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Radioactive Dust Storms In Australia

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(�`�.� + In hoc signo vinces + �.���)

Sep 22, 2009, 6:28:38 PM9/22/09
On 3 January 1985, Australia created a new landmark in her relations with
her former colonial masters and a legal precedent in the history of the
Commonwealth. The Australian Royal Commission which had been established to
investigate the conduct of the British atomic bomb test series in Australia
opened its hearings in London. British Government employees, scientists and
servicemen were to be cross-examined in their own country during a judicial
inquiry instigated by another government. There was little doubt in the
minds of those who witnessed the scene that the Australians relished their
task. In his opening address the Commissioner, Mr Justice James McClelland,
upbraided the British Government for 'dragging its feet' over the Australian
investigation. He accused Britain of being a 'proud country' and of using
secrecy about nuclear weapons as a 'convenient alibi for failure of
disclosure'. Later he charged the man responsible for agreeing to British
nuclear tests in Australia, Robert Menzies, with being a 'lickspittle of the
British'. As far as this former Australian Prime Minister was concerned, it
had been a question of 'ask and thou shalt receive'.

Each of the twelve major atomic bomb tests in Australia has had questions
raised about its safety. After the first detonation of 1952, on the Monte
Bello Islands off the north-western coast, men claim that they were sent
into the forward areas to collect radioactive samples without sufficient
protection or monitoring procedures. The following year the tests were held
at Emu near the Woomera rocket range in South Australia. One of the bombs
was fired in unsafe weather conditions and produced the 'black mist' that
passed over Aboriginal settlements, allegedly causing death from radiation
sickness. The Mosaic tests which followed in 1956, once more on the Monte
Bello Islands, contaminated the Australian mainland. The Buffalo tests in
the same year on the permanent test range at Maralinga were used to measure
the effects of nuclear weapons on the morale and operational capacity of
troops: members of the 'indoctrination force' stood within a few thousand
yards of the detonation. The antler test series in Maralinga in 1957 again
raised doubts about the safety of Aborigines, and the so-called 'minor
trials' on the range held between 1957 and 1963 spread quantities of
radioactive materials including plutonium across the bush. The frequent dust
storms in the Australian bush have been blowing potentially lethal
carcinogens hither and thither now for neatly three decades.

Recent investigations into the monitoring procedures, both close in and at
long range, have shown them to be inadequate. It may never be known how much
radioactive material was deposited over Australia. Fallout clouds were not
properly traced and sampling stations were few and inefficient. Servicemen
in Britain and Australia now claim that they were being used in
'guinea-pigs' in an experiment to discover the effects of radiation.
Although the British hydrogen bomb tests in the Pacific did not produce
local fallout, the same lackadaisical attitudes to the safety of those
exposed to radiation are reported. The crews who flew their aircraft through
the H bomb clouds were exposed to even higher doses of radiation than the
men in Australia, and those who decontaminated the planes on the ground were
liable to be sprayed with radioactive water. Men wandered, out of curiosity,
into areas with known radioactive hazards.

In Australia there are now ten thousand test veterans who have joined
organizations fighting for compensation. 'A former Australian serviceman or
his widow may claim compensation for damages against the government under
the commonwealth Employees Act, and six veterans or their widows have so far
received awards under this scheme. Five more are holding out for larger sums
by sueing their Government under common law.

During the Monte Bellow operation, the Australian public had been given the
barest details and Australian scientists had been allowed to watch but not
interfere. The totem detonations at Emu Field in October 1953 raised doubts
in the minds of the Australian public about the safety of the test
programme. A newspaper headline asked, 'Is there no real danger, Mr
Menzies?' there were demands from Australian scientists and politicians for
closer involvement in the planning and the totem bomb tests were to be the
last in which the Australians had no say over the firing of the atomic
weapons and n o say in the safety arrangements affecting their servicemen
and their people.

Rob Sandilands

Sep 22, 2009, 7:27:38 PM9/22/09
(�`�.� + In hoc signo vinces + �.���) wrote:
In his opening address the Commissioner, Mr Justice James McClelland,
> upbraided the British Government for 'dragging its feet' over the Australian
> investigation. He accused Britain of being a 'proud country' and of using
> secrecy about nuclear weapons as a 'convenient alibi for failure of
> disclosure'. Later he charged the man responsible for agreeing to British
> nuclear tests in Australia, Robert Menzies, with being a 'lickspittle of the
> British'.

... I'm not 100% sure of what you're trying to achieve with this post
... but it does need to be remembered that 'Diamond Jim' had also been a
member of the Whitlam government ... and that despite his judicial
position, he also used the Royal Commission as a political soapbox to
excorciate his political enemies ...

(�`�.� + In hoc signo vinces + �.���)

Sep 23, 2009, 2:35:06 AM9/23/09

"Rob Sandilands" <> wrote in message

> (�`�.� + In hoc signo vinces + �.���) wrote:
> In his opening address the Commissioner, Mr Justice James McClelland,
>> upbraided the British Government for 'dragging its feet' over the
>> Australian investigation. He accused Britain of being a 'proud country'
>> and of using secrecy about nuclear weapons as a 'convenient alibi for
>> failure of disclosure'. Later he charged the man responsible for agreeing
>> to British nuclear tests in Australia, Robert Menzies, with being a
>> 'lickspittle of the British'.
> ... I'm not 100% sure of what you're trying to achieve with this post

To warn people to stay at home and close windows if they don't want to get
cancer from radioactive dust cloud currently spreading from Queensland to
Victoria (Thanks Menzies, Churchill and Lieberal Party for producing cancer
& radiation to all Aussies and Labors for participating in cover-up).

Rob Sandilands

Sep 23, 2009, 5:15:00 PM9/23/09
(�`�.� + In hoc signo vinces + �.���) wrote:

> To warn people to stay at home and close windows if they don't want to get
> cancer from radioactive dust cloud currently spreading from Queensland to
> Victoria (Thanks Menzies, Churchill and Lieberal Party for producing cancer
> & radiation to all Aussies and Labors for participating in cover-up).

... then perhaps your warning, which was a laudable and understandable
aim, might have been more effective if you had said so clearly rather
than being couched in the terms it was ...

... like you, I believe that the nuclear tests were wrong ... but we
have the benefit of hindsight and are looking at events in a society
some 60 years ago when there wasn't the understanding of nuclear power
and its dangers that there is now ...

(�`�.� + In hoc signo vinces + �.���)

Sep 23, 2009, 7:19:07 PM9/23/09

"Rob Sandilands" <> wrote in message

> (�`�.� + In hoc signo vinces + �.���) wrote:
>> To warn people to stay at home and close windows if they don't want to
>> get cancer from radioactive dust cloud currently spreading from
>> Queensland to Victoria (Thanks Menzies, Churchill and Lieberal Party for
>> producing cancer & radiation to all Aussies and Labors for participating
>> in cover-up).
> ... then perhaps your warning, which was a laudable and understandable
> aim, might have been more effective if you had said so clearly rather than
> being couched in the terms it was ...

Well, it's undeniable that nuking Australians was ploted by British
freemasonry and according to oath, you and other freemasons have to deny the
facts. Just as expected.

Also, 40 years after nucleary blasting Australians (and the world), we still
have "profitmasters" claiming that radiation can't harm anyone.

In Australia, BHP want to mine uranium by buldozing the ground, hence
producing Millions of tons of radioactive dust.

Thousands of soldiers and civilians are dead from radiation caused by
depleted uranium in every single war recently.

And all this radioactive dust is blowing by the wind around the world and is
enriched every day with every single depleted uraniun bomb or bullet or
uranium mining assuring more cancer for ourselves and our children.

Australian, British and USA Government and their strictly controlled media
are still in denial and continue to poison people because it is profitable.
Nobody ever mentioned in any media that dust can be radioactive because it
is coming from the part of Australia extensivelly used over many years for
nuclear tests. Instead we hear that dust is coming from Alice Springs,
Broken Hill or Lake Eyre. Sounds like there is no dust from Maralinga.

I do not have illusions that my post may change anything in any corrupted
Government, but people awerness is raised (although I know that not a lot of
people are reading newsgroups or taking anything posted here seriously due
to high level of spam posted by paid Government, religious or business
"servants" - nobody read this spam but they are still paid for posting
absolute bullshit).

But, if some people start to think about my posts, and pass their opinion
things may start to change, maybe slow, but this is better than parroting
propaganda of criminal Governments and Murdoch propaganda machine.

I see to many people dieing from cancer, who are from families where no one
has cancer 50 years ago.

> ... like you, I believe that the nuclear tests were wrong ... but we have
> the benefit of hindsight and are looking at events in a society some 60
> years ago when there wasn't the understanding of nuclear power and its
> dangers that there is now ...

That should encourage The Government to take health of public more seriously
and come with the truth about content of dust clouds in Australia and other
countries effected by lose radiation. And stop bullshiting with open uranium
mines because that will make the biggest profit for BHP or China. People
pushing this ideas are criminals and should be prevented from any work or
involvement in public in Australia. I am excluded from Australian working
society for years just for raising my voice against Centrelink destruction
of my marriage to promote adultery of my wife. Which damage I caused
comparing to exposure to radiation of all Australians?

Just staying at home with closed windows and air-condition switched off
during dust storms can save you from getting cancer.

On stupid Australian TV morning idiocy (they call it show), people are
advised how to change air filter on their car, but nobody give any advice to
people to flush their bodies from dust by drinking clean (bottled) water.
And with water tanks full of radioactive dust ... use your imagination of

My posts in the few recent years increase awarness of prostate cancer,
killing fathers by Family Violence Intervention Prevention, removing
criminals from "public service" (unfortunatelly they all got higher paid
positions thanks to their freemasonry, Queanbeyan golf club or Fabian
Society membership, while I can't even clean toilets in Australia due to my
fabricated criminal record as even for cleaning of toilets you need security
clearance and my PhD and 2 other University degrees are more obstraction
than help in country run by corrupted preferentially self-elected idiots).

For me, the fact that some days I am hungry and can't pay bills is nothing
comparing to the fact that I may save someone's life. Even if all people
bothering to read my posts think that I am crazy, God, my children and my
friends know the truth. And this is a great satisfaction as "If you save one
life, you have saved the world" according to Torah, The Bible and The Koran.

If yesterday some gave up morning jogging or bushwalking, after reding my
early morning alarming post about radiation in the dust cloud, they have
better chance to NOT get lung cancer in the future. That's makes me happy.

And if my posts increased awarness about any serious issue, I serve my duty
as a human. Regardless if some people are upset.

Jeff Kennet is now leading freemason in depression prevention and prostate
cancer campaigns. Much better than wasting time on f*@%cking goat or lying
about freemasonry history. Pitty, the most of freemasons are wasting time
denigrating "antis" and keep lodge idiocy (rituals for imbeciles) instead
use time and energy for positive campaigns.

Rob Sandilands

Sep 24, 2009, 2:15:18 AM9/24/09
(�`�.� + In hoc signo vinces + �.���) wrote:
> Well, it's undeniable that nuking Australians was ploted by British
> freemasonry and according to oath, you and other freemasons have to deny the
> facts. Just as expected.

... sorry ... can't see it ... and my oath would force me to expose it
if it was a 'plot' or 'cover-up' and I became aware of it ...

> Also, 40 years after nucleary blasting Australians (and the world), we still
> have "profitmasters" claiming that radiation can't harm anyone.

... again, sorry ... can't see it ... can you name names? ... as I
understand current medical research and knowledge indicates that
radiation can be quite harmful ...

> In Australia, BHP want to mine uranium by buldozing the ground, hence
> producing Millions of tons of radioactive dust.

... I should bloody hope not ... again, some details would help rather
than a broadbrush claim ...

> Thousands of soldiers and civilians are dead from radiation caused by
> depleted uranium in every single war recently.

... ok, you've got me ... let's have some details on this one ...

> And all this radioactive dust is blowing by the wind around the world and is
> enriched every day with every single depleted uraniun bomb or bullet or
> uranium mining assuring more cancer for ourselves and our children.

... more broadbrush ... a very sweeping statement ... details,
scientific evidence? ... solar radiation hits the world every day and
can cause cancers ... and I know this from personal experience ...

> Australian, British and USA Government and their strictly controlled media
> are still in denial and continue to poison people because it is profitable.

... oh, come now ... really? ... how the hell do they make a profit out
of 'killing people'? ...

> Nobody ever mentioned in any media that dust can be radioactive because it
> is coming from the part of Australia extensivelly used over many years for
> nuclear tests. Instead we hear that dust is coming from Alice Springs,
> Broken Hill or Lake Eyre. Sounds like there is no dust from Maralinga.

... well, the weather map in the paper was fairly believable ... but I
do acknowledge your concerns about dust from the test area ... but I
can't see the media covering up for the government to the extent you are
suggesting ...

> I do not have illusions that my post may change anything in any corrupted
> Government, but people awerness is raised (although I know that not a lot of
> people are reading newsgroups or taking anything posted here seriously due
> to high level of spam posted by paid Government, religious or business
> "servants" - nobody read this spam but they are still paid for posting
> absolute bullshit).

... 'nobody read this spam' ... ??? ...

> But, if some people start to think about my posts, and pass their opinion
> things may start to change, maybe slow, but this is better than parroting
> propaganda of criminal Governments and Murdoch propaganda machine.

... actually, I think you mean that if they accept and espouse your
opinion rather than differing with it ...

> I see to many people dieing from cancer, who are from families where no one
> has cancer 50 years ago.

... there is very strong evidence that we are seeing more of various
diseases, and not just cancers, due to the increased longevity of the
human race in western civilisations ...

>> ... like you, I believe that the nuclear tests were wrong ... but we have
>> the benefit of hindsight and are looking at events in a society some 60
>> years ago when there wasn't the understanding of nuclear power and its
>> dangers that there is now ...
> That should encourage The Government to take health of public more seriously
> and come with the truth about content of dust clouds in Australia and other
> countries effected by lose radiation. And stop bullshiting with open uranium
> mines because that will make the biggest profit for BHP or China. People
> pushing this ideas are criminals and should be prevented from any work or
> involvement in public in Australia. I am excluded from Australian working
> society for years just for raising my voice against Centrelink destruction
> of my marriage to promote adultery of my wife. Which damage I caused
> comparing to exposure to radiation of all Australians?

... ok ... your marriage 'broke down' ... and I do sympathise with you
on this ... but how does this exclude you from 'Australian working
society' ... I was forced to retire after PTSD and a heart attack caused
by a 14 year old with 5 concealed weapons ... I didn't plan to retire
this early in life ... but it's not stopping me getting on with other
things ...

> Just staying at home with closed windows and air-condition switched off
> during dust storms can save you from getting cancer.

... perhaps ... but when you go outside later, some of the dust will
still be there being stirred up by movement ...

> On stupid Australian TV morning idiocy (they call it show), people are
> advised how to change air filter on their car, but nobody give any advice to
> people to flush their bodies from dust by drinking clean (bottled) water.
> And with water tanks full of radioactive dust ... use your imagination of
> effects.

... you're right about imagining the effects ... but you just negated
your own argument above about avoiding the dust by staying home and so
on ... and water surely can't flush out 'all' harmful agents ingested
into the human body ...

> My posts in the few recent years increase awarness of prostate cancer,

... good ...

> killing fathers by Family Violence Intervention Prevention,

... ??? ... I'd like an explanation on this one ... I do know that
allegations of family violence can be used by both sides in custody
cases, but I'm also very aware, due to some of the voluntary work I do
now, that there are instances where intervention in family violence is
not only necessary but essential ... and I've known quite a few men who
have had the living daylights beaten out of them by their wives ... in
fact, the worst domestic I ever had to break up was a woman assaulting
her boyfriend ...

> removing criminals from "public service" (unfortunatelly they all got higher paid
> positions thanks to their freemasonry, Queanbeyan golf club or Fabian
> Society membership, while I can't even clean toilets in Australia due to my
> fabricated criminal record as even for cleaning of toilets you need security
> clearance and my PhD and 2 other University degrees are more obstraction
> than help in country run by corrupted preferentially self-elected idiots).

... the golf club? ... when you make statements like this, you're
starting to sound like our old friend, Marta, who couldn't see two men
shaking hands in the street without believing it was a Masonic
conspiracy aimed solely at her ...

... sadly, it is a fact of human nature that one man, or woman for that
matter, will always give 'preference' to someone with whom they have
something in common ... I know of one security firm where at least 90%
of the personnel were ex-Navy ... and I was one of the other 10% ... if
the boss had a choice between two equally qualifed applicants, and one
was ex-Navy, then the ex-Navy man got the job ...

... again, very broadbrush statements ... having spent time working in
the employment field, I know that any criminal record does not need to
be declared after the sentence has been completed ... and that you
certainly don't need 'security clearance' unless your job really, really
requires it ... perhaps if you really wanted, for some strange reason,
to clean the toilets in ASIO or DFAT, yes ... but in somewhere like a
local supermarket ... ??? ...

... I do agree that many of our politicians are self-serving idiots ...
and that the selection of 'candidates' for election is open to abuse ...
hell, look at the present situation in both NSW and Queensland with
'Labor mates' ... and I do also agree with you that the only way to keep
the bastards honest is by keeping up the pressure on them ...

... despite what you may think, the influence of Freemasonry, which was
only ever social, has actually declined in recent years ... if anything,
the pressure that Freemasonry used to bear on promoting truth and moral
rectitude is probably needed now more than ever ...

... just a snippet ... I know you think Freemasons are evil and want to
cover up corruption and so on, but it was a Freemason standing up for
what he believed in that actually brought the Fitzgerald enquiry here in
Queensland into life and gave it the scope that allowed it to expose
corruption, and to jail a corrupt police commissioner and several
politicians ...

> For me, the fact that some days I am hungry and can't pay bills is nothing
> comparing to the fact that I may save someone's life. Even if all people
> bothering to read my posts think that I am crazy, God, my children and my
> friends know the truth. And this is a great satisfaction as "If you save one
> life, you have saved the world" according to Torah, The Bible and The Koran.

... no, I don't necessarily think you're 'crazy' ... I'm not a medical
practitioner of any sort ... can't stand blood or needles ... but I do
think that you are either misinformed or mislead regarding the truth
about Freemasonry ...

> If yesterday some gave up morning jogging or bushwalking, after reding my
> early morning alarming post about radiation in the dust cloud, they have
> better chance to NOT get lung cancer in the future. That's makes me happy.

... fair enough ...

> And if my posts increased awarness about any serious issue, I serve my duty
> as a human. Regardless if some people are upset.

... again, fair enough ... but remember, if you make expansive, sweeping
statements, you can lose people who actually read and consider arguments
rather than getting swept up in emotional rhetoric ...

> Jeff Kennet is now leading freemason in depression prevention and prostate
> cancer campaigns. Much better than wasting time on f*@%cking goat or lying
> about freemasonry history. Pitty, the most of freemasons are wasting time
> denigrating "antis" and keep lodge idiocy (rituals for imbeciles) instead
> use time and energy for positive campaigns.

... I'm not aware that Jeff Kennett is a Freemason ... are you implying
that he is because he was in Parliament, or do you have information that
might indicate that this was so ... for example, most Freemasons will
quite happily tell you what their Lodge name and number is ... mine is
Warwick 160 UGLQ ...

... and then you spoil it by the usual 'anti' statements about goats,
lying, idiocy and so on ...

... my Lodge raised money for dementia care units at a local nursing
home .... UGLQ supports the Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland and other
charities ...

... if you are going to denigrate people who find interest or
fulfillment in rituals that they partake in, then why not have a shot at
Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholics whose rituals are seen by Protestant
churches as ornate, outmoded, un-Biblical etc ... or at Protestants who
are viewed by Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholics as too plain,
un-Biblical, or even heretical ...

... by the way, did you know that the name you use is one that is
actually the motto of a Masonic appendant order? ...


Daniel Brown

Sep 24, 2009, 6:05:23 AM9/24/09

"Rob Sandilands" <> wrote in message

> (�`�.� + In hoc signo vinces + �.���) wrote:
>> Well, it's undeniable that nuking Australians was ploted by British
>> freemasonry and according to oath, you and other freemasons have to deny
>> the facts. Just as expected.
> ... sorry ... can't see it ... and my oath would force me to expose it if
> it was a 'plot' or 'cover-up' and I became aware of it ...

Sir Robert Menzies, AO 12th Prime Minister of Australia, Austral Temple
Lodge No. 110, VC

or, we are talking here about other Menzies freemason:

Freemason Kevin Menzies, pictured, admitted a charge of public indecency.
... Menzies is a Freemason with Cruden Bay's Lodge St Olaf and now faces
being ...

The Grand Master of Queensland Freemasons, Br John Menzies,

>> Also, 40 years after nucleary blasting Australians (and the world), we
>> still have "profitmasters" claiming that radiation can't harm anyone.
> ... again, sorry ... can't see it ... can you name names? ... as I
> understand current medical research and knowledge indicates that radiation
> can be quite harmful ...

Let's name a few:

1. Ziggy Switkowski, ex Telstra thief and now the head of ANSTO
2. Clive Palmer (uranium miner and the biggest donator to QLD
3. Retired rear admiral Andrew Robertson,
4. Andrew Davies, of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute,
5. Michael Angwin, the executive director of the Australian Uranium
6. Greg Hall, managing director of Toro Energy Ltd.
7. ex- Industry and Resources Minister Ian Macfarlane,
8. former Western Mining boss Hugh Morgan,
9. "Australia as a nuclear dump" Ms. Julie Bishop, (and all other Liberals
as a continuation of Menzies atomic crazyness),
10. Kemeny, LG, Institution of Engineers, Australia,
11. Peter Garrett, Environment Minister (approved new uranium mine),
12. Ian Biggs (DFAT) and John Carlson (ASNO) appointed to
advisory/secretariat roles with the Rudd government, - both pro-nuclear

... and of course our beloved liar ex-PM JWH:

Nuclear energy was "a source of hope" and "part of the future for all
mankind", the Prime Minister, John Howard, said yesterday. Opening the new
$400 million science research reactor at Lucas Heights, Mr Howard gave a
powerful endorsement for atomic power. "Nuclear energy, nuclear science,
nuclear power is part of Australia's future," he said.

Prime Minister John Howard today promised to remove all excessive
restrictions on mining, processing and exporting of Australian uranium as a
possible step to embarking on domestic nuclear power generation.

"The government's next step will be to repeal commonwealth legislation
prohibiting nuclear activities, including the relevant provisions of the
Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. This will
be addressed soon,'' he said.
... and most nuclear "profitmasters" on this webpages:

>> In Australia, BHP want to mine uranium by buldozing the ground, hence
>> producing Millions of tons of radioactive dust.
> ... I should bloody hope not ... again, some details would help rather
> than a broadbrush claim ...

On May 1st 2009, BHP Billiton released the Environmental Impact Statement
for its planned expansion of the Olympic Dam (Roxby Downs) uranium/copper
mine in SA:

� The mine operates under the SA Roxby Downs Indenture Act which exempts
it from key environmental and Aboriginal heritage laws that apply everywhere
else in SA.

� BHP Billiton plans to make Roxby the largest open-cut mine in the
world. Export of uranium is expected to increase from an average of 4,000
tonnes per year to 19,000 tonnes. Enough plutonium to build 2,850 nuclear
weapons each year.

� BHP Billiton proposes an increase in water consumption from 35 million
litres daily (from the Great Artesian Basin) to 150 million litres daily (up
to 42 million litres from the Great Artesian Basin, the remainder from a
proposed desalination plant at Port Bonython). The total amounts to over
100,000 litres of water every minute of every day.

� The production of radioactive tailings, stored above ground, will
increase seven-fold to 70 million tonnes annually. The tailings contain a
toxic, acidic soup of radionuclides and heavy metals.

� Electricity demand for the mine will increase from 120 megawatts to 690
megawatts - equivalent to 42% of South Australia�s current total electricity

Let your voice be heard, and lets make sure BHP is held accountable to the
same laws as everyone else.

>> Thousands of soldiers and civilians are dead from radiation caused by
>> depleted uranium in every single war recently.
> ... ok, you've got me ... let's have some details on this one ...

A study by the World Health Organization's senior radiation advisor Dr Keith
Baverstock, completed in 2001, suggested that the use of uranium weapons in
Iraq could pose a unique health hazard to the civilian population. The
publication of the study was suppressed by the World Health Organization's
hierarchy and only in February 2004 the UK Sunday Herald broke that story.

Dr Baverstock was quoted as saying: �I believe our study was censored and
suppressed by the WHO because they didn�t like its conclusions. Previous
experience suggests that WHO officials were bowing to pressure from the
IAEA, whose remit is to promote nuclear power. That is more than
unfortunate, as publishing the study would have helped forewarn the
authorities of the risks of using DU weapons in Iraq.�

At the time, the WHO's Dr Repacholi, a corrupt scientist known for his role
in hiding any damaging effects of mobile phone radiation on humans and
animals, denied that there had been any interference with the report, saying
�The IAEA role was very minor,� but the study titled Radiological toxicity
of DU which could have saved countless lives in the Middle East, had indeed
never been published.

(many pictures of deformed children)

>> And all this radioactive dust is blowing by the wind around the world and
>> is enriched every day with every single depleted uraniun bomb or bullet
>> or uranium mining assuring more cancer for ourselves and our children.
> ... more broadbrush ... a very sweeping statement ... details, scientific
> evidence? ... solar radiation hits the world every day and can cause
> cancers ... and I know this from personal experience ...

Here we go: Fresh (today) on ABC:

David Bradbury has made four documentaries on the nuclear issue and says
figures in the company's environmental impact study suggest that 70 million
tonnes of radioactive tailings will be dumped at the minesite each year.

He says these tailings contain alpha radiation, which is known to be
carcenogenic to humans and animals.

>> Australian, British and USA Government and their strictly controlled
>> media are still in denial and continue to poison people because it is
>> profitable.
> ... oh, come now ... really? ... how the hell do they make a profit out of
> 'killing people'? ...

The word is poison (not killing). With medical costs skyrocketing it is very
profitable to heal people to the end of their life after you make them sick.

Wars are very, very profitable and post war UN activities have very big
budget and create a lot of jobs.

Even if you lose the war it is very profitable. Japan and Germany become the
richest countries after losing the war they started, and the same apply now
for Serbia - the biggest producer and seller of the weapons of mass
destructions (including jets and cluster bombs) in Eastern Europe.

>> Nobody ever mentioned in any media that dust can be radioactive because
>> it is coming from the part of Australia extensivelly used over many years
>> for nuclear tests. Instead we hear that dust is coming from Alice
>> Springs, Broken Hill or Lake Eyre. Sounds like there is no dust from
>> Maralinga.
> ... well, the weather map in the paper was fairly believable ... but I do
> acknowledge your concerns about dust from the test area ... but I can't
> see the media covering up for the government to the extent you are
> suggesting ...

Did you hear any word about radiactive dust until today? No.

Did the Government conduct any measurement of possible radioactivity? No.

Can you buy Geiger-Muller radioactivity measurement instruments in
Australia? No.


>> I do not have illusions that my post may change anything in any corrupted
>> Government, but people awerness is raised (although I know that not a lot
>> of people are reading newsgroups or taking anything posted here seriously
>> due to high level of spam posted by paid Government, religious or
>> business "servants" - nobody read this spam but they are still paid for
>> posting absolute bullshit).
> ... 'nobody read this spam' ... ??? ...

Well, some people has nothing better to do and there are professional
posters and reader in AFP, ASIO, Defence etc...

>> But, if some people start to think about my posts, and pass their opinion
>> things may start to change, maybe slow, but this is better than parroting
>> propaganda of criminal Governments and Murdoch propaganda machine.
> ... actually, I think you mean that if they accept and espouse your
> opinion rather than differing with it ...
>> I see to many people dieing from cancer, who are from families where no
>> one has cancer 50 years ago.
> ... there is very strong evidence that we are seeing more of various
> diseases, and not just cancers, due to the increased longevity of the
> human race in western civilisations ...

Life is not so much longer, but new illnesses are created daily by overuse
of chemicals.

I think I read on the WHO website that cancer rates in Australia are much
higher than elsewhere. The cause may be nuclear tests in Maralinga.

Australian Government never publish data - it's all a big cover-up.


Regardless what happen - it's done. Public awerness can save many lives.

>>> ... like you, I believe that the nuclear tests were wrong ... but we
>>> have the benefit of hindsight and are looking at events in a society
>>> some 60 years ago when there wasn't the understanding of nuclear power
>>> and its dangers that there is now ...

It was known from the time of Maria Currie - she died from radioactivity 100
years ago.

<snipped irrelevant text to stick to the subject>

... but couldn't resist this one:

> ... by the way, did you know that the name you use is one that is actually
> the motto of a Masonic appendant order? ...

"In hoc signo vinces" written usually as "XP" - Papal sign from the time of
Constantine, addopted by many, including Bil Gates for Windows operating
system (I can bet not many knows that because of propaganda that XP stands
for expanded).
In hoc signo vinces is the rendition in Latin of the Greek phrase "e? t??t?
???a", en toutoi nika, meaning "in this [sign] you will conquer".

According to legend, Constantine I adopted this Greek phrase, "e? t??t?
???a", as a motto after his vision of a chi rho on the sky just before the
Battle of Milvian Bridge against Maxentius Oct.12,in the year 312. The early
Christian symbol consists in a monogram composed of the Greek letters chi
(X) and rho (P), the first two in the name Christ (Greek: ???st??).

The historian Eusebius states that Constantine was marching with his army
(Eusebius doesn't specify the actual location of the event, but it's clearly
not in the camp at Rome), when he looked up to the sun and saw a cross of
light above it, and with it the Greek words "e? t??t? ???a" ("by this, be
victorious!", often rendered in Latin as In hoc signo vinces). At first,
Constantine didn't know the meaning of the apparition, but in the following
night, he had a dream in which Christ explained to him that he should use
the sign against his enemies. Eusebius then continues to describe the
Labarum, the military standard used by Constantine in his later wars against
Licinius, showing the Chi-Rho sign.

The phrase also appears prominently placed as a motto on a ribbon unfurled
with a passion cross to its left, beneath a window over the Scala Regia,
adjacent to the equestrian statue of Emperor Constantine, in the Vatican.
Emperors and other monarchs, having paid respects to the Pope, descended the
Scala Regia, and would observe the light shining down through the window,
with the motto, reminiscent of Constantine's vision, and be reminded to
follow the Cross. They would thence turn right into the atrium of St.
Peter's Basilica, ostensibly so inspired.

Rob Sandilands

Sep 24, 2009, 10:18:06 AM9/24/09
Daniel Brown wrote:

> Sir Robert Menzies, AO 12th Prime Minister of Australia, Austral Temple
> Lodge No. 110, VC

... yes ... he was a Mason ... but that neither proves or disproves
conspiracy etc ...

> or, we are talking here about other Menzies freemason:
> Freemason Kevin Menzies, pictured, admitted a charge of public indecency.
> ... Menzies is a Freemason with Cruden Bay's Lodge St Olaf and now faces
> being ...

... expelled from the order ... any Mason found guilty of an indictable
offence, once convicted, is expelled ... and this guy was in the UK ...
there was no subsequent report that I could find to confirm that he was
expelled, but then again, there was no subsequent report of any final
legal action or appeal, either ... but I'd be prepared to be he was
turfed out unless the conviction was reversed for some reason ...

> The Grand Master of Queensland Freemasons, Br John Menzies,

... Menzies/Mason ... well googled ... the Masons went to a church
parade ...

>>> Also, 40 years after nucleary blasting Australians (and the world), we
>>> still have "profitmasters" claiming that radiation can't harm anyone.

> Let's name a few:

> 1. Ziggy Switkowski, ex Telstra thief and now the head of ANSTO
> 2. Clive Palmer (uranium miner and the biggest donator to QLD
> Liberal/Nationals),
> 3. Retired rear admiral Andrew Robertson,
> 4. Andrew Davies, of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute,
> 5. Michael Angwin, the executive director of the Australian Uranium
> Association,
> 6. Greg Hall, managing director of Toro Energy Ltd.
> 7. ex- Industry and Resources Minister Ian Macfarlane,
> 8. former Western Mining boss Hugh Morgan,
> 9. "Australia as a nuclear dump" Ms. Julie Bishop, (and all other Liberals
> as a continuation of Menzies atomic crazyness),
> 10. Kemeny, LG, Institution of Engineers, Australia,
> 11. Peter Garrett, Environment Minister (approved new uranium mine),
> 12. Ian Biggs (DFAT) and John Carlson (ASNO) appointed to
> advisory/secretariat roles with the Rudd government, - both pro-nuclear
> lobbysts.
> ... and of course our beloved liar ex-PM JWH:

... hmmm ... or are you just saying that anyone at all who thinks that,
under the 'right' conditions, nuclear techology may be a resource and
not just a liability is wrong ...

... personally, I can see a distinction between military nuclear weapons
and civilian nuclear technology, particularly in the power industry ...
I'd probably support the latter under the right safeguards and
conditions ... but the former, no way in the world ...

... this is one of those quite polarising arguments ... development
versus environment ...

>>> In Australia, BHP want to mine uranium by buldozing the ground, hence
>>> producing Millions of tons of radioactive dust.
>> ... I should bloody hope not ... again, some details would help rather
>> than a broadbrush claim ...

... thanks for the next bit ...

> On May 1st 2009, BHP Billiton released the Environmental Impact Statement
> for its planned expansion of the Olympic Dam (Roxby Downs) uranium/copper
> mine in SA:

... an EIS is part of the process of assessment ... it does not mean
that the project will go ahead ... but, like you, I am interested in how
our beloved politicians will handle it ...
> � The mine operates under the SA Roxby Downs Indenture Act which exempts

> it from key environmental and Aboriginal heritage laws that apply everywhere
> else in SA.

... are BHP the only company exempt from laws such as this??? ...

> Let your voice be heard, and lets make sure BHP is held accountable to the
> same laws as everyone else.

... if a law has been enacted or a regulation made through due process,
then it is 'legal' whether we as individuals like it or not ... but it
can be changed by pressure through the democratic process ...

... these news articles support your point of view ... yes ... IF you
find them to be credible ... but just as you seem to believe that some
media only tells stories from one side, so do other media ... sadly, our
media proprietors, right and left, are more interested in circulation
than balanced reporting ...

> Here we go: Fresh (today) on ABC:
> David Bradbury has made four documentaries on the nuclear issue and says
> figures in the company's environmental impact study suggest that 70 million
> tonnes of radioactive tailings will be dumped at the minesite each year.
> He says these tailings contain alpha radiation, which is known to be
> carcenogenic to humans and animals.

... I presume you are referring to BHP again ... no argument with
Bradbury's statements as quoted ... but the EIS is under consideration
... that doesn't mean that the project will be approved ...

> The word is poison (not killing). With medical costs skyrocketing it is very
> profitable to heal people to the end of their life after you make them sick.

... very broadbrush from here on ...

> Did you hear any word about radiactive dust until today? No.

... yes ... see yesterday's postings ...

> Did the Government conduct any measurement of possible radioactivity? No.

... I'll have to take your word for that ...

> Can you buy Geiger-Muller radioactivity measurement instruments in
> Australia? No.

... and that ...
> WHY?
... good question ... and I suspect that I know what your answer will be ...

> Well, some people has nothing better to do and there are professional
> posters and reader in AFP, ASIO, Defence etc...

... there are??? ... good grief ...

> Life is not so much longer, but new illnesses are created daily by overuse
> of chemicals.

... we'll have to agree to differ on this one, but I think it may be
that there are more people living longer rather than the age itself
blowing out ... if you follow Darwinian theory, it means that we are
preserving the 'less fit' who would normally die at a younger age ...
not that I believe that this means that we shouldn't work to help people
live longer, healthier lives ... but we should accept that some people
are alive today purely because of the advance in medical technology and
knowledge ...

> I think I read on the WHO website that cancer rates in Australia are much
> higher than elsewhere. The cause may be nuclear tests in Maralinga.

... or, if the 'cancer' data used includes all types of cancer, it may
include the very high rate of skin cancers that come with our climate
and lifestyle ... but, yes, there may be a possibility there ...

> Australian Government never publish data - it's all a big cover-up.

... what data don't they publish? ... what data do you want? ... and how
do you know it's a cover up? ...
> WHY?

... see above ...

> It was known from the time of Maria Currie - she died from radioactivity 100
> years ago.

... I believe you are right ... Marie Curie died from what we now
realise was radiation poisoning ... but at the time the medical
fraternity didn't realise what it was ...

> <snipped irrelevant text to stick to the subject>

... snipped text didn't agree with your points of view, I see ...

>> ... by the way, did you know that the name you use is one that is actually
>> the motto of a Masonic appendant order? ...

... I know the history of Constantine and the use of the phrase ... but
it is also the motto of a Masonic appendant order ... I didn't say that
the Masonic use of it was its origin ...

Viagra Cialis

Sep 26, 2009, 4:16:03 AM9/26/09

"Daniel Brown" <> wrote in message
> "Rob Sandilands" <> wrote

>> (�`�.� + In hoc signo vinces + �.���) wrote:

A team of Australian scientists are analysing the dust that has engulfed
eastern Australia this week to see whether it is dangerous. The dust storm
is believed to have originated around Woomera in outback South Australia
near the massive Olympic Dam uranium mine, prompting fears it was
radioactive and dangerous.

"Our preliminary tests show materials are getting there and we have
identified where it has come from but the biologists will look at the
microbes and bacteria there and if it is causing impacts," he said.

I nearly spat coffee all over my monitor when i read this considering i was
walking around in this the other day and it left a awful taste in my mouth.

Australian scientist Peter Cosier has also claimed poor land
management had made Australia less resistant to dust storms, with
another event predicted to hit Sydney this weekend and the drought
being blamed for the dust.

New Zealand: Meteorologist Philip Duncan of the WeatherWatch website said
dust falls had been reported in the North Island districts of
Auckland, Northland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Taranaki.

Thanks to political idiots like Churchill and Menzies, Australians had more
than 700 "SAFE" nuclear tests producing no radiation according to Government

Australia also have SAFE uranium mines: I'll repeat IT's ABSOLUTLY SAFE.

>>> Well, it's undeniable that nuking Australians was ploted by British
>>> freemasonry and according to oath, you and other freemasons have to deny
>>> the facts. Just as expected.

> Sir Robert Menzies, AO 12th Prime Minister of Australia, Austral Temple
> Lodge No. 110, VC

Details from early 2001:

"The Aussie military today admitted to using depleted uranium after much

It seems that from what has been reported that the good guys have suffered
as much as the bad guys from such things as dust, particles etc....

I don't say who's the good or bad guys, just posing the point from the
winner's point of view as if the war was won by the opposition then they
would have been classified the good guys as history displays. "


The United States used weapons containing depleted uranium in the
Balkans. More than 40,000 of them, in fact, if you count both the
Bosnia bombing and the war in Kosovo. At least fifteen European
soldiers have died from leukemia that may be linked to exposure to
these weapons, and the remnants of these weapons are still lying
around in villages where children are playing or in fields where dairy
cows are grazing, Marlise Simons of the The New York Times reports.


Sep 26, 2009, 4:22:24 AM9/26/09
I've yet to hear from Soul Communications in relation to the 2007
November Federal Election associated censorship.

Viagra Cialis <> wrote:
> "Daniel Brown" <> wrote in message
> news:4abb4469$
>> "Rob Sandilands" <> wrote

>> � The mine operates under the SA Roxby Downs Indenture Act which

>> exempts it from key environmental and Aboriginal heritage laws that apply
>> everywhere else in SA.

>> � BHP Billiton plans to make Roxby the largest open-cut mine in the

>> world. Export of uranium is expected to increase from an average of 4,000
>> tonnes per year to 19,000 tonnes. Enough plutonium to build 2,850 nuclear
>> weapons each year.

>> � BHP Billiton proposes an increase in water consumption from 35

>> million litres daily (from the Great Artesian Basin) to 150 million litres
>> daily (up to 42 million litres from the Great Artesian Basin, the
>> remainder from a proposed desalination plant at Port Bonython). The total
>> amounts to over 100,000 litres of water every minute of every day.

>> � The production of radioactive tailings, stored above ground, will

>> increase seven-fold to 70 million tonnes annually. The tailings contain a
>> toxic, acidic soup of radionuclides and heavy metals.

>> � Electricity demand for the mine will increase from 120 megawatts to
>> 690 megawatts - equivalent to 42% of South Australia�s current total

>> Dr Baverstock was quoted as saying: �I believe our study was censored and
>> suppressed by the WHO because they didn�t like its conclusions. Previous

>> experience suggests that WHO officials were bowing to pressure from the
>> IAEA, whose remit is to promote nuclear power. That is more than
>> unfortunate, as publishing the study would have helped forewarn the

>> authorities of the risks of using DU weapons in Iraq.�

>> At the time, the WHO's Dr Repacholi, a corrupt scientist known for his
>> role in hiding any damaging effects of mobile phone radiation on humans
>> and animals, denied that there had been any interference with the report,

>> saying �The IAEA role was very minor,� but the study titled Radiological

I have completed the analysis of the Henry Lawson quote which we
mentioned in our discussions before you went overseas.

Included here is the memetic horologic recipe, which gives cognitive
insights into the work and biblical references, which is especially
suitable for the task at hand--namely the usage of graffiti artists to
create the artwork.

It was a pleasure to provide an opinion.

Yours sincerely

Carl <> wrote:
> And once again absolute incoherency from dolf/quolon/aaron/whatever
personality is dominant this week. dolf, if you have been given
medication for your mental illnesses, I urge you to take them in
accordance with your physician's instructions.
> May God bless,
> Carl
> my website --
> my blog --
> ----------------
> "dolf" <> wrote in message
> I tested the notion of presumption at the tribunal hearing because
> whilst the MRI showed some results which can be explained by
> lifestyle, the science is still out on the viral load spike of only
> 5650 and whether the cerbral fluid has equivalent if any. that i am
> having my han rights impuged by medical hysteria

"And cause I have to sorrow,

.jackNote@zen: 3, row: 4, col: 5, nous: 81 [Date: 2009.9.26, Time: 1055
hrs, Super: #431 / #75 - Destructive Envy, Harmed Through Greed;
I-Ching: H52 - Inaction; Tetra: 72 - Hardness, Ego: #493 / #81 -
Propounding the Essential; I-Ching: H11 - Peace; Tetra: 15 - Reach]

@memeBrain [Telos: #2047, Super: #24 - Important Distinctions, Trouble
from Indulgence; I-Ching: H5 - Delay; Tetra: 18 - Waiting, Ego: #22 -
Point to Reversal?, Humility's Increase; I-Ching: H8 - Seeking Unity;
Tetra: 34 - Kinship]

Male Idea: #24 has 49 Categories: #6, #10, #2, #1, #5 = bow' - come [Gen
2:22]; #6, #1, #10, #2, #5 = 'eybah - enmity [Gen 3:15]; #6, #8, #10 =
chayay - live [Gen 3:22]; #10, #4, #10 = yad - hand [Gen 14:22]; #5, #3,
#6, #10 = gowy - nation [Gen 15:14]; #5, #9, #10 = natah - stretch [Gen
24:14]; #1, #8, #10, #5 = 'ach - brethren [Gen 24:55]; #6, #10, #1, #5,
#2 = 'ahab - love [Gen 25:28]; #8, #9, #1, #6 = chata' - sin [Gen 40:1];
#6, #5, #1, #8, #4 = 'echad - one [Gen 42:13]; #5, #2, #10, #1, #6 =
bow' - come [Gen 42:19]; #6, #10, #6, #2 = Yowb - Job [Gen 46:13]; #10,
#2, #1, #5, #6 = bow' - come [Exo 22:13]; #6, #5, #2, #10, #1 = bow' -
come [Lev 4:4]; #6, #8, #9, #1 = chata' - sin [Lev 14:52]; #6, #1, #2,
#10, #5 = 'ab - father [Num 12:14]; #8, #10, #6 = chayah - live [Num
14:38]; #5, #3, #4, #3, #4, #5 = Gudgodah - Gudgodah [Deu 10:7]; #5, #1,
#5, #6, #2, #5 = 'ahab - love [Deu 21:15]; #6, #5, #3, #10 = gay' -
valley [Jos 8:11]; #10, #9, #5 = Yuttah - Juttah [Jos 21:16]; #1, #2,
#10, #5, #6 = 'ab - father [Jdg 14:10]; #1, #8, #6, #4, #5 = chuwd - put
[Jdg 14:12]; #5, #9, #2, #8 = tabbach - guard [1Sa 9:24]; #4, #6, #10,
#4 = David - David [1Ki 3:14]; #5, #1, #6, #10, #2 = 'oyeb - enemy(s)
[1Ki 8:46]; #6, #10, #2, #6 = bow' - come [1Ki 12:12]; #20, #4 = kad -
pitcher [1Ki 17:14]; #2, #3, #4, #10, #5 = beged - garment [2Ki 11:14];
#4, #6, #4, #10 = Dowday - Dodai [1Ch 27:4]; #4, #20 = dek (Aramaic) -
this [Ezr 4:13]; #6, #1, #3, #10, #4 = nagad - tell [Neh 2:18]; #1, #6,
#7, #10 = 'Uwzay - Uzai [Neh 3:25]; #1, #5, #2, #10, #6 = 'ahab - love
[Est 5:10]; #5, #10, #3, #1, #5 = ga'ah - triumph [Job 8:11]; #6, #10,
#4, #4 = nadad - flee [Job 20:8]; #2, #9, #6, #2, #5 = towb - good [Job
21:25]; #10, #5, #3, #6 = hagah - meditate [Psa 2:1]; #9, #2, #8, #5 =
tibchah - slaughter [Psa 44:22]; #6, #1, #5, #2, #10 = 'ahab - love [Psa
69:36]; #8, #6, #9, #1 = chata' - sin [Pro 13:22]; #6, #10, #3, #5 =
yagah - afflict [Lam 3:33]; #2, #8, #7, #6, #1 = chezev (Aramaic) -
vision [Dan 2:19]; #1, #2, #6, #5, #10 = 'ab (Aramaic) - father [Dan
5:2]; #5, #2, #5, #2, #10 = habhab - offering [Hos 8:13]; #10, #4, #6,
#4 = nadad - flee [Nah 3:7]; #6, #8, #4, #6 = chadad - sharpen [Hab
1:8]; #2, #9, #8, #5 = batach - trust [Zep 3:2]; #5, #4, #5, #10 = dei -
must [Mat 18:33]

Female Idea: #22 has 46 Categories: #5, #3, #10, #4 = nagad - tell [Gen
3:11]; #6, #2, #7, #5, #2 = zahab - gold [Gen 13:2]; #9, #6, #2, #5 =
towb - good [Gen 15:15]; #5, #9, #6, #2 = towb - good [Gen 16:6]; #2,
#10, #4, #6 = yad - hand [Gen 19:16]; #6, #2, #10, #4 = yad - hand [Gen
19:16]; #6, #5, #10, #1 = huw' - that [Gen 20:5]; #6, #1, #10, #5 =
'ayeh - where [Gen 22:7]; #5, #3, #4, #10 = gediy - kid [Gen 38:23]; #6,
#1, #8, #7 = 'achaz - hold [Exo 4:4]; #2, #4, #10, #6 = bad - stave [Exo
27:7]; #6, #6, #10 = vav - hook [Exo 27:10]; #10, #2, #9, #1 = bata' -
pronounce [Lev 5:4]; #10, #7, #5 = nazah - sprinkle [Lev 6:27]; #5, #7,
#2, #8 = zebach - sacrifice [Lev 7:17]; #5, #9, #8 = tuwach - daub [Lev
14:48]; #6, #1, #7, #6, #2 = 'ezowb - hyssop [Num 19:6]; #2, #7, #7, #6
= bazaz - spoil [Num 31:9]; #2, #20 = qereb - among [Deu 6:15]; #8, #9,
#5 = chittah - wheat [Deu 8:8]; #10, #8, #4 = yachad - together [Deu
33:5]; #6, #1, #5, #6, #4 = 'Ehuwd - Ehud [Jdg 3:20]; #6, #1, #5, #10 =
hayah - was [Jdg 18:4]; #5, #3, #4, #6, #4 = geduwd - band [1Sa 30:8];
#10, #4, #8 = nadach - drive [2Sa 14:14]; #10, #5, #6, #1 = Yehuw' -
Jehu [1Ki 16:1]; #1, #2, #10, #9 = nabat - look [2Ki 3:14]; #5, #1, #2,
#10, #4 = 'abad - perish [2Ki 10:19]; #6, #5, #8, #3 = chag - feast [2Ch
7:9]; #6, #4, #5, #2, #5 = dehab (Aramaic) - gold [Ezr 7:18]; #6, #2,
#2, #7, #5 = bizzah - spoil [Ezr 9:7]; #1, #8, #6, #7 = 'achaz - hold
[Est 1:6]; #5, #1, #3, #3, #10 = 'Agagiy - Agagite [Est 3:1]; #1, #8,
#7, #6 = 'achaz - hold [Job 18:20]; #2, #8, #2, #10 = chob - bosom [Job
31:33]; #8, #6, #8 = chowach - thistle(s) [Job 31:40]; #6, #5, #2, #9 =
nabat - look [Psa 84:9]; #1, #6, #10, #5 = 'owyah - woe [Psa 120:5]; #6,
#1, #6, #4, #5 = yadah - praise [Psa 138:2]; #2, #6, #9, #5 = bata' -
pronounce [Pro 12:18]; #5, #8, #2, #1, #6 = chaba' - hide [Isa 42:22];
#2, #7, #6, #7 = bazaz - spoil [Isa 42:22]; #1, #2, #10, #4, #5 = 'abad
- perish [Jer 46:8]; #6, #2, #7, #7 = bazaz - spoil [Eze 29:19]; #5, #9,
#8 = ethos - custom [Act 6:14]; #1, #3, #1, #9, #8 = agathos - good [Rom

in a land so young and fair,

@memeBrain [Telos: #1583, Super: #37 - Non-Deeming Action, Government
Administration; I-Ching: H40 - Deliverance; Tetra: 21 - Release, Ego:
#44 - Moderate Values, Setting Up Precepts; I-Ching: H1 - Creative
Principle/Heaven; Tetra: 36 - Strength]

Male Idea: #61 has 75 Categories: #5, #10, #6, #40 = yowm - day [Gen
1:14]; #1, #10, #50 = 'ayin - except [Gen 2:5]; #5, #6, #30, #10, #4, #6
= yalad - beget [Gen 5:4]; #1, #30, #10, #20 = 'el - unto [Gen 6:20];
#10, #1, #20, #30 = 'akal - eat [Gen 6:21]; #5, #30, #6, #20 = halak -
go [Gen 8:3]; #1, #50, #10 = 'aniy - I [Gen 9:12]; #6, #10, #40, #5 =
yam - sea [Gen 13:14]; #30, #1, #30 = 'el - God [Gen 14:18]; #5, #30,
#20, #6 = halak - go [Gen 14:24]; #5, #6, #30, #20 = halak - go [Gen
15:2]; #6, #4, #6, #40, #5 = Duwmah - Dumah [Gen 25:14]; #9, #2, #10,
#40 = towb - good [Gen 27:9]; #1, #40, #20 = 'em - mother [Gen 27:29];
#2, #9, #50 = beten - belly [Gen 30:2]; #3, #50, #6, #2 = ganab - steal
[Gen 30:33]; #6, #20, #30, #5 = kalah - consume [Gen 41:30]; #6, #5, #1,
#4, #40, #5 = 'adamah - land(s) [Gen 47:19]; #6, #5, #50 = hen - lo [Exo
4:1]; #3, #2, #6, #30, #20 = gebuwl - border [Exo 8:2]; #6, #10, #5, #40
= hamam - discomfit [Exo 14:24]; #50, #6, #5 = naveh - habitation [Exo
15:13]; #6, #3, #50, #2 = ganab - steal [Exo 21:16]; #50, #3, #8 =
naggach - push [Exo 21:29]; #40, #10, #9, #2 = meytab - best [Exo 22:5];
#5, #2, #4, #10, #40 = bad - stave [Exo 25:14]; #50, #4, #2, #5 = nadab
- offered [Exo 35:21]; #6, #9, #40, #1, #5 = tame' - unclean [Lev 12:2];
#40, #7, #6, #2, #6 = zowb - issue [Lev 15:3]; #6, #30, #1, #8, #10, #6
= 'ach - brethren [Lev 21:2]; #2, #3, #6, #10, #40 = gowy - nation [Lev
26:33]; #1, #2, #10, #8, #10, #30 = 'Abiyhayil - Abihail [Num 3:35]; #6,
#30, #20, #5 = halak - go [Num 22:17]; #6, #2, #8, #40, #5 = chemah -
fury [Deu 29:28]; #1, #4, #6, #50 = 'Adonay - Lord [Jos 3:11]; #3, #50,
#2, #6 = ganab - steal [Jos 7:11]; #6, #5, #10, #40 = yam - sea [Jos
15:47]; #6, #5, #30, #20 = halak - go [Jos 17:7]; #50, #1, #6, #4 = no'd
- bottle [Jdg 4:19]; #50, #8, #2, #1 = chaba' - hide [Jdg 9:5]; #40, #3,
#10, #8 = giyach - come [Jdg 20:33]; #6, #50, #1, #4 = no'd - bottle
[1Sa 16:20]; #6, #2, #1, #2, #50 = 'eben - stone(s) [1Sa 17:50]; #2, #2,
#3, #4, #10, #40 = beged - garment [1Ki 1:1]; #50, #2, #9 = Nebat -
Nebat [1Ki 11:26]; #1, #20, #30, #10 = 'akal - eat [1Ki 18:19]; #1, #8,
#2, #50 = 'Achban - Ahban [1Ch 2:29]; #6, #5, #6, #30, #10, #4 = yalad -
beget [1Ch 8:7]; #5, #50, #6 = hen - lo [1Ch 11:25]; #30, #30, #1 = lo'
- not [2Ch 13:9]; #2, #10, #4, #5, #40 = yad (Aramaic) - hand [Ezr 5:8];
#2, #8, #6, #40, #5 = chowmah - wall [Neh 2:15]; #1, #30, #30 = 'eliyl -
idol [Job 13:4]; #20, #1, #10, #30 = 'ayal - hart(s) [Psa 42:1]; #5, #6,
#50 = hown - rich [Psa 44:12]; #10, #5, #40, #6 = hamah - roar [Psa
46:3]; #7, #4, #10, #40 = zed - proud [Psa 86:14]; #1, #10, #10, #40 =
'iy - isle(s) [Psa 97:1]; #40, #8, #6, #7 = machowz - haven [Psa
107:30]; #6, #40, #6, #4, #5 = yadah - praise [Pro 28:13]; #1, #4, #50,
#6 = 'adown - lord [Pro 30:10]; #6, #5, #20, #30 = kol - every [Ecc
3:20]; #20, #30, #6, #5 = lavah - join [Isa 24:2]; #8, #3, #10, #40 =
chag - feast [Isa 29:1]; #6, #4, #30, #10, #5, #6 = Delayah - Delaiah
[Jer 36:12]; #40, #1, #10, #10 = 'iy - isle(s) [Eze 27:6]; #9, #40, #1,
#6, #5 = tame' - unclean [Eze 36:18]; #2, #2, #6, #1, #50 = bow' - come
[Eze 42:12]; #2, #50, #3, #5, #1 = nogahh (Aramaic) - morning [Dan
6:19]; #6, #5, #3, #7, #40 = gazam - palmerworm [Joe 2:25]; #6, #10, #9,
#30, #6 = tuwl - cast [Jon 1:5]; #10, #50, #1 = hina - that [Mat 1:22];
#3, #8, #50 = ge - earth [Mat 2:20]; #50, #1, #10 = nai - yea [Mat
5:37]; #40, #10, #1, #10 = heis - one [Luk 5:12]

Female Idea: #66 has 110 Categories: #6, #5, #50, #5 = hinneh - Behold
[Gen 1:31]; #6, #10, #20, #30 = kalah - consume [Gen 2:2]; #10, #40,
#10, #6 = yowm - day [Gen 6:3]; #10, #6, #50 = Yavan - Javan [Gen 10:4];
#2, #3, #6, #10, #5, #40 = gowy - nation [Gen 10:5]; #6, #10, #30, #20 =
halak - go [Gen 12:4]; #10, #20, #30, #6 = yakol - could [Gen 13:6]; #6,
#50, #3, #2, #5 = negeb - south [Gen 13:14]; #10, #6, #20, #30 = yakol -
could [Gen 13:16]; #40, #10, #5, #6, #5 = Yehovah - LORD [Gen 18:14];
#50, #1, #8, #7 = 'achaz - hold [Gen 22:13]; #6, #20, #30, #10 = keliy -
vessel [Gen 24:53]; #1, #30, #5, #10, #20 = 'elohiym - God [Gen 27:20];
#30, #30, #1, #5 = Le'ah - Leah [Gen 29:24]; #6, #10, #6, #20, #10, #8,
#6 = yakach - reprove [Gen 31:37]; #30, #1, #30, #5 = 'el-leh - these
[Gen 31:43]; #4, #50, #5, #2, #5 = Dinhabah - Dinhabah [Gen 36:32]; #40,
#5, #2, #10, #9 = nabat - look [Exo 3:6]; #10, #30, #20, #6 = halak - go
[Exo 5:7]; #20, #40, #6 = kemow - and [Exo 15:5]; #6, #10, #40, #4, #6 =
madad - measure [Exo 16:18]; #20, #30, #10, #6 = keliy - vessel [Exo
25:9]; #30, #1, #5, #30 = 'ohel - tabernacle(s) [Exo 26:7]; #50, #4,
#10, #2 = nadiyb - prince [Exo 35:5]; #30, #5, #10, #9, #10, #2 = yatab
- well [Lev 5:4]; #6, #40, #20 = muwk - wax [Lev 25:47]; #10, #9, #40,
#1, #6 = tame' - unclean [Num 5:3]; #2, #9, #50, #5 = beten - belly [Num
5:27]; #10, #20, #6, #30 = yakol - could [Num 13:30]; #1, #5, #30, #10,
#20 = 'ohel - tabernacle(s) [Num 24:5]; #5, #50, #10, #1 = nuw' -
disallow [Num 30:5]; #4, #10, #2, #50 = Diybown - Dibon [Num 32:34]; #6,
#50, #2, #8 = Nobach - Nobah [Num 32:42]; #6, #10, #40, #10 = yowm - day
[Deu 11:21]; #2, #1, #7, #50, #6 = 'ozen - ear(s) [Deu 15:17]; #6, #5,
#30, #20, #5 = halak - go [Deu 24:2]; #10, #6, #30, #20 = halak - go
[Deu 28:36]; #10, #30, #6, #20 = lavah - join [Deu 28:44]; #3, #30, #3,
#30 = Gilgal - Gilgal [Jos 5:9]; #6, #5, #50, #3, #2 = negeb - south
[Jos 10:40]; #6, #30, #20, #4, #6 = lakad - take [Jdg 7:24]; #5, #2, #9,
#50 = beten - belly [Jdg 13:5]; #5, #1, #10, #50 = 'ayin - except [Jdg
14:3]; #6, #40, #4, #10, #6 = mad - garment [1Sa 4:12]; #5, #50, #6, #5
= naveh - habitation [2Sa 7:8]; #2, #10, #30, #10, #4, #10 = yaliyd -
born [2Sa 21:16]; #6, #40, #8, #7, #5 = mechezah - light [1Ki 7:4]; #6,
#3, #2, #10, #5, #40 = gab - eminent [1Ki 7:33]; #60, #1, #5 = ce'ah -
measure [2Ki 7:1]; #6, #30, #20, #10 = halak - go [2Ki 8:1]; #2, #4, #6,
#4, #10, #40 = duwd - basket [2Ki 10:7]; #3, #6, #7, #50 = Gowzan -
Gozan [2Ki 17:6]; #6, #10, #9, #40, #1 = tame' - unclean [2Ki 23:8];
#10, #8, #7, #10, #1, #30 = Yachaziy'el - Jahaziel [1Ch 23:19]; #2, #7,
#7, #10, #40 = bazaz - spoil [2Ch 20:25]; #20, #1, #30, #5, #10 =
'elohiym - God [2Ch 32:17]; #5, #50, #4, #2, #5 = nedabah - freewill
[Ezr 1:4]; #8, #50, #4, #4 = Chenadad - Henadad [Ezr 3:9]; #5, #10, #20,
#30, #1 = heykal (Aramaic) - temple [Ezr 4:14]; #6, #30, #10, #5, #6,
#4, #5 = Yehuwdah - Judah [Neh 7:6]; #5, #10, #1, #20, #30 = 'akal - eat
[Job 6:6]; #5, #30, #1, #30 = 'el - God [Job 13:7]; #2, #60, #4 = cad -
stocks [Job 13:27]; #2, #8, #40, #6, #4, #6 = chamad - desire [Job
20:20]; #6, #10, #4, #40, #6 = damam - silence [Job 29:21]; #3, #1, #6,
#50, #6 = ga'own - pride [Job 37:4]; #6, #2, #8, #50 = bachan - try [Psa
7:9]; #50, #6, #4, #6 = nuwd - bemoan [Psa 11:1]; #2, #1, #50, #8, #5 =
'anachah - sighing [Psa 31:10]; #1, #5, #30, #30 = halal - praise [Psa
56:4]; #5, #40, #2, #10, #9 = nabat - look [Psa 104:32]; #1, #9, #6, #50
= 'etuwn - fine [Pro 7:16]; #6, #3, #1, #6, #50 = ga'own - pride [Pro
8:13]; #10, #1, #50, #5 = 'anah - deliver [Pro 12:21]; #20, #2, #4, #40
= kabowd - glory [Pro 25:27]; #1, #50, #10, #5 = 'oniyah - ship [Pro
30:19]; #2, #10, #4, #10, #40 = yad - hand [Pro 30:28]; #6, #3, #2, #5,
#10, #40 = gaboahh - high [Ecc 5:8]; #20, #1, #5, #30, #10 = 'ohel -
tabernacle(s) [Sol 1:5]; #5, #1, #4, #6, #50 = 'adown - lord [Isa 1:24];
#5, #1, #6, #4, #10, #40 = 'uwd - firebrand(s) [Isa 7:4]; #6, #40, #9,
#5, #6 = matteh - tribe [Isa 10:24]; #5, #6, #40, #10, #5 = hamah - roar
[Isa 22:2]; #6, #5, #6, #30, #10, #4, #5 = yalad - beget [Isa 55:10];
#40, #20, #2, #4 = kabad - honour [Isa 58:13]; #5, #1, #50, #10 = 'aniy
- I [Isa 66:9]; #5, #1, #10, #10, #40 = 'iy - isle(s) [Isa 66:19]; #2,
#8, #6, #50 = bachown' - tower [Jer 6:27]; #5, #20, #30, #10, #1 =
keliy' - prison [Jer 37:4]; #5, #7, #4, #10, #40 = zed - proud [Jer
43:2]; #2, #4, #40, #20 = dam - blood [Eze 16:22]; #20, #1, #40, #5 =
'em - mother [Eze 16:44]; #5, #6, #50, #5 = yanah - oppress [Eze 18:12];
#8, #8, #10, #40 = chach - hook [Eze 38:4]; #2, #2, #3, #4, #10, #5, #40
= beged - garment [Eze 44:19]; #6, #4, #40, #10, #6 = dam - blood [Hos
12:14]; #5, #9, #2, #10, #40 = towb - good [Joe 3:5]; #6, #30, #20, #6,
#4 = lakad - take [Amo 3:5]; #6, #10, #9, #30, #5, #6 = tuwl - cast [Jon
1:15]; #1, #10, #30, #20, #5 = halak - go [Mic 1:8]; #6, #50, #5, #5 =
nahah - lament [Mic 2:4]; #50, #3, #7, #6 = gazaz - shear [Nah 1:12];
#5, #5, #6, #30, #20 = halak - go [Hab 1:6]; #2, #5, #50, #2, #1, #6 =
naba' - prophesy [Zec 13:3]; #2, #8, #50, #6 = bachan - try [Mal 3:15];
#1, #50, #5, #2, #8 = anabaino - go [Mat 3:16]; #20, #1, #30, #5, #10 =
kaleo - call [Mat 22:43]; #20, #30, #1, #10, #5 = klaio - weep [Luk
7:13]; #20, #1, #40, #5 = kago - and [Joh 7:28]; #3, #5, #50, #8 = genos
- kind [1Co 12:10]

to see upon those faces stamped the marks of Want and Care.

@memeBrain [Telos: #3193, Super: #59 - A Sensible Guide, Hold Fast To
Reason; I-Ching: H42 - Increase; Tetra: 13 - Increase, Ego: #34 - Great
Guide, Trust in its Perfection; I-Ching: H18 - Arresting Decay; Tetra:
27 - Duties]

Male Idea: #120 has 0 Categories:

Female Idea: #100 has 104 Categories: #70, #30 = `al - upon, [Gen 1:2 ];
#10, #40, #10, #40 = yam - sea [Gen 1:10 ]; #30, #20, #50 = ken - so,
[Gen 4:15 ]; #40, #40, #20 = min - among, [Gen 17:6 ]; #40, #30, #20,
#10 = melek - king [Gen 17:16 ]; #40, #30, #30 = malal - speak [Gen 21:7
]; #1, #70, #7, #2, #20 = `azab - forsake [Gen 28:15 ]; #20, #80 = kaph
- hand [Gen 32:25 ]; #6, #10, #8, #30, #40, #6 = chalam - to [Gen 40:5
]; #60, #30, #10 = cal - basket [Gen 40:16 ]; #40, #20, #40 = min -
among, [Gen 42:16 ]; #70, #6, #4, #20 = `owd - again, [Gen 46:30 ]; #5,
#40, #10, #40, #5 = mayim - water [Exo 7:15 ]; #40, #10, #40, #10 =
mayim - water [Exo 7:19 ]; #50, #30, #20 = halak - go [Exo 8:27 ]; #10,
#40, #30, #20 = malak - reign [Exo 15:18 ]; #30, #1, #4, #50, #10, #5 =
'adown - lord [Exo 21:4 ]; #6, #5, #80, #4, #5 = padah - redeem [Exo
21:8 ]; #20, #30, #10, #40 = keliy - vessel [Exo 22:7 ]; #10, #30, #10,
#50 = luwn - lodge [Exo 23:18 ]; #3, #2, #10, #70, #10, #5 = gebiya` -
bowl [Exo 25:31 ]; #10, #10, #60, #20 = yacak - poured [Exo 30:32 ]; #6,
#50, #8, #30, #6 = nachal - inherit [Exo 32:13 ]; #40, #5, #50, #5 =
hennah - they, [Lev 4:2 ]; #9, #40, #1, #10, #40 = tame' - unclean [Lev
11:8 ]; #10, #3, #1, #30, #50, #6 = ga'al - redeem [Lev 25:48 ]; #6, #5,
#9, #80 = taph - little [Deu 2:34 ]; #6, #10, #30, #8, #40, #6 = lacham
- fight [Jos 10:5 ]; #40, #4, #6, #50 = Madown - Madon [Jos 11:1 ]; #6,
#40, #40, #9, #5 = matteh - tribe [Jos 21:4 ]; #40, #50, #10 = min -
among, [Jdg 5:14 ]; #2, #30, #8, #40, #20 = lechem - bread [Jdg 13:16 ];
#30, #10, #50, #10 = luwn - lodge [Rut 3:13 ]; #5, #40, #50, #5 = manah
- portion [1Sa 9:23 ]; #80, #20 = pak - box [1Sa 10:1 ]; #5, #40, #30,
#20, #5 = meluwkah - kingdom [1Sa 10:25 ]; #40, #10, #20, #30 = Miykal -
Michal [1Sa 14:49 ]; #20, #30, #20, #30 = kuwl - contain [2Sa 19:32 ];
#40, #60 = mac - tribute [1Ki 5:13 ]; #8, #90, #2 = chatsab - dig [1Ki
5:15 ]; #1, #9, #40, #10, #40 = 'atam - narrow [1Ki 6:4 ]; #6, #10, #8,
#50, #20, #6 = chanak - dedicate [1Ki 8:63 ]; #6, #8, #20, #10, #50, #6
= chakah - wait [2Ki 7:9 ]; #30, #6, #4, #10, #10, #40 = Luwdiy - Ludim
[1Ch 1:11 ]; #6, #40, #4, #50 = Medan - Medan [1Ch 1:32 ]; #10, #5, #6,
#70, #4, #5 = Yehow`addah - Jehoadah [1Ch 8:36 ]; #10, #6, #4, #70, #10
= yada` - know [1Ch 12:32 ]; #6, #4, #40, #10, #40 = dam - blood [1Ch
28:3 ]; #40, #6, #4, #10, #40 = yadah - praise [1Ch 29:13 ]; #6, #30,
#1, #8, #10, #5, #40 = 'ach - brethren [2Ch 5:12 ]; #2, #8, #30, #10,
#10, #40 = choliy - sickness [2Ch 21:15 ]; #6, #10, #30, #4, #10, #40 =
yeled - child [Ezr 10:1 ]; #10, #6, #10, #4, #70 = Yowyada` - Joiada
[Neh 3:6 ]; #5, #10, #70, #7, #2, #6 = `azab - forsake [Neh 4:2 ]; #40,
#30, #10, #20 = millah - word [Job 4:4 ]; #10, #6, #20, #8, #50, #6 =
yakach - reprove [Job 5:17 ]; #6, #10, #4, #70, #10 = yada` - know [Job
19:13 ]; #10, #4, #10, #70, #6 = yada` - know [Job 32:7 ]; #1, #3, #40,
#6, #50 = 'agmown - rush [Job 41:2 ]; #6, #1, #3, #40, #50 = 'agmown -
rush [Job 41:20 ]; #10, #4, #70, #10, #6 = yada` - know [Job 42:11 ];
#10, #40, #30, #9, #5, #6 = malat - escape [Psa 41:1 ]; #40, #50, #6, #4
= manowd - shaking [Psa 44:14 ]; #50, #4, #40, #6 = dama - cut [Psa
49:12 ]; #10, #80, #10 = yophiy - beauty [Psa 50:2 ]; #6, #1, #3, #4,
#30, #50, #6 = gadal - magnify [Psa 69:30 ]; #10, #6, #4, #10, #70 =
yada` - know [Psa 103:7 ]; #5, #40, #5, #30, #20 = halak - go [Psa 104:3
]; #4, #70, #20, #6 = da`ak - put [Psa 118:12 ]; #6, #3, #1, #30, #50,
#10 = ga'al - redeem [Psa 119:154 ]; #6, #2, #8, #60, #4, #20 = checed -
mercy [Psa 143:12 ]; #6, #80, #10, #4 = piyd - destruction [Pro 24:22 ];
#40, #20, #30, #10 = keliy - vessel [Ecc 9:18 ]; #6, #5, #3, #10, #70,
#6 = naga` - touch [Ecc 12:1 ]; #5, #10, #80, #5 = yapheh - fair [Sol
1:8 ]; #2, #50, #8, #30, #10 = nachal - river [Isa 7:19 ]; #10, #30, #4,
#50, #6 = yalad - beget [Isa 26:18 ]; #6, #5, #40, #30, #10, #9 = malat
- escape [Isa 31:5 ]; #6, #1, #3, #40, #10, #40 = 'agam - pools [Isa
42:15 ]; #2, #20, #6, #20, #2, #10, #40 = kowkab - star [Isa 47:13 ];
#50, #5, #40, #5 = hamah - roar [Isa 59:11 ]; #6, #8, #80, #6 = chaphah
- covered [Jer 14:3 ]; #30, #60, #8, #2 = cachab - draw [Jer 15:3 ]; #1,
#40, #30, #9, #20 = malat - escape [Jer 39:18 ]; #40, #3, #1, #6, #50 =
ga'own - pride [Jer 49:19 ]; #90, #6, #4 = tsuwd - hunt [Lam 3:52 ];
#90, #4, #6 = tsuwd - hunt [Lam 4:18 ]; #1, #3, #80, #10, #6 = 'aggaph -
bands [Eze 12:14 ]; #5, #90, #4, #1 = tseda' (Aramaic) - true [Dan 3:14
]; #2, #40, #8, #50 = chanan (Aramaic) - show [Dan 4:27 ]; #30, #5, #10,
#20, #30, #5 = heykal (Aramaic) - temple [Dan 6:18 ]; #50, #9, #40, #1 =
tame' - unclean [Hos 5:3 ]; #10, #30, #4, #6, #50 = yalad - beget [Hos
9:16 ]; #30, #10, #10, #50 = yayin - wine [Mic 2:11 ]; #70, #2, #9, #10,
#9 = `abtiyt - thick [Hab 2:6 ]; #3, #1, #6, #50, #40 = ga'own - pride
[Zep 2:10 ]; #5, #10, #80, #5 = lego - say [Mat 4:3 ]; #3, #1, #30, #8,
#50, #8 = galene - calm [Mat 8:26 ]; #5, #80, #5, #10 = epei - because
[Mat 18:32 ]; #5, #3, #20, #1, #10, #50, #10, #1 = egkainia - feast [Joh
10:22 ]; #9, #5, #40, #5, #30, #10, #1 = themelios - foundation [Act
16:26 ]; #20, #1, #9, #70 = katho - according [Rom 8:26 ]; #40, #5, #50,
#5 = meno - abide [2Ti 3:14 ];

English Words: air; aloha; amend; blini; brag; chancel; clog; dare;
dear; e'er; elfin; ere; focal; fold; garb; grab; haddock; jammed; keep;
macadamia; main; maned; om; peek; read

"When God demands a reason for the sorrows of the street,

.jackNote@zen: 7, row: 5, col: 3, nous: 23 [Date: 2009.9.26, Time: 1057
hrs, Super: #569 / #20 - Left without Language, Different From the
Vulgar; I-Ching: H33 - Withdrawal; Tetra: 50 - Vastness/Wasting, Ego:
#238 / #23 - Constancy of Guiding Concepts, Emptiness & Non-Existence;
I-Ching: H18 - Arresting Decay; Tetra: 26 - Endeavor]

@memeBrain [Telos: #3393, Super: #75 - Destructive Envy, Harmed Through
Greed; I-Ching: H52 - Inaction; Tetra: 72 - Hardness, Ego: #72 -
Self-Love, Holding Oneself Dear; I-Ching: H39 - Obstacles; Tetra: 79 -

Male Idea: #75 has 93 Categories: #30, #10, #30, #5 = layil - night [Gen
1:5]; #5, #60, #6, #2, #2 = cabab - stood [Gen 2:13]; #30, #1, #4, #40 =
'adam - man [Gen 3:21]; #30, #40, #5 = mah - what [Gen 4:6]; #5, #10,
#10, #50 = yayin - wine [Gen 9:21]; #30, #30, #6, #9 = Lowt - Lot [Gen
13:5]; #5, #7, #6, #7, #10, #40 = Zuwziym - Zuzim [Gen 14:5]; #20, #5,
#50 = kohen - priest [Gen 14:18]; #1, #4, #70 = yada` - know [Gen 15:8];
#5, #50, #20 = hinneh - Behold [Gen 16:11]; #5, #30, #40 = halom -
hither [Gen 16:13]; #6, #5, #10, #4, #10, #40 = yad - hand [Gen 27:22];
#6, #3, #30, #30, #6 = galal - roll [Gen 29:3]; #1, #8, #10, #50, #6 =
'ach - brethren [Gen 31:32]; #6, #40, #9, #20 = matteh - tribe [Gen
38:18]; #30, #5, #40 = 'el - unto [Gen 42:9]; #6, #3, #6, #50, #10 =
Guwniy - Guni [Gen 46:24]; #2, #8, #20, #40, #5 = chokmah - wisdom [Exo
31:3]; #5, #1, #2, #9, #8, #10, #40 = 'abattiyach - melons [Num 11:5];
#50, #20, #5 = nakah - smite [Num 22:6]; #50, #9, #10, #6 = natah -
stretch [Num 24:6]; #40, #5, #6, #4, #20 = howd - glory [Num 27:20]; #6,
#10, #30, #20, #4, #5 = lakad - take [Num 32:39]; #5, #50, #5, #10, #5 =
hayah - was [Deu 4:32]; #6, #30, #1, #8, #10, #20 = 'ach - brethren [Deu
23:20]; #6, #1, #2, #10, #6, #50 = 'ebyown - needy [Deu 24:14]; #6, #10,
#7, #50, #2 = zanab - smite [Deu 25:18]; #2, #5, #50, #10, #8 = nuwach -
rest [Deu 25:19]; #6, #10, #2, #1, #50, #6 = bow' - come [Deu 26:9]; #6,
#2, #2, #50, #10, #5 = ben - son [Deu 28:57]; #5, #20, #50 = kuwn -
prepare [Jos 3:17]; #2, #3, #30, #10, #30 = Galiyl - Galilee [Jos 20:7];
#3, #2, #70 = Geba` - Geba [Jos 21:17]; #1, #6, #10, #2, #50, #6 = 'oyeb
- enemy(s) [Jdg 16:24]; #40, #10, #20, #5 = Miykah - Micah [Jdg 17:5];
#2, #8, #10, #10, #5, #40 = chay - live [2Sa 1:23]; #1, #8, #10, #50,
#4, #2 = 'Achiynadab - Ahinadab [1Ki 4:14]; #70, #4, #1 = `Iddow - Iddo
[1Ki 4:14]; #60, #2, #2, #5, #6 = cabab - stood [1Ki 5:3]; #2, #9, #8,
#50, #6 = batach - trust [2Ki 18:22]; #6, #1, #2, #10, #50, #4, #2 =
'Abiynadab - Abinadab [1Ch 2:13]; #6, #10, #2, #10, #1, #6, #40 = bow' -
come [1Ch 10:12]; #5, #6, #60, #4 = yacad - foundation [2Ch 3:3]; #6,
#40, #20, #1, #2, #6 = mak'ob - sorrow [2Ch 6:29]; #6, #5, #50, #2, #6,
#1, #5 = nebuw'ah - prophecy [2Ch 15:8]; #30, #40, #1, #4 = me`od - very
[2Ch 16:14]; #4, #10, #50, #10, #1 = Diynay (Aramaic) - Dinaites [Ezr
4:9]; #30, #8, #2, #30, #5 = chabal (Aramaic) - destroy [Ezr 6:12]; #2,
#3, #4, #10, #50, #6 = beged - garment [Neh 4:23]; #2, #7, #10, #6, #50
= bizzayown - contempt [Est 1:18]; #3, #2, #10, #20, #40 = gab - eminent
[Job 13:12]; #10, #2, #6, #1, #50, #6 = bow' - come [Job 15:21]; #10,
#50, #4, #5, #6 = nadad - flee [Job 18:18]; #20, #3, #50, #2 = gannab -
thief [Job 24:14]; #5, #30, #10, #20, #10 = haliyk - step [Job 29:6];
#20, #10, #40, #5 = Kiymah - Pleiades [Job 38:31]; #5, #10, #20, #30,
#10 = heykal - temple [Psa 45:8]; #20, #10, #6, #30, #4, #5 = yalad -
beget [Psa 48:6]; #10, #40, #10, #9, #6 = mowt - moved [Psa 55:3]; #50,
#9, #6, #10 = natah - stretch [Psa 62:3]; #10, #5, #30, #30 = halal -
praise [Psa 63:5]; #10, #7, #50, #8 = zanach - [Psa 77:7];
#6, #10, #3, #6, #50 = yagown - sorrow [Psa 107:39]; #5, #40, #3, #2,
#10, #5, #10 = gabahh - exalt [Psa 113:5]; #1, #30, #40, #4 = lamad -
teach [Psa 119:71]; #20, #50, #1, #4 = no'd - bottle [Psa 119:83]; #40,
#30, #5 = millah - word [Psa 139:4]; #5, #30, #30, #10 = halal - praise
[Psa 146:1]; #10, #10, #50, #5 = yayin - wine [Pro 9:2]; #10, #9, #50,
#6 = natah - stretch [Pro 21:1]; #2, #60, #2, #1, #10 = caba' - drunkard
[Pro 23:20]; #2, #9, #8, #6, #50 = bittachown - confidence [Ecc 9:4];
#5, #10, #30, #30 = heylel - Lucifer [Isa 14:12]; #5, #50, #6, #9, #5 =
natah - stretch [Isa 40:22]; #6, #5, #4, #60 = hadac - myrtle [Isa
41:19]; #6, #1, #8, #30, #30 = chalal - begin [Isa 43:28]; #20, #20,
#30, #5 = kallah - daughter [Isa 49:18]; #6, #1, #2, #6, #60 = buwc -
tread... [Isa 63:6]; #10, #50, #9, #6 = natah - stretch [Jer 6:4]; #1,
#8, #6, #60 = chuwc - spare [Jer 13:14]; #6, #10, #50, #2, #1, #6 =
naba' - prophesy [Jer 28:8]; #10, #5, #6, #4, #10, #40 = Yehuwdiy - Jew
[Jer 43:9]; #2, #3, #30, #30, #10 = gelel - dung [Eze 4:12]; #6, #10,
#4, #10, #5, #40 = yad - hand [Eze 10:12]; #6, #2, #9, #8, #10, #40 =
tuwach - daub [Eze 13:15]; #5, #5, #30, #30, #5 = halal - praise [Eze
26:17]; #8, #7, #10, #50 = chaza' (Aramaic) - see [Dan 3:27]; #1, #3,
#1, #30, #40 = ga'al - redeem [Hos 13:14]; #20, #7, #8, #30, #10 =
zachal - afraid [Mic 7:17]; #2, #7, #10, #50, #6 = bazah - despise [Mal
1:6]; #10, #4, #10, #1, #50 = idios - his [Mat 9:1]; #7, #8, #10, #50 =
zao - live [Luk 24:23]; #2, #1, #30, #1, #1, #40 = Balaam - Balaam [2Pe

Female Idea: #72 has 90 Categories: #6, #10, #20, #30, #6 = kalah -
consume [Gen 2:1]; #2, #10, #50, #10 = beyn - between [Gen 9:12]; #6,
#10, #30, #20, #6 = halak - go [Gen 9:23]; #6, #10, #6, #50 = Yavan -
Javan [Gen 10:2]; #6, #20, #40, #6 = kemow - and [Gen 19:15]; #2, #50,
#20 = ben - son [Gen 22:2]; #8, #60, #4 = checed - mercy [Gen 24:12];
#6, #30, #30, #1, #5 = Le'ah - Leah [Gen 31:4]; #30, #2, #40 = leb -
heart [Gen 42:28]; #2, #10, #4, #50, #6 = yad - hand [Gen 43:21]; #2,
#10, #10, #50 = yayin - wine [Gen 49:11]; #50, #7, #2, #8, #5 = zabach -
sacrifice [Exo 5:8]; #10, #1, #20, #30, #5, #6 = 'akal - eat [Exo 12:8];
#6, #10, #6, #30, #20 = halak - go [Exo 14:21]; #10, #1, #8, #7, #40, #6
= 'achaz - hold [Exo 15:15]; #1, #40, #30, #1 = male' - fill [Exo
23:26]; #10, #4, #2, #50, #6 = nadab - offered [Exo 25:2]; #10, #1, #20,
#30, #6, #5 = 'akal - eat [Lev 6:16]; #6, #30, #1, #30, #5 = 'el-leh -
these [Lev 11:24]; #30, #1, #5, #30, #6 = 'ohel - tabernacle(s) [Lev
14:8]; #7, #2, #8, #10, #5, #40 = zebach - sacrifice [Lev 17:5]; #40,
#20, #2, #6, #4 = kabowd - glory [Num 24:11]; #2, #20, #10, #40 = bakah
- weep [Num 25:6]; #6, #4, #10, #2, #50 = Diybown - Dibon [Num 32:3];
#2, #7, #7, #50, #6 = bazaz - spoil [Deu 2:35]; #10, #2, #10, #50 =
Yabiyn - Jabin [Jos 11:1]; #4, #10, #2, #6, #50 = Diybown - Dibon [Jos
13:9]; #10, #6, #20, #30, #6 = yakol - could [Jos 15:63]; #50, #1, #8,
#7, #6 = 'achaz - hold [Jos 22:9]; #5, #9, #6, #2, #10, #40 = towb -
good [Jos 23:14]; #6, #1, #30, #5, #10, #20 = 'elohiym - God [Rut 1:16];
#5, #8, #9, #10, #40 = chittah - wheat [Rut 2:23]; #10, #60, #2 = cabab
- stood [1Sa 5:8]; #10, #6, #50, #4, #2 = Yawnadab - Jonadab [2Sa 13:3];
#5, #7, #2, #8, #10, #40 = zebach - sacrifice [2Sa 15:12]; #70, #2 = `ab
- cloud [1Ki 18:44]; #6, #60, #1, #5 = ce'ah - measure [2Ki 7:18]; #6,
#20, #30, #10, #6 = keliy - vessel [2Ki 11:8]; #1, #30, #10, #1, #30 =
'Eliy'el - Eliel [1Ch 6:34]; #6, #10, #8, #7, #10, #1, #30 = Yachaziy'el
- Jahaziel [1Ch 12:4]; #5, #50, #3, #10, #4 = nagiyd - ruler [1Ch
12:27]; #6, #2, #4, #6, #4, #10, #40 = duwd - basket [2Ch 35:13]; #6,
#10, #9, #40, #1, #6 = tame' - unclean [2Ch 36:14]; #2, #60, #10 = Becay
- Besai [Ezr 2:49]; #30, #2, #9, #30, #1 = betel (Aramaic) - cease [Ezr
4:21]; #20, #20, #20, #2, #10 = kowkab - star [Neh 9:23]; #30, #1, #30,
#6, #5 = 'elowahh - God [Job 12:4]; #20, #2, #5, #40, #5 = behemah -
beast [Job 18:3]; #40, #2, #20, #10 = Bekiy - weep [Job 28:11]; #2, #60,
#6, #4 = cowd - secret [Job 29:4]; #30, #2, #30, #10 = beliy - not [Job
38:41]; #1, #5, #6, #4, #50, #6 = yadah - praise [Psa 28:7]; #40, #30,
#2 = leb - heart [Psa 31:12]; #20, #20, #30, #2 = keleb - dog [Psa
59:6]; #20, #2, #6, #4, #40 = kabowd - glory [Psa 106:20]; #50, #4, #8,
#10 = dachah - outcast [Psa 147:2]; #6, #40, #10, #5, #6, #5 = Yehovah -
LORD [Pro 16:1]; #2, #30, #10, #30 = layil - night [Pro 31:18]; #1, #6,
#20, #30, #10, #5 = 'akal - eat [Ecc 5:11]; #8, #50, #9, #5 = chanat -
embalm [Sol 2:13]; #30, #30, #5, #2, #5 = lehabah - flame [Isa 10:17];
#6, #3, #1, #6, #50, #6 = ga'own - pride [Isa 16:6]; #5, #4, #10, #3,
#10, #40 = dayag - fishers [Isa 19:8]; #60, #2, #10 = cabab - stood [Isa
23:16]; #6, #1, #50, #10, #5 = 'aniyah - sorrow [Isa 29:2]; #6, #50, #4,
#10, #2 = nadiyb - prince [Isa 32:8]; #30, #2, #5, #30, #5 = behalah -
trouble [Isa 65:23]; #6, #30, #5, #10, #9, #10, #2 = yatab - well [Jer
4:22]; #6, #5, #50, #5, #6 = hinneh - Behold [Jer 18:3]; #6, #10, #6,
#20, #30 = Yuwkal - Jucal [Jer 38:1]; #5, #7, #4, #6, #50 = zadown -
pride [Eze 7:10]; #5, #9, #8, #10, #40 = tuwach - daub [Eze 13:15]; #6,
#3, #30, #3, #30 = galgal - wheel [Eze 23:24]; #10, #7, #50, #5 = zanah
- harlot [Eze 23:43]; #1, #8, #6, #7, #10, #40 = 'achaz - hold [Eze
41:6]; #40, #20, #2, #4, #6 = kabowd - glory [Eze 43:2]; #10, #6, #50,
#6 = yanah - oppress [Eze 45:8]; #6, #50, #2, #7, #2, #5 = nebizbah
(Aramaic) - reward [Dan 2:6]; #1, #70, #1 = 'a` (Aramaic) - timber [Dan
5:4]; #30, #5, #30, #7 = hallaz - this [Dan 8:16]; #30, #1, #30, #5, #6
= 'elohiym - God [Hab 1:11]; #5, #9, #50, #8 = ethnos - Gentiles [Mat
6:32]; #1, #60, #10, #1 = axios - worthy [Mat 10:13]; #30, #1, #30, #10,
#1 = lalia - speech [Mat 26:73]; #30, #1, #40, #1 = lama - lama [Mat
27:46]; #1, #30, #30, #1, #10 = allos - other(s) [Mar 15:41]; #1, #3,
#1, #9, #8, #50 = agathos - good [Luk 8:8]; #40, #5, #9, #8, #10 = methe
- drunkenness [Luk 21:34]; #20, #1, #50, #1 = Kana - Cana [Joh 4:46];

English Words: abode; achene; adobe; beanie; belle; code; coed; ego;
goad; handed; hod; job; lama; niece; off

I wonder would the apathy of wealthy men endure,

@memeBrain [Telos: #4864, Super: #30 - Government without Coercion, Be
Chary of War; I-Ching: H45 - Congregation; Tetra: 59 - Massing, Ego: #4
- Using Guidance, Sourceless; I-Ching: H27 - Nourishment; Tetra: 81 -

Male Idea: #105 has 0 Categories:

Female Idea: #76 has 95 Categories: #70, #2, #4 = `abad - serve [Gen
4:2]; #40, #30, #1, #5 = male' - fill [Gen 6:13]; #5, #10, #6, #50, #5 =
yownah - dove [Gen 8:8]; #2, #10, #4, #20, #40 = yad - hand [Gen 9:2];
#40, #1, #30, #5 = 'el-leh - these [Gen 10:5]; #6, #10, #20, #40 = nakah
- smite [Gen 14:15]; #6, #10, #10, #50 = yayin - wine [Gen 14:18]; #1,
#30, #5, #40 = 'el - unto [Gen 19:6]; #2, #70, #4 = be`ad - at [Gen
20:18]; #20, #10, #6, #40 = yowm - day [Gen 25:31]; #40, #30, #2, #4 =
bad - stave [Gen 26:1]; #40, #1, #5, #30 = 'ohel - tabernacle(s) [Gen
31:33]; #30, #6, #30, #10 = luwle' - except [Gen 31:42]; #6, #20, #50 =
ken - so [Gen 34:7]; #50, #20, #2, #4 = kabad - honour [Gen 34:19]; #6,
#10, #4, #50, #6 = yad - hand [Gen 37:27]; #30, #2, #4, #40 = bad -
stave [Gen 43:32]; #30, #1, #30, #5, #10 = 'elohiym - God [Gen 46:1];
#6, #50, #5, #10, #5 = hayah - was [Gen 47:19]; #50, #20, #6 = nakah -
smite [Exo 9:32]; #20, #2, #4, #10, #40 = kabed - great [Exo 17:12];
#40, #6, #30 = muwl - against [Exo 18:19]; #30, #1, #40, #5 = 'amah -
handmaid [Exo 21:7]; #50, #10, #8, #8 = nichowach - sweet [Exo 29:41];
#20, #50, #6 = ken - foot [Exo 30:28]; #5, #40, #20, #6, #5 = mikvah -
burning [Lev 13:24]; #10, #40, #6, #20 = muwk - wax [Lev 25:25]; #2,
#30, #2, #2, #40 = lebab - heart [Lev 26:36]; #6, #20, #20, #30 = kol -
every [Num 9:3]; #50, #4, #10, #2, #10 = nadiyb - prince [Num 21:18];
#6, #10, #30, #20, #4, #6 = lakad - take [Num 21:32]; #30, #30, #6, #10
= Leviy - Levi [Num 26:59]; #6, #50, #20 = nakah - smite [Deu 2:33];
#30, #5, #10, #9, #2, #20 = yatab - well [Deu 8:16]; #6, #40, #30 = muwl
- circumcise [Deu 30:6]; #40, #30, #6 = muwl - circumcise [Jos 5:5]; #5,
#3, #30, #3, #30, #5 = Gilgal - Gilgal [Jos 10:6]; #1, #4, #6, #50, #10,
#5 = 'adown - lord [Jdg 19:26]; #30, #40, #1, #5 = me'ah - hundred [Jdg
20:10]; #40, #20, #2, #4, #10 = kabad - honour [1Sa 2:30]; #30, #1, #2,
#10, #3, #30 = 'Abiygayil - Abigail [1Sa 25:32]; #1, #8, #7, #50, #10 =
'achaz - hold [2Sa 1:9]; #2, #1, #7, #50, #10, #6 = 'ozen - ear(s) [2Sa
22:7]; #6, #1, #4, #50, #10, #5 = 'Adoniyah - Adonijah [1Ki 1:5]; #1,
#4, #50, #10, #5, #6 = 'Adoniyah - Adonijah [1Ki 1:8]; #5, #50, #7, #10,
#4 = naziyd - pottage [2Ki 4:39]; #30, #8, #7, #1, #30 = Chaza'el -
Hazael [2Ki 12:18]; #3, #2, #70, #1 = Gib`a' - Gibea [1Ch 2:49]; #30,
#8, #30, #8 = Chalach - Halah [1Ch 5:26]; #5, #8, #7, #6, #50 = chazown
- vision [1Ch 17:15]; #6, #2, #1, #7, #50, #10 = 'ozen - ear(s) [1Ch
28:8]; #20, #5, #50, #1 = kahen (Aramaic) - priest [Ezr 7:12]; #6, #10,
#4, #6, #50 = Yadown - Jadon [Neh 3:7]; #50, #6, #20 = naveh -
habitation [Job 5:24]; #30, #1, #5, #30, #10 = 'ohel - tabernacle(s)
[Job 19:12]; #30, #40, #6 = lemow - for [Job 27:14]; #1, #20, #50, #5 =
kanah - flattering [Job 32:21]; #6, #10, #50, #4, #6 = nuwd - bemoan
[Job 42:11]; #10, #2, #8, #50, #6 = bachan - try [Psa 11:4]; #6, #1,
#60, #2, #2, #5 = cabab - stood [Psa 26:6]; #60, #6, #4, #6 = cowd -
secret [Pro 3:32]; #50, #20, #1, #5 = nake' - broken [Pro 15:13]; #6,
#60, #6, #4 = cowd - secret [Pro 25:9]; #6, #60, #6, #2, #2 = cabab -
stood [Ecc 1:6]; #10, #6, #30, #10, #20 = halak - go [Ecc 10:20]; #6,
#60, #2, #2, #6 = cabab - stood [Ecc 12:5]; #6, #50, #8, #7, #5 = chazah
- see [Sol 6:13]; #2, #4, #10, #30, #10, #20 = bediyl - tin [Isa 1:25];
#6, #40, #10, #5, #6, #4, #5 = Yehuwdah - Judah [Isa 3:1]; #5, #40, #20,
#5, #6 = nakah - smite [Isa 9:13]; #6, #30, #3, #7, #30 = gazal - spoil
[Isa 10:2]; #5, #1, #30, #10, #30 = 'eliyl - idol [Isa 10:10]; #6, #5,
#40, #7, #6, #7, #5 = mezuwzah - post [Isa 57:8]; #6, #1, #50, #8, #5,
#6 = nachah - lead [Isa 57:18]; #20, #4, #2, #10, #40 = dob - bear [Isa
59:11]; #60, #8, #6, #2 = cachab - draw [Jer 22:19]; #30, #5, #10, #9,
#10, #2, #10 = yatab - well [Jer 32:40]; #10, #6, #40, #20 = yowm - day
[Jer 50:31]; #6, #3, #2, #10, #5, #50 = gab - eminent [Eze 1:18]; #6,
#5, #8, #7, #10, #40 = chozeh - seer [Eze 13:16]; #2, #4, #40, #10, #20
= dam - blood [Eze 16:6]; #1, #40, #30, #5 = 'amal - languish [Eze
16:30]; #6, #8, #2, #30, #10, #20 = chobel - pilot [Eze 27:27]; #8, #8,
#10, #10, #40 = chach - hook [Eze 29:4]; #5, #1, #30, #40 = 'uwlam -
porch(es) [Eze 40:49]; #6, #5, #5, #10, #20, #30 = heykal - temple [Eze
41:15]; #2, #10, #4, #10, #50 = yad (Aramaic) - hand [Dan 2:34]; #8, #2,
#10, #6, #50 = chebyown - hiding [Hab 3:4]; #5, #20, #2, #1, #30, #8,
#10 = ekballo - cast [Mat 9:38]; #30, #1, #30, #5, #10 = laleo - speak
[Mat 12:34]; #5, #10, #50, #1, #10 = eimi - I [Mat 16:13]; #10, #20,
#40, #1, #4, #1 = hikmas - moisture [Luk 8:6]; #4, #10, #5, #2, #30, #8,
#9, #8 = diaballo - accuse [Luk 16:1]; #20, #5, #50, #1 = kenos - vain
[Act 4:25]; #1, #60, #5, #10 = ago - bring [1Th 4:14]

were all their windows level with the faces of the Poor?

@memeBrain [Telos: #4270, Super: #23 - Constancy of Guiding Concepts,
Emptiness & Non-Existence; I-Ching: H18 - Arresting Decay; Tetra: 26 -
Endeavor, Ego: #58 - Political Reversal, Adaptation to Change; I-Ching:
H43 - Resolution; Tetra: 29 - Decisiveness]

Male Idea: #128 has 0 Categories:

Female Idea: #134 has 0 Categories:

"Once I cried:

.jackNote@zen: 4, row: 1, col: 3, nous: 69 [Date: 2009.9.26, Time: 1058
hrs, Super: #397 / #49 - Sage's Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3
- Initial Difficulties; Tetra: 4 - Barrier, Ego: #449 / #69 - Profound
Use, Function of the Mysterious; I-Ching: H34 - Strength of Greatness;
Tetra: 22 - Resistance]

@memeBrain [Telos: #238, Super: #44 - Moderate Values, Setting Up
Precepts; I-Ching: H1 - Creative Principle/Heaven; Tetra: 36 - Strength,
Ego: #76 - Strength's Warning Signs, Revealers of Virtue; I-Ching: H20 -
Contemplation; Tetra: 64 - Sinking]

Male Idea: #44 has 65 Categories: #30, #5, #9 = lahat - flaming [Gen
3:24]; #10, #30, #4 = yalad - beget [Gen 4:18]; #4, #40 = dam - blood
[Gen 9:6]; #1, #6, #7, #30 = 'Uwzal - Uzal [Gen 10:27]; #30, #2, #2, #10
= lebab - heart [Gen 20:5]; #20, #4, #20 = kad - pitcher [Gen 24:14];
#6, #1, #4, #2, #1, #30 = 'Adbe'el - Adbeel [Gen 25:13]; #20, #10, #4,
#10 = yad - hand [Gen 27:23]; #6, #2, #1, #5, #30 = 'ohel -
tabernacle(s) [Gen 31:33]; #6, #10, #2, #20, #6 = bakah - weep [Gen
33:4]; #3, #40, #1 = gome' - rush [Exo 2:3]; #10, #4, #10, #20 = yad -
hand [Exo 15:17]; #5, #9, #30 = tal - dew [Exo 16:13]; #2, #1, #5, #30,
#6 = 'ohel - tabernacle(s) [Exo 16:16]; #6, #5, #2, #10, #1, #20 = bow'
- come [Exo 23:23]; #10, #8, #9, #10, #1, #6 = chata' - sin [Exo 23:33];
#2, #5, #10, #9, #10, #2, #6 = yatab - well [Exo 30:7]; #6, #3, #30, #5
= galah - uncover [Lev 20:18]; #2, #10, #2, #30 = yowbel - jubile [Lev
25:28]; #10, #3, #1, #30 = ga'al - redeem [Lev 25:30]; #1, #30, #10, #1,
#2 = 'Eliy'ab - Eliab [Num 1:9]; #6, #2, #1, #30, #5 = 'el-leh - these
[Num 26:64]; #2, #2, #30, #10 = beliy - not [Deu 4:42]; #6, #10, #4,
#10, #8, #6 = nadach - drive [Deu 13:13]; #8, #6, #30 = chowl - sand
[Deu 33:19]; #9, #30, #5 = taleh - lamb [1Sa 7:9]; #1, #2, #10, #1, #30
= 'Abiy'el - Abiel [1Sa 9:1]; #30, #4, #6, #4 = David - David [1Sa
17:17]; #30, #10, #4 = yad - hand [1Sa 19:3]; #6, #10, #7, #2, #8, #5,
#6 = zabach - sacrifice [1Ki 19:21]; #30, #7, #5, #2 = zahab - gold [1Ki
22:48]; #5, #3, #30, #6 = galah - uncover [2Ki 17:28]; #3, #6, #30, #5 =
gowlah - captivity [2Ki 24:14]; #8, #30, #1, #5 = Chel'ah - Helah [1Ch
4:5]; #1, #30, #7, #2, #4 = 'Elzabad - Elzabad [1Ch 12:12]; #6, #9, #6,
#2, #10, #5, #6 = Towbiyah - Tobiah [2Ch 17:8]; #20, #4, #6, #10, #4 =
David - David [2Ch 28:1]; #6, #10, #20, #2, #6 = kabah - quenched [2Ch
29:7]; #1, #7, #30, #6 = 'azal (Aramaic) - went [Ezr 4:23]; #6, #1, #6,
#1, #30 = 'Uw'el - Uel [Ezr 10:34]; #30, #2, #7, #5 = bizzah - spoil
[Neh 4:4]; #3, #1, #30, #10 = go'el - defile [Neh 13:29]; #10, #30, #2,
#2 = labab - ravished [Job 11:12]; #1, #3, #30, #10 = 'egel - drops [Job
38:28]; #2, #30, #2, #10 = leb - heart [Psa 4:7]; #2, #2, #5, #30, #5 =
behalah - trouble [Psa 78:33]; #6, #1, #20, #2, #4, #5, #6 = kabad -
honour [Psa 91:15]; #1, #3, #40 = 'agam - pools [Psa 114:8]; #30, #6, #8
= luwach - tables [Pro 3:3]; #6, #10, #1, #5, #2, #20 = 'ahab - love
[Pro 9:8]; #6, #1, #7, #30 = 'azal - gone [Pro 20:14]; #6, #30, #2, #6 =
leb - heart [Pro 23:7]; #6, #30, #5, #3 = lahag - study [Ecc 12:12]; #6,
#20, #2, #6, #4, #6 = kabowd - glory [Isa 5:13]; #10, #4, #30 = dalal -
brought [Isa 17:4]; #6, #8, #30 = cheyl - wall [Isa 26:1]; #8, #6, #20,
#10 = chakah - wait [Isa 30:18]; #8, #30, #6 = chuwl - pain [Jer 5:3];
#5, #3, #1, #30, #5 = geullah - redeem [Jer 32:7]; #5, #2, #10, #1, #6,
#20 = bow' - come [Eze 27:26]; #5, #30, #2, #7 = bazaz - spoil [Eze
38:13]; #6, #7, #10, #6, #5, #10 = ziyv (Aramaic) - countenance [Dan
5:9]; #10, #6, #20, #8 = yakach - reprove [Hos 4:4]; #7, #2, #30, #5 =
zebuwl - habitation [Hab 3:11]; #1, #4, #8, #30, #1 = adelos - appear
[Luk 11:44]

Female Idea: #76 has 95 Categories: #70, #2, #4 = `abad - serve [Gen
4:2]; #40, #30, #1, #5 = male' - fill [Gen 6:13]; #5, #10, #6, #50, #5 =
yownah - dove [Gen 8:8]; #2, #10, #4, #20, #40 = yad - hand [Gen 9:2];
#40, #1, #30, #5 = 'el-leh - these [Gen 10:5]; #6, #10, #20, #40 = nakah
- smite [Gen 14:15]; #6, #10, #10, #50 = yayin - wine [Gen 14:18]; #1,
#30, #5, #40 = 'el - unto [Gen 19:6]; #2, #70, #4 = be`ad - at [Gen
20:18]; #20, #10, #6, #40 = yowm - day [Gen 25:31]; #40, #30, #2, #4 =
bad - stave [Gen 26:1]; #40, #1, #5, #30 = 'ohel - tabernacle(s) [Gen
31:33]; #30, #6, #30, #10 = luwle' - except [Gen 31:42]; #6, #20, #50 =
ken - so [Gen 34:7]; #50, #20, #2, #4 = kabad - honour [Gen 34:19]; #6,
#10, #4, #50, #6 = yad - hand [Gen 37:27]; #30, #2, #4, #40 = bad -
stave [Gen 43:32]; #30, #1, #30, #5, #10 = 'elohiym - God [Gen 46:1];
#6, #50, #5, #10, #5 = hayah - was [Gen 47:19]; #50, #20, #6 = nakah -
smite [Exo 9:32]; #20, #2, #4, #10, #40 = kabed - great [Exo 17:12];
#40, #6, #30 = muwl - against [Exo 18:19]; #30, #1, #40, #5 = 'amah -
handmaid [Exo 21:7]; #50, #10, #8, #8 = nichowach - sweet [Exo 29:41];
#20, #50, #6 = ken - foot [Exo 30:28]; #5, #40, #20, #6, #5 = mikvah -
burning [Lev 13:24]; #10, #40, #6, #20 = muwk - wax [Lev 25:25]; #2,
#30, #2, #2, #40 = lebab - heart [Lev 26:36]; #6, #20, #20, #30 = kol -
every [Num 9:3]; #50, #4, #10, #2, #10 = nadiyb - prince [Num 21:18];
#6, #10, #30, #20, #4, #6 = lakad - take [Num 21:32]; #30, #30, #6, #10
= Leviy - Levi [Num 26:59]; #6, #50, #20 = nakah - smite [Deu 2:33];
#30, #5, #10, #9, #2, #20 = yatab - well [Deu 8:16]; #6, #40, #30 = muwl
- circumcise [Deu 30:6]; #40, #30, #6 = muwl - circumcise [Jos 5:5]; #5,
#3, #30, #3, #30, #5 = Gilgal - Gilgal [Jos 10:6]; #1, #4, #6, #50, #10,
#5 = 'adown - lord [Jdg 19:26]; #30, #40, #1, #5 = me'ah - hundred [Jdg
20:10]; #40, #20, #2, #4, #10 = kabad - honour [1Sa 2:30]; #30, #1, #2,
#10, #3, #30 = 'Abiygayil - Abigail [1Sa 25:32]; #1, #8, #7, #50, #10 =
'achaz - hold [2Sa 1:9]; #2, #1, #7, #50, #10, #6 = 'ozen - ear(s) [2Sa
22:7]; #6, #1, #4, #50, #10, #5 = 'Adoniyah - Adonijah [1Ki 1:5]; #1,
#4, #50, #10, #5, #6 = 'Adoniyah - Adonijah [1Ki 1:8]; #5, #50, #7, #10,
#4 = naziyd - pottage [2Ki 4:39]; #30, #8, #7, #1, #30 = Chaza'el -
Hazael [2Ki 12:18]; #3, #2, #70, #1 = Gib`a' - Gibea [1Ch 2:49]; #30,
#8, #30, #8 = Chalach - Halah [1Ch 5:26]; #5, #8, #7, #6, #50 = chazown
- vision [1Ch 17:15]; #6, #2, #1, #7, #50, #10 = 'ozen - ear(s) [1Ch
28:8]; #20, #5, #50, #1 = kahen (Aramaic) - priest [Ezr 7:12]; #6, #10,
#4, #6, #50 = Yadown - Jadon [Neh 3:7]; #50, #6, #20 = naveh -
habitation [Job 5:24]; #30, #1, #5, #30, #10 = 'ohel - tabernacle(s)
[Job 19:12]; #30, #40, #6 = lemow - for [Job 27:14]; #1, #20, #50, #5 =
kanah - flattering [Job 32:21]; #6, #10, #50, #4, #6 = nuwd - bemoan
[Job 42:11]; #10, #2, #8, #50, #6 = bachan - try [Psa 11:4]; #6, #1,
#60, #2, #2, #5 = cabab - stood [Psa 26:6]; #60, #6, #4, #6 = cowd -
secret [Pro 3:32]; #50, #20, #1, #5 = nake' - broken [Pro 15:13]; #6,
#60, #6, #4 = cowd - secret [Pro 25:9]; #6, #60, #6, #2, #2 = cabab -
stood [Ecc 1:6]; #10, #6, #30, #10, #20 = halak - go [Ecc 10:20]; #6,
#60, #2, #2, #6 = cabab - stood [Ecc 12:5]; #6, #50, #8, #7, #5 = chazah
- see [Sol 6:13]; #2, #4, #10, #30, #10, #20 = bediyl - tin [Isa 1:25];
#6, #40, #10, #5, #6, #4, #5 = Yehuwdah - Judah [Isa 3:1]; #5, #40, #20,
#5, #6 = nakah - smite [Isa 9:13]; #6, #30, #3, #7, #30 = gazal - spoil
[Isa 10:2]; #5, #1, #30, #10, #30 = 'eliyl - idol [Isa 10:10]; #6, #5,
#40, #7, #6, #7, #5 = mezuwzah - post [Isa 57:8]; #6, #1, #50, #8, #5,
#6 = nachah - lead [Isa 57:18]; #20, #4, #2, #10, #40 = dob - bear [Isa
59:11]; #60, #8, #6, #2 = cachab - draw [Jer 22:19]; #30, #5, #10, #9,
#10, #2, #10 = yatab - well [Jer 32:40]; #10, #6, #40, #20 = yowm - day
[Jer 50:31]; #6, #3, #2, #10, #5, #50 = gab - eminent [Eze 1:18]; #6,
#5, #8, #7, #10, #40 = chozeh - seer [Eze 13:16]; #2, #4, #40, #10, #20
= dam - blood [Eze 16:6]; #1, #40, #30, #5 = 'amal - languish [Eze
16:30]; #6, #8, #2, #30, #10, #20 = chobel - pilot [Eze 27:27]; #8, #8,
#10, #10, #40 = chach - hook [Eze 29:4]; #5, #1, #30, #40 = 'uwlam -
porch(es) [Eze 40:49]; #6, #5, #5, #10, #20, #30 = heykal - temple [Eze
41:15]; #2, #10, #4, #10, #50 = yad (Aramaic) - hand [Dan 2:34]; #8, #2,
#10, #6, #50 = chebyown - hiding [Hab 3:4]; #5, #20, #2, #1, #30, #8,
#10 = ekballo - cast [Mat 9:38]; #30, #1, #30, #5, #10 = laleo - speak
[Mat 12:34]; #5, #10, #50, #1, #10 = eimi - I [Mat 16:13]; #10, #20,
#40, #1, #4, #1 = hikmas - moisture [Luk 8:6]; #4, #10, #5, #2, #30, #8,
#9, #8 = diaballo - accuse [Luk 16:1]; #20, #5, #50, #1 = kenos - vain
[Act 4:25]; #1, #60, #5, #10 = ago - bring [1Th 4:14]


@memeBrain [Telos: #68, Super: #26 - Ambiguous Reversals, Virtue of
Gravity; I-Ching: H3 - Initial Difficulties; Tetra: 3 - Mired, Ego: #68
- Coinciding with Nature, Complying With Heaven; I-Ching: H14 - Great
Possessions; Tetra: 38 - Fullness]

Male Idea: #70 has 90 Categories: #20, #50 = ken - so [Gen 1:7]; #10,
#4, #6, #50 = diyn - judge [Gen 6:3]; #20, #20, #30 = kol - every [Gen
6:22]; #6, #10, #40, #8, #6 = machah - blot [Gen 7:23]; #10, #10, #50 =
yayin - wine [Gen 19:32]; #6, #20, #8, #6, #30 = chowl - sand [Gen
22:17]; #2, #1, #7, #50, #10 = 'ozen - ear(s) [Gen 23:10]; #6, #10, #8,
#40, #6 = yacham - conceive [Gen 30:39]; #5, #40, #20, #5 = nakah -
smite [Gen 36:35]; #50, #5, #10, #5 = hayah - was [Gen 38:23]; #1, #2,
#10, #1, #50, #6 = bow' - come [Gen 42:37]; #40, #10, #5, #6, #4, #5 =
Yehuwdah - Judah [Gen 49:10]; #6, #50, #9, #5 = natah - stretch [Exo
7:19]; #30, #10, #30 = layil - night [Exo 12:42]; #5, #40, #7, #6, #7,
#5 = mezuwzah - post [Exo 21:6]; #1, #4, #50, #10, #5 = 'adown - lord
[Exo 21:8]; #5, #5, #10, #50 = hiyn - hin [Exo 29:40]; #6, #2, #1, #2,
#50, #9 = 'abnet - girdle(s) [Lev 16:4]; #6, #8, #50, #6 = chanah -
pitch [Num 1:52]; #50, #8, #2, #10 = Nachbiy - Nahbi [Num 13:14]; #40,
#20, #10 = Makiy - Machi [Num 13:15]; #2, #8, #30, #30 = chalal - slay
[Num 19:16]; #6, #10, #30, #20, #4 = lakad - take [Num 32:41]; #2, #8,
#10, #10, #40 = chay - live [Deu 30:19]; #10, #30, #30 = yelel - howling
[Deu 32:10]; #40, #30 = muwl - circumcise [Jos 5:2]; #60, #2, #2, #6 =
cabab - stood [Jos 6:15]; #6, #10, #8, #10, #30, #6 = chuwl - pain [Jdg
3:25]; #30, #3, #1, #6, #30 = ga'al - redeem [Rut 4:4]; #6, #60, #2, #2
= cabab - stood [1Sa 7:16]; #6, #50, #2, #7, #5 = bazaz - spoil [1Sa
14:36]; #6, #2, #2, #50, #10 = ben - son [1Sa 14:47]; #2, #2, #50, #10,
#6 = ben - son [1Sa 16:1]; #6, #8, #3, #3, #10, #40 = chagag - keep [1Sa
30:16]; #5, #5, #10, #20, #30 = heykal - temple [1Ki 6:17]; #10, #20,
#10, #30 = kuwl - contain [1Ki 7:26]; #10, #50, #6, #4 = nuwd - bemoan
[1Ki 14:15]; #60, #6, #2, #2 = cabab - stood [2Ki 6:15]; #6, #1, #8,
#10, #5, #40 = 'ach - brethren [1Ch 5:13]; #30, #2, #30, #3, #5 = Bilgah
- Bilgah [1Ch 24:14]; #6, #10, #2, #5, #30, #6, #5, #6 = bahal - trouble
[2Ch 26:20]; #10, #30, #20, #4, #6 = lakad - take [2Ch 32:18]; #5, #8,
#7, #10, #40 = chozeh - seer [2Ch 33:18]; #3, #50, #7, #10 = genaz
(Aramaic) - treasure [Ezr 7:20]; #7, #2, #10, #50, #1 = Zebiyna' -
Zebina [Ezr 10:43]; #10, #4, #50, #6 = yad - hand [Neh 5:5]; #6, #4,
#10, #50 = diyn - judgement [Est 1:13]; #6, #50, #6, #8 = nuwach - rest
[Est 9:16]; #6, #10, #4, #10, #40 = yad - hand [Job 4:3]; #6, #50, #10,
#4 = niyd - moving [Job 16:5]; #10, #2, #8, #50 = bachan - try [Job
34:36]; #5, #2, #6, #3, #4, #10, #40 = bagad - treacherously [Psa 25:3];
#60, #6, #4 = cowd - secret [Psa 25:14]; #2, #8, #10, #30, #20 = chayil
- army [Psa 59:11]; #50, #6, #9, #5 = natah - stretch [Psa 104:2]; #20,
#40, #4, #6 = mad - garment [Psa 109:18]; #10, #50, #10 = nuw' -
disallow [Psa 141:5]; #2, #8, #9, #1, #10, #40 = chatta' - sinner [Pro
23:17]; #10, #40, #20 = makak - brought [Ecc 10:18]; #20, #30, #20 = kol
- every [Sol 4:7]; #5, #4, #6, #4, #1, #10, #40 = duwday - mandrake [Sol
7:13]; #6, #50, #8, #6 = nuwach - rest [Isa 7:19]; #30, #8, #2, #30 =
chabal - destroy [Isa 13:5]; #6, #5, #2, #10, #1, #6, #40 = bow' - come
[Isa 14:2]; #4, #30, #30, #6 = dalal - brought [Isa 19:6]; #8, #2, #30,
#10, #20 = chebel - sorrows [Isa 33:23]; #6, #1, #50, #8, #5 = 'anachah
- sighing [Isa 35:10]; #6, #2, #40, #8, #6, #3, #5 = mechuwgah - compass
[Isa 44:13]; #10, #20, #40 = nakah - smite [Isa 49:10]; #20, #10, #40 =
yam - sea [Isa 57:20]; #6, #5, #3, #6, #10, #40 = gowy - nation [Isa
60:12]; #20, #9, #40, #1 = tame' - unclean [Isa 64:6]; #6, #50, #2, #6,
#1, #5 = bow' - come [Jer 4:5]; #4, #10, #50, #6 = diyn - judge [Jer
21:12]; #20, #5, #40, #5 = hem - they [Jer 36:32]; #1, #9, #10, #30, #20
= tuwl - cast [Eze 32:4]; #9, #10, #50, #1 = tiyn (Aramaic) - miry [Dan
2:41]; #20, #1, #4, #40, #5 = 'Admah - Admah [Hos 11:8]; #2, #7, #6,
#50, #5 = zanah - harlot [Joe 3:3]; #10, #30, #20, #6, #4 = lakad - take
[Amo 3:5]; #6, #50, #6, #4, #4 = nadad - flee [Nah 3:17]; #10, #50, #6,
#2, #2 = nuwb - bring [Zec 9:17];

ho,which; #5, #50, #5, #2, #8 = embaino - enter [Mat 15:39]; #4, #5,
#10, #50, #1 = deina - such [Mat 26:18]; #8, #3, #1, #3, #5, #50 = ago -
bring [Luk 4:9]; #20, #30, #5, #10, #4, #1 = kleis - key [Luk 11:52];
#8, #3, #8, #40, #1, #10 = hegeomai - count [Act 26:2]; #4, #10, #1, #9,
#8, #20, #8, #10 = diatheke - covenant [Heb 8:9]; #1, #4, #10, #20, #8,
#9, #8, #10 = adikeo - hurt [Rev 2:11]

Female Idea: #144 has 0 Categories:

God Almighty!,

@memeBrain [Telos: #1066, Super: #53 - Increasing Evidence, Gaining
Insight; I-Ching: H13 - Companionship; Tetra: 53 - Eternity, Ego: #13 -
Status, Loathing Shame; I-Ching: H5 - Delay; Tetra: 17 - Holding Back]

Male Idea: #123 has 0 Categories:

Female Idea: #157 has 0 Categories:

If Thy might doth still endure,

@memeBrain [Telos: #2282, Super: #5 - Natural Guidance, Function of
Emptiness; I-Ching: H63 - Completion & After; Tetra: 73 - Completion,
Ego: #14 - Praising the Mysterious (Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 -
Approaching; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out]

Male Idea: #128 has 0 Categories:

Female Idea: #171 has 77 Categories: #80, #50, #10, #1, #30 = Penuw'el -
Penuel [Gen 32:30]; #5, #70, #30, #10, #6, #50 = 'elyown - High [Gen
40:17]; #30, #90, #1, #50 = tso'n - flock [Gen 47:4]; #30, #5, #90, #10,
#30, #6 = natsal - deliver [Exo 3:8]; #2, #1, #90, #2, #70, #6 = 'etsba`
- finger [Lev 4:25]; #6, #50, #80, #30, #5 = naphal - fail [Num 5:27];
#6, #100, #30, #30, #5 = qelalah - curse [Deu 11:26]; #5, #6, #80, #10,
#70 = yapha` - shine [Deu 33:2]; #6, #5, #20, #60, #80 = keceph - silver
[Jos 7:21]; #6, #100, #10, #50, #5 = Qiynah - Kinah [Jos 15:22]; #6,
#50, #70, #40, #5 = Na`amah - Naamah [Jos 15:41]; #6, #10, #100, #10,
#40, #5 = quwm - stood [Jos 24:26]; #6, #70, #90, #5 = `etsah - counsel
[Jdg 20:7]; #50, #50, #6, #60, #5 = nuwc - flee [Jdg 20:32]; #30, #40,
#30, #1, #20, #10, #40 = mal'ak - angel [1Sa 11:9]; #6, #40, #8, #7,
#10, #100 = chazaq - strong [2Sa 3:29]; #40, #1, #90, #30, #10 = 'etsel
- by [1Ki 3:20]; #30, #1, #60, #80 = 'acaph - together [2Ki 5:7]; #5,
#20, #70, #10, #60, #6 = ka`ac - anger [2Ki 23:26]; #6, #10, #100, #40,
#10, #5 = Yeqamyah - Jekamiah [1Ch 2:41]; #6, #70, #10, #80, #5 =
`Eyphah - Ephah [1Ch 2:46]; #40, #3, #2, #70, #6, #50 = Gib`own - Gibeon
[1Ch 14:16]; #6, #10, #8, #7, #100, #40 = chazaq - strong [2Ch 11:12];
#30, #40, #90, #6, #5 = mitsvah - commandments [2Ch 19:10]; #6, #2, #7,
#70, #80, #6 = za`aph - wroth [2Ch 26:19]; #70, #30, #10, #5, #6, #50 =
`al (Aramaic) - upon [Ezr 5:1]; #10, #6, #60, #80, #10, #5 = Yowciphyah
- Josiphiah [Ezr 8:10]; #5, #80, #30, #50, #6 = naphal - fail [Neh
10:34]; #30, #40, #5, #6, #40, #50 = Mehuwman - Mehuman [Est 1:10]; #70,
#6, #10, #30, #10, #5, #40 = `aviyl - young [Job 21:11]; #10, #50, #5,
#100, #6 = nahaq - bray [Job 30:7]; #40, #70, #2, #4, #10, #5, #40 =
ma`bad - works [Job 34:25]; #90, #1, #30, #10, #40 = tse'el - shady [Job
40:21]; #40, #90, #6, #30, #5 = metsowlah - deep [Job 41:31]; #90, #40,
#1, #40 = tsama' - thirst [Psa 104:11]; #30, #40, #90, #1, #10 = mowtsa'
- go [Psa 107:35]; #20, #60, #6, #80, #5 = cuwphah - whirlwind [Pro
1:27]; #40, #1, #40, #90 = 'amats - courage [Pro 24:5]; #6, #40, #70,
#50, #5 = `anah - afflict [Isa 53:4]; #40, #50, #1, #80 = na'aph -
adultery [Isa 57:3]; #10, #1, #60, #80, #20 = 'acaph - together [Isa
58:8]; #6, #30, #50, #9, #6, #70 = nata` - plant [Jer 1:10]; #10, #8,
#7, #100, #6, #40 = chazaq - strong [Jer 10:4]; #5, #70, #6, #90 = `Uwts
- Uz [Jer 25:20]; #10, #5, #6, #10, #100, #40 = Yehowyaqiym - Jehoiakim
[Jer 27:1]; #1, #50, #100, #20 = naqah - unpunished [Jer 30:11]; #6,
#30, #5, #90, #10, #30 = natsal - deliver [Jer 42:11]; #6, #50, #100,
#9, #6 = quwt - grieve [Eze 6:9]; #6, #40, #70, #10, #5, #40 = me`eh -
bowels [Eze 7:19]; #6, #70, #7, #2, #6, #50, #10, #20 = `izzabown - fair
[Eze 27:27]; #50, #1, #90, #30 = 'atsal - take [Eze 42:6]; #6, #40, #50,
#4, #70, #1 = manda` (Aramaic) - knowledge [Dan 2:21]; #5, #60, #100, #6
= necaq (Aramaic) - take [Dan 3:22]; #6, #70, #80, #10, #5 = `ophiy
(Aramaic) - leaves [Dan 4:21]; #6, #5, #60, #100 = necaq (Aramaic) -
take [Dan 6:23]; #6, #100, #4, #40, #6, #5, #10 = qodam (Aramaic) -
before [Dan 7:13]; #20, #1, #60, #80, #10 = 'oceph - the [Mic 7:1]; #40,
#40, #60, #6, #20, #5 = mecuwkah - thorn [Mic 7:4]; #40, #70, #6, #50,
#5 = me`ownah - den [Zep 3:7]; #20, #1, #30, #70, #50 = kalos - good
[Mat 3:10]; #4, #10, #1, #20, #1, #9, #1, #100, #10, #5, #10 =
diakatharizo - throughly [Mat 3:12]; #80, #1, #30, #10, #50 = palin -
again [Mat 4:7]; #80, #10, #50, #1, #20, #10 = pinax - charger [Mat
14:8]; #4, #5, #4, #5, #40, #5, #50, #8, #50 = deo - bind [Mat 21:2];
#80, #70, #10, #1, #10 = poios - what [Mat 21:23]; #20, #100, #10, #40,
#1 = krima - judgment [Mat 23:14]; #50, #1, #70, #50 = naos - temple
[Mat 26:61]; #1, #50, #4, #100, #5, #1, #10 = Andreas - Andrew [Joh
12:22]; #40, #70, #50, #1, #10 = mone - mansion [Joh 14:2]; #1, #50, #1,
#80, #5, #10, #9, #5, #10 = anapeitho - persuade [Act 18:13]; #70, #30,
#10, #3, #8, #50 = oligos - few [Act 19:24]; #1, #80, #5, #10, #9, #5,
#10, #1, #50 = apeitheia - unbelief [Rom 11:32]; #40, #10, #20, #100, #1
= mikros - little [1Co 5:6]; #70, #40, #10, #30, #10, #1, #10 = homilia
- communication [1Co 15:33]; #5, #10, #60, #1, #40, #5, #50 = eiko -
give [Gal 2:5]; #5, #30, #30, #8, #50, #10, #20, #8, #10 = Hellenikos -
Greek [Rev 9:11];

English Words: adherence; alarmed; alms; asp; bankcard; banshee;
baseball; befriend; billfold; bracken; brink; cerebella; chains;
childish; clamber; clerical; cohere; declarable; decoder; demeaning;
demonic; descend; flashback; forbid; grille; hairball; harebell;
has-been; hippie; incapable; indefinable; kapok; libeler; llano;
mailman; mooch; negligence; okra; parade; placebo; plank; red-handed;
reecho; sank; sap; singe; slam; sniff; spa
now show me in a vision for the wrongs of Earth a cure.
@memeBrain [Telos: #3956, Super: #44 - Moderate Values, Setting Up
Precepts; I-Ching: H1 - Creative Principle/Heaven; Tetra: 36 - Strength,
Ego: #68 - Coinciding with Nature, Complying With Heaven; I-Ching: H14 -
Great Possessions; Tetra: 38 - Fullness]

Male Idea: #172 has 0 Categories:

Female Idea: #239 has 32 Categories: #30, #3, #6, #200 = guwr - sojourn
[Gen 12:10]; #1, #8, #200, #10, #20 = 'achar - after [Gen 17:7]; #200,
#3, #30, #6 = regel - feet [Gen 41:44]; #6, #30, #3, #200 = ger -
stranger [Exo 12:49]; #5, #80, #100, #4, #10, #40 = paqad - number [Exo
30:13]; #3, #6, #200, #30 = gowral - lot [Lev 16:8]; #80, #100, #4, #10,
#5, #40 = paqad - number [Num 1:21]; #5, #50, #90, #40, #4, #10, #40 =
tsamad - join [Num 25:5]; #2, #200, #7, #30 = barzel - iron [Num 35:16];
#30, #200, #2, #2, #5 = rebabah - ten [Jdg 20:10]; #6, #2, #200, #6,
#20, #5 = barak - bless [1Sa 25:33]; #30, #1, #200, #8 = 'arach -
wayfaring [2Sa 12:4]; #6, #5, #40, #30, #100, #8, #10, #40 = melqach -
tongs [1Ki 7:49]; #2, #200, #2, #30, #5 = Riblah - Riblah [2Ki 23:33];
#6, #7, #20, #6, #200 = Zakkuwr - Zaccur [1Ch 24:27]; #6, #1, #100, #2,
#90, #40 = qabats - gather [Ezr 8:15]; #30, #1, #8, #200 = 'acher -
other(s) [Job 31:10]; #4, #200, #20, #10, #5 = derek - way [Pro 3:17];
#6, #200, #3, #30 = regel - feet [Pro 25:19]; #2, #6, #200, #1, #10, #20
= bara' - create [Ecc 12:1]; #40, #90, #4, #100, #5 = tsedaqah -
righteousness [Isa 46:12]; #40, #100, #9, #50, #40 = qatan - small [Jer
6:13]; #20, #3, #6, #200, #10 = gowr - whelp [Jer 51:38]; #6, #7, #20,
#200, #6 = zakar - remember [Eze 6:9]; #5, #4, #200, #20, #10 = derek -
way [Eze 18:25]; #5, #200, #9, #10, #5, #10 = esthio - eat [Mat 9:11];
#80, #8, #100, #1, #50 = pera - scrip [Mat 10:10]; #80, #1, #10, #4,
#10, #70, #9, #5, #50 = paidiothen - of [Mar 9:21]; #9, #100, #10, #60,
#10, #50 = thrix - hair [Joh 11:2]; #1, #50, #5, #2, #1, #10, #50, #70,
#50 = anabaino - go [Act 3:1]; #8, #3, #10, #1, #200, #9, #8 = hagiazo -
sanctify [Heb 10:29];

English Words: ablate; admirer; appliance; cardamom; carnelian;
chamberlain; cigarillo; cleat; corneal; creeping; eclat; freakish;
god-fearing; granola; halt; jacket; kimono; lath; lit; logbook; married;
marsh; melancholic; pegboard; pinon; scales; scalpel; scream; seagoing;
seldom; shalom; skimp; slash; spill; 'til


Sep 26, 2009, 9:48:34 PM9/26/09
dolf, you need psychiatric help and I hope you obtain it before you become a
danger to yourself or others.


Sep 27, 2009, 6:11:48 AM9/27/09
If Carl <> has some issue which he'd like to discuss
then do so, otherwise I'm not interested in this Internet vitriol of his
as evidence of an American's diseased mind.


Oct 26, 2009, 2:36:07 AM10/26/09

<> wrote ...

> On 3 January 1985, Australia created a new landmark in her relations with
> her former colonial masters and a legal precedent in the history of the
> Commonwealth. The Australian Royal Commission which had been established
> to investigate the conduct of the British atomic bomb test series in
> Australia opened its hearings in London. British Government employees,
> scientists and servicemen were to be cross-examined in their own country
> during a judicial inquiry instigated by another government. There was
> little doubt in the minds of those who witnessed the scene that the
> Australians relished their task. In his opening address the Commissioner,
> Mr Justice James McClelland, upbraided the British Government for
> 'dragging its feet' over the Australian investigation. He accused Britain
> of being a 'proud country' and of using secrecy about nuclear weapons as a
> 'convenient alibi for failure of disclosure'. Later he charged the man
> responsible for agreeing to British nuclear tests in Australia, Robert
> Menzies, with being a 'lickspittle of the British'. As far as this former
> Australian Prime Minister was concerned, it had been a question of 'ask
> and thou shalt receive'.



The Ten Commandments, or Decalogue, are a list of religious and moral
imperatives that, according to Judeo-Christian tradition, were authored by
God and given to Moses on the mountain referred to as "Mount Sinai" (Exodus
19:23) or "Horeb" (Deuteronomy 5:2) in the form of two stone tablets. They
are recognized as a moral foundation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The most of freemasons belong to those 3 religions.

Let's analyse how they follow The 10 Commandments of God (or GAOTU how He is
called in the freemasons lodge) - the moral rules they should observe.

1.. "I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from
the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me..." This
commandment is to believe in the existence of God and His influence on
events in the world , and it prohibits belief in or worship of any
additional deities.


2.. "Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens
above. Do not swear falsely by the name of the LORD..." This commandment is
to never take the name of God in a vain, pointless or insincere oath.


3. "Do not swear falsely by the name of the LORD..."


4.. "Remember [zachor] the Sabbath day and keep it holy" The seventh day
of the week is termed Shabbat and is holy, just as God ceased creative
activity during Creation. The aspect of zachor is performed by declaring the
greatness of the day (kiddush), by having three festive
meals, and by engaging in Torah study and pleasurable activities. The aspect
of shamor is performed by abstaining from productive activity on the


5.. "Honor your father and your mother..."


6.. "Do not murder" Murdering a human being is a capital sin.


7.. "Do not commit adultery."


8.. "Do not steal."
According to Rashi, this is not understood as stealing in the
conventional sense, since theft of property is forbidden elsewhere and is
not a capital offense. In this context it is to be taken as "do not


9.. "Do not bear false witness against your neighbor"
One must not bear false witness in a court of law or other proceeding.


10.. "Do not covet your neighbor's wife"


In conclussion, freemasons are dishonest criminals who do not obey God's
Commandements except (some of them) one - the tenth - many because they are
not good with women.

What freemasons should do?

Start to obey 10 Commandments by resigning from freemasonry and publish all
secrets and names of the members they know. Here is an example of the letter
to the lodge:

To the members of Masonic Lodge number ___________

Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ,

When I was initiated into Freemasonry, I was led to believe that my
involvement would not interfere with my duty to God. I was led through three
blood oaths in the three degrees of the Blue Lodge which are in direct
violation of the commandment of Jesus Christ found in Matthew chapter 5
verses 33 through 37.

I have since come to realize that Freemasonry is a "Fraternal Order" which
has a plan of salvation. The Masonic plan of salvation does not require
faith in Jesus Christ, but rather depends on imitating Hiram Abiff. At many
places, Masonic ritual encourages Masons to believe that they will go to
heaven. Consider the Covering of a Lodge: it is "a clouded canopy or
star-decked heaven where all good Masons hope at last to arrive." Consider
the Three Steps ". . .as Master Masons, we may enjoy the happy reflections
consequent on a well-spent life, and die in the hope of a glorious
immortality. " Consider the prayer just before Hiram is raised: "Yet, O
Lord! have compassion on the children of Thy creation; and administer them
comfort in time of trouble, and save them with an everlasting salvation."

With all of this, Freemasonry is encouraging Master Masons to believe that
they will go to heaven when they die. But just who are Master Masons? They
include Hindus, Moslems, Buddhists and men of many other religions which
reject the claims of Jesus. Freemasonry is encouraging false hope in unsaved
men. Just after Hiram is raised, ritual tells us that we should imitate
Hiram Abiff so that we can welcome death and get into heaven.

The Bible is clear. John 14:6 contains the words of Jesus. He said "I am the
way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the father but by me."

It is obvious that Freemasonry is not following the teachings of Jesus,
because ritual encourages lost souls that they will get into heaven. Ritual
suggests imitation of Hiram Abiff as the way to the Celestial Lodge above.
The book of 2 John verse 9 states: "Whosoever transgresseth,and abideth not
in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God." When coupled with the fact that
Masonic ritual teaches salvation on the basis of imitating Hiram Abiff,
rather than Faith in Jesus Christ, it is clear from this verse that the
Masonic Lodge does not have God. The GAOTU cannot be the God of the Bible,
because it rejects the claims of His Son.

I know that many of you profess to be Christians. I would like to meet with
each of you to examine and pray about the contents of Masonic ritual. As
Christians, can we take part in an organization which teaches salvation
without Jesus? Galatians 1:8-9 makes it clear that the penalty for teaching
a false plan of salvation is condemnation. I encourage you to prayerfully
consider these things.

The oaths which I took are null and void. God has released me from them.
Leviticus chapter 5 verses 4-6 make it clear that when something is hidden
from a man and he takes an oath thoughtlessly, he is guilty of sin. When he
recognizes it as sin, he may be released from it by confessing it as sin and
claiming the promise found in 1 John Chapter 1 verses 8-9.

I want you to know that I am not rejecting you as individuals, however I am
totally rejecting Freemasonry. I want nothing more to do with it, now, or at
any time in the future. I do not want a demit. I am no longer a Mason.

I encourage each of you to get out of the Lodge. I pray that my involvement
in Freemasonry will not result in the loss of anyone's soul because he
believed the promises in ritual. The Masonic plan of salvation is a ticket
to hell. I encourage each of you to read the Book of John in your Masonic
Bible. Read it again and again, until you know the truth.

Signed by ____________________ on ___ Day of _________ A.D. 20__

over here

Jan 21, 2010, 3:14:09 AM1/21/10

"(ZZ)" <> wrote in message

> "Rob Sandilands" <> wrote in message
> news:odwum.42607$
>>> To warn people to stay at home and close windows if they don't want to
>>> get cancer from radioactive dust cloud currently spreading from
>>> Queensland to Victoria (Thanks Menzies, Churchill and Lieberal Party for
>>> producing cancer & radiation to all Aussies and Labors for participating
>>> in cover-up).

The Guardian � scientifically challenged

Simon Jenkins� opinionated and unscientific rant on Friday 8th January
2010 [1] is not worth wasting time on. However, The Guardian�s staff,
reporting over that weekend (7th to 11th January 2010), have fallen victim
to a long-running propaganda campaign.
Their reportage suffers from the same problem as Nuclear Nightmares,
Horizon�s documentary of July 2006, which was so biased the BBC Trust had to
rule against it. Nuclear Nightmares and The Guardian presented the issue as
a straight fight between the seriously flawed establishment model known as
�Linear No Threshold� (LNT) and a sub-linear one which postulates that low
levels of radiation are proportionately less harmful than LNT.

The BBC ruled against �Nuclear Nightmares� for ignoring the third
hypothesis � a supra-linear one � that low levels of radiation are
proportionately MORE harmful. There are sound radiobiological mechanisms
supporting this idea (some quotes) and a huge amount of evidence that this
supra-linear dose:response is real. Much of the evidence is post-Chernobyl,
which ICRP entirely ignores in formulating its advice. A substantial book
full of evidence suggesting that this oversight might be foolish is free to
download at this link . (See also summaries of similar evidence and this new
book published in December 2009 in the Annals of the New York Academy of
Sciences ). This latest one includes a review of studies of the deaths
attributed to Chernobyl fallout in Europe; they total nearly 1 million up to

The ICRP approach and the hormesis approach typified by Professor Wade
Allison�s book (the basis of the Guardian reports) treat radiation as if it
were homogeneous. That�s like regarding all poisons as if they were of equal
toxicity, weight for weight. �How much poison do you think would kill you?�
asks the idiot. �Well it depends what poison you�re talking about�, says any
half-way intelligent person. In terms of radiation exposure, the idiot
question is �What dose is safe?�, and the intelligent answer is � that
depends; where is the radiation coming from? .. is it a source stuck on my
DNA? � is it stuck in my lymph nodes? is it delivering all its energy into a
tiny bit of me and leaving all the rest unirradiated?� The nub of the issue
is that there are some kinds of radiation exposure which it is valid to
regard as uniform, homogeneous, well- averaged, evenly distributed in the
body (however many synonyms one needs). Examples are x-rays and cosmic rays.
But there are other kinds of exposure which are never evenly distributed, so
that all their damage is concentrated into microscopic volumes of tissue.
Hot particles are one example and there are many others. In these
circumstances, the CERRIE committee advised in 2004, the very concept of
dose may be meaningless at the cellular and molecular level. So there is a
massive caveat that should be posted on any expression involving the word
�dose�. One of the main reasons the nuclear establishment sticks to using
dose is for the administrative convenience of lumping all kinds of exposure
together. Well that�s just not scientifically valid. Here is an example of
the kind of nonsense scientifically illiterate journalists spout because
they don�t understand these caveats.
If you want to see the history of how the radiation protection community
got stuck in the �average dose� model, look at this .
ICRP has recently admitted (here) that their risk model cannot be used for
post-accident exposures. By inescapable extension neither can it be used for
routine releases of the same radio-isotopes, and operators can�t use it to
demonstrate compliance with regulations expressed in terms of numbers of
cancers per year, which is what they actually have to do. The big questions
are Where will they get their advice in future? Will it stand up under
scientific examination? The nuclear lobby may be able to dupe the occasional
journalist and some of the public but the investors and the courts are
another matter. If operators go ahead in despite of the evidence there will
be huge bankruptcies on the asbestos model (only far larger).


Final point; John Vidal recycles (here) the idea that people are dying of
fear, not of radiation-induced diseases. In a short article he said it
twice, citing Mike Repacholi�s claim about radiophobia in �Nuclear
Nightmares� (the 2006 documentary which the BBC Trust ruled was biased � did
Vidal�s research involve a second viewing, I wonder).
By the time Repacholi contributed to the Nuclear Nightmares travesty he
was no longer at WHO and I�m not aware that either WHO or IAEA has made an
official statement blaming disease on radiophobia (put us right if you can,
please � email address at foot of page). What WHO and IAEA have in fact said
about the fear factor is in the Chernobyl Forum Report (they were the lead
agencies on the Forum). The report cites (ref. 1) a small number of studies
(from memory, three or four) where �Chernobyl exposed� populations had
higher rates of

�mental health symptoms, medically unexplained physical symptoms and
subjective ill-health�.

The mental health symptoms were

�mostly subclinical and did not reach the level of criteria for a
psychiatric disorder but they had important consequences for health
behaviour, specifically medical care utilisation and adherence to safety

In other words, these people took up a lot of time at the advisory centres
set up to help them. Big surprise then. Doctors call them �the worried well�.
Their subjective and subclinical presentations are no basis for dismissing
the increases in clinical diagnoses of conditions such as cancers,
congenital malformation, stillbirth, cataracts, and so on and on reported by
many workers in the affected territories. One of these scientists observes

We have seen, since the accident, clear and diverse effects of
irradiation in plants over time � we bear in mind that these late effects in
plants could not be related to �radio-phobia� (ref.2) .

� The radiophobia thing is just absurd, unscientific spin.

Richard Bramhall
Low Level Radiation Campaign


1Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accident and Special Health Care
Programmes: Report of the UN Special Expert Group �Health�; pp 93-4

2 D.M.Grodzinsky, General Secretary, Division of Biology, Ukrainian
National Academy of Sciences, �Reflections of the Chernobyl Catastrophe on
the Plant World: Special and General Biological Aspects� � Chapter 7 in the
ECRR book Chernobyl 20 Years On (a free download.)

Osie of The Year

Jan 30, 2010, 5:48:27 AM1/30/10

"(Z`�.� + In hoc signo vinces + �.��Z)" <> wrote in

> On 3 January 1985, Australia created a new landmark in her relations with
> her former colonial masters and a legal precedent in the history of the
> Commonwealth. The Australian Royal Commission which had been established
> to investigate the conduct of the British atomic bomb test series in
> Australia opened its hearings in London. British Government employees,
> scientists and servicemen were to be cross-examined in their own country
> during a judicial inquiry instigated by another government. There was
> little doubt in the minds of those who witnessed the scene that the
> Australians relished their task. In his opening address the Commissioner,
> Mr Justice James McClelland, upbraided the British Government for
> 'dragging its feet' over the Australian investigation. He accused Britain
> of being a 'proud country' and of using secrecy about nuclear weapons as a
> 'convenient alibi for failure of disclosure'. Later he charged the man
> responsible for agreeing to British nuclear tests in Australia, Robert
> Menzies, with being a 'lickspittle of the British'. As far as this former
> Australian Prime Minister was concerned, it had been a question of 'ask
> and thou shalt receive'.

Australian/British part of building NWO. More examples:

The flu virus scare is meant to push people to jam needles full of poison
into the arms of adults, children, senior citizens, and pregnant women as
well. It isn�t a surprise with a little researching over the internet that
the major figure behind this scam meant to ruin more lives is a Jew.
Chairman and CEO of Novartis AG Pepsico Inc is none other then Jew Daniel

According to a report by Marc Badertscher in the Swiss newspaper, the
Tagesanzeiger, the Swiss authorities have decided not to authorise the use
of Novartis's swine flu jab "Celtura" on the grounds that there are
insufficient studies to show it is safe, especially for women and children.

According to the report from the print edition, dated Saturday 24th October
(Schweinegrippe: Novartis hat Problem mit Impfstoffzulassung) tests on
Celtura found that the the dog based cell vaccine was contaminated with
bacteria from dogs.

The Swiss government had ordered 5 million doses of Celtura, a drug that
appears to be a repacked version of Aflunov/Fluad H5N1, which seems to have
been responsible for killing people in Poland in clinical trials in 2008.

As I have written, the smoking gun is found in the pages of this attached
patent below.

Novartis admits that their �invented� vaccine will be effective because of
WAS �REVERSED ENGINEERED� WHICH WAS OBTAINED! Clearly the pandemic virus was
not an act of nature.

This is prima facia evidence of conspiracy to commit mass murder to get
gain, is it not?

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