On Tuesday, 23 February 1999 13:30:00 UTC+5:30,
tomas.e...@med.ge.com wrote:
> Can anyone help me to get a hold of a service manual for the Marantz SR770
> surround sound receiver? I have tried to get it (in Sweden) from my
> distributor, but he a: wants $100 for it (!) b: don't knows for sure if he
> can get it from the factory (sounds like he want's to get rid of me).
> I'm sure we can work something out if anyone can help me get what I want.
> I think it's the same manual for the SR770 and the SR870.
> Looking forward to your answer.
> Tomas Eriksson
> Sweden
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I'm also looking for it. If you find it please send me a copy to