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Learn Watch Repair ?

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David Powers

Dec 3, 1998, 8:00:00 AM12/3/98
I am fairly new to this hobby and I really enjoy it. Is there any sort
of basic watch repair / servicing instruction out there short of going
to a college. Maybe somthing on line or a correspondence course.
Also, has anyone had dealings with SKW? Ive been reading about
unauthorized dealers removing the s/n on the movements, here in these
posts. I realy like the omega moon watch and SKW has a good price on
them. Thanks Dave

Mike Murray

Dec 3, 1998, 8:00:00 AM12/3/98


Here's everything that I have listed.

The following file is available at my Web site under the main
FTP Web links (webftp.shtml or netftp.shtml) at:

The file can also be accessed via FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
through both of my FTP sites which are:

The file name is "schools.mcc".

Last updated on December 02, 1998.

Copyright 1995-1998 Michael P. Murray

Here are some of the schools for clock and watch repairing.

American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute (AWI)
701 Enterprise Drive
Harrison, OH 45030 USA
Phone 513-367-9800 or Fax 513-367-1414
Dues $45.00 per year
Offers Project Extend Classes in Cincinnati and AWI Bench
Courses all around the U.S. Both "schools" are open to
members only and cover clocks, watches and specialties
such as hairspring vibrating and lathe course.
Also offers a correspondence course for clock repair only.
AWI's Web address:
My AWI Unofficial Web address:

The British Horological Institute
Correspondence Course Dept.
Upton Hall
Upton NG23 5TN
England, UK
Main office E-mail address:
Web site address:

Bishop State Community College
Southwest Campus
925 Dauphin Island Parkway
Mobile, AL 36693
205-479-7476 Ext. 26
Stephen Lange, Instructor

Joseph Bulova School of Watchmaking
40-24 62nd Street
Woodside, NY 11377
Warner Rupert, Instructor
Offers classes in watch repair only.

Career Preparation Center
12200 15 Mile Road
Sterling Heights, MI 48312 810-825-2818
Arnold Van Tiem, Horology Department

The Clock Works (W. A. Rasmussen)
Dept. C-1
2204 West Whitter Blvd.
La Habra, CA 90631
Clock repair on video

The College of Instrument Technology
17156 Bellflower Blvd.
Bellflower, CA 90706
Offers both clock and watch repair classes.

West Dean College
West Dean
West Sussex UK PO18 0QZ
+44 1243 811301 or Fax: +44 1243 811343
E-mail address:
Web site address:
Offers both a one and two year course in restoration antique clocks.

Gem City College
School of Horology
7th and State Streets
P. O. Box 179
Quincy, IL 62306
Web site address:
Home study course in watch repair

David Goodman
220-76 77TH Ave.
Hollis Hills, NY 11364 (that's Queens)
Dave runs a clock repair course for Continuing Education
at a local High School.

Hiram G. Andrews Center
Office of Rehabilitation
727 Goucher Street
Johnstown, PA 15905
814-255-8371 or Fax 814-255-3406
Harry Hinzy, Horology Department

The Irish/Swiss Institute of Horology
Co. Dublin, Ireland
A complete 3-year course on both clocks and watches.

Jones County Jr. College
Ellisville, MS 39437
Elbert Lewis, Instructor

Kilgore College
100 Broadway
Kilgore, TX 75662
903-984-8531 Ext. 220 or 903-983-8220
Toby Witherspoon, Watchmaking Department

Laurie Penman's correspondents course marketed by Steve Conover,
Publisher of Clockmakers Newsletter
203 John Glen Avenue
Reading, PA 19607 USA
This course is made up of modules which can be selected depending
on your needs.
E-mail address:
Web site address:

Laurie Penman Clock Courses
61 High Street, Totnes
Devon, England
0044 1803 866344 or Fax 0044 1803 866309
E-mail address:
Instructors Laurie Penman and Gerry Penman
Five day sessions for beginners and professionals in clock repair
and the making of all parts of clock movements for restoration, or
clockmaking. Four students at a time. Totally flexible, students
set the content.

Mike's Clock Clinic
1326 Stanford Street
Santa Monica, California 90404-2502
Phone: 310-828-6707 or Fax: 310-828-7381
E-mail addresses:
Web address:
Offers classes in Anniversary Clocks Overhauling
Offers classes in Atmos Clocks Overhauling

Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)
Milwaukee Campus
700 West State Street
Milwaukee, WI 53223-1443
414-297-6600 (School switchboard)
Instructors: Mike Dempsey, Ken Woods
The classes are in clock and watch repairing, with the clock class
being a pre-requisite for the watch class.
Admissions Information 414-297-6370; Evening School 414-297-6666

Dick Muller
598 Schoolhouse Road
Saugerties, NY 12477
914-876-5566 Days
914-246-3360 Eves
E-mail address:
Dick teaches classes that are held as 5 weekly 3 hour sessions at:
Columbia Green Community College - Hudson, New York
Rhinebeck High School - Rhinebeck, New York
Ulster Community College - Stone Ridge, New York

There is also a class that has been running continuously for at least
20 years by the Arlington School System which is south of Poughkeepsie,
NY which has a basic and advanced group. This class is taught by one
of the other members of Chapter 84.

National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. (NAWCC)
514 Poplar Street
Columbia, PA 17512-2130 USA
Phone 717-684-8261 or Fax 717-684-0878
Dues $40.00 per year ($50.00 foreign)
Offers NAWCC Suitcase Clock Repair Program which is offered all
around the U.S.. Also offered is the NAWCC Clock and Watch Repair
Classes at the Headquarters in Columbia.
Tom Bartels, Executive Director
E-mail address:
The NAWCC Web site address is:

The National Watchmaking School
1725 Boul. du Carmel
Trois-Rivieres, Quebec
Canada G8Z3R8
819-691-3366 or Fax 819-379-6928

North Seattle Community College
9600 College Way North
Seattle, WA 98103
206-528-3806 (8 am to 1:30 pm)
Tony Knorr, Horology Department
Web site address: ""
Offers a two year program for clock and watch repair. The
program is affiliated with the Watchmakers of Switzerland
Technical and Educational Program in Neuchatel, Switzerland.

Ohio Valley Watchmaking Institute
Horology Department
10600 Springfield Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45215
513-771-4800 Ext. 224
Chuck McKinney, Instructor

Oklahoma State University @ Okmulgee
1801 East 4th Street
Okmulgee, OK 74447-3901
918-756-6211 Ext. 266 or Fax 918-756-1315
Wit Jarochowski, Watch repair

Paris Junior College
Texas Institute of Jewelry Tech.
2400 Clarksville Street
Paris, TX 75460
Web site address:
Frank Poye, Horology Department

Precision Products & Service Co.
251 Longhill Road
Dover, NH 03820-6108
Basic watch repair on video by Harvey J. Noel

St. Paul Technical College
235 Marshall Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55102
Joe Juaire, Instructor
Classes are offered in both clock and watch repair.

School of Clock Repair and Restoration (A. Michael Lizza)
P.O. Box 300
Hays, NC 28635
Phone/Fax: 910-667-4245
Offers a correspondence course for clock repair only.
(This is where I got my start).

State Tech. Institution and Rehab. Center
Alber Drive
Plainwell, MI 49080
616-664-4461 Ext. 251
Jerry Jerue, Instructor

Tascione Clock & Watch Courses
P. O. Box # 1983
Apple Valley, CA 92307-0038
760-247-6001 or 800-853-6553
Web site address:
Offers videos in both clock and watch repair.

Watchmakers of Switzerland
Case Postale 118
2006 Neuchatel, Switzerland
Tech. & Ed. Program (WOSTEP)

George Westinghouse Voc-Tech. High School
105 Tech Place
Brooklyn, NY 11201
James Reilly, Instructor

Wilson-Lincoln Community Adult School
4500 Multnomah Street
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Mr. Dilty would rather be contacted directly.
Robert Diltz (Instructor)
1210 North Maple Street
Burbank, CA 91505
The course is based on the student bring in their own clock for
repair. The course is on a continuous schedule.
Cost 23.50 per semester & 3.50 for seniors.
Offers a clock repair course only.

Winter Park Tech.
901 Webster Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789
407-647-6366 Ext. 278 or 293
Clock and watch repair school
Kenneth Pell, Department Head
E-mail address:

This is a special section devoted just to the U.K.
B.H.I.`s Web site which can be found at ""

UK Colleges

The following colleges offer a 3-year full time course in
Horology, consisting of Preliminary, Intermediate and Final
grades. Three subjects are studied in each grade: Theory of
Horology, Technical Drawing and Practical work. Additionally,
students in the last two years submit a portfolio of work that
they have carried out during their studies. Examinations in
all subjects are taken in May of each year. If you are
interested in taking part-time courses, please apply to the
college for further details

Barmulloch College of Further Education.
Rye Road, Glasgow, G21 3JY
Tel: 0141 558 9074

Hackney Community College
Keltan House, 89-115 Mare Street, Hackney, London. E8 5RG
Tel: 0181 985 8484

South Manchester College
Arden Centre, Sale Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester. M23
Tel: 0161 998 5511

University of Central England
School of Jewelry, Victoria Street, Birmingham, B1 3PA
Tel: 0121 331 5940

The following colleges offer full time courses in
Preliminary Grade only, for disabled students.

Finchdale Training College
Durham, DR1 5RX.
Tel: 0191 386 2634

Portland Training College
Nottingham Road, Mansfield, Nots. NG18 4TJ
Tel: 01623 792 141

St. Loye's College
Fairfield House, Topsham Road, Exeter. EX2 6EP
Tel: 0139 255 428

A reply from, E-mail address: ""
Mike Murray Founder of Clocksmiths

A specialist in Atmos and 400-day (anniversary) clock repair.
Also, I overhaul most plug in electric clocks.
In continuous horological service since 04/01/1982.
An Atmos and Anniversary Clock Instructor!

Mike's Clock Clinic
1326 Stanford Street
Santa Monica, California (CA) USA 90404-2502
Phone: 310-828-6707 or Fax: 310-828-7381
Memberships: AWI # 17851; Clocksmiths; NAWCC # 074021
N.A.W.C.C. Chapter # 75 "The San Fernando Valley"
N.A.W.C.C. National 400-day Clock Chapter # 168

My main Web site is located at ""

Home of my unofficial AWI Web site which is located at:

Main FTP site is located at ""

J Quinn

Dec 3, 1998, 8:00:00 AM12/3/98

I have just purchased the Tascione pocket watch series from I have only watched the first tape, but so far
it seems worth the money.


David Powers wrote:
> I am fairly new to this hobby and I really enjoy it. Is there any sort
> of basic watch repair / servicing instruction out there short of going
> to a college. Maybe somthing on line or a correspondence course.
> Also, has anyone had dealings with SKW? Ive been reading about
> unauthorized dealers removing the s/n on the movements, here in these
> posts. I realy like the omega moon watch and SKW has a good price on

> them. Thanks Dave


Dec 4, 1998, 8:00:00 AM12/4/98

Is planning in the near future to offer an online watch repair class.

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