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Sian Morgana

Apr 12, 2012, 5:36:53 AM4/12/12
Why is there this group but I appesf to be the only one in it & nobody
is emailing me?I didn`t create this group & there was one other posting
but now it`s gone & I`m the only one here with 7 postings,now & no
comments or emails sent to me?or should I just be more patient;I do have
ADHD but the medicine is not a cure but helps???I`d really like someone
to explain this to me or just email me regarding anything I`ve written.I
just don`t understand this & I`m not dumb;my I.Q. is above
average~damn,I`ve got a B.A. in Chemistry unless I`m dumb or ignorant
about how discuss works or maybe my initial posting was too long,too
descriptive,too hard to understand or was offensive in any way or just
not of interest to anyway?Someone please instruct me &/or give me advice
if you`re out there.Thank you.Maybe someone misled by my username Sian
which is Gaelic for the feminization of the beautiful name Sean,the name
of my late boyfriend of 4 years who just died only 1 year & 3 months ago
at the age of 44.I love & miss him so much!!!


Mar 25, 2018, 3:46:56 AM3/25/18
Isn't Morgana a beautiful witch?
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