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cat urine under deck

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Feb 17, 2007, 11:57:13 PM2/17/07
Anyone have experience removing the strong stench of cat urine from
under a deck?

I've noticed stray cats in our yard the last couple of months and
hadn't thought much of it. They were passing through, no big deal.
Big mistake. Recently, our house started reeking of cat urine. Turns
out we've been having a couple of these cats staying under the deck
and it smells like a litter box. Very bad. Knock you on your ass
bad. They must have pissed all over the house, marking territory,
because it reeks inside the house too. Back door and front door. And
this is winter with the doors closed up tight! Incredible.

Right now there's snow banks out there but I was hoping I could douse
the area with chemicals because I'm sure the smell is only going to
get worse when Spring hits. Anyone run into a chemical solution that
worked effectively (heard this is one of the worse smells to try to
get rid of).


Feb 18, 2007, 1:16:40 AM2/18/07
I've had great luck getting rid of dead rodent odor using this stuff:

I have no idea how well it would work in your situation, but it claims to
work outside.

Good luck.


<> wrote in message


Feb 18, 2007, 3:06:27 AM2/18/07
On Feb 17, 11:57 pm, "" <>

we like this one:at
buy the gallons of concentrate
Deodorant, Size 1 Gallon, Cherry/Almond, Concentrate 1:64, Enzyme
KIL-ODER CHERRY/ALMOND 1 Today $26.90 1170

on a concrete surface, the cheapest solution a quart of laundry bleach
in a gallon garden sprayer, fill with water; but there are inhaling
hazards, wind blows it around, and issues with damaging/discoloring
your wood deck; vegetation, pet paws, and work clothes hazards.


Feb 18, 2007, 9:07:22 AM2/18/07
On Feb 17, 11:57 pm, "" <>

Perhaps you might consider a cage trap. If these are indeed "stray"
cats, then they can be returned to their owners with a request that
they be confined. (Either the cats or the owners as you prefer :) )

If these are feral cats, then they should be delivered to the nearest
animal shelter for humane disposal.

It's worked for me.

Dan Espen

Feb 18, 2007, 9:47:54 AM2/18/07
"" <> writes:

> Anyone have experience removing the strong stench of cat urine from
> under a deck?
> I've noticed stray cats in our yard the last couple of months and
> hadn't thought much of it.

Get rid of the strays first, then worry about the smell.

I think the smell issue will take care of itself pretty quickly
after the strays are gone.

Joseph Meehan

Feb 18, 2007, 10:28:53 AM2/18/07
Dan Espen wrote:
> "" <> writes:
>> Anyone have experience removing the strong stench of cat urine from
>> under a deck?
>> I've noticed stray cats in our yard the last couple of months and
>> hadn't thought much of it.
> Get rid of the strays first, then worry about the smell.

If they can't access the area they will go elsewhere. Hardware cloth
may be a good choice.

> I think the smell issue will take care of itself pretty quickly
> after the strays are gone.

I agree.

Joseph Meehan

Dia 's Muire duit

J.A. Michel

Feb 18, 2007, 10:33:09 AM2/18/07

<> wrote in message

Get yourself a good .22 rifle and start dropping the sonsabitches. A Marlin
60 or 10/22 Ruger would be perfect.
Then figure out what to do about the stench.


Feb 18, 2007, 11:47:10 AM2/18/07

"J.A. Michel" <> wrote in message
My thoughts exactly! Aguila makes a round that you'll never hear but in
won't cycle in a semi auto........

Feb 18, 2007, 11:58:58 AM2/18/07
Alright, thanks guys.

I'm going to run out this afternoon and see if I can find one of the
solutions mentioned above. In the meantime, I've boarded up any
crevice or hole that would allow a cat to crawl under. Still have to
figure out what to do about the cats. Yesturday, I was chasing one
through backyards with a shovel. I'm much faster than I thought
because I keapt up pretty well, which was amazing considering I was
wearing big boots and the snow was shin deep. But when all was said
and done it wasn't an effective way to deal with the problem, and an
even worse way to meet the neighbors. As for shooting, I'm not sure
about the local police department's position on discharing firearms in
town. On the plus side, I haven't seen the cats prowling around yet
today so maybe the shovel did the trick after all. Probably not.

Feb 18, 2007, 12:46:25 PM2/18/07

"cavedweller" <> wrote in message

> On Feb 17, 11:57 pm, "" <>
> wrote:

> If these are feral cats, then they should be delivered to the nearest
> animal shelter for humane disposal.
> It's worked for me.
Killing feral cats is pointless- another one just takes over the territory,
and the supply is basically endless. In this weather, if you can rig up a
freeze-proof hose, and soak it a couple of times, it'll learn not to hang

aem sends...


Feb 18, 2007, 1:25:22 PM2/18/07

The supply is "basically endless" because pet owners don't take
responsibility for spay & neuter. Much more education is required,
and even so, there will always be selfish people, alas.

Meantime, you might call your local shelter and see if they will
give/rent you a humane trap, or even bring one out. It couldn't hurt
to ask. By continuing to let the feral cats breed, you multiply the
problem geometrically.


Just Joshin

Feb 18, 2007, 1:56:58 PM2/18/07
On 17 Feb 2007 20:57:13 -0800, ""
<> wrote:

I had the same question, my friend told me the smell will not ever
goaway if cats keep urinating there. You need to discourage them from
returning. I used mothballs under the deck.

Once I was able to reduce the visits from the cats, it seems that
nature makes its own cleaner. Bateria, rain, sun, etc, seemed to get
rid of the urine smell quickly for me.

The only perm solution for me, seems to get rid of the cats.

tom @

Feb 18, 2007, 2:10:59 PM2/18/07

<aspasia> wrote in message
What works is 'catch, neuter, and release', but that takes funds nobody has.
Absent that, nature abhors a vacum, and the only population control is
carrying capacity of the area. Humane trap is meaningless if the shelter
just puts them down anyway. It's like sweeping a beach- no matter how many
you cart off, there will always be more.

aem sends...


Feb 18, 2007, 2:48:44 PM2/18/07

That was my point, if I didn't make it clear -- get the shelter to put
them down as humanely as possible.


Feb 18, 2007, 4:04:43 PM2/18/07
J.A. Michel wrote:
> Get yourself a good .22 rifle and start dropping the sonsabitches. A
> Marlin 60 or 10/22 Ruger would be perfect.
> Then figure out what to do about the stench.

About three years ago, a Michigan state legislator proposed a bill for an
"open hunting season" on feral cats.

About the same time, the NRA had its annual convention in Houston. Appearing
at the convention's Glock booth was R. Lee Emery of "Full Metal Jacket"
fame. ( )

I mentioned the proposed legislation to Lee then told him I was putting
together a Celebrity Cat-Call tape. Would he be interested in saying the
line: "Here, kitty-kitty" for the tape?

He looked up from his autographing, stared at me for a moment, and said:
"That is the most fucked-up idea I have EVER heard."

Oh well.


Feb 18, 2007, 5:17:52 PM2/18/07
On Feb 18, 12:46 pm, <> wrote:
> "cavedweller" <> wrote in message

Not so pointless. Last time we were infested (about 5 years ago), we
disposed of nine. Now it's only the neighbourhood pets that are
around, but I like the water idea for them......


Feb 18, 2007, 6:42:32 PM2/18/07
On 17 Feb 2007 20:57:13 -0800, ""
<> wrote:

If you can't eliminate the cats put something under the deck area that
cats don't like. For example, they don't like stepping on chicken
wire. Also they don't like the herb rue. After the cats are gone,
the smell will go away. You can spread some agricultural lime over
the area to help.


Feb 18, 2007, 6:44:41 PM2/18/07
On Feb 17, 10:57 pm, "" <>

> Anyone have experience removing the strong stench of cat urine from
> under a deck?
I don't know how to get rid of such a smell except time and
ventilation. I think you should be able to exclude the cats from
under the deck with a lattice perhaps reinforced with wire. Then
maybe put a big fan down there to bring in fresh air and remove the

I live in the sticks and these neighbors of mine allow these half-wild
cats to live and breed in an old unused trailer house, they might feed
them occasionally. I think it kind of stinks myself but I dont' say
anything cause It's not my business.

Once I found a dead cat under my house when I was working under there
and it freaked me out. It was stiff as a board. I asked the neighbor
if she had one like that and she said no but I doubt if she even knows
how many or what king of cats she has out there. It just sucks.

Occasionally one will stray onto my place and my dogs will chase them
into a tree. A lot will shoot cats that wander onto their place and
it is legal here. I won't shoot a cat myself.

I have two real nice cats who live inside with me and even sleep on
the bed. They go outside if they want but they like it inside quite
well. One time I put up a post in the cat lovers group and they
flamed the hell out of me!

The real cat lovers don't ever let theirs outside but so far it's
working for me. Here's a real cool pic of my one cat, Donny.


Feb 18, 2007, 7:42:15 PM2/18/07
Lawrence wrote:
> I live in the sticks and these neighbors of mine allow these half-wild
> cats to live and breed in an old unused trailer house, they might feed
> them occasionally. I think it kind of stinks myself but I dont' say
> anything cause It's not my business.

How do you feel about people who have bird feeders?

The worst are those gob-smocked hummingbirds!

Wring their feathered necks if I could catch them.

Spread warts, they do.


Feb 18, 2007, 8:02:40 PM2/18/07
On 17 Feb 2007 20:57:13 -0800, ""
<> wrote:

>Anyone have experience removing the strong stench of cat urine from
>under a deck?

Would casting a light layer of Lime under the deck work.....?

Perhaps, Ammonia and water mixture.......?


I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

J.A. Michel

Feb 18, 2007, 10:31:22 PM2/18/07
In that case, a Lever-Action .22 would be best. They cycle .22 short, long,
and long rifle equally well.
.22 shorts are best if you don't want to start a ruckus.

"Al" <> wrote in message

Feb 19, 2007, 9:11:40 AM2/19/07

Pellet gun will take care of cats. Then spray some deodorizer

On Feb 17, 11:57 pm, "" <>

Feb 19, 2007, 9:45:03 AM2/19/07
On Feb 18, 3:42 pm, Phisherman <> wrote:
> On 17 Feb 2007 20:57:13 -0800, ""

This is exactly how we used to deal with this when I was a kid. It
worked quite well. Every once in a while a "stray" or feral would try
to move under our front porch in town -- that always meant there was a
hole someplace. Remember, cats are very slick -- like mice, they can
get into a very small space. Once we'd find the hole, we'd take
advantage of being filthy dirty and under the porch to clean out a
bit, put down lime, etc. Then patch up.

Phisherman is right -- cats hate walking on chicken wire. In fact, you
can put it over the top of the dirt on house plants if you have a

Another odor fighter is Nature's Miracle -- you can buy it by the
gallon and spray it all over the door, deck, etc...
has listings including major spray systems for it. And, once that's
done, and you've kitty-proofed the place, time will take away the
smell. I bought my house from a cat person -- I don't mean a crazy cat
lady or anything, but she did feed neighborhood cats and let them in
the yard. My three dogs took care of that in short order -- and about
six months later any remnant of cat odor was completely gone.

Of course, now the mice have figured out it's a dog house, not a cat

Can't win.


Karl S

Feb 19, 2007, 10:27:55 AM2/19/07
On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 03:41:44 GMT, Tony Hwang wrote:

> Hi,
> No dogs there?

Just us:


Feb 19, 2007, 10:27:57 AM2/19/07
On Feb 18, 6:42 pm, "HeyBub" <> wrote:

> How do you feel about people who have bird feeders?

I don't mind if folk feed the birds though I do not. This should be
obvious but birds are wild animals and domestic cats are not and a
different standard of care is required. Domestic animals are
dependent upon us for their care and deserve a standard of care which
is known as humane. A person can be arrested and imprisoned for not
providing this standard so it seems to be rather well accepted.

People do sometimes create problems when feeding birds. If they
don't keep the feeders clean they can kill more birds than they help
when the feeder becomes diseased. Regular cleaning is required since
one visit from a sick bird is all it takes. Also lots of bird poop
can build up on and around the feeder causing problems if its not
cleaned regularly. Most folk think their doing the wildlife such a
big favor by feeding them that they don't feel compelled to keep the
feeder clean.

I wish I could say they were taking care of cats that had wandered
onto the place but that's not it. These neighbors used to keep the
cats properly but decided they didn't like the trouble so they
abandoned them out there to fend for themselves. The cats out there
live a short brutal life where they are diseased, hungry, and in
physical danger their entire live. Domestic cats deserve better
treatment, my opinion.

Wild critters only use feeders as a supplement to their diet and
studies have shown that when feeders are removed they return directly
to natural feeding and mortality is mostly unchanged.

I don't tell them or anyone else how to care for their animals since
it's not my business. I just think they could do a better job. Some
people feel it's more humane to shoot the cats then to allow them to
continue to breed future generations of unwanted cats. Trap and spay
is a better option to me. I won't shoot a cat.

I volunteer at af animal shelter and the surplus of cats is
overwhelming that shelter there and apparently everywhere. Every cage
is alway full. What is going on can only be described as a holocaust
of dogs and cats since uncounted number are put down every day. It's a
real nightmare to me and to other animal lovers.

Though these neighbors are essentially good folk and are friends of
mind I do think they could do better by these cats. Their dogs live
inside and are cared for, why not the cats? Sure it cost money to
spay but they seem to have enough money for other things I would
consider less necessary. I usually don't respond when people bait me
but had a few extra moments today. Good day.

Dan Espen

Feb 19, 2007, 11:26:16 AM2/19/07
"Lawrence" <> writes:

> On Feb 18, 6:42 pm, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
>> How do you feel about people who have bird feeders?
> I don't mind if folk feed the birds though I do not.


> Wild critters only use feeders as a supplement to their diet and
> studies have shown that when feeders are removed they return directly
> to natural feeding and mortality is mostly unchanged.

That study doesn't sound right to me.

The number of birds in an area is directly related to the amount of
food and shelter. In areas where there is shelter but not enough
food, a feeder will increase the bird population and when the feeding
is stopped, the birds have to starve.

The way I see it, the purpose of a feeder is to bring birds closer
to places where we can see and enjoy them.

I don't have a bird feeder right now but I do have a butterfly bush.
It's not there for the butterflys, it's there because it's nice to watch
the butterflys and it's an attractive bush.

Sure, we mess with nature all the time. That's our nature.


Feb 19, 2007, 12:24:04 PM2/19/07
On Feb 19, 10:26 am, Dan Espen <dan>

> The number of birds in an area is directly related to the amount of
> food and shelter. In areas where there is shelter but not enough
> food, a feeder will increase the bird population and when the feeding
> is stopped, the birds have to starve.

Yes populations are directly related to the resources available. That
is NATURAL RESOURCES, not feeders. Natural sources of food and
shelter are far, far in excess of that provided with birdhouses and
feeders. Birds have adapted for thousands of years to these
natural resources and are genetically programmed to seek them. It is
these natural resources that dominate the birds feeding and

Studies of banded birds have shown that feeders make up a tiny, tiny
percentage of what the overwhelming majority of birds take in from
natural sources. Most birds who visit the feeder are only
supplementing their natural diet. When feeding stops they immediately
return to natural sources or they do what birds do, they fly south.

Bird can live short lives and some starve every winter regardless of
whether there are feeders or not. Yes there are exceptions but the
people who study birds all agree. Feeders are for our pleasure alone
and almost nothing is gained in the overall survival of the entire
bird population.

There are a few birds, of course, who are exceptions and who will die
if you don't feed them. That bird probably is unable to migrate or
otherwise search for food for some reason and would likely have died
anyway without reproducing.


Feb 19, 2007, 12:54:51 PM2/19/07
On 19 Feb 2007 06:45:03 -0800, ""
<> wrote:


>Phisherman is right -- cats hate walking on chicken wire. In fact, you
>can put it over the top of the dirt on house plants if you have a


Tried it on my veg garden. Didn't work.

Dan Espen

Feb 19, 2007, 2:30:34 PM2/19/07
"Lawrence" <> writes:

> On Feb 19, 10:26 am, Dan Espen <dan>
>> The number of birds in an area is directly related to the amount of
>> food and shelter. In areas where there is shelter but not enough
>> food, a feeder will increase the bird population and when the feeding
>> is stopped, the birds have to starve.
> Yes populations are directly related to the resources available. That
> is NATURAL RESOURCES, not feeders. Natural sources of food and
> shelter are far, far in excess of that provided with birdhouses and
> feeders. Birds have adapted for thousands of years to these
> natural resources and are genetically programmed to seek them. It is
> these natural resources that dominate the birds feeding and
> reproduction.
> Studies of banded birds

I'm not finding these studies.

Any suggestion on keywords or even a link?

Ok, I tried adding "banded" and hit these:

Neither is a study.
I remain unconvinced.

A large, unlimited supply of food is unlike anything else
in these birds environment.


Sep 16, 2016, 10:44:05 PM9/16/16
replying to denaman, catlitter101 wrote:
I remember years ago, when my cat was using dirt under deck for a litter box,
a friend suggested I rake in a bag of powdered lime....worked great. I am
having same problem at my new home. I plan on doing it again.

for full context, visit


Sep 16, 2016, 10:44:05 PM9/16/16
replying to denaman, catlitter101 wrote:
I remember years ago, when my cat was using dirt under deck for a litter box,
a friend suggested I rake in a bag of powdered lime....worked great. I am
having same problem at my new home. I plan on doing it again. I need to add
this. Some lime is safe, some isn't. Go to and search, Is Lime
Fertilizer Poisonous to Animals? Seems that Gypsum (calcium sulphate) is safe.

Jan 20, 2018, 4:24:25 AM1/20/18
On Saturday, February 17, 2007 at 10:16:40 PM UTC-8, H wrote:
> I've had great luck getting rid of dead rodent odor using this stuff:
> I have no idea how well it would work in your situation, but it claims to
> work outside.
> Good luck.
> H
> <> wrote in message
> > Anyone have experience removing the strong stench of cat urine from
> > under a deck?
> >
> > I've noticed stray cats in our yard the last couple of months and
> > hadn't thought much of it. They were passing through, no big deal.
> > Big mistake. Recently, our house started reeking of cat urine. Turns
> > out we've been having a couple of these cats staying under the deck
> > and it smells like a litter box. Very bad. Knock you on your ass
> > bad. They must have pissed all over the house, marking territory,
> > because it reeks inside the house too. Back door and front door. And
> > this is winter with the doors closed up tight! Incredible.
> >
> > Right now there's snow banks out there but I was hoping I could douse
> > the area with chemicals because I'm sure the smell is only going to
> > get worse when Spring hits. Anyone run into a chemical solution that
> > worked effectively (heard this is one of the worse smells to try to
> > get rid of).
> >

What is the name of that stuff to get rid of dead rodents?


Jan 20, 2018, 1:17:20 PM1/20/18
On 01/20/2018 03:24 AM, wrote:
> On Saturday, February 17, 2007 at 10:16:40 PM UTC-8, H wrote:
> What is the name of that stuff to get rid of dead rodents?

I'm sure the person who posted this in 2007 is standing right by.


Jan 20, 2018, 1:28:09 PM1/20/18
Better to shoot the fucking cats...

"philo" <> wrote in message

Jan 23, 2018, 7:43:47 PM1/23/18
Bleach and more bleach !


Jan 24, 2018, 3:39:29 AM1/24/18
<> wrote:
> Bleach and more bleach !




Feb 2, 2018, 1:14:07 AM2/2/18
replying to philo, Smellycat wrote:
Im having this same problem and looking at this site!

for full context, visit


Feb 2, 2018, 1:14:08 AM2/2/18
replying to gregz, Smellycat wrote:
Im having same problem as we speak! My indoor cat is getting agressive because
of it!


Mar 19, 2019, 7:44:06 AM3/19/19
replying to denaman, EBRU ÜNAL wrote:
I cleaned with bicarbonate of soda + water (and a brush) under my balcony, it
was stinking, let it dry, sprinkled bicarbonate of soda in the corners, and I
spayed the stray cat that was living under my balcony :)

Dec 1, 2019, 2:23:44 AM12/1/19
Sorry for chiming in a bit late to the discussion, but I really feel like I need to add my 2 cents. Cats don't just pee on floors and beds because they're in pain - could be a multitude of other reasons! Most common is that male cats feel the need to mark their territory.

As for myself, I finally found something that works for the cat pee smell in my home!

What a relief to finally have gotten rid of the horrible cat pee smell, and without any expensive sprays at that.

Registered an account only to say this:

One of my 2 cats (both neutered males) had taken to painting all of my walls, furniture, and anything else he could reach. I was horrified when I got a UV light. He never did that in all of the 9 years I've had him and didn't when I got him a buddy (they love each other and did so right away) but when a strange black cat started showing up outside both of my cats went nuts and the older one (9) started his wall painting, as well as the curtains out in the kitty room. I couldn't keep up with it.

My cats are indoor cats so it's not like the stray is actually going to get in here but they both hate him (and he is neighbor's cats hate him too). I've tried cleaning with a pet urine enzyme and then spraying some "No More Spraying" but that hasn't worked.

He's a sneaky little bugger too; he waits until he thinks I'm not looking and then does it. He's learned that the minute I see him backing his butt up to something he gets yelled at. It wasn't until I found "Cat Spraying No More" that I was able to finally get rid of this tiresome behavior. Now my house doesn't smell like a litter box anymore :smile:

To be honest, I don't know too much about it so I did a quick Google search and here's a review I found:

I'm based in Germany, by the way, so you should be able to get it too. Good luck!
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