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OT: Trump finally mentions Navalny

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Feb 20, 2024, 9:44:06 AM2/20/24
After the death of Alexei Navalny, while the whole civilized world was once again condemning Putin, Trump was silent. Yesterday he finally had something to say. It was entirely predictable. Instead of condemning Putin and expressing sympathy for Navalny's family, Trump said what happened to Navalny is like what's going on in the USA and then made the usual grievance rant. It's always only about Trump, always. Then the Trumpers claim to not be able to understand why he's looked at as a malignant narcissist and Putin's puppet.

Ralph Mowery

Feb 20, 2024, 12:02:24 PM2/20/24
In article <>, says...
> After the death of Alexei Navalny, while the whole civilized world was once again condemning Putin, Trump was silent. Yesterday he finally had something to say. It was entirely predictable. Instead of condemning Putin and expressing sympathy for Navalny's family, Trump said what happened to Navalny is like what's going on in
the USA and then made the usual grievance rant. It's always only about Trump, always. Then the Trumpers claim to not be able to understand why he's looked at as a malignant narcissist and Putin's puppet.

During the Clinton era many died under unusual circumstances.

danny burstein

Feb 20, 2024, 12:22:13 PM2/20/24
In <> Ralph Mowery <> writes:


>During the Clinton era many died under unusual circumstances.

another garbage, junk, groundless post by one of the delusionals.

Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]

Scott Lurndal

Feb 20, 2024, 12:29:46 PM2/20/24


Feb 20, 2024, 1:02:23 PM2/20/24
In, on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 12:02:15 -0500, Ralph Mowery
trump may be the most repetitive liar in American public life, but he's
not the first liar. One might take a look at who spread this story
about the clinton era in the first place.

Scott Lurndal

Feb 20, 2024, 1:12:35 PM2/20/24
It all started with Newt Gingrich and the politics of destruction.


Feb 20, 2024, 1:53:30 PM2/20/24
Our traitor and others here are media dupes in believing the
Trump/Russian collusion.

Cindy Hamilton

Feb 20, 2024, 2:51:51 PM2/20/24
How many?

Cindy Hamilton


Feb 20, 2024, 3:06:33 PM2/20/24

Ralph Mowery

Feb 20, 2024, 6:30:18 PM2/20/24
In article <kp7BN.400421$7sbb....@fx16.iad>,
> > During the Clinton era many died under unusual circumstances.
> How many?
> --
> Cindy Hamilton

TOTAL: 29 deaths of persons connected to Bill Clinton, 12 of them
bodyguards; 4 additional "collateral" deaths, all totalling 33 deaths
at time of printing.

PENDING: John A. Wilson
James Bunch

Ed P

Feb 20, 2024, 7:58:42 PM2/20/24
There has been quite a few deaths to persons connected to me also.
Parents, grandparents, friends, etc.


Feb 20, 2024, 8:17:57 PM2/20/24
In, on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 19:58:34 -0500, Ed P
When anyone in Baltimore dies, I always feel responsible.

Wikip has a page about everything, it seems.
The Congressional Record (1994) stated that the compiler of the
original list, Linda Thompson, admitted she had "'no direct evidence' of
Clinton killing anyone. Indeed, she says the deaths were probably caused
by 'people trying to control the president' but refuses to say who they

Several sources have discredited the conspiracy theory, such as the
Congressional Record,[4] the Lakeland Ledger, the Chicago Tribune,
Snopes and others, pointing to detailed death records, the unusually
large circle of associates that a president is likely to have, and the
fact that many of the people listed had been misidentified or were still
alive. Others had no known link to the Clintons.[9][10]

The suicide [of Vince Foster] has nevertheless continued to fuel
speculation: then-presidential candidate Donald Trump made news in 2016
when [in typical hypocrisy] he remarked in an interview with the
Washington Post that Foster's death was "very fishy", and added "I will
say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it
was absolutely a murder. I don't do that because I don't think it's
fair."[5][4" He says, I don't do that, after he just did it. What a
liar and hyporcrite.

Ralph Mowery

Feb 20, 2024, 10:27:06 PM2/20/24
In article <_UbBN.153118$taff....@fx41.iad>, says...
> > TOTAL: 29 deaths of persons connected to Bill Clinton, 12 of them
> > bodyguards; 4 additional "collateral" deaths, all totalling 33 deaths
> > at time of printing.
> >
> > PENDING: John A. Wilson
> > James Bunch
> There has been quite a few deaths to persons connected to me also.
> Parents, grandparents, friends, etc.

How many of them were killed with guns
and some that killed theirselves ?

Cindy Hamilton

Feb 21, 2024, 4:56:28 AM2/21/24
My brother-in-law.

Cindy Hamilton

Ben Verified - ✅

Feb 21, 2024, 7:03:35 AM2/21/24
Two shot back of the head suicides?
Message has been deleted

Clare Snyder

Feb 21, 2024, 9:35:58 AM2/21/24
Brother and neice in my case (killed themselves)
3 ex girlfriends died of brain cancer
Moth parents and one step mother and one sister died - all my uncles
and aunts on my father's side, 5 uncles/aunts/spouses on Mothers side
2 family members (1st cousins - actually one cousin and one cousin's
wife - same family -) died in the last 2 weeks as well as one second
cousin - all in their early 60s - and a family friend in his nineties
- -in the last week.
I am certainly not responsible for any of them


Feb 21, 2024, 11:09:25 AM2/21/24
In, on Wed, 21 Feb 2024 09:35:51 -0500, Clare Snyder
<> wrote:

>On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 09:56:20 GMT, Cindy Hamilton
><> wrote:
>>On 2024-02-21, Ralph Mowery <> wrote:
>>> In article <_UbBN.153118$taff....@fx41.iad>, says...
>>>> > TOTAL: 29 deaths of persons connected to Bill Clinton, 12 of them
>>>> > bodyguards; 4 additional "collateral" deaths, all totalling 33 deaths
>>>> > at time of printing.
>>>> >
>>>> > PENDING: John A. Wilson
>>>> > James Bunch
>>>> There has been quite a few deaths to persons connected to me also.
>>>> Parents, grandparents, friends, etc.
>>> How many of them were killed with guns
>>> and some that killed theirselves ?
>>My brother-in-law.

> Brother and neice in my case (killed themselves)

Question you should both ask, Where were the Clintons that day?

>3 ex girlfriends died of brain cancer
>Moth parents and one step mother and one sister died - all my uncles
>and aunts on my father's side, 5 uncles/aunts/spouses on Mothers side
>2 family members (1st cousins - actually one cousin and one cousin's
>wife - same family -) died in the last 2 weeks as well as one second
>cousin - all in their early 60s - and a family friend in his nineties
>- -in the last week.

That's a lot to bear. My sympathy for you.

>I am certainly not responsible for any of them

I'm sure you're not, but what about the Clintons?

Michael McLean

Feb 21, 2024, 11:42:09 AM2/21/24
You must've been duped by the fast talking slime ball. He was a showman
(TV & movies), a conman (at least 6 business bankruptcies), and a proven
you know.

I think Trump is guilty as charged:

Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts

Cindy Hamilton

Feb 21, 2024, 1:28:08 PM2/21/24
On 2024-02-21, micky <> wrote:
> Question you should both ask, Where were the Clintons that day?

Probably at a New Year's Eve party. My BiL topped himself in
a cheap hotel right around midnight on December 31, 2009. We
found out about it the next day, after we turned on our phones
after exiting a movie theater from seeing Avatar. He had a voice
mail from one of his other brothers (either first or second, I can't
recall anymore).

Cindy Hamilton

Bob F

Feb 21, 2024, 2:48:39 PM2/21/24
And now, the GOP's main witness for their Biden impeachment fantasy
investigations is documented to having been essentially a Putin agent,
leading the GOP with Putin lies in their fruitless attempts to stay in
power. And the GOP fell for it, hook line and sinker.


Feb 22, 2024, 11:48:58 AM2/22/24
It would have been far harder to believe if Trump wasn't behaving as if he's
in bed with Putin. He still is behaving that way, eg what he just did here.
We also didn't know at the time that Trump admires and has loving relationships
with other murderous, genocidal dictators, eg KJU. We only learned of that after
he was in office.
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