>I can see him cracking from the pressure and turning normal.
>RR: Then maybe he should forward all of them to you.
>RR: Then you'd come on saying, "Hi. I'm Vic Ferrari." :-)
>Once again: HuH? Is there a reference I'm not getting?

Latka from "Taxi". Occasionally he'd pull a "Mr. Hyde" and
start talking and acting like a hip dude.
Steve Urkel did the same thing on occasion on "Family
Who is obviously not a vidiot.

Running Red

Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

On 17 Nov 1997 14:57:57 GMT, (Christopher
Eric Hughes) wrote:

>Running Red ( wrote:
>> On 15 Nov 1997 16:57:45 GMT, (Christopher
>> Eric Hughes) wrote:
>> >But do you practice with a partner, or are you in solo tryouts right now?
>> My only partner is a large directory file of Sailor Moon and
>> Furry pics. :)
>Just put one of those plastic keyboard covers down first. Ya know, it's

I've been looking for one of those, or the type of "Star Trek"
panels that you just have to wipe down.

>normally more comfortable if you /leave/ the computer to practice those

Yeah, my mouse is getting kind of sticky. But it is hard to
use KISS files from across the room. :)

>things. That's why we have colour printers.

I don't have a color printer, that's why I'm collecting manga.

>> >And do you plan on perfecting it any time soon? :)
>> I'm working on being ambi-dextrous.
>> So far all I've gotten the little guy to do is stand up
>> straight and spit. :)
>Ah. Time to start working for distance and accuracy.

I have started eating lots of jelly beans, to see if I can
come in lots of colors, too. :)


Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

On 17 Nov 1997 21:51:39 GMT, "The Wind King" <heidel?>

>:>Were *you* one of the others who marked "Asexual"?

>RR: Asexual is someone not interested in sex at all.
>RR: It may be that whoever filled in that spot on the poll
>RR: wasn't using the biological definition.
>Well, I know *I* didn't use the biological term.
>Yes, I will freely admit to this.
>I am curious about the other 3 who marked it though.

I was one of the other three that did mark it as "Asexual". It was
because at the time that I had read thru the poll, and had marked my
decision, i had a relationship where sex was not an issue, not needed,
and definitly not the meat and potatos of the relationship.

I had assumed that he was the same way in not wanting/needing sex for
the relationship. Now, that the poll is over, tally'd up and stuff,
and well as I havind a new relationship where sex is a part of out
relationship in a 'spice' sort od sense, I am not going to take it
back and say that I was wrong, because at that time. I was not. :)

Ben Goodridge

Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97


> I know a _bad_ one.
> The landromat I used to use for a while got into the news, because one of
> the dryers "spun" some lady's arm off at the shoulder.
> Just wanted to share.
> Coyote

Um...Coyote, I don't like to poke or anything like that, but have you ever
considered that maybe the people you tend to be in the habit of doing
business with perhaps aren't such nice businesses? I mean, surely you can
find a moving company in the yellow pages that isn't trying to drop your
entire shop off a cliff or a laundromat that doesn't assume consumption of
limbs to be good business practice.

I mean, the most I ever got taken for in a business was when a computer
company managed to sell me my own floppy drive about ten years ago. Maybe
it's the fact that I walk into all these places with a video camera on my
shoulder and a guy with a VCR in a shoulder bag holding a boom microphone.

Ben Goodridge


Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97
Um, actually Lovebear it is Mel Blank. He worked in our direct marketing
division for 15 years. Died of a heart attack. Very sad.

Besides Lovebear, you of all weres should know that the standard response
when a coyote makes a mistake is 'I meant to do that!' ;)

_~_/ ^^ ~ -\ Till next time,
~~ . ._\ \ Darkmoon
^^ -- .___ \ \
^ ~ //// \\ /|_ root@[localhost]
~~ //// / o\__
./||| / =,=> postmaster@[localhost]
~ |||| / (~~~~ _ Replace HAL with ibm below:
.\\\\\ / \____//
~ ^\\\\\ / =====)
- - \\\\\/ / // Surf's up at Huntington!
~~ .. ~~ , ^ ~~~ . .~~ _ ., ~~ ~~ The worst day body-surfing
~ . , . ~~~ _ . . ~~ ^ ~^ ~~ ~~~ . beats the best day working!
~`` ^ - ` ~ . . ` ~~ ` ^

Running Red

Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

On Sun, 16 Nov 1997 07:17:59 -0800, Grrrlgoyle <>

>Running Red wrote:
>> I'm actually against homo(sapien)-sexuality. I don't think
>> men should be having sex at all, not until the poulation drops down
>> below a few hundred million.

>I don't think that men having sex is leading to the population problem.
>Unless you mean men having sex with women. <g>
That is what I meant. Sex for reproduction, as opposed to sex
(of any sort) for enjoyment.

>Actually gay and lesbian sex is a natural solution to overpopulation. (Note:
>I am *not* saying cause/affect.) It is heterosexuals who won't use child
>prevention that is creating too many people.
Masturbation works well, too. There are few reported cases of
people contracting herpes from their hand. :)
>Of course, we could make this thread complicated and think about how many
>people is too many. Much of that depends on where the extra people live and
>their income levels. USA yuppies driving their SUV use more non-renewable
>resources than a farming family in India.
True. In China, where they've imposed restrictions on having
more than one babies, the families treat the kid like royalty, since
that child is the only carrying their family name, genes, and duty to
worship them when they die. Consequently, the kids end up spoiled.
But compare that to countries where couples have at least
eight kids, and then rely on foreign charities to support them.
It would be nice if couples followed animal behaviour and only
had as many kids as they could support, or at least limit themselves
to two (one kid to replace each parent).
I should point out, for the record, that I am the fifth of six
children (single family -no divorce or step parents), so I am fully
aware that if my parents followed that idea, I (and three of my
siblings) would never have been born. Would I sacrifice my existence
to ensure a limited human population? Maybe, but I do enjoy living -
unborn souls/spirits have limited opportunities to eat pizza and read
comic books. :)

>(childless by choice)

Running Red
(26 years of celibacy and going strong)

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

Running Red ( wrote:
> I've been looking for one of those, or the type of "Star Trek"
> panels that you just have to wipe down.

Membrane keyboards aren't really worth it. You're better getting a
keyboard condom.

> Yeah, my mouse is getting kind of sticky. But it is hard to
> use KISS files from across the room. :)

KISS? Get a remote mouse.

> I have started eating lots of jelly beans, to see if I can
> come in lots of colors, too. :)

I don't think that'll help that, but don't be surprised if the
flavour changes.


Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

Wanderer ( wrote:
> Coyote Osborne wrote in message ...

> >I'd rather be the one being petted. ; )
> All opposed? ... :> Carried unanimously!:)

I was going to say.. what, someone dissented? :)

> Agreed. I mean, so he was a huge wolf who was even stronger than Thor. So
> he was the son of the most mischievous god in the pantheon. Is that any
> excuse for chaining him up like that?

The Norse gods had one major failing. They were human, too. A lot like
the Greeks that way.



Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

Coyote Osborne wrote in message ...
>In article <64cmjp$dqs$>, Shadowfall
><No@Junk_E-mail_you.wanker!> wrote:
>> > Heh. I recall a line from "Shadowlands" about wanting to be
>> > the magician casting the spell, or the little boy *in* the spell.
>> > So...
>I'd rather be the magician.
I say it depends on the spell.:>

>> > Would you rather be the person petting the animal, or the
>> > animal being petted? <grin>
>> > >
>I'd rather be the one being petted. ; )
All opposed? ... :> Carried unanimously!:)
>> That depends... is your name Tyr? Talk about putting your foot... er
>> hand in it...
>Hey! Tyr showed _character_. Of course, I tended to side with Fenrir
>anyway, but that's another story.
Agreed. I mean, so he was a huge wolf who was even stronger than Thor. So
he was the son of the most mischievous god in the pantheon. Is that any
excuse for chaining him up like that?
>Not only did everyone pick on Loki, who always pulled everyone's asses
>outta the fire (alright, so he had his little... idiosyncrasies), but they
>were always picking on his kids, too.
>Sleipnir getting used as a beast of burden, Fenrir being chained,
>Jormungadr being hit on the head with a hammer.... everyone being
>positively antisocial to Hela...
In all fairness, a few minor points ...

Loki *gave* Sleipnir to Odin. Okay, that might've been prompted by Odin's
previous threat to throw him out of Valhalla if he didn't think of something
(never mind that it was old Odin himself who screwed up the plan ... ).

Jormungandr? Well, let's face it, what *are* you going to do with Loki's
firstborn (he was Sleipnir's *mother*, Jormungandr's *father), who just
happens to be a huge, eternally hungry serpent? Besides, he was the model
for the equator.:>

Hela: Well, she did volunteer to run the underworld. Hey, she even got a
dog into the bargain (cute little critter named Garm). And it isn't as
though she was going to miss out on night life ... she only had half a face.

Fenrir/Fenris is the one I really feel sorry for. I mean, not only do they
chain the poor guy up without telling his mother and father, not only do
they play a *really* dirty trick on him, but after he bites off Tyr's hand
(which was part of the bargain), one of the other Vanir (now, this is only
in some versions) stakes his muzzle to the ground with a sword!

And some people wonder why Loki was the first god to commit murder in this
pantheon ...

>Some pantheons are just totally unappreciative!

You said it, trickster!

Yours truly,

The wolf-loving,

Wanderer****************'Where am I going?I don't quite know.
****************************'What does it matter where people go?'*****Down to the woods where the bluebells grow.'*Anywhere!Anywhere!Idon't know!

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/18/97

Darkmoon (abuse@[localhost]) wrote:
> Um, actually Lovebear it is Mel Blank. He worked in our direct marketing
> division for 15 years. Died of a heart attack. Very sad.

I see... *blink* *blink* *boggle* *shakes head, not understanding all
and not trying to figure it out*

> Besides Lovebear, you of all weres should know that the standard response
> when a coyote makes a mistake is 'I meant to do that!' ;)

*cough* Standard? You mean there are others? This is the only one I've
ever heard! Unless you count, "oh, isn't that fortunate?" (Typically this
gets used when something could've gone disastrously wrong and doesn't.)

And yes, I know this quite well, Darkmoon. Just like you meant to throw
your shoulder out at Six Flags. :)


Running Red

Nov 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/19/97

On Tue, 18 Nov 1997 07:58:32 GMT, moonREMOVEshad(at)aye(dot)net
(MoonShadow) wrote:

>On 17 Nov 1997 21:51:39 GMT, "The Wind King" <heidel?>
>>:>Were *you* one of the others who marked "Asexual"?
>>RR: Asexual is someone not interested in sex at all.
>>RR: It may be that whoever filled in that spot on the poll
>>RR: wasn't using the biological definition.
>>Well, I know *I* didn't use the biological term.
>>Yes, I will freely admit to this.
>>I am curious about the other 3 who marked it though.
>I was one of the other three that did mark it as "Asexual". It was

Aha! Now we've caught you!

>because at the time that I had read thru the poll, and had marked my
>decision, i had a relationship where sex was not an issue, not needed,
>and definitly not the meat and potatos of the relationship.

Umm. I think you're confusing asexulaity with celibacy.
Asexuality means that one is not even attracted to a person of
the opposite/same sex. An asexual being would reproduce either by
cloning, budding, or splitting in two like Superman in the third movie
(or like Madrox for you Marvel fans out there).
Technically, complex life forms like humans (or therianthropes
of any phenotype) are incapable of asexual reproduction. In fact,
sexual reproduction is considered an evolutionary advantage (granted
the people making these statements are non-asexual scientists)<g>

>I had assumed that he was the same way in not wanting/needing sex for
>the relationship. Now, that the poll is over, tally'd up and stuff,
>and well as I havind a new relationship where sex is a part of out
>relationship in a 'spice' sort od sense, I am not going to take it
>back and say that I was wrong, because at that time. I was not. :)

*Sigh* Another high school science failure.
Moonshadow, you may have been "anti-sexual" at that time, but
you were not "a-sexual."
This is something that will need to be clarified for the next
poll. I suppose Moonshadow may have been right, considering how that
question was set-up, but I do fear we're heading back into the Dark
Ages again. :-)

Running Red

Nov 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/19/97

On Tue, 18 Nov 1997 03:34:59 -0600, "Wanderer" <>

>>I'd rather be the one being petted. ; )
>All opposed? ... :> Carried unanimously!:)

Maybe Dilbert should market that automatic petter he gave
Dogbert. :)

>>Hey! Tyr showed _character_. Of course, I tended to side with Fenrir
>>anyway, but that's another story.
>Agreed. I mean, so he was a huge wolf who was even stronger than Thor. So
>he was the son of the most mischievous god in the pantheon. Is that any
>excuse for chaining him up like that?

Umm. If I'm not mistaken, Fenrir is destined to consume the
sun. I love the big lug, but it would make it really hard to see the
moon if there is no light to reflect off of her. :)
Anyone here read "Mythos: The Final Tour" by DC/Vertogo?

>>Sleipnir getting used as a beast of burden, Fenrir being chained,
>>Jormungadr being hit on the head with a hammer.... everyone being
>>positively antisocial to Hela...
>In all fairness, a few minor points ...
>Loki *gave* Sleipnir to Odin. Okay, that might've been prompted by Odin's
>previous threat to throw him out of Valhalla if he didn't think of something
>(never mind that it was old Odin himself who screwed up the plan ... ).
>Jormungandr? Well, let's face it, what *are* you going to do with Loki's
>firstborn (he was Sleipnir's *mother*, Jormungandr's *father), who just
>happens to be a huge, eternally hungry serpent? Besides, he was the model
>for the equator.:>
>Hela: Well, she did volunteer to run the underworld. Hey, she even got a
>dog into the bargain (cute little critter named Garm). And it isn't as
>though she was going to miss out on night life ... she only had half a face.
>Fenrir/Fenris is the one I really feel sorry for. I mean, not only do they
>chain the poor guy up without telling his mother and father, not only do
>they play a *really* dirty trick on him, but after he bites off Tyr's hand
>(which was part of the bargain), one of the other Vanir (now, this is only
>in some versions) stakes his muzzle to the ground with a sword!
>And some people wonder why Loki was the first god to commit murder in this
>pantheon ...

And he lies in the bowels of the earth with venom dripping
into his eyes, cursing his wife.
(Gee, reading the Sandman proved to be very educational) :)

I wonder what ole one-eye thinks of Marvel Comics' take on him
and his fellow Asgardians. Hmm. Might explain why Marvel went

Running Red

Nov 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/19/97

On 18 Nov 1997 13:29:36 GMT, (Christopher
Eric Hughes) wrote:

>Running Red ( wrote:
>> I've been looking for one of those, or the type of "Star Trek"
>> panels that you just have to wipe down.
>Membrane keyboards aren't really worth it. You're better getting a
>keyboard condom.

Do you think I should spray my monitor with spermacide, too,
just in case?

>> Yeah, my mouse is getting kind of sticky. But it is hard to
>> use KISS files from across the room. :)
>KISS? Get a remote mouse.

It would still get sticky. Fortunately I've been getting some
new hentai from my comic shop. Hard-copy is much easier.

>> I have started eating lots of jelly beans, to see if I can
>> come in lots of colors, too. :)
>I don't think that'll help that, but don't be surprised if the
>flavour changes.

If it does I'll start my own line of glazed donuts.

Christopher Eric Hughes

Nov 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/19/97

Running Red ( wrote:
> On 18 Nov 1997 13:29:36 GMT, (Christopher
> Eric Hughes) wrote:
> >Membrane keyboards aren't really worth it. You're better getting a
> >keyboard condom.
> Do you think I should spray my monitor with spermacide, too,
> just in case?

You shouldn't need it. However, you should beware of viruses.

> >I don't think that'll help that, but don't be surprised if the
> >flavour changes.
> If it does I'll start my own line of glazed donuts.

Just avoid red meat and blood (I know, I can hear the cries of disappointment).
Seriously, that makes it bitter.


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