On 1/22/2013 1:37 PM, Art Harris wrote:
> elbrecht wrote:
> Art Harris
>> <
n2...@optonline.net> wrote:
>>> About two years ago, my daughter gave us a La Crosse Indoor / Outdoor
>>> weather station (Model 8300) with an outdoor sensor/transmitter unit.
>>> It worked perfectly until recently, and we've become addicted to it.
>>> Two days ago, the outdoor readings disappeared. I replaced the
>>> batteries in both the indoor and outdoor units, following the
>>> procedure in the manual, but cannot get any outdoor readings.
>> If you followed them exactly-- removing the batteries from the inside
>> one- then replacing the batteries in the outside one before replacing
>> the inside batteries--- Then try reversing the procedure and making
>> the receiver hot before the sender.
>> It matters, and I have several remote thingies- and some need an
>> active receiver first, others need an active sender first.
> Thanks to all for the suggestions.
> I just tried powering up the receiver first, but no joy. Was worth a try though.
> I think it's most likely that the transmitter unit is at fault (since it has has been outside in the heat and cold, though sheltered from rain and snow).
The unit we have has a small LED on the sender. It winks when the sender
is sending a reading. Does your unit have an LED?