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Alan Dershowitz Slams Letitia James Over Trump Prosecution

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Feb 17, 2024, 10:40:37 PM2/17/24

Alan Dershowitz Slams Letitia James Over Trump Prosecution: ‘Ought to be Brought up Before the Bar’ (VIDEO)

Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz tore into Letitia James during a recent appearance on the Sean Hannity show over her prosecution of Trump, suggesting that she should be brought before the bar.

He compared what was done to Trump to the Stalin-era idea of ‘show me the man, I’ll find you the crime.’

He also said that the ruling is going to have a negative impact on who decides to run for office if they know that this sort of thing can be done to them.

So I stand corrected. There is still one sane Democrat that follows the law. The rest of the Democrats are batshit crazy though.


Feb 18, 2024, 12:01:07 PM2/18/24
Heard an interesting comment on this that the verdict would deter other
real estate investors from doing business in the state of New York.

New York is already driving out other businesses and business men
because of their high taxes.


Feb 19, 2024, 11:16:52 AM2/19/24
I don't see why Trump being so bold and stupid to even lie about the square
footage of his own Trump Tower apartment should cause others concern.
He lied, claimed it was 30,000 sq ft and valued it accordingly when it is really
only 10,000 sq ft. That's the problem, Trump is such a deranged mental case
he not only thinks he can get away with it, he loves to do this because he likes
to lie about how big, wealthy and important he is.

Did James go after him because of who he is? Sure. Are there ethical issues?
I think in this case there could be. Maybe he can get somewhere
with that on appeal. But she has him on the facts, it's totally clear that loan applications
were falsified with totally inflated asset values. If he had inflated values 20% they
would not have a case, within some reasonable limits, it's arguable. But not when
you inflate the size of your own home by 3x and you're a real estate developer,
in fact the developer that built it. .This is kind of like having the
new police chief who hates your guts look into your past history, finding a crime
and bringing charges. I don't think that he hates your guts is a defense.
And it's not the first time a DA has run for office promising
to look into some possible crimes, to promise to re-open an investigation, etc.
Trump's a big boy, he should know that when he chooses to
attack and vilify, divide, toss incendiary bombs, that he's painting a big target on himself.
He just thinks he can get away with it, because for 50 years, up until now, he has.
And he likely made it much worse by trying to vilify the
prosecution and especially the judge deciding the case. The judge is going to make
any fine judgment partly based on whether the defendant admits what they did or at least
behaves like a normal defendant would. Trump chose instead to do his usual BS
and attack the judge and his staff. I can't feel sorry for him.

Also as usual, he just got extremely lucky in his Georgia Jan 6 case with that dope DA
there choosing her boyfriend to be the prosecutor. She's as dumb as Trump, choosing
to take him on and then pulling that, as if no one is going to know it and use it against
her? She was already spanked by a previous judge
for holding a fund raiser for the opponent of a guy she brought charges against.
If the judge deciding this decides to disqualify her and the prosecutor, it at the least
puts that case way back so that it likely won't be heard until after the election.


Feb 19, 2024, 4:10:47 PM2/19/24
In, on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 08:16:47 -0800 (PST), trader_4
<> wrote:

> If he had inflated val=
>ues 20% they
>would not have a case, within some reasonable limits, it's arguable. But =
>not when
>you inflate the size of your own home by 3x

A variation on a vey common problem:

Better to say inflate TO 3x.

If it were inflated by 3x, it would then be 4x.

>and you're a real estate develo=
>in fact the developer that built it.

Otherwise I almost completely agree with you.
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