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"Why am I responsible for my dogs, but you're not for your kids?"

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Mar 2, 2023, 11:15:27 AM3/2/23
I have to say, this doesn't get discussed as much as it should be, IMO.

It's about preventing serious accidents by taking the responsibility of cleaning up and removing any hazards. (Not to mention the need to avoid lawsuits!)

"So the last couple days I've had 2 phone calls, one with my cousin, one with my mom, both on the same subject. Last year I went to visit family on the other side of the country and stayed with a relative who who has 3 sons. One day on my visit I slipped and fell on one of the kids' toys that was in the stairwell. Upon making a comment about it, my relative said, 'you came to a house full of kids, you should know better.'

"So, yesterday this came up in conversation with my cousin and he said he agreed with my other relative. So I made the point of if they came to my house and their kid grabbed my dog the wrong way and my dog bit the kid, would he expect me to be responsible? Then I pointed out that legally speaking, if anything happened to them or their kid at my house because of my dog (please correct me if I'm mistaken), it would be on my house insurance, or my responsibility and he agreed. So then I mentioned if I go to their house and break my neck on the stairs because of their kids' toy, it should be their responsibility, but there was immediate resistance. I had the same conversation with my mom tonight, and same resistance. Why is it that I have to have 1000% responsibility and watch over my dogs, but if I go to your house, toys and trip hazards all over the floor aren't your responsibility? And in the same regard, if you come visit my place and your kids destroy my furniture or my electronics, can I blame you for not watching your kids?

"I'm so annoyed by this lack of responsibility. Why, why is it okay for parents to absolve themselves of responsibility of watching/disciplining their own children but if my dog so much as scratches your kid, I have to worry about putting it down?"

There were a few comments.

Anyway, this also reminds me of how a lot of people still seem to think:

1. That if one spouse dislikes bad smells, clutter, dirt, and vermin, but the other doesn't mind, that's the FORMER's job. OR...

2. That anyone who hates housework somehow has the right to dump all of it on the other members of the household. (Does anyone get to do anything similar in school or at the workplace? No.)

3. That men need time for rest and relaxation and women don't.

More details on that:

I was inspired to post about housework, in this thread, when I saw this (it's about the late Dede Robertson, wife of evangelist Pat, from a year ago):

"...In her autobiography, Robertson recalled bridling at staying at home
and her husband's refusal to help around the house.

" 'I was a Northerner, and Northern men just generally help around the
house a little more,' she said. "I noticed the further south we moved,
the less he did.' "

(Check out what I mentioned about the Last Emperor of China, Pu Yi! You might not even guess what HE didn't know how to do...)
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