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Any vintage Kustom amp experts here?

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Dr. Zontar

Apr 27, 2009, 8:02:16 PM4/27/09
I picked up a late 70's Kustom III Lead head over the weekend. It
sounded great in the store, and the price was right. The only gripe I
have is that it's covered in black tolex instead of gaudy colored tuck-
and-roll naugahyde. IMHO, a Kustom amp should look like the seats in a
booth at a truckstop, or the interior of a pimpmobile.

Oh well. From what I can find on the web, it's a 130 watt, solid state
amp. But does anyone know what the impedence of the cab should be?
Most Kuston cabs from that era were 4 ohms, right? I ran it through an
8 ohm cab last night, and it sounded fine. I know you can safely run
an s.s. amp with a higher load, but I want to match it to the original
specs if at all possible.


- Rich

Apr 27, 2009, 10:00:01 PM4/27/09

It probably had an 8 ohm load originally and should be good down to 4
with a slight increase in THD and output device heatsink temp.

TD Madden

Apr 27, 2009, 10:11:19 PM4/27/09
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Apr 28, 2009, 3:08:50 AM4/28/09
Dr. Zontar wrote:
> I picked up a late 70's Kustom

I'm disappointed they are all SS,
but I have Earth 100W PA head that is 4x6L6.

Nothing could be groovier than a tuck'in roll tube amp.

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Apr 28, 2009, 11:46:55 AM4/28/09

>Careful Rich . . . you just might catch that dreaded Kustom, sparkle
>influenza that Bud Ross unleashed on the world in the mid-60's.
>Nothing like a little roll and tuck to get the fever burning. No
>pimpmobile would be complete without a Kombo II organ/piano/
>harpsichord. Take a look at this site. Nice pics and the price list
>will make you wonder what the hell has happened in the world of music
>during the last 40 odd years.
>Lulu : )

What is also amazing is how much of that TnR stuff survived
intact. When I was a kid, our local Kustom dealer had a WALL
of the stuff (Sunn too) and it looked so kool. Of course,
that was in the days of 'floor planning' when companies stuffed
dealers with tons of gear, hoping it would sell, or they took
it back. Circuit wise, they were quite interesting, for a
SS amp. Those 3-15" amps were the 'kool kid's' stack for
some of the bands playing weddings and the like. :)

A lot of Kustom cabs got gutted for the JBL's they cheaply
came with. The keyboards were no 'B3', but the ones with
the horns sounded ok enough for that day's music.

They also made some quite interesting guitars, which pop up
now and then for easy money. Today, Kustom still makes
good gear, but I doubt if they will ever bring back TnR cabs.

The folks who made 'Earth' copied the look as 'Plush', but
with buttons not TnR. They also made Sunn 'looking' amps.

The circuits sucked, and they were made poorly.


She's 200 years old
So mean she couldn't grow no lips
She's 200 years old
So mean she couldn't grow no lips
(Boy, she'd be in trouble if she tried to grow a mustache . .)

She's 200 years old
Squatting down
And poppin' up
In front of the juke box
Like she had true religion


She's 200 years old
Squattin' down
Poppin' up
Front o' the juke box
Just like she'd had true religion, now,


Boy, boing,, it's 200 years
Half of this, none of that
Was 50 . . .
Oh squat, yeah, oh, now, yeah!

She got religion now, boy

Oh, she's 200 years old
Oh, she told me
She just, she just can't grow no lips



So mean she
Can't grow no lips

200 years old
Whaddya mean she can't grow no lips . . .

Squattin' down
Poppin' up 'n down at the juke box


She got the true religion, boy



Apr 28, 2009, 4:07:55 PM4/28/09

I actually loved my 74 Earth Head and cab. Sounded great actually. And
you can't beat the old tuck stuff...and man that stuff was tough too.

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