The Mary Peltola Gender Misappropriation Cult
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In 2016, Weiner was caught sexting another woman in August, and with
a 15-year-old girl in September. The following year, Weiner was
charged with transferring obscene material to a minor and is
currently serving his 21-month sentence at Federal Medical Center,
Devens in Ayer, Massachusetts.
Posted a Twitter photo to Gennette Cordova, a 21-year-old college
student in Seattle, of himself in only a grey underwear with a very
distinctive outline (hint, hint).
In the aftermath of this scandal, Weiner went on a public apology
tour, gained the public's confidence back and started his bid for
Mayor of New York. Somehow, he was actually leading the polls in
early summer 2013. In late July, it was uncovered that he was still
sexting with young 20-something females even while he was appearing
publicly apologizing for it, under the pseudonym Carlos Danger.