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What would a Lovecraftian astronomical periodical contain?

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Pinku Basudei

Jun 23, 2021, 2:46:03 PM6/23/21
What articles would a Lovecraftian astronomical periodical publish? Let's call it "Cosmic Horrors Quarterly". Perhaps with headlines like "The Stars Align" and "Non-Euclidian Math for Beginners"? :-)


/ Pinku

Jason McBrayer

Jun 24, 2021, 8:47:51 AM6/24/21
I'd think an article on trans-Neptunian objects would be of interest, in
particular, discussing the state of the evidence for and against the
existence of the hypothetical Planet X, a mass calculated to be 10x that
of Earth, which could explain the orbits of some smaller Kuiper belt

Jason McBrayer | “Strange is the night where black stars rise, | and strange moons circle through the skies,
| but stranger still is lost Carcosa.”
| ― Robert W. Chambers,The King in Yellow

Pinku Basudei

Jun 25, 2021, 11:11:19 AM6/25/21
On Thu, 24 Jun 2021 08:47:48 -0400
Jason McBrayer <> wrote:

> Pinku Basudei <pi...@straylight.freeside.l5> writes:
> > What articles would a Lovecraftian astronomical periodical publish?
> > Let's call it "Cosmic Horrors Quarterly". Perhaps with headlines like
> > "The Stars Align" and "Non-Euclidian Math for Beginners"? :-)
> I'd think an article on trans-Neptunian objects would be of interest, in
> particular, discussing the state of the evidence for and against the
> existence of the hypothetical Planet X, a mass calculated to be 10x that
> of Earth, which could explain the orbits of some smaller Kuiper belt
> objects.

Yes, and perhaps the fungi-based lifeforms that lives out there. It was from there they came right, or have I that mixed up?


/ Pinku

Glenn P.,

Jul 12, 2023, 7:07:11 AM7/12/23
On 25-Jun-21 at 11:11am -0000, <pi...@straylight.freeside.l5> wrote:

> Yes, and perhaps the fungi-based lifeforms that lives out there. It
> was from there they came right, or have I that mixed up?

What is this, "The Wonderful Flight To The Mushroom Planet"??? LOL!!!

-- %%%%%%%%% "Glenn P.," <C128UserD...@FVI.Net> %%%%%%%%%%%%
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