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R.M.S. Titanic

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Apr 12, 2018, 10:56:59 AM4/12/18
Anniversary's coming up, 106 years ago...

She'd struck the iceberg about 11:40 PM Local Titanic Time (see
note below) late Sunday night, April 14, 1912, near 49W55 41N47,
albeit the wreck of the Titan (no, not the prophetic novella by
Morgan Robertson published in 1898, but the wreckage discovered
in 1985) was found closer to 49W57 41N44, about 2.5 miles b.s.l.

NOTE: this time has been rectified to approximately 3:07 AM GMT
April 15, 1912, based on extensive records, testimony, distress
calls, official inquiries, exhaustive Internet discussions, etc.
Notably, the actual LMT of 49:55W is UT -3:19. So the Titanic's
post-10:00 PM, 47-minute setback clock was only about 8 minutes
slow by the ship's reported time 11:40 PM, GMT -3:27, NYT +1:33,
i.e. relative to GMT, not the calculated midday southing on the
ship's projected course for April 15th, as the IMM/WS's 'Ship's
Rules and Uniform Regulations' handbook (1907 edition) explains.
Other reports suggest the ship's clock was only about 6 minutes
slow therearound, but I leave such discrepancies to the experts.
Considering the projected course, heading, and nextday southing,
7 minutes slow is judicious. But what's one minute more or less?

The horoscope is interesting: Sun 5 mercury Saturn Node, Moon 4
Venus, Jupiter Spirit 12, Mars 7, Fortune 2 Lilith: Fallen Mars,
Saturn, head, tail, of the Dragon, Pluto dead-on the Descendant:

| | | | |
| Esp 5Sco07 | | | |
| | | | |
| Jup 21Sco36r | | | |
| | Astrolog 5.41G chart | |
| Asc 3Sag42 | Titanic-Iceberg Impact | |
| | Sun 14 Apr 1912 23:40:00 | Ver 15Can14 |
| | North Atlantic Ocean | Nep 27Gem32 |
<1>24Sag43[2]--| ST -03:27, 49W55 41N47 |--[8]24Gem43<7>
| |UT: 3:07:00, Sid.T: 13:18:59| |
| Lil 0Cap46 | Terrestrial Houses |*Mar 11Gem45 |
| For 2Cap18 | Caelestial / Geocentric | Des 3Gem42\ |
| Ura 9Cap43 | Julian Day = 2419507.6299 | Plu 3Gem39/ |
| | Moo 2Pis41 | Sat 26Ari16\ | |
| | Ven 9Pis34 |/Mer 1Ari56r | |
| | |\Sun 1Ari16 | |
| | |/Nod 28Pis02r | |

P.S. Where the Titanic sunk is clearly in terrestrial Pisces.

Apr 12, 2018, 9:34:34 PM4/12/18
Thank you for clearing that up.

So exactly WHEN, by ship time, did Titanic
actually spot and strike the berg?
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