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14 days . . .

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Feb 7, 2024, 11:51:05 AMFeb 7

* george washington's 292nd birthday

* 512 years after amerigo vespucci died

* usenet bids farewell to google groups . . .

countdown timers (and probably sports betting, office pools, etc.) are
keeping track of the final days until google's disjunction from usenet

(using Tor Browser 13.0.9, pacific standard time 00:00-24:00|PT/UT-8) . . .
>Google Groups Shutdown
>14 days 13 hours ... minutes ... seconds
>Time until Thursday, February 22, 2024 (Mountain View time)
[end quote]

guesstimate . . .

22 february 2024 02:14:14 am (074w00:11,40n44:29; jd 2460362.80155)
21 february 2024 11:14:14 pm (122w05:02,37n25:18; jd 2460362.80155)


Feb 9, 2024, 6:51:45 PMFeb 9
The square root of 2 was 1414 or the Council of Constance.

The square root of 3 was 1732 or George Washington's birthyear.

The square root of 1 was 1000.

The square root of 4 was 2000.

So when it comes to George Washington, does anyone have links
showing the text of the letter or letters that George Washington was
carrying near to the start of the Seven Year's War? In other
words, the text of the letters from lieutenant governor Robert
Dinwiddie that George Washington was supposed to deliver during
that time period? I have not been able to easily find the text
of the letter with a web search. Who knows what may happen in 2236.
That was around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania nowadays but Virginia
claimed the area also.

Paul Leyland

Feb 11, 2024, 12:17:50 PMFeb 11
2236 years ago was 223BCE, the year that king Seleucus III was
assassinated and succeeded by Antiochus III.

Around 2233 BCE Akkad became the largest city in the world. Akkadian is
still a widely known language. It's Semitic like Arabic and Hebrew.

Paul Leyland

Feb 11, 2024, 12:34:11 PMFeb 11
Not much seems to have happened on September 2236, 1993

Paul Leyland

Feb 11, 2024, 12:46:53 PMFeb 11
On 11/02/2024 17:17, Paul Leyland wrote:
For that matter, 2236AM was roughly the end of the fifteenth dynasty of
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