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Affordable Reiki training in St. Louis

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Healing Today

Jun 1, 2022, 5:02:58 PM6/1/22
Reiki classes in St. Louis for all levels

Reiki is a natural healing modality and easy to lean. Healing Today has provided classes to thousands of students since 1999

We will present Reiki classes on June 25, 2022 in St. Louis.

The training is in traditional Usui Reiki. In the level 1 class the student is taught the basics of Reiki healing including the hand positions to practice on self and others.

The classes will be taught by Mary Darger, Reiki Master. The classes are always fun, informative and include lots of hands-on experience.

The fees to the Reiki classes include handout, attunement,and certificate. The level 1 class is only $85 total. The level 2 class is $95.

Please visit website for more info;

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