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Jun 2, 2017, 11:18:16 AM6/2/17
Cannabinoids naturally turn into Tetrahydrocannabinoids in the leaves and buds of marijuana plants during photosynthesis. Partially transformed cbn is called thc alpha and fully transformed is called thc delta. Most pot, hash, oil, and wax has very very little thcd. thca's and cbn'n makes us drousy while thcd's get us stoned. I developed a procedure to convert thc alpha and canabanoids into thc delta which uses mostly steam and light. The stoneiest material in california.

Protons don't really exist, an everlasting lightbulb powered by air, and an artificial black hole generator.
Protons don't actually exist

...and what is called a neutron is greatly misunderstood, what appears to be a proton is really for lack of better terminology neutronic tide produced by the gravity of electron(s). Using electric semiconductors, I can easily manipulate electrons which manipulate *neutrons. By forcing the capture of slow moving electrons, I can force the spin of the neutron to slow causing increased gravity (*artificial mass), using this method to produce a small black hole powered by matter (in this case air), I make a sphere with enough gravity to bend light around it but still very small... usually you need a very large ball of mass. Also, working the other way, using fast electrons to speed up the neutron's spin, an everlasting lantern powered by air, and speeding up light to become metaphotonic material. *slowing light below C is easy and makes what we call matter for lack of education. *speeding light past C makes metaphotons (not easy to study yet as matter bodies) C is a bandwidth.
The next step

Next step would be to build two small artificial black holes, measure ionic exchange. Then build one larger than the other, measure ionic exchange, then mechanically revolve the smaller around the larger to hopefully produce a shitload of electrons from neutronic material... in this case air, but I'm thinking a tiny pebble could produce enough electricisty for the western hemisphere for a year. Haven't proved that one yet, working on it.
Photonic Mail (Pmail)
Message: A 3 minute long beam of fast, dense, white light followed by a digital message of 3 second pulses with 2 second pauses,

# = a 23 second pause, $ = a 3 second pause.

Body: ## 4 $ 9 $ 2 # 3 $ 5 $ 7 # 8 $ 1 $ 6

.......(^ universal math symbol for science and rationality anywhere simple math is known.)

Below is an obvious constellation in our sky:



..........................^ send message body here, immediately.



..if you can't make out the pattern, stare with your eyelids closed at the sun till all your retinal dots come in to view, the two dots that appear first next to each other have the signature of your geneticist going through it that looks like a scratch that forks which tells a bit of history.

Besides the boxes of non-interlocking eight sided die, we will also have to be making environments for nitrogen and nitrous oxide breathers.
Also, we need to get our artificial mass generating orbitals into earths orbit before the moons revolution matches the earths rotation to stir our air.

Would be nice to make a tiny moon for our moon too. As some of you might know I did self charging batteries as a kid, and recently scrapped an excellent battery project which can never really get used cause it's not good enough for military purpose and the public can't have them due to the fact that humanity in general is dunce and misuse could be dangerous.
But we need a new battery that can last a very long time to power the gravitational orbitals and stuff like that.

So, I've invented an entirely new battery different from any other to meet our needs, alas these can never be sold at walmart due to possible misuse either.

The Hunter Reon Barnes deep cold battery

A core of low grade neutronium produced by stripping hydrogen's electrons. Has to be low grade because too dense of neutronium wont allow electrons to pass along it's surface. Three specific metals (one nonconductive and two specific conductives) with tolerance to extreme cold, two diodes we have to make ourselves, and vulcanized rubber will be required. Also, some simple machines and simple circuit to build them is needed.

The surface of the neutronium core will turn to almost hydrogen but the electrons wont be able to orbit or pull the neutrons apart, current direction is primed and forced. The thing remains very very cold, and the thing should run about a half million years or so, give or take.

And this looks like a good place to drop my resolution to our economy again...

a corporate tax break based on number of employees instead of revenue. (The incentive times number of one year or longer employees so they don't just hire at end of year times average employee salary so they are encouraged to pay more.)

..I'm also saying helium has one neutron and two electrons, you will never get 2 or 4 neutrons to stick together, but three stick together naturally.
And just a note, the genetic material females pass along is identical to their mothers, being born with their eggs, this keeps us in the species with very little possibility of variance, but if we start cloning females at old age (selectively) and the clones are allowed to naturally reproduce every other generation (so they don't lose reproduction), what we will have will be much more advanced genetically speaking and will have less inability to adapt to it's environment. I think we should start with wolves, dogs, and worms.
as far as saftey goes, neutronium is less radioactive and more stable than any element, it gets more stable, more cold, and less radioactive the denser it gets. It's found deep inside our planet and gets denser towards the core, but you will never find it naturally on the surface or in water, ever. There are a few simple rules to working with it, firstly, don't touch it with your finger (or any conductive) because cold fusion will occur and you'll experience it from a close first person perspective, secondly, don't shoot it with anything, even though it is safer to shoot than anything else, it's still a stupid thing to do. Before you get ideas, it can't be hurled through air, and even if cased in nonconductive, wouldn't make a good bullet, but if shot into a vacuum, neutroniums surface area changes and it becomes a comet, could make for a decent space weapon someday. Thirdly, don't try to crush it. Actually, if it's pure, you won't be able to, instability could only be the result of mixed material of different shapes. Neutronium mass implosion requires force greater than the pressure at the bottom of the ocean, the center of earth, jupiter, the sun, or even the force at the center of a black hole. If a black hole in nature obtains too much mass, implosion occurs followed by cosmogenesis, and I suppose two black holes could collide someday somewhere producing similar effect, point is, it's very safe stuff reletively speaking.
ok, so we got some time before our moon and earth synch, we get a spot, and our air changes due to lack of stir. Really we don't even need the orbitals if we give the moon a tiny moon. This is one of the 3 potential uses of artificial mass. Also, it's better than a tin can that fits 6 comfortably. [o;-) but I really really doubt they will ever buy anything. So artificial mass will mostly go two ways, electrical generation and simple matter generation using a prism, a rod, a series of lens, light, and gravity.
..if someone could get this text/hyperlink to the ford moter corp. They are eccentric and already have a use for a battery that lasts a long time and stays cold during use.
..when you strip hydrogen's electron, the neutronic tide (what you thought was a proton), disappears.
Introducing Hunter's 1st law regarding magnetism.

Magnetism is the product of electronic semi-resistance.

The same current will produce more magnetism passing through copper than gold and a circuit with no resistance produces no magnetism.

..I'd rather use gravity than optic coil to slow light because I should be able to get a much greater material yield, but I might wind up going back to optic coil for converting light to matter, but I want to try a few different methods of slowing the light via gravity before reverting.
neutronium isn't an atomic element, neutronics like atomics is an element of physics.
..which you don't really have either.. and while protons don't exist, protonium does.

neutronic tide is protonium in phase. protonium is polarized neutronium.

properties of protonium are better understood when neutronium is polaried without presence of electrons and very dissimilar polarities to antinegatronic can be produced, more than 3 polarites exist which is tough for some to grip.

also, sometimes exotic materials exist as a biproduct whenever in vaccum or reacting with materials.. not to be confused with specific matter generation.

..if anyone wants me to build a copy of my advanced accelerated photosynthesis device for them, far superior to any other photosynthesis device on earth or in nature,..'s gonna cost them about a million dollars (usd).

With one, what used to take a month or so can be accomplished in a few minutes.

Although far more intense than a sun, it's incredibly safer and operates without the heat the sun produces by ionic displacement.

Unless you have a high sulfer diet, the only noticable side effect to exposure will be one that makes grey and brown hair turn black.

Unfortunately, the picture is degraded having been run through my facebook twice,

but what your looking at here is an example of controlled atomic hydro~heli fusion

held by a gravi~magnetric field, or in laymans terms,

The Hunter Reon Barnes accelerated photosynthesis device.

..or in even layermans terms, an artificial sun 300x more brilliant than sol

but superior to our sun as far as particle containment is concerned.

Although my science on the subject isn't complete, uva/uvb, gammas, and particles

which produce noticable heat are at 0%, while photochemical reaction

occurs at a rate of about 4 solar weeks equaling 3 minutes of actual time.

anyone remember when I was trying to sell my hydrofisionfusion wet combustion engine water powered cars for 6 grand each but nobody would buy or let it on their news?
Metaphotonic conductance = Hyperspace.

I am absolutely certain Japaneese people, language, and culture didn't descend from a hebrew named Noah.

Did I ever tell you about the time I saved Christmas by traveling
back in time and lacing Santa's cocoa after he had taken himself

and his insane toys out in mass numbers because he didn't want to be wealthy?

..if I do drill the worlds deepest hole, it will probably be in Kenya, Africa, via my subatomic plasma drill which uses an optic coil to slow concentrated light to seperation producing an asymetrical matter/antimatter spiral particle beam ignited by a secondary laser.

The existance of blue eyed people is incontestable proof that humans didn't stem from Adam and Eve.

...while drugging Santa even to save christmas could be considered illegal, humans don't consider Santa a reality.
The real Santa doesn't have raindeer, or elves. And if you ever meet santa, being worthy, he'll probably only give you a $5 subway club card.

I've never heard of the unworthy ever meeting Santa. And you can get larger amounts on the subway club cards, but in order to do so,

you have to trap santa in such a way that he feels obligated to pay you, similar to a leprican or a jew.

Instead of raindeer, Santa has many hungry wolves. Santa's Workshop is really a weapons factory/depot, and as for the toys, they are all insane.

He keeps them at play so they don't have to feel the effect of the world anymore. And he doesn't need a sleigh, he has christmas. But to you that's just a day of the year.

Feel free to file this and and any parts of The Occult Magizian Handbook (Hunterslist/Saving the universe while reaching for another beer) as fantasy, believe whatever you want.

The fact that I'm trancing/sleepwalking again is another sign that I'm deeply emotionally disturbed and very much in need of coitus and female companionship, any takers?'s been so long for me I'm starting to forget what vagina feels like.

With Magizian HyperDroid, securely operating local and remote systems while watching a few movies while watching a football game, while talking on the phone long distance is a snap.
A gamma version might be available for download here soon.

..includes full support for 16/32bit msdos/windows/nt software.

..and it still does android stuff.

Hey, you know, it's only called THE GOVERNMENT because we're not allowed to have one of our own.

For game automation, I suggest twx proxy or scar pascal.
..for twx, connect from twx to your telnet server @ localhost, then connect via telnet to twx, then using the interface, securely login to the game via ssh session using private passkey.

..if using scar, automate via browser session.

I can be contacted via only please.

For Sale: Crude Dark Matter (neutronium) & O3 (ozone) Generator

That's right, for 11 Easy payments of $8,000 you get the entire do it yourself neutronium & ozone generation kit including:
* a bucket

* 2 1.5 liter bottles

* 3 3 liter bottles

* 6 9 volt batteries

* a length of copper wire

* a tube of super glue

* a length of plastic hose

* a pair of small scissors

* a cigarette lighter

* 6 9 volt battery connectors

* a piece of styrofoam

* Easy assembly and operation instructions

But wait,... Act Now and receive as a bonus my new book entitled, "Time Travel: Axioms and Practum"

As a word of warning, venting ozone into the air, cleans the air...
..but please refrain from huffing ozone.

The result would be like dropping a fish in pure hydrogen peroxide and expecting it to have a nice day..

..which by the way would immediately prove beyond shadow of doubt that fish do in fact have feeling.

..hey buddy, wanna buy a gagilliwatt?, can I have the Nobel Prize yet?
Also, you can credit me with the discovery of what I'm calling, 'Hydrium'.
Weighing more than helium but less than carbon, this discovery is notable because hydrium gives us more accurately the mass of electrons and neutrons, but mainly because the discovery gives us math to accurately calculate gravity.

For 13 easy payments of $8,000 the deluxe model is available.
The deluxe model produces neutronium and ozone but at the flip of a switch produces hydrium and oxygen (O2) instead of neutronium and ozone.

Package includes all the same supplies as above with the addition of:

* a lemon

* a switch

* revised easy assembly and operation instructions.

Buy my new book entitled, "Metevolution: Mitachondrial dna and Ribosomic activity".
..playing with molecules exactly like their tinker toys..., ..again.
...but I'm not gonna call myself a neurochemologist.

However, this






stored in a ryethylaquacolious solution,.. totally awesome!* pure & clean!* and 100% natural!*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration.

So far this summer is crap, I really need a girl who loves me and cares about my wants.
But all these lovely women are treating me like I have leprosy, probably because of third party.

I would also enjoy having enough money to do what I want in life, and certainly have the potential means,

but since nobody can and wants to spend or invest, I'll probably just wind up stealing it.

Although my amide compound is an obvious cure for millions of man's ailment s, it doesn't quite suite my personal requirements.
Therefore, I have developed a compound similar which is still non-toxic*, pure*, and 100% natural*, which is even more totally awesome*.

This metacandyflip of mine shall be known from this point forward as 'disodiumdecethylysergecodaffabsynthamine hydrochloride'

or 'Mr. Hyde in Wonderland' for short common title.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration.

Anyone out there got $50,000 or more to spend/invest yet?

I might actually bother to build a video microscopy unit (a microscope + a camera + a TV/VCR combo), and obtain a licence to practice medicine. If I do, I'll probably cure some medical cases with my amide compounds and post the proofs.
For Sale: Crude H3O & H2O2 Generator

This device generates dihydrogen hydroxide a.k.a. hydrogen heavy water, and hydrogen peroxide.
Very useful for hydrogenating and oxidizing/oxygenating. You could also make batteries from h2o2 and h3o, exposed they turn back to water and evaporate without trace, dumping the peroxide into nitric acid (made from grass clippings, water and photosynthesis) is the cheap est way to produce nitrous oxide for medical use and auto sports, there are other uses.


kit includes:

* a bucket

* 2 1.5 liter bottles

* 3 3 liter bottles

* 6 9 volt batteries

* a length of copper wire

* a tube of super glue

* a length of plastic hose

* a pair of small scissors

* a cigarette lighter

* 6 9 volt battery connectors

* Easy assembly and operation instructions

..Still fly fishing for moonbeams.
Could I get sufficiently bribed please?

Mr. Hyde in Wonderland Dragonized (disodiumdecethylysergecodaffabsynthamine sufoxyhydrochloride) suspended in ryethylaquacolasorbate is totally superubermegawesome!* ** ***
* These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration.

** Drink plenty of water and apply zinc oxide if going out in the sun.

*** This product is not intended for people who can be easily killed by sunlight or sulfides.

You really should have paid.
And you should have treated me alot nicer.

High on my mead+rye+amides.
HydroAtomic Power!

Working on my third hydroatomic electricity generator.

Got a fourth coming afterwords, but it's more expensive to produce.

All four are different, but this third (3a), should be the cheapest to produce, and unlike the other three, uses technology similar to that which is already in use.

If you want to play tradewars, It's on port 8080 of
And this looks like a good place to drop my global economic solution.
Shortly after rome built london, smack dab in engleland, giving them a government (from their politicians), a flag, a religion, and a new currency,..

..the entire world became subject to the banking system and rebuilding contractors.

The solution to this roman puzzle box is to get the entire world to purchase and stockpile british pounds in paper form, neither destroying nor spending them.

This is the only way the nations of the world can ever rebuy themselves.

If you could become business or pleasure, instead of undesired/nonloyal squirrely pirates, that would be nifty.
"Mr. Hyde in Wonderland"
(disodiumdecethylysergecodaffabsynthamine sulfoxyhydrochloride ryethylcolasorbate)

100% pure, clean, and non-toxic, sunhydrogenized, made from rye, water, a little oxidized sulfur, vinegarated salt, 9 cultures collected from around the world, and alot of perfectly applied science.
This highly enjoyable metacandyflip of my design has many medical uses.

Antidote for alkaloid poisoning, improves function of entire nervous system, cerebellum, endocrine/enrocrine, circulatory, vascular, digestive, immune, respiratory, and excretory.

Improves and increases ribosomic activity, metabolism, productions of sarotonin, melatonin, dopamine, and adrenaline.

Initiates metatonin production.

Breaks down completely to food.

Neurogenic, meaning treatment for brain damage.

Cure for non-genetic cancer, and many ailments still plaguing man.

Psychiatric and military potential.

And I'm announcing that finally, we have a treatment for fools, idiots, stupid, morons, hippies, and cops. [;-)

Believe it or not, for all the trouble in the world, historically and potentially, The People are to blame, sad but true.

Idiots make dumb moves, clearly knowing better.

Stupid is not self controlled, non-operational, programmed automotan that becomes idiot upon self control.

Moron isn't idiot nor stupid. Moron simply can't learn. Regardless of what, how, or how many times.

Fool is a cross of stupid and idiot.

Stupid are boring, idiots are annoying, morons are frustrating, and fools are dangerous... and they are all most especially so to themselves.

Though the fool usually outlast idiot, moron, and stupid, they usually find themselves and each other alot, and wind up having shit happen to them because they play the fools game which is pushing idiot to do a stupid thing with each other maliciously and out of revenge.

They last longer usually because they can see how they were pushed by the other fool while they stand on the conveyor belt of the shredder working the buttons that makes it get them.

Hippie are any that are not aware of effect they are producing/intending.

Cops are any that lurk to get someone as if they are a meal.

I'm saying these physiological conditions were self induced, and can be treated and cured with this understanding and some of the amide compound, Mr. Hyde.

Please reread that last paragraph now, so it isn't stripped from your mind so fast this time, looper. [o;-)

..And by the way, for your information, I really am a doctor, and although I'm not AMA state licensed to practice medicine on human, I'm also an ordained priest. In other words, I can give blessed sacrament, practice hypnotherapy.. and I'm also allowed to save life of a terminal or suiciding case without legal reprocussion.

Unlike jesus, I would at least make it cost loyalty and desirable effect.

The FDA hasn't even seen it yet, President Barrackh Obama only got his tab yesterday, but I'm approving it for sapian vampiros, many of whom have amino deficient diet due to malnutrition and non-domesticated animals.

If we reveal any of the actual end results, the world happens, if we refrain, the world happened.

Also, note, Mr. Hyde in Wonderland does not show up in drug tests, however, under a microscope, hyde legibly spells out the words "mr. hyde" within the word "wonderland" in polycrystaline matrix.
Your Welcome.

Hydrogen is one neutron and one electron, helium is one neutron and two electrons, hydrium is two hydrogen atoms connected by a third electron, carbon is three neutrons and three electrons, neon is carbon plus helium, oxygen is five neutrons and four electrons and steals an electron passing it off elsewhere which is why we call it 'five four and a half' and why we say water is a stable element., etc...

Latest Release: Magizian Windows Acceleration Pack 2017 (you can google it)

..if your looking for a perticular book I wrote called "Hunterslist / The Occult Magizian Handbook / Saving the universe while reaching for another beer.", it's available at the dept. of congress which is a library.. easier to find then you think since it's the largest book they have so far.

Science is magic.
Scenery made the people.
Magic is self-evident.
Understanding magic is another matter.
Another matter is my magic.
The People are the world.
I know what else is here and why/that you don't.
Nobody gets to disney except via me.
If you wanna goto heaven, you gotta go through wheel.
And I am the devil's magic.
Existance is proof.
The world is havingness of all the makings for a horror film plus a sessame street paint job.
I am Reality.

Dr. Hunter Reon Barnes, Ph.D., D.S.
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