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Quietly Interested.

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Rioliega Solo Flame

Mar 8, 2023, 1:29:06 AM3/8/23
This group has seemed to be abandoned by the majority of people here, and its honestly so interesting to dig into how much went on in the past.

There certainly is a history here, just my poor brain can only find a lot of fighting, trollers, and like nobody who wants to actually talk about therianthropy or shapeshifting, much less discuss like rational people lol. Of course, since such little was happening here, this place has gathered dust, and only bots and a few stragglers post here now.

I guess people are starting to forget about AHWW, which is a tragedy, but a reasonable one. I dont know if there is much to scavenge from this place lol.

Im just happy I have hours of content to dig through, instead of trying to actually shapeshift.

For the ones who still linger here, or have found this place, its very interesting here. Im glad people still know of it so that it can be picked through, and that I was able to find my way here. Im glad it hasnt been forgotten fully, and is now just a blast to the past, where old conversations sit dead in an empty group.

I just wish this place was managed better, so that more information was traded rather than yelling at each other about p-shifting or scrambling to get that last, useless word in. Plus, it would have been much easier to find anything here, sigh.

But yeah, this is just me musing about my quiet interest in the AHWW group. The community as a whole, both therians and shapeshifters, have all but moved on from this place. Barely any links work anymore. Packs abandoned, previous flamers quiet with worn age. Its more hidden than ever, but right in plain sight now. I just have to wonder what happened to all of these people to collectively stop posting.

So... yeah. Im not expecting any responses, im just writing for no reason. Feel free to email me if you are interested in shapeshifting, or to shapeshift yourself... I guess. I dont know if thats weird or not to say, but Ive been shapeshifting for awhile now and just like talking with people.

Thanks for reading this, if anyone ever finds this.


Lone Wolf

Mar 8, 2023, 8:19:19 PM3/8/23
On 08/03/2023 06:29, Rioliega Solo Flame wrote:

Mornin' - well it is here.

> I guess people are starting to forget about AHWW, which is a tragedy, but a reasonable one. I dont know if there is much to scavenge from this place lol.

I've been lurking and posting for over 25 years now - I still look in
every now and again.

>>>goes back to lurking<<<

^..^ Lone Wolf

Rioliega Solo Flame

Mar 18, 2023, 2:08:46 PM3/18/23
No, not really much to find here. It's nice to know that this place still has a few people still around. Nice to meet you :}
Message has been deleted


May 22, 2023, 4:23:59 PM5/22/23
I've just discovered the world of AHWW. I'm so sad to have found this community after its long been left behind.
Over time I'm going to sift through the remnants of this seemingly wonderous place, maybe I can try to bring in just a few more new members... Maybe.

- The One Who Was Too Late


Jul 2, 2023, 3:08:12 PM7/2/23
There are those of us that are still around, watching from the shadows. There is still much more to explore and learn. To those that would like to reach out, feel free to do so.

-Tony Stormdancer (formerly Wolfmage)

Stormy “Stormy”

Jul 9, 2023, 11:05:02 PM7/9/23
I too just discovered this place. Was just reminiscing about Werenation and breadcrumbs led me here. I will mark my presence. I am sad that I did not see this place a lot sooner.


Lone Wolf

Jul 21, 2023, 10:44:47 PM7/21/23
On 10/07/2023 04:05, Stormy “Stormy” wrote:

Some of us are still around - older and maybe just a little wiser.

5HOUNDISM (The Hounds)

Aug 25, 2023, 7:27:24 AM8/25/23
(Context regarding language, poster has DID and is mostly apart of more "modern" nonhuman identifying spaces!)
We do sometimes check up on this list from time to time. Being only 18 and having gotten online mid 2010s, we didn't know much about nonhumanity until a few years back. We did pick up little bits of info along the road. Now, we are a very outspoken nonhuman- all of us consider ourselves such to a degree, under whatever personal descriptor each sees as most fitting for themselves. Despite growing up in a "newer" 'net, we do take interest in the older spaces and communities, for both history learning and archiving and general participation reasons. Today, we popped into here to track down any meaningful usage of the word transspecies, since that's one of the collective descriptors/terms we like to use for ourselves. there's not a lot, but it's something for our personal archive.
*waves paws*

Frida Seyffart

Aug 31, 2023, 2:41:46 PM8/31/23
Being young and new to this place i've only been able to see the ghost of what once were. Now reading yalls messages I feel sad that it sounds like a goodbye forever I know nothing about this but I would love to hear all about it and pass on the knowledge to others. I've seen a small part of a lost paradise but I am still hungry for more so please if anyone knows anything I would LOVE to hear every last detail about everything I am ready aswell as many others to learn if you are ready to teach. : )

Rioliega Solo Flame

Sep 4, 2023, 1:28:44 AM9/4/23
Hey to everyone - feel free to privately email me about anything shapeshifting wise or if you simply want to talk.

It's so nice to hear how many people can agree with me about this place. I'm also glad that there are still people from back when it was active.

Treat yourself well, and may the moon always guide thee.
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