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The Indian PM is invited to meet Mashie

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Neil Ozman

Jun 5, 2002, 4:30:24 AM6/5/02
The Indian PM is invited to meet Mashie and he obliges the guy and turns up
in his office.

Mashie is sitting at his desk and has 3 buttons by his side, he asks the
Indian PM to sit. Mashie proceeds to rant and rave while the Indian PM just
smiles. Then Mashie told the PM he just has to answer 3 questions and if he
was satisfied he would call of the terrorists.

Indian PM agrees and is ready to answer his questions.

Mashie: How many nuclear weapons do you have?
PM: You know Mashie I can't tell you.

Mashie is outraged and presses one of the buttons and out comes a spring
loaded punch and hits the PM in the face and nearly knocks him out. Mashie
can't stop laughing. PM shrugs of this.

Mashie: Will you give us Kashmir?
PM: No! Definitely NO!

Mashie is outraged and presses one of the buttons and out comes a spring
loaded punch and hits the PM in the gut and badly winds him. Mashie can't
stop laughing. PM shrugs of this.

Mashie: You will become a Muslim! Won't you?

Mashie is outraged and presses one of the buttons and out comes a spring
loaded punch and hits the PM between his legs and he is on the floor
clutching his balls. Mashie can't stop laughing. PM has had enough and
invites Mashie over to India and leaves.

Mashie arrives a bit worried and wondering what the PM has waiting for him.
He walks into the PM's office, there seated is the PM in a nice plush chair
and an even plusher one waits Mashie. Mashie thinks to himself perhaps he
has finally knocked some sense into the PM and got him to see his point of

As he goes to sit down he see 3 buttons and thinks to himself, I know this
unimaginative old man, he laughs to himself and he is sure he can get out of
this situation. He sits down relaxed. Then the Indian PM tells him he has 3
questions to ask. Mashie smiles and says go ahead.

PM: Will you stop terrorists entering India?
Mashie: What terrorist?

PM presses one of the buttons by his side, Mashie jumps out of the seat and
nothing happens. The PM laughs and Mashie thinks to himself what a fool,
Indians can't even produce a spring loaded punch, he just gloats.

PM: Will you stop making claims on Kashmir?
Mashie: NO! Definitely NOT!

PM presses one of the buttons by his side, Mashie jumps out of the seat and
nothing happens. The PM laughs and Mashie thinks to himself what a fool,
Indians can't even produce a spring loaded punch, thus proving they are
incable of doing much. He too laughs.

PM: My final question and I am serious about this, so think before you
answer! Will you stop all forms of Jihad against India?
Mashie: Just laughs at the PM .... This is our religious duty against
Kaffirs, there is no way I can compromise my faith.
PM: Oh very well.

PM presses one of the buttons by his side, Mashie sits relaxed in his seat
as expected nothing happens. The PM laughs and Mashie thinks to himself what
a fool, he is such a failure this PM is out of his mind. He just looks at
the PM and laughs at him.

Mashie: Well that was a very interesting meeting PM! Looks like nothing
works in India, I am leaving to go back to Pakistan.

PM laughs out even louder but somehow manages to just get control of his
laughter and then says.....

What Pakistan?

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