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OTWwho cites the 8th Amendement

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Feb 21, 2024, 8:57:51 PM2/21/24
OT So, trump has to pay about 450,000,000 bucks for his, shall we say,
bad business practices.

And he was interviered today, and he cited the 8th Amendment, which
either he had learned by heart or he had a copy in his pocket!!

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor
cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

He thinks he'll get out of this because it's an excessive fine. But
it's not a fine at all. it's a disgorgment. And it's not excessive,
(except that it's more than he wants to pay). Maybe it's a cruel and
unusual punishment. He thinks any punishment he gets is cruel.


Feb 22, 2024, 8:34:24 AM2/22/24
Do not forget that nobody in New York complained about what Trump was
excused of but the state brought it on itself. He was not allowed a
jury trial and an obviously highly prejudiced judge ruled.

The whole thing will be thrown out on appeal but the way the legal
system operates it could take a long time.

😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅

Feb 22, 2024, 9:47:15 AM2/22/24
micky wrote on 2/21/2024 8:57 PM:
> OT So, trump has to pay about 450,000,000 bucks for his, shall we say,
> bad business practices.
> And he was interviered today, and he cited the 8th Amendment, which
> either he had learned by heart or he had a copy in his pocket!!

Maybe Rudy Giuliani is whispering in his ear, again.

> Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor
> cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
> He thinks he'll get out of this because it's an excessive fine.

Of course it's not excessive. Even Alex Jones can afford a billion
dollar fine.

> But
> it's not a fine at all. it's a disgorgment.

Coughing up?

> And it's not excessive,
> (except that it's more than he wants to pay). Maybe it's a cruel and
> unusual punishment. He thinks any punishment he gets is cruel.

It not cruel to a lot of people. They'd  say God works in mysterious ways.

😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅

Feb 22, 2024, 9:56:27 AM2/22/24
Frank wrote on 2/22/2024 8:34 AM:
> On 2/21/2024 8:57 PM, micky wrote:
>> OT   So, trump has to pay about 450,000,000 bucks for his, shall we say,
>> bad business practices.
>> And he was interviered today, and he cited the 8th Amendment, which
>> either he had learned by heart or he had a copy in his pocket!!
>> Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor
>> cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
>> He thinks he'll get out of this because it's an excessive fine. But
>> it's not a fine at all.  it's a disgorgment.   And it's not excessive,
>> (except that it's more than he wants to pay).   Maybe it's a cruel and
>> unusual punishment.  He thinks any punishment he gets is cruel.
> Do not forget that nobody in New York complained about what Trump was
> excused of but the state brought it on itself.  He was not allowed a
> jury trial and an obviously highly prejudiced judge ruled.

A jury trial is for serious criminal cases. Falsifying business records
is not a serious criminal case. Just slap him with hefty fines until he
learns not to do it again.

> The whole thing will be thrown out on appeal but the way the legal
> system operates it could take a long time.

The long arm of the law can wait.


Feb 22, 2024, 11:36:34 AM2/22/24
On Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 8:34:24 AM UTC-5, Frank wrote:
> On 2/21/2024 8:57 PM, micky wrote:
> > OT So, trump has to pay about 450,000,000 bucks for his, shall we say,
> > bad business practices.
> >
> > And he was interviered today, and he cited the 8th Amendment, which
> > either he had learned by heart or he had a copy in his pocket!!
> >
> > Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor
> > cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
> >
> > He thinks he'll get out of this because it's an excessive fine. But
> > it's not a fine at all. it's a disgorgment. And it's not excessive,
> > (except that it's more than he wants to pay). Maybe it's a cruel and
> > unusual punishment. He thinks any punishment he gets is cruel.
> >
> >
> Do not forget that nobody in New York complained about what Trump was
> excused of but the state brought it on itself. He was not allowed a
> jury trial and an obviously highly prejudiced judge ruled.

It's not that he wasn't allowed a jury trial, Trump and his lawyers had the
opportunity to request a jury trial, they did not.

> The whole thing will be thrown out on appeal but the way the legal
> system operates it could take a long time.

I would not be so confident that it will be. They have him 100% on committing
fraud on many loan applications, eg blatantly lying that his own apartment was
30K sq ft and valuing it based on that absurd number, when it's actually 10K sq ft.
How is that not clear fraud, the purpose being to get a loan or a lower interest
rate because you have more assets? Why should he get a lower rate while the
honest business pays a higher rate? If Trump can do it, why not everyone?
Why shouldn't the rest of us lie on all loan applications, claim you make $300K
when you only make $100K, claim your house is 3 times it's real size, claim you
have assets that you do not. Prior to Trump the Republican Party stood for law
and order and personal responsibility. Now, none of it matters.

I think he may have a better chance getting the amount reduced, but I would not count
on it. Any fine has to be severe enough to get the defendant's attention. If it was
$10 mil, he would just laugh it off. And part of determining the fine is whether the
defendant has any remorse. As always, Trump has none and instead attacked the
judge, the courts, etc. We'll see.
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