T wrote on 2/16/2024 3:31 AM:
> On 2/15/24 23:04, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
>> T wrote on 2/16/2024 12:58 AM:
>>> On 2/15/24 09:37, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
>>>> The USSR was not really communist, and neither was China
>>> I have to call Bull Shit on you.
>>> Here you go straight from the pen of a real life communist:
>>> One of his friends thought that the Soviet Union was
>>> real communists too.
>> Karl Marx was a German Jew, not Russian. The Russian revolutionaries
>> needed an ideology to unite the people to overthrow the Tsar dynasty.
>> Karl Marx's communism fit the bill. Russia became "communist"
>> overnight. Then the Chinese revolutionaries needed Russia's help to
>> overthrow their ruling Manchurian dynasty, and became "communist"
>> overnight. Only fools became real life communist, and only suicidal
>> fools would become anti-communist. Smart people would wave the
>> communist banner just to blend in. Today's Russia is a White
>> Christian Democracy.
> An an Orthodox-ish Christian with a lot of contact with
> The Russian Orthodox church, your comment is inaccurate.
That will make you a Ukrainian.
> There are a lot of Christians in Russia. It is 1) not
> a democracy, and 2) is is not a Christian country.
Russia is more democratic than the US. Do you remember Edward Snowden
had to flee to Russia to avoid persecution? Russia is 67% Christian.
Putin himself is a devout Christian. You ignorance is immense.
> Just like America. There are a lot of Christian in
> America. That does not make it a Christian country
> any more than Russia.
The US is 63% Christian. Look it up. Russia is 67% Christian. Russia is
more Christian than the US.
> Grease would be the closest thing to
> a Christian country.
Why not Italy? Do you remember the Roman Empire, which spread
Christianity to the whole ecumenical world with the might of the sword?
> DO NOT blame Russia's dictatorship's
> barbarity on Christianity.
Russia is more democratic than the US.
>> Today's China is as capitalist as one can get.
> Wow. That is ripe.
You are fucking stupid. Open you fucking eyes. You are still living in
the 60's.
That's history. Are you still living in the past?
> The
> Chicoms let some freedom in and promptly feathered their
> nests with the result.
You are blind and stupid not to see the Bushes, the Clintons, and the
> Now they are trying to put the
> genie back in the box. The chicoms are quite socialist.
> And in socialism, the rick get richer and the poor get poorer.
There is nothing wrong with socialism. The British Empire was socialist.
Canada is still socialist. The best Nordic countries today are
socialist. None of them have drug, crime, and homeless problems like the
US. Have you wondered why? Could it be socialism? I think so.
> Oh ya, and the Chinese millionaires are flocking to America,
> bringing money and jobs with them. They are not stupid.
> (Wait till they get a load of our wokies. Worse than
> the Chinese communists.)
There is nothing wrong with rich people moving out of China to find new
opportunities elsewhere. That's show you that China is a free country.
China will crank out more rich people. Have you read the link I posted
above, that in 2023 China has more billionaires than the US, you
blind-as-fuck babbling idiot?
Here I re-post for you:
> And just a few miles away across the water is another
> Chinese country steeped in traditional Chinese culture,
> very free, and an outstanding example of self government.
Another example of you being ignorant and stupid. The US puppet, Chiang
Kai Shek, was defeated by Mao in the civil war between the the US-backed
Nationalist Chiang and the Russia-backed Communist Mao rival forces, and
in 1949 the US helped Chiang move shop to the island of Taiwan. Chiang
Kai Shek ruled Taiwan as a US-backed puppet dictator (much like the
Philippines' Ferdinand Marcos in the past, and Ukraine's Zelensky today)
under martial law until 1975. You really are an ignorant babbling idiot.
> Just think of what the world would be like is the
> mainland took their example and freed their people.
> Freedom. A dangerous concept to the anointed.
Ignorant fools like you made the US the mess it is today.