(We post updates on 1 relevant newsgroup each month. August
1999 list).
Please mention The Sexual Freedom Coalition
(http://www.sfc.org.uk e-mail in...@sfc.org.uk or PO Box
4ZB, London, W1A 4ZB, England) if asked who gave you these.
We also post other lists on Usenet. Due to logistics, our
politics and Usenet politics, they're on other newsgroups.
The different lists are;
1 Internet adult pornographic web-sites
2 Internet adult pornographic web-sites (Gay/Bi)
3 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups
4 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups (Gay/Bi) (This
5 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups (Non-English
6 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups + websites
7 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups (US-only relevant)
8 Internet adult pornographic web-sites (Phone sex)
9 EU hard core video/magazine suppliers to the UK
10 Visiting the EU to buy hard-core: A guide
11 UK companies that sell cards/equipment for hard-core
satellite TV
12 UK companies that recruit male/female models for
13 UK swingers/fetish/SM events/clubs
14 UK foxy boxing/erotic wrestling events/clubs
15 UK TV/TS useful addresses
16 UK Midland sex establishments
(See near the bottom of this list for an easy method to
find them if you need it).
Here are some newsgroups that contain human adult hard/soft-
core Gay/Bi pornography or concern Gay/Bi topics (the
mainstream UK media say you can *only* get Net hard-core
with a credit card. Lie)
How the Sex Newsgroups came to exist etc (especially the
Alt ones) is almost never allowed to be explained by the UK
media, which could be nick-named "The Brazilian Man In A
Hat Syndrome" - you can't be told the total truth about
censorship by a media that has censorship! (The UK TV
regulators (then the IBA, now the ITC) once famously banned
a documentary about protests against the then military
government in Brazil because dissidents there made
pornographic films to get the message out, the only method
the dissidents were allowed. One of the main things the IBA
objected to was a man in one of the films "Is wearing a
sombrero" !!!)
There appear to be 2 main types of Sex Newsgroup,
discussion ones (which tend to give relevant web-site URL's
and other info on the Newsgroup topic) and then the
picture/multimedia ones (very technical). Lurk so you know
which is which and what goes on. Lurking is just reading
the messages ("postings") for a few days/weeks before
adding your own if you want. This gives you some idea of
what the newsgroup is specifically about and whether what
you think to put on will be appreciated or not.
Usenet (aka The Newsgroups) is so very powerful we can't
describe succinctly enough here how to get porn *pictures*
from it if you don't already know.
Here are some places where you'll find loads more info,
including all the technical stuff about downloading:
extra.newsguy.com/~theprof (Be warned, they hate AOL users!)
www.macorchard.com (Mac users)
By comparison, Usenet is a very difficult way to legally
obtain hard core pictures. The strong advantage being no
government can control it and most of it is free. Other
legal methods are probably easier though (see the other
Lists mentioned below).
We cross-reference those that appear to cover the same
topic, unless they lie (near) adjacent. We don't know of
anybody doing this. We started collecting these newsgroup
names for our own political purposes, but found other
people wanted the list!
You can't legally hold (commercial) hard-core pictures on a
UK news-server. However we gather Usenet works like a shot-
gun blast, one post spreads to many servers, wherever they
are (and people spread them manually too). Efforts to
enforce a blockade in the UK have failed because logistics
make it impossible, whatever the legal and moral arguments
(in any case, using a US server seems to be as easy as
http://www.deja.com! Others are just as easy).
To aid searching:
"B" denotes bi-sexual specific
"G" denotes Gay men specific
"L" denotes Lesbian specific
"(sic)" below denotes *not* mis-spelt (who said Latin was
Politics over, here's the list.
alt.homosexual (alt.sex.homosexual and alt.motss exists too)
alt.homosexual.lesbian (alt.sex.motss.women exists
separately) L
alt.lesbian (alt.homosexual.lesbian and alt.sex.motss.women
exist) L
alt.misc.health.aids (sci.med.aids and alt.misc.health.aids
alt.motss (alt.homosexual and alt.sex.homosexual exist too)
alt.motss.bisexua-l (sic, soc.bi also
exists) B
alt.safe.sex (alt.sex.safe exists too)
alt.sex.glory-holes.sites (sic)
alt.sex.homosexual (alt.homosexual and alt.motss exist too)
(Anti?) L
alt.sex.motss (Members Of The Same Sex)
alt.sex.motss.women (alt.homosexual.lesbian and alt.lesbian
exist) L
alt.sex.safe (alt.safe.sex.exists too)
aus.culture.lesbigay (Australian)
can.motss (Canada?)
clari.tw.health.aids (sci.med.aids and alt.misc.health.aids
es.charla.gay-lesbiana (Spanish)
fido.ger.gay (Foreign)
fr.soc.homsexualite (French)
gay-net.artikel (German, the Press. Gay-net.medien exists
gay-net.behinderte (German, disabled Gays)
gay-net.buchtips (German, book tips)
gay-net.diskussionen (German)
gay-net.fundgrube (German, "treasure trove")
gay-net.gesundheitsecke (German, something about health)
gay-net.gruppen (German, groups)
gay-net.gruppen.general (ditto)
gay-net.guide.bundesweit (German, nationwide)
gay-net.haushalt (German, household)
gay-net.heteros (This one defeats me! Gays talking about
gay-net.kontakte (German)
gay.net.lederecke (German, leather)
(German) L
gay-net.medien (German, the media. Gay-net.artikel exists
gay-net.recht (German, the law/rights)
gay-net.spiele (German, game/play)
gay-net.sprachen (German, talk)
gay-net.witze (German, jokes)
ne.motss (Nebraska?)
nl.roze (Dutch)
nv.motss (Nevada?)
nz.soc.queer (New Zealand. Reclaimed use of the word)
pa.motss (Pennsilvania?)
sci.med.aids (alt.misc.health.aids and clari.tw.health.aids
soc.bi (alt.motss.bisexua-l also
exists) B
su.gay (Russian)
m G
w L
uiuc.org.bisexuals (University of Illinois
ones) B
(ditto) B
uiuc.soc.gay-men (Gays at the University of
Illinois) G
As in the wider population, opinion of what is true Lesbian
porn varies. Decide for yourself.
Up To Date Information
www.best.com/~banner/netsex2.shtml is a brilliant web
source. We have a different overall policy to them about
what is listed and they don't cross-reference.
Here's how we found many of the above:
1 Go to http://www.deja.com
2 Select "Adult Achive"
3 Type in any (sex) word/topic and click "Search".
4 Write down or print the sex ng's given (a lot!) Beware
5 Go back to 3
6 Do this until you have enough (it won't take long!)
RemarQ (http://www.remarq.com) gives access to some ng's
listed that Deja doesn't and vice-versa. You will need
other software to see the ng pictures. Who knows? You might
even find a picture of a Brazilian man wearing a hat whilst
having sex!
If you want all the messages on a specific ng, type it's
name in and search on that. With Deja you can "subscribe"
to each newsgroup free. You are then sent every posting
automatically. Be aware, this may cause you to be flooded
(!) Also, subscribing to or accessing certain ng's is
illegal in the UK! People do get busted! The term "Gary
Glitter" may come to mean something else as regards sex.
The lying mainstream media try to blur the legal postion
about hard core for their own motives but (and this goes
for The Web too);
Stick to human adult stuff.
Don't sell/re-sell any stuff you download.
Don't hack etc.
Don't show any of it to kids (obviously).
Don't *send* porn *pictures* by e-mail. (Case Law unclear)
and legally you should be ok (it's like getting alcohol or
tobacco from France).
("Case Law unclear" means; You may be breaking the law
doing this, you may not. We don't recommend putting
yourself at risk of arrest over it though, as this is how
it will be decided; You may be the one taken to court for
senior judges to decide, so everybody then will know what
the law is. You may get off, but is it worth the hassle?)
Leave the House Of Lords/Court Of Appeal etc to decide the
laws. Just get on with accessing and downloading the stuff
that's legally available now, and always will be (there's
(Be aware, juries may convict Gay people of things hetero
people would get away with and, crucially, the authorities
know this. There have been no convictions of anyone who
obeys the above rules though, Gay or straight. Enough
people look into this!)
Often on a ng the same topics/questions come up again and
again. So, a set of Frequently Asked Questions (and their
answers) are sometimes created to *try* to stop this (often
it doesn't work!) Some newsgroups will have rules or
"Charters". Then some are "Moderated", where someone will
decide if your message gets on (not many of the Sex ones
are moderated!) Moderating was partly the reason (we think)
why the Alt Sex newsgroups came along!
How to use Internet Newsgroups generally *is* fully covered
by the UK media, even Night Classes!
We do get complaints that they can't be found (eg because
Usenet software varies) so here's the easiest way we know
and it will work for everyone:
To get the other SFC Lists (mentioned above)
Go to http://www.deja.com (again!)
Select Adult Archive setting
Enter sfc+4zb and search
(You can in fact enter any words you think will bring them
up. Say you want the Gay URL one, eg enter sfc+4zb+gay).
The subject boxes are bland but accurate, we don't hype.
Use another Archive setting if necessary (Deja's opinion of
what is an adult newsgroup does not always agree with ours).
As the compiler of these lists, I (G. O'Brien, the SFC UK
Midlands Agent gob...@eudoramail.com) will try to answer
any UK query you have, or at least point you in the right
direction. I'm straight though. Let me know if there's
another list you want to see. Street prostitution or
"swappers car-parks" etc would be too transient, are done
extensively elsewhere or listing them would just alert the
authorities to name just a few reasons why I don't post
those on Usenet. I search Usenet to answer UK sex queries.
End the subject box with a ? and include "UK" in the
posting. It'll help me find them. The main idea is to make
this aspect of Usenet more efficient.
The Sexual Freedom Coalition (SFC) aims to:
Promote UK pansexual adult freedom, mutual tolerance and
safer sex.
Teach individuals, the media and authorities to revere
sexual pleasure.
Encourage mutual support of and between other UK adult
sexual freedom campaigns, sex clubs and groups.
Reform those UK sex laws which inhibit the sexual freedom
of all consenting adults.
SFC meetings/rallies are held in London and the Midlands.
Contact the SFC if you can help us in any way. All
donations welcome.
* Sent from RemarQ http://www.remarq.com The Internet's Discussion Network *
The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!
Internet Gay/Bi Newsgroups
(Updated on 3-4 relevant ng's monthly on this thread.September 1999
Please mention The Sexual Freedom Coalition (http://www.sfc.org.uk e-
mail in...@sfc.org.uk or PO Box 4ZB, London, W1A 4ZB, England) if asked
who gave you these.
We also post other lists on Usenet. Due to logistics, our politics and
Usenet politics, they're on other newsgroups and have to be split
because they grow. The different lists are;
1 Internet adult pornographic web-sites (Anglo-based)
2 Internet adult pornographic web-sites (Non-Anglo-based)
3 Internet adult pornographic web-sites (Gay/Bi)
4 Internet adult pornographic web-sites (Phone sex)
5 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups (Non-binary)
6 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups (Binaries)
7 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups (Gay/Bi)(This list)
8 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups (Non-English speaking)
9 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups + websites (BDSM)
10 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups + websites (Oriental)
11 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups (Personals)
12 Internet adult pornographic newsgroups (US-only relevant)
13 EU hard core video/magazine/DVD etc suppliers to the UK
14 Visiting the EU to buy hard-core: A guide
15 UK companies selling cards/equipment for hard-core satellite TV
16 UK companies recruiting male/female models for pornography
17 UK swingers/fetish/SM events/clubs
18 UK foxy boxing/erotic wrestling events/clubs
19 UK TV/TS useful addresses
(See near the bottom of this list for an easy method to find them if
you need it). New Resources, New Strategy. No Apology (No Sun).
Here are some newsgroups that contain human adult hard/soft-core Gay/Bi
server. However we gather Usenet works like a shot-gun blast, one post
To aid searching:
can.motss (Canada)
ne.motss (New England, USA)
ne.social-motss (ditto)
nl.roze (Dutch)
nv.motss (Nevada)
nz.soc.queer (New Zealand. Reclaimed use of the word)
pa.motss (Pennsilvania)
pnw.motss (Pacific North West)
Don't you link your site to a hard core one (ditto)
and legally you should be ok (it's like getting alcohol or tobacco from
("Case Law unclear" means; You may be breaking the law doing this, you
may not. We don't recommend putting yourself at risk of arrest over it
though, as this is how it will be decided; You may be the one taken to
court for senior judges to decide, so everybody then will know what the
law is. You may get off, but is it worth the hassle?)
Leave the House Of Lords/Court Of Appeal etc to decide the laws. Just
get on with accessing and downloading the stuff that's legally
available now, and always will be (there's enough!)
(Be aware, juries may convict Gay people of things hetero people would
get away with and, crucially, the authorities know this. There have
been no convictions of anyone who obeys the above rules though, Gay or
straight. Enough people look into this!)
Often on a ng the same topics/questions come up again and again. So, a
set of Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers) are sometimes
created to *try* to stop this (often it doesn't work!) Some newsgroups
will have rules or "Charters". Then some are "Moderated", where someone
will decide if your message gets on (not many of the Sex ones are
moderated!) Moderating was partly the reason (we think) why the Alt Sex
newsgroups came along!
How to use Internet Newsgroups generally *is* fully covered by the UK
media, even Night Classes!
To get the other SFC Lists (mentioned above)
Go to http://www.deja.com (again!)
Select Adult Archive setting
Enter sfc and search
(You can in fact enter any words you think will bring them up. Say you
want the Gay URL one, eg enter sfc+gay).
The subject boxes are bland but accurate, we don't hype.
Use another Archive setting if necessary (Deja's opinion of what is an
adult newsgroup does not always agree with ours).
As the compiler of these lists, I (G. O'Brien, the SFC UK Midlands
Agent gob...@eudoramail.com) will try to answer any UK query you have,
or at least point you in the right direction. I'm straight though. Let
me know if there's another list you want to see. Street prostitution
or "swappers car-parks" etc would be too transient, are done
extensively elsewhere or listing them would just alert the authorities
to name just a few reasons why I don't post those on Usenet. I search
Usenet to answer UK sex queries. End the subject box with a ? and
include "UK" in the posting. It'll help me find them. The main idea is
to make this aspect of Usenet more efficient.
The Sexual Freedom Coalition (SFC) aims to:
Promote UK pansexual adult freedom, mutual tolerance and safer sex.
Teach individuals, the media and authorities to revere sexual pleasure.
Encourage mutual support of and between other UK adult sexual freedom
campaigns, sex clubs and groups.
Reform those UK sex laws which inhibit the sexual freedom of all
consenting adults.
SFC meetings/rallies are held in London and the Midlands. Contact the
SFC if you can help us in any way. All donations welcome.
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