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OT: His Fraudulentcy just got another endorsement!

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Feb 14, 2024, 7:47:12 PM2/14/24


Feb 15, 2024, 10:51:24 AM2/15/24
On 2/14/2024 7:47 PM, T wrote:

Heard that this am. When Biden first became senator one of the reasons
I did not like him was his being soft on the communists.

😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅

Feb 15, 2024, 11:27:49 AM2/15/24
You should not use "communists" as a synonym for the USSR.

The Russian Federation (modern Russia since 1991) is not communist
anymore. As a matter of fact, Russia is a White-Christian-majority


Feb 15, 2024, 11:59:18 AM2/15/24
Biden went to the US senate in 1972 so my comment is correct.

😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅

Feb 15, 2024, 12:37:53 PM2/15/24
The USSR was not really communist, and neither was China. Communism was
just a banner they flew in overthrowing their respective monarchies. The
American Revolution was disguised as a tax revolt, while the French
Revolution took back all the land from the Holy Roman Catholic Church
because the Church was in cahoots with the monarchy, which led to
widespread corruption and poverty. The end result was that all those
aforementioned countries abandoned their monarchy and became a republic.

By the way, the USSR was a US ally in WWII. Biden was born in 1942. That
means when Biden was born, the USSR was an ally of the US. 1972 was 27
years after 1945, the year WWII ended.

Scott Lurndal

Feb 15, 2024, 12:54:09 PM2/15/24
=?UTF-8?B?8J+YjiBNaWdodHkgV2FubmFiZSDinIU=?= <@.> writes:
>Frank wrote on 2/15/2024 11:59 AM:

>By the way, the USSR was a US ally in WWII.

A reluctant ally, from both sides. The enemy of my enemy....

Skid Marks

Feb 15, 2024, 3:25:35 PM2/15/24
So it would be ok with President Putin if I took a sightseeing tour of Russia this summer?
I just go invade Russia's border?
Will they give me a free cellphone?
Maybe give me a debit card pre-loaded with $10 grand?
Will they allow me to vote in their democratic elections?

In fact, is there any country where I can invade their border?


Feb 15, 2024, 4:00:45 PM2/15/24
On 2/15/24 08:27, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
> You should not use "communists" as a synonym for the USSR.
> The Russian Federation (modern Russia since 1991) is not communist
> anymore. As a matter of fact, Russia is a White-Christian-majority
> democracy.

Whose political opponents have a habit of taking dive out
windows from tall building. Dude! It is a dictatorship
Not a democracy.

Of course, we here have a two tiered justice system where
government agencies are weaponize against political opponents,
ballot boxes are stuffed, voting machines are altered,
140 year old vote in droves, and no one has to show I.D.
to vote.


Feb 15, 2024, 4:20:57 PM2/15/24
Skid Marks wrote on 2/15/2024 3:25 PM:
> 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
>> Frank wrote on 2/15/2024 10:51 AM:
>>> On 2/14/2024 7:47 PM, T wrote:
>>> Heard that this am.  When Biden first became senator one of the
>>> reasons I did not like him was his being soft on the communists.
>> You should not use "communists" as a synonym for the USSR.
>> The Russian Federation (modern Russia since 1991) is not communist
>> anymore. As a matter of fact, Russia is a White-Christian-majority
>> democracy.
> So it would be ok with President Putin if I took a sightseeing tour of
> Russia this summer?

Why not? Edward Snowden sought asylum from US persecution there. John
Oliver visited Russia and interviewed Edward Snowden. You can find the
video on YouTube. Tucker Carson has just visited Russia and interviewed
Putin. You can Google the video up.

> I just go invade Russia's border?

You are free to do whatever you want. Russia is free to do whatever they
want to you. Russia is a free country, you know.

> Will they give me a free cellphone?
> Maybe give me a debit card pre-loaded with $10 grand?
> Will they allow me to vote in their democratic elections?

Putin does not have a habit of strong-arming other countries. Biden can
do whatever he sees fit in his country.

> In fact, is there any country where I can invade their border?

The US has been invading every country under the sun. Google it. The US
is still illegally squatting in Iraq and Syria, after it was booted out
of Afghanistan after 20 years.

The US has a nasty habit of strong-arming and regime-changing other
countries which don't follow its marching orders (the solely
made-in-the-USA "rules-based international order") . On the contrary,
Putin is following the international manners and etiquette, and praised
the USA's diplomatically elected leader. Putin is such a fine diplomat.
Americans should hang their heads in shame.

😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅

Feb 15, 2024, 4:46:02 PM2/15/24
T wrote on 2/15/2024 4:00 PM:
> On 2/15/24 08:27, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
>> You should not use "communists" as a synonym for the USSR.
>> The Russian Federation (modern Russia since 1991) is not communist
>> anymore. As a matter of fact, Russia is a White-Christian-majority
>> democracy.
> Whose political opponents have a habit of taking dive out
> windows from tall building.  Dude!  It is a dictatorship
> Not a democracy.

Russia maybe more democratic than the US. The US is a two-party
dictatorship with the embedded deep state calling the shots.

> Of course, we here have a two tiered justice system where
> government agencies are weaponize against political opponents,

It's a safeguard against opportunistic, fast-talking demagogues like
Trump from stealing the country. It's working. God Bless America!!!

> ballot boxes are stuffed, voting machines are altered,
> 140 year old vote in droves, and no one has to show I.D.
> to vote.

Those are unfounded allegations. Fox News' boss, Rupert Murdock, and
Trump have been reprimanded for lying like that.


Feb 15, 2024, 8:35:33 PM2/15/24
The USSR was in the position the Ukraine is today. They needed to tap into
the US resources for war materiel.

Pavlichenko toured the US trying to drum up support and get the US to open
a second front. She managed to befriend Eleanor Roosevelt. Who knows what
Eleanor whispered into Franklin's ear.

Roosevelt had already come up with his 'Arsenal of Democracy' schtick in
1940, when the US was nominally a neutral nation.


Feb 15, 2024, 10:36:53 PM2/15/24
On 2/15/24 13:45, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
> T wrote on 2/15/2024 4:00 PM:
>> On 2/15/24 08:27, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
>>> You should not use "communists" as a synonym for the USSR.

Oy yes you should. The USSR was the closest to implementing
"Communist Marxism" as it comes. And it cost humanity
millions of souls. And yes I know,

As with all things Socialist/Nazi/Fasist/Communist (all
Left Wing Marxists with very little difference between them),
wherever it has been implemented, it has been a disaster
for humanity. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
Yes, I know it is not the propaganda narrative, just
what always happens.

And yes again, speaking of Left Wing Pigs, I know that Giovanni
Gentile (founder of fascism) claimed that the Fascists
had "perfected communist Marxism".

>>> The Russian Federation (modern Russia since 1991) is not communist
>>> anymore. As a matter of fact, Russia is a White-Christian-majority
>>> democracy.
>> Whose political opponents have a habit of taking dive out
>> windows from tall building. Dude! It is a dictatorship
>> Not a democracy.

Maybe you should let Putin know how the Clinton's do it. Their
enemies commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back.
Cleaner that tossing them out a window

> Russia maybe more democratic than the US. The US is a two-party
> dictatorship with the embedded deep state calling the shots.
Deep state or swamp. Not a dictatorship (yet). Just wildly
>> Of course, we here have a two tiered justice system where
>> government agencies are weaponize against political opponents,
> It's a safeguard against opportunistic, fast-talking demagogues like
> Trump from stealing the country. It's working. God Bless America!!!

The two teared system if what Banana Republics use. It has no
place in our Republic. That you support is, makes you a

And anyone who goes up against what you call the "deep state"
(I call them that too and the "Swamp"), you call a
"fast-talking demagogues". Trump is loved because he
tells you exactly what he is thinking. There is zero
public and private opinion. You clearly want to protect
the status quo. And you want to do it with totalitarianism

>> ballot boxes are stuffed, voting machines are altered,
>> 140 year old vote in droves, and no one has to show I.D.
>> to vote.
> Those are unfounded allegations. Fox News' boss, Rupert Murdock, and
> Trump have been reprimanded for lying like that.

That is a propaganda narrative right out of the mouth
of the Truth Minister at American Pravda. The rest
of us have seen overwhelming evidence of the fraud.
My vote was not even counted.

Oh speaking of out and out propaganda, how is that
Russian Collusion, J6 insurrection, Global Warming,
War on Women, Trump is a Racist narratives coming along?
I am sure there will be many more in our future.

v Pravde net izvestiy, v Izvestiyakh net pravdy

Since those machines have been hacked in court rooms,
I have no idea why Fox News caved, unless it was
part of their transition to the Woke Hole and
American Pravda. Time will tell.,

Bob F

Feb 15, 2024, 11:11:33 PM2/15/24
And now the GOP's main "witness" about "biden's crimes" has been charged
for spewing nothing but lies. It was ALL BS!


Feb 16, 2024, 12:58:31 AM2/16/24
On 2/15/24 09:37, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
> The USSR was not really communist, and neither was China

I have to call Bull Shit on you.

Here you go straight from the pen of a real life communist:

One of his friends thought that the Soviet Union was
real communists too.

😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅

Feb 16, 2024, 2:04:56 AM2/16/24
Karl Marx was a German Jew, not Russian. The Russian revolutionaries
needed an ideology to unite the people to overthrow the Tsar dynasty.
Karl Marx's communism fit the bill. Russia became "communist" overnight.
Then the Chinese revolutionaries needed Russia's help to overthrow their
ruling Manchurian dynasty, and became "communist" overnight. Only fools
became real life communist, and only suicidal fools would become
anti-communist. Smart people would waved the communist banner just to
blend in. Today's Russia is a White Christian Democracy. Today's China
is as capitalist as one can get.

Do you know that the top 4 of the world's largest banks by asset are
Chinese banks owned by China?

The world’s 100 largest banks, 2023

Do you know that China has surpassed the USA in the number of
billionaires in 2023?

The 20 countries with the most billionaires in 2023

China retains the name "CCP" and prints Mao's image on their money just
to spite fools like you and drive you crazy.

Chinese yuan

Message has been deleted


Feb 16, 2024, 3:31:06 AM2/16/24
On 2/15/24 23:04, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
> T wrote on 2/16/2024 12:58 AM:
>> On 2/15/24 09:37, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
>>> The USSR was not really communist, and neither was China
>> I have to call Bull Shit on you.
>> Here you go straight from the pen of a real life communist:
>> One of his friends thought that the Soviet Union was
>> real communists too.
> Karl Marx was a German Jew, not Russian. The Russian revolutionaries
> needed an ideology to unite the people to overthrow the Tsar dynasty.
> Karl Marx's communism fit the bill. Russia became "communist" overnight.
> Then the Chinese revolutionaries needed Russia's help to overthrow their
> ruling Manchurian dynasty, and became "communist" overnight. Only fools
> became real life communist, and only suicidal fools would become
> anti-communist. Smart people would waved the communist banner just to
> blend in. Today's Russia is a White Christian Democracy.

An an Orthodox-ish Christian with a lot of contact with
The Russian Orthodox church, your comment is inaccurate.
There are a lot of Christians in Russia. It is 1) not
a democracy, and 2) is is not a Christian country.

Just like America. There are a lot of Christian in
America. That does not make it a Christian country
any more than Russia. Grease would be the closest thing to
a Christian country. DO NOT blame Russia's dictatorship's
barbarity on Christianity.

> Today's China
> is as capitalist as one can get.

Wow. That is ripe.
> Do you know that the top 4 of the world's largest banks by asset are
> Chinese banks owned by China?
> The world’s 100 largest banks, 2023
> Do you know that China has surpassed the USA in the number of
> billionaires in 2023?
> The 20 countries with the most billionaires in 2023
> China retains the name "CCP" and prints Mao's image on their money just
> to spite fools like you and drive you crazy.
> Chinese yuan
Communism is the most corrupt system in human history. The
Chicoms let some freedom in and promptly feathered their
nests with the result. Now they are trying to put the
genie back in the box. The chicoms are quite socialist.
And in socialism, the rick get richer and the poor get poorer.

Oh ya, and the Chinese millionaires are flocking to America,
bringing money and jobs with them. They are not stupid.
(Wait till they get a load of our wokies. Worse than
the Chinese communists.)

And just a few miles away across the water is another
Chinese country steeped in traditional Chinese culture,
very free, and an outstanding example of self government.
Just think of what the world would be like is the
mainland took their example and freed their people.

Freedom. A dangerous concept to the anointed.

😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅

Feb 16, 2024, 4:40:16 AM2/16/24
T wrote on 2/16/2024 3:31 AM:
> On 2/15/24 23:04, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
>> T wrote on 2/16/2024 12:58 AM:
>>> On 2/15/24 09:37, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
>>>> The USSR was not really communist, and neither was China
>>> I have to call Bull Shit on you.
>>> Here you go straight from the pen of a real life communist:
>>> One of his friends thought that the Soviet Union was
>>> real communists too.
>> Karl Marx was a German Jew, not Russian. The Russian revolutionaries
>> needed an ideology to unite the people to overthrow the Tsar dynasty.
>> Karl Marx's communism fit the bill. Russia became "communist"
>> overnight. Then the Chinese revolutionaries needed Russia's help to
>> overthrow their ruling Manchurian dynasty, and became "communist"
>> overnight. Only fools became real life communist, and only suicidal
>> fools would become anti-communist. Smart people would wave the
>> communist banner just to blend in. Today's Russia is a White
>> Christian Democracy.
> An an Orthodox-ish Christian with a lot of contact with
> The Russian Orthodox church, your comment is inaccurate.

That will make you a Ukrainian.

> There are a lot of Christians in Russia.  It is 1) not
> a democracy, and 2) is is not a Christian country.

Russia is more democratic than the US. Do you remember Edward Snowden
had to flee to Russia to avoid persecution? Russia is 67% Christian.
Putin himself is a devout Christian. You ignorance is immense.

> Just like America.  There are a lot of Christian in
> America.  That does not make it a Christian country
> any more than Russia.

The US is 63% Christian. Look it up. Russia is 67% Christian. Russia is
more Christian than the US.

> Grease would be the closest thing to
> a Christian country.

Why not Italy? Do you remember the Roman Empire, which spread
Christianity to the whole ecumenical world with the might of the sword?

> DO NOT blame Russia's dictatorship's
> barbarity on Christianity.

Russia is more democratic than the US.

>> Today's China is as capitalist as one can get.
> Wow.  That is ripe.

You are fucking stupid. Open you fucking eyes. You are still living in
the 60's.

>> Do you know that the top 4 of the world's largest banks by asset are
>> Chinese banks owned by China?
>> The world’s 100 largest banks, 2023
>> Do you know that China has surpassed the USA in the number of
>> billionaires in 2023?
>> The 20 countries with the most billionaires in 2023
>> China retains the name "CCP" and prints Mao's image on their money
>> just to spite fools like you and drive you crazy.
>> Chinese yuan
> Communism is the most corrupt system in human history.

That's history. Are you still living in the past?

> The
> Chicoms let some freedom in and promptly feathered their
> nests with the result.

You are blind and stupid not to see the Bushes, the Clintons, and the

> Now they are trying to put the
> genie back in the box.  The chicoms are quite socialist.
> And in socialism, the rick get richer and the poor get poorer.

There is nothing wrong with socialism. The British Empire was socialist.
Canada is still socialist. The best Nordic countries today are
socialist. None of them have drug, crime, and homeless problems like the
US. Have you wondered why? Could it be socialism? I think so.

> Oh ya, and the Chinese millionaires are flocking to America,
> bringing money and jobs with them.  They are not stupid.
> (Wait till they get a load of our wokies.  Worse than
> the Chinese communists.)

There is nothing wrong with rich people moving out of China to find new
opportunities elsewhere. That's show you that China is a free country.
China will crank out more rich people. Have you read the link I posted
above, that in 2023 China has more billionaires than the US, you
blind-as-fuck babbling idiot?

Here I re-post for you:


Do you know that the top 4 of the world's largest banks by asset are
Chinese banks owned by China?

The world’s 100 largest banks, 2023

Do you know that China has surpassed the USA in the number of
billionaires in 2023?

The 20 countries with the most billionaires in 2023


> And just a few miles away across the water is another
> Chinese country steeped in traditional Chinese culture,
> very free, and an outstanding example of self government.

Another example of you being ignorant and stupid. The US puppet, Chiang
Kai Shek, was defeated by Mao in the civil war between the the US-backed
Nationalist Chiang and the Russia-backed Communist Mao rival forces, and
in 1949 the US helped Chiang move shop to the island of Taiwan. Chiang
Kai Shek ruled Taiwan as a US-backed puppet dictator (much like the
Philippines' Ferdinand Marcos in the past, and Ukraine's Zelensky today)
under martial law until 1975. You really are an ignorant babbling idiot.

> Just think of what the world would be like is the
> mainland took their example and freed their people.
> Freedom.  A dangerous concept to the anointed.

Ignorant fools like you made the US the mess it is today.


Feb 16, 2024, 7:12:58 AM2/16/24


Feb 16, 2024, 2:32:18 PM2/16/24
Gee Wiz, if I had known you were a wokies, I never
would have had anything to do with you. Welcome to
my kill file, ass hole.

Skid Marks

Feb 16, 2024, 2:32:53 PM2/16/24
T wrote:
> Since those machines  have been hacked in court rooms,
> I have no idea why Fox News caved, unless it was
> part of their transition to the Woke Hole and
> American Pravda.  Time will tell.,

Reporting election fraud to the DOJ, FBI and CIA
is like reporting a bank robbery to John Dillinger.

The commies can gaslight all they want, they stole the 2024 election...and likely others as well.


Feb 16, 2024, 2:52:13 PM2/16/24
It is appearing other places too. Ya, Russia is a real
democracy. Uh Huh.


Feb 16, 2024, 2:57:06 PM2/16/24
It is the only way they can win anything. You notice
that they will not debate in the arena of ideas. They
just throw tantrums and demand free speech be eliminated
to protect their "feelings".

And lately, they have been shooting the place up. That
kind of stuff use to be relegated to white kids on
psychopharmaceutical. Now it is trannies.


Feb 16, 2024, 3:23:37 PM2/16/24
Maybe it is penis envy with the Canuck and also their press is more
leftist than ours and like the lefties here he has been duped by them.

Ed P

Feb 16, 2024, 3:24:32 PM2/16/24


Feb 16, 2024, 3:38:04 PM2/16/24
On 2/16/24 12:23, Frank wrote:

> Maybe it is penis envy with the Canuck and also their press is more
> leftist than ours and like the lefties here he has been duped by them.

British Canadians are pretty swell people. He
is probably French Canadian. To describe
them as condescending jerks would be rather mild.
Nuff said.

He even thinks Canada is socialist. Hmmm, despite
Canada having private property and not directly
controlling industry.

😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅

Feb 16, 2024, 5:09:24 PM2/16/24
Once again you've revealed yourself as an ignorant babbling idiot.

Canadian government used to follow the British model in owning the
companies considered vital for the empire/country. Canadian government
used to own Bell Canada, Postal Canada (Canada Post), Canadian Pacific
Railway, Canadian National Railway, Air Canada, Canadian Pacific
Airline, Petrol Canada......

In the 1980s the US government strong-armed Canada to "privatize" those
"Crown corporation" because the American companies complained that they
cannot compete with Canada's "Crown corporations". Of all the companies
I have mentioned above, only Canada Post is still owned by the government.

Here is a complete list of Canada's former Crown corporations:

Here is a complete list of Canada's Crown corporations:


Feb 16, 2024, 5:19:02 PM2/16/24
In, on Fri, 16 Feb 2024 15:24:25 -0500, Ed P
<> wrote:

>On 2/16/2024 2:32 PM, Skid Marks wrote:
>> T wrote:
>>> Since those machines  have been hacked in court rooms,
>>> I have no idea why Fox News caved, unless it was
>>> part of their transition to the Woke Hole and
>>> American Pravda.  Time will tell.,
>> Reporting election fraud to the DOJ, FBI and CIA
>> is like reporting a bank robbery to John Dillinger.
>> The commies can gaslight all they want, they stole the
>> 2024 election...and likely others as well.

I had no idea we had so much power, but it's good to know the people
from were able to control the 2024 election.
>Yes, I'm just waiting to see the evidence. Should show up soon.
>Meantime, some Repubs got busted for voting twice.
Rider indicated in court papers that he plans to “buy out” his
requirement of completing 50 hours of community service at a cost of $10
per hour.

Three other residents of The Villages accused of voting twice signed
similar pretrial intervention contracts last year.

All four were facing a maximum of five years in prison if a jury
convicted them of a third-degree felony.

As part of their agreements with the state, Joan Halstead, Charles
Barnes and Jay Ketcik were required to complete a 12-week adult civics
class based on the textbook “We the People; the Citizen and the

Under the pretrial intervention contracts, prosecution of the defendants
will be deferred for a period of 18 months, with the possibility that it
will be permanently deferred if they successfully complete the
court-ordered requirements.

Florida’s secretary of state first learned about three of the alleged
double voting cases after receiving anonymous emails from a
self-described “citizen election integrity analyst.”

That anonymous tipster, who uses the pseudonym “Totes Legit Votes”,
provided Florida elections officials with 282 examples of potential
double voting, a News 6 investigation uncovered.



Feb 16, 2024, 5:20:41 PM2/16/24
😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote on 2/16/2024 5:09 PM:
> T wrote on 2/16/2024 3:37 PM:
>> On 2/16/24 12:23, Frank wrote:
>>> Maybe it is penis envy with the Canuck and also their press is more
>>> leftist than ours and like the lefties here he has been duped by them.
>> British Canadians are pretty swell people.  He
>> is probably French Canadian.  To describe
>> them as condescending jerks would be rather mild.
>> Nuff said.
>> He even thinks Canada is socialist.  Hmmm, despite
>> Canada having private property and not directly
>> controlling industry.
> Once again you've revealed yourself as an ignorant babbling idiot.
> Canadian government used to follow the British model in owning the
> companies considered vital for the empire/country. Canadian government
> used to own Bell Canada, Postal Canada (Canada Post), Canadian Pacific
> Railway, Canadian National Railway, Air Canada, Canadian Pacific
> Airline, Petrol Canada, de Havilland Canada ......
> In the 1980s the US government strong-armed Canada to "privatize"
> those "Crown corporation" because the American companies complained
> that they cannot compete with Canada's "Crown corporations". Of all
> the companies I have mentioned above, only Canada Post is still owned
> by the government.
> Here is a list of Canada's former Crown corporations:
> Here is a list of Canada's Crown corporations:

WOW!!!  Mighty Wananbe has outed Frank & "T invalid invalid" as
mouth-breathing, invalid babbling idiots. LOL

Jim Joyce

Feb 16, 2024, 5:33:17 PM2/16/24
On Fri, 16 Feb 2024 11:32:10 -0800, T <T...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

>On 2/16/24 01:40, ? Mighty Wannabe ? wrote:
>> Ignorant fools like you made the US the mess it is today.
>Gee Wiz, if I had known you were a wokies, I never
>would have had anything to do with you. Welcome to
>my kill file, ass hole.

So much for competing in the arena of ideas.

Scott Lurndal

Feb 16, 2024, 5:45:52 PM2/16/24
Indeed. However, T hasn't yet had an idea that could compete.

Cindy Hamilton

Feb 16, 2024, 5:58:50 PM2/16/24
On 2024-02-16, micky <> wrote:
> In, on Fri, 16 Feb 2024 15:24:25 -0500, Ed P
><> wrote:
>>On 2/16/2024 2:32 PM, Skid Marks wrote:
>>> T wrote:
>>>> Since those machines  have been hacked in court rooms,
>>>> I have no idea why Fox News caved, unless it was
>>>> part of their transition to the Woke Hole and
>>>> American Pravda.  Time will tell.,
>>> Reporting election fraud to the DOJ, FBI and CIA
>>> is like reporting a bank robbery to John Dillinger.
>>> The commies can gaslight all they want, they stole the
>>> 2024 election...and likely others as well.
> I had no idea we had so much power, but it's good to know the people
> from were able to control the 2024 election.

The amazing part is that the 2024 election hasn't happened yet, so
we must have time travel, too.

Cindy Hamilton


Feb 16, 2024, 6:20:48 PM2/16/24
What an Ass Hole!

A list of "Crown corporations" does not make Canada "socialist",
just foolish. Most businesses in Canada are and were always
privately owned.

Welcomes to my kill file.

Michael McLean

Feb 16, 2024, 6:34:29 PM2/16/24
Have you ever gone to school? Were you home-schooled by a bunch of fools
who had never been schooled?

Socialism - any of various egalitarian economic and political theories
or movements advocating collective or governmental ownership and
administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Feb 16, 2024, 7:25:18 PM2/16/24
Are you stupid? Yes Canada has or had some government run
industry. THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM A socialist country unless
the government directly owns (communist socialist) or directly
manages (Nazi/Fascist socialist) ALL industry.

And welcome to my kill file, Ass Hole.


Feb 16, 2024, 8:21:17 PM2/16/24
You cannot be more wrong:

The 10 Richest Socialist Countries in the World

10. Denmark - GDP: $364.55 Billion

9. Ireland - GDP: $405.19 Billion

8. Norway - GDP: $438.62 Billion

7. The Netherlands - GDP: $954.93 Billion

6. Brazil - GDP: $2.06 Trillion

5. Italy - GDP: $2.09 Trillion

4. France - GDP: $2.78 Trillion

3. United Kingdom - GDP: $2.83 Trillion

2. Germany - GDP: $4.00 Trillion

1. China - GDP: $13.4 Trillion


Feb 16, 2024, 9:06:20 PM2/16/24
On 2/16/24 17:21, PaxPerPoten wrote:
>> Are you stupid?    Yes Canada has or had some government run
>> industry.  THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM A socialist country unless
>> the government directly owns (communist socialist) or directly
>> manages (Nazi/Fascist socialist) ALL industry.
> You cannot be more wrong:
> The 10 Richest Socialist Countries in the World
> 10. Denmark - GDP: $364.55 Billion

Nanny state: Private Property and minimal direct
government management of industry

> 9. Ireland - GDP: $405.19 Billion
Nanny state: Private Property and minimal direct
government management of industry

> 8. Norway - GDP: $438.62 Billion

Nanny state: Private Property and minimal direct
government management of industry

> 7. The Netherlands - GDP: $954.93 Billion

Nanny state: Private Property and minimal direct
government management of industry

> 6. Brazil - GDP: $2.06 Trillion

Nanny state: Private Property and minimal direct
government management of industry

> 5. Italy - GDP: $2.09 Trillion

Nanny state: Private Property and minimal direct
government management of industry

> 4. France - GDP: $2.78 Trillion

Nanny state: Private Property and minimal direct
government management of industry

> 3. United Kingdom - GDP: $2.83 Trillion

Nanny state: Private Property and minimal direct
government management of industry

> 2. Germany - GDP: $4.00 Trillion

Nanny state: Private Property and minimal direct
government management of industry

> 1. China - GDP: $13.4 Trillion

You got me there. You got one out of ten.

Are you a Communist?

And you are back in my kill file Wannabe.


Feb 16, 2024, 9:07:21 PM2/16/24
In, on Fri, 16 Feb 2024 22:58:42 GMT, Cindy Hamilton
Fortunately WWII has not happened yet,

But I guess that means all those soldiers who died in the 1930's and
40's died in vain.

Rod Speed

Feb 16, 2024, 10:12:25 PM2/16/24
On Fri, 16 Feb 2024 03:27:38 +1100, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ <.> wrote:

> Frank wrote on 2/15/2024 10:51 AM:
>> On 2/14/2024 7:47 PM, T wrote:
>> Heard that this am. When Biden first became senator one of the reasons
>> I did not like him was his being soft on the communists.
> You should not use "communists" as a synonym for the USSR.
> The Russian Federation (modern Russia since 1991) is not communist
> anymore.

But was when Biden first became a senator.

> As a matter of fact, Russia is a White-Christian-majority democracy.

Nothing like a real democracy given Putin has any opposition killed.



Feb 16, 2024, 10:12:42 PM2/16/24
On Fri, 16 Feb 2024 18:06:13 -0800, T wrote:

>> 8. Norway - GDP: $438.62 Billion
> Nanny state: Private Property and minimal direct government management
> of industry

Supported by North Sea oil revenue...

Rod Speed

Feb 16, 2024, 10:21:23 PM2/16/24
On Fri, 16 Feb 2024 04:37:42 +1100, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ <.> wrote:

> Frank wrote on 2/15/2024 11:59 AM:
>> On 2/15/2024 11:27 AM, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
>>> Frank wrote on 2/15/2024 10:51 AM:
>>>> On 2/14/2024 7:47 PM, T wrote:
>>>> Heard that this am. When Biden first became senator one of the
>>>> reasons I did not like him was his being soft on the communists.
>>> You should not use "communists" as a synonym for the USSR.
>>> The Russian Federation (modern Russia since 1991) is not communist
>>> anymore. As a matter of fact, Russia is a White-Christian-majority
>>> democracy.
>> Biden went to the US senate in 1972 so my comment is correct.

> The USSR was not really communist, and neither was China.

Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.

> Communism was just a banner they flew in overthrowing their respective
> monarchies.

Neither were a monarchy when the communists took over.

> The American Revolution was disguised as a tax revolt,

It was never a revolution, just kicking out the colonial power,

> while the French Revolution took back all the land from the Holy Roman
> Catholic Church

No it did not.

Henry VIII did that.

> because the Church was in cahoots with the monarchy,which led to
> widespread corruption and poverty.

Corse there was nothing like that after the french revolution ?

> The end result was that all those aforementioned countries abandoned
> their monarchy and became a republic.

Utterly mangled all over again. The russian and chinese change
to communism had nothing to do with the french revolution.

> By the way, the USSR was a US ally in WWII.


> Biden was born in 1942. That means when Biden was born, the USSR was an
> ally of the US. 1972 was 27 years after 1945, the year WWII ended.

Irrelevant to the fact that Biden was soft on communism when he became a


Feb 16, 2024, 11:12:05 PM2/16/24
And somewhere out on Youtube in the prime minister
complaining about being called socialist country
as it inhibits foreign investment.

Nanny states a the slippery slope to socialism,
but are not socialism. These states allow for
private property and have minimal administrative
control over industry. Baby States are just foolish.

Mam do you ever have to love President Javier Milei
of Argentina! Trump should follow his lead, starting
with the education department and the ATF.


Feb 17, 2024, 1:38:33 AM2/17/24
Who does he think he is? Hillary Clinton?


Feb 17, 2024, 1:46:51 AM2/17/24
Those were suicides! They shot themselves multiple times
in the back. Nothing to see here. Move along.


Feb 17, 2024, 1:47:51 AM2/17/24
Interesting how American Pravda just ignores this. But
if Putin had endorsed Trump, the would be soiling themselves.

Rod Speed

Feb 17, 2024, 3:20:43 AM2/17/24
Hitlary never had anyone killed, not even Lewenski


Feb 17, 2024, 4:08:56 AM2/17/24
On Sat, 17 Feb 2024 14:21:12 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>

-- about senile Rodent Speed:
"This is like having a conversation with someone with brain damage."
MID: <ps10v9$uo2$>


Feb 17, 2024, 4:09:23 AM2/17/24
On Sat, 17 Feb 2024 14:12:14 +1100, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin's latest trollshit unread>

Norman Wells addressing trolling senile Rodent:
"Ah, the voice of scum speaks."
MID: <>


Feb 17, 2024, 4:11:27 AM2/17/24