On 08-16-2013 02:49, The Daring Dufas wrote:
> time, I bet a stationary bike would help. Wes, when you started riding
> your bike, what kind of shape were you in and how long did it take you
> to get into the good shape you're in now? ^_^
I started riding while in the Navy but on shore duty (electronics
instructor) when I knocked a hole in my oil pan at a dip in the road.
I was so skinny at the time that I GAINED ten pounds in two weeks.
When I finally fixed the thing, I kept on riding. When I realized I
hadn't driven it at all for six months, I sold it.
But after I got out, I moved to Syracuse, NY, where both the weather and
the attitudes of motorists led me to use buses instead. Then marriage
and children led me to get a car. And the dietary aspects
of eating at home with a family while having a sedentary job made me fat
and unhealthy. Result of that is diabetes which motivated me to improve
my diet. After my wife died and my children were grown, I sold the
house and the car and moved three blocks from work. Stayed mostly
within two miles until I thought I was in good enough shape to go further.
I've been making longer and longer "unnecessary" trips because of an
irrational obsession with disproving people's opinions on what is
Plus I would like to be able to do Route 66 before my knees become
the ones claiming "Impossible"
But enough about me....
Wes Groleau
Trying to be happy is like trying to build a machine for which
the only specification is that it should run noiselessly.
— unknown