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Compaq Cust Service & Tech Support SUCKS

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Apr 13, 2004, 11:25:37 AM4/13/04
First Email
Dear <blanked out>,

Your feedback is very important to us and on behalf of Hewlett-Packard we
apologize for the difficulties you are experiencing. Your message has been
forwarded to someone who can help resolve your problem.

We very much appreciate you taking your precious time to bring this to our
attention. Your input is vital to our continuous goal of providing you, our
valued customer, with the service you expect from Hewlett-Packard.

Thank you,

HP Executive Communications

Original Message Follows:

This is a message to HP's CEO, Carly Fiorina, from a valued customer:
<blanked out>.

Customer's Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Customer's E-Mail: <blanked out>
Feedback Area:
- Product experience
- Service or support experience
I am writing you to relate to you my bad experience with Compaq that you
need to know about. If I get cut off due to the character limit and you
want more info please feel free to call or email me.

I am <blanked out> (Case#<blanked out>/CSO#<blanked out>) and I recently had
a horrible experience with Tech Support. My first contact was when my video
card was intermittently acting strangely (9/21/03). I called TS and told
them, they told me it was video drivers or BIOS settings. They instructed
me to reinstall the video drivers and change some settings. I did and the
video card appeared to work. During the next few months I noticed ait was
still acting up but I was in the middle of a huge web project that tied my
hands from sending it in. Sometime later (exact date unsure) I had a
problem when I was using the laptop and cleaning my mouth and I coughed on
it (keyboard got damaged). I called TS again and they said it would be
approx $278 and I did not have the money so I asked if I could buy the
keyboard and install it, the TS Rep said that would be OK. So I did. I
have 20+ years of experience repairing computers, so I considered myself
qualified. Anyway, the keyboard did f ix the problem. BUT there was still
this nagging video issue (that predated the keyboard) so I sent it in for
repair. I was told the repair is out of warranty because the technician
believes that the keyboard problem was the cause. That video issue is
documented in your own system as pre-dating the keyboard. I felt in the
interest of avoiding "he said/she said" that Compaq would do the right thing
and just repair it. Well this is not happening. I was hoping you would
intervene and at least force the repair location to properly evaluate thier
decision (not force them to make a decision on my behalf - I would never ask
keyboard issue WAS repaired and is not the cause of the current problem. My
laptop is as of now in the repair center and action must be taken fast
before they return it unrepaired. Could you please help me out on this

<blanked out>

PS I will be posting another email regarding my experience with TS again
after this one. That email will show you how the bad TS policies /
practices led to this problem. Please read the follow of for more of my

Second Email
Here I am again, <blanked out> (Case#<blanked out>/CSO#<blanked out>.

Here is how this specific case was handled:

I called Tech Support regarding the video issue (second time) on Saturday or
Sunday (27-28 March 04). I was told that I would be contacted via email for
pickup instructions. I got an email Sunday late afternoon (after the
location where I was going to pack the laptop closed) instructing me to have
it ready for pickup on Monday. I called back to reschedule, and they did.
I got the laptop packaged up and the FedEx never showed up (or if they did
they never left a note). I called back Compaq and asked them why and they
apologized and scheduled another pickup. I asked how I could be sure this
one would happen since the others did not so the TS Rep gave me a
confirmation number (TCMA38). I wrote it down and waitied for pickup. They
never showed again. FeEx this time claimed they were here BUT AGAIN no note
on the door to prove it. I told them on every pickup day that the time
between 2:45 and 3:15PM No one would be here and they supposedly put that in
the notes.

Anyway, finally I got a Compaq TS Rep on the phone in conference with FedEx
and the TCMA number they had for the new shipment (according to FedEx) was
not even in the system. The decision at that time was made to reissue the
order number (canceling the old one) and getting a new shipping time.
Eventually the item was picked up on 4/1/04. Any, after being picked up it
was dignosed and I never got any correspondance regarding the laptop. So I
went to the website and discovered myself that it was out of warranty. I
was mad, called TS and asked why. They said they did not know and would
look into it. Now after several failed attempts at getting the information,
they finally told me it was due to the spillage (see previous email to you).
I explained the circumstances of that to the TS rep, but they could not help
me. After another several calls I finally reached the Seattle Office and
spoke to Ryan. Ryan finally was able to relay the circumstances (via email)
to the repa ir center, but said it would be 24-48 hours to get to them. I
wanted to expedite this. The next day (4/5/04) I called again and got a
tech support rep to finally say he would submit my case to the "Quality
Dept" (which I cannot verify he did because he left no notes in the system).
Anyway, I again called and spoke to Mike Drake (Seattle) and the case
finally is being resolved because he explained to me the situation fully

The reasons for this email is:

(1) To express to you my sincere dislike for outsourcing the TS services.
It has caused me great pain from language barriers, technical and policy
expertise issues. Everytime I spoke to a TS rep in India or wherever, I
walked away bewildered. It was one of those that "assisted" me on the
original Video issue, and it was one of those that I dealt with on the
"keyboard" issue.

(2) Mike explained to me that the technicians word is not binding ONLY the
written word (contract, warranty, etc). If thier word is not binding how do
I the customer hold them accountable for the times they create mistakes like
this. If the technician regarding the video issue had told me to send it
in, I would have and we would not be speaking (the video issue is a
MANUFACTURING FLAW). If the technician that I spoke to regarding the
keyboard had been more clear I also would not be here now, I would have paid
the $278.

(3) The inability for Mike to allow the "Human Part" of this situation to
just make the decision to repair the laptop is beyond me. I have never
dealt with such an obtuse company in my life. I own FOUR HP / Compaq
products and 3 of them were broke OUT OF THE BOX and I had to constantly
deal with them. (A) HP ScanJet 3300C makes a noise and in order to get Win
2000 drivers I had to order a CD... no one makes you order CDs for this,
they usually make them available for download. I am not on Windows XP so it
does not matter now. (B) HP LaserJet 1100 jams all the time, order for free
the repair kit because you KNEW it was bad and repaired it and it still
JAMS, well why is it bad off the design / production floor and why do I have
to use this cheesy cardboard repair thingy? I should have gotten a new
printer. (C) That brings me to my Laptop which was bad when I got it
intermittently, and getting it repaired is a nightmare.

(4) Finally, the phone system you have is appauling. It transfers to the
wrong place most of the time. It relies on the human voice (which is not
perfect) and then if you make a mistake you get the call director that is in
India and transfers your calls to the wrong area. I have made probably 25
calls to your TS line since I bought this laptop and I want you to know that
after this experience.... I WILL NEVER BUY HP or Compaq again. FURTHER I
will make it my lifes mission to stop anyone buying HP or Compaq. I am an
IT professional, fully Microsoft Certified and I have done everything from
build, provide tech support for and reapir, including loading software and
replacing CPUs, and I have never seen any company that so misrepresents this
I worked for Radio Shack for 3 years (ref <blanked out> @ <blanked out>, WA
Radio Shack) and in that time about 60% of the Compaq repairs I was involved
in was customer dissatisfaction with the repair service. I even saw a few
come back from the repair center even more damaged then when they went in.
I saw ONE that came back so poorly packaged that the store I worked for at
the time had to buy a new one for that customer. I decided ONLY to buy this
laptop because I thought since HP bought them out that MAYBE JUST MAYBE they
might have better support / service. Well I was wrong.

Finally, the whole experience has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I
want to get rid of ALL my ties with HP or Compaq and never buy anything from
you all again. My sister owns one of your HP All-in-One Printer (HP1350)
and a HP digital camera (HP320) and she and I troubleshot it over the phone
for several hours. The order of the printer / camera install finally ended
up making the difference. What happened was that the software installation
had errors all through it over and over. The technical support team was
useless. She (my sister) wrote HP regarding this issue and the Automated
response merely told her to reinstall the software, that did not fix it.
Anyway after all her pain (3-4 weeks of it) she finally discovered (on her
own) that the order in which the software / drivers are loaded causes all
the problems.

What kind of CRAP is that?

I want you to know my sister is a Buyer Level III for IT products for a
major Central California HMO and she has decided NOT to buy HP or Compaq
ever again. And believe you me I am going to tell this story to whomever
will listen.

Thank You,
<blanked out>

This message was sent on: 4/10/2004 at 17:21:57 GMT

<blanked out> also added this personal information:
Address: <blanked out>
City: <blanked out>
State: <blanked out>
Zip Code: <blanked out>
Country: USA

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