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Regular foods contain surprising beneficial elements

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Apr 15, 2015, 6:30:05 AM4/15/15
Knowing what components go into your diet and you will better
realise a healthy lifestyle. Most regular foods contain surprising
beneficial elements.
You are what you eat! So know what you eat and what your food gives you.
For this you need Nuutti - nutrient calculation software which has
information on over 12,000 foods.

Nuutti is the leading food and nutrient calculation software.

Free Nuutti -basic version includes:

- Nutrient information on over 12,000 foods
- Each food has about 100 datapoints on nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc., etc.
- Explanations and web links on nutrient data.
- Complete calculations for different foods, recipes ja combos.
- Thorough and substantial calculation and search tools: program searches for the best compination to fill daily requirement for nutrients going through thousands of combination to find the most efficient set
- A full set of "best for" and "highest in" -listings
- Ideal if you want to know about calories, carbohydrates, etc., and to find the healthiest diet.
- Easy to to use help-files ja tutorial videos are includes
- Free to use - just download and use. No spyware or adware!
- carb counting and weight-control tools
- etc. etc.

Download from:

See videos at youtube:
Nuutti, Free calorie, nutrition, weight-loss, exercise calculation program
Adding a food item to Nuutti
Creating a recipe:
Deficiencies in diet

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