(Found on my favorite source for daily news,
The fashion in killing has an insouciant, flirty style this spring,
with the flaunting of well-defined muscle, wrapped in flags.
- Comment from an article on (
>For those careful readers who've been following the recent news that
>there might be vast untapped stores of mineral wealth in Afghanistan, I
>offer the following article, a good antidote to the "let's make up some
>good reasons for being in Afghanistan" crowd:
>(Found on my favorite source for daily news,
I havent' read the article, but most of the commentators
misunderstand. The plan is to put all the Afghanis on lithium. Then
they'll be too jolly to fight.
How cool is that! Extend that plan to the Pentagon, and think of the
money and lives we'd save!
Link not working but it was reported over here too. Lots of other
minerals too.
The Chinese will get them!
It won't help because the clothheads don't have the expertist to get
it out. They will be robbed by foriegners, also the old corruption
thing will kick in.
They are a long way from the sea or anywhere else that might need
these minerals. The highways aren't fit for heavy traffic to get the
stuff out or the mining equipment in.
Anyway which foreigners would want to work in Afghanistan? (Apart
from the Chinese that is)