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pain and frustration

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Perry Domzella

Dec 29, 2003, 11:47:23 PM12/29/03
I can't think of many things that are more painful and frustrating than
learning to play guitar. [Maybe listening to somebody who is learning to
play bagpipes?] I had a lot of pain and frustration when I was seven
years old and just starting. But even now, 40 years into my journey, I
still have days when I get so frustrated that I think of doing things I
know I should not do. From reading some of the messages posted here, I
can see that I am not alone in this.

Laughter being the best medicine, I thought it might help some other
guitarists (beginners and others) to have the following lyric on hand,
to be used in times of great need. It's by London Wainwright III, who is
best known for "Dead Skunk In The Middle Of The Road". But he's also
written a bunch of other great songs, including this one.

P.S. Loudon normally plays guitar, but he plays this one on a piano.


Red Guitar
-- Loudon Wainwright III

I used to have a red guitar
till I smashed it one drunk night
I smashed it in the classic form
as Peter Townshend might
I put it in the fireplace
I left it there a while
Kate she started crying
when she saw my sorry smile

The red guitar was made of wood
It could not take the heat
The red guitar it caught on fire
The damage was complete
It burned until all that was left
were six pegs and six strings
Kate she said, "You are a fool.
You've done a foolish thing."

I put the remains in the case
and I put the case away
Went down to New York City
and bought a new guitar the next day
I bought myself a blonde guitar
I had it for three days
Some junkie stole my blonde guitar ...
God works in wonderous ways!

Guitar Princess

Dec 29, 2003, 11:53:34 PM12/29/03
Hahaha! I had a week like that Perry! I just got a new guitar and wanted to
throw it out the window!!!!!!!!!!

But I'm gonna stick with it, because I am otherwise musically inclined so
really learning this thing will help me in the long run...only problem may be the REALLY long run:)


"Perry Domzella" <> wrote in message


Dec 30, 2003, 1:46:32 AM12/30/03
Even though I have been playing a guitar for a long time I haven't
touched one for months.
I am playing bass full time in my band these days and I have devoted
all my practice time to the bass and percussion.
Now I find that I will be playing guitar on Friday and another bass
player will be sitting in.
I don't know if I can get my chops up to par in a few days.
I feel like A beginner.
How do you play an E chord?


Perry Domzella

Dec 31, 2003, 11:11:24 AM12/31/03
Something tells me you're going to do all right. Good luck!


Dec 31, 2003, 11:41:30 AM12/31/03
On Wed, 31 Dec 2003 11:11:24 -0500, Perry Domzella <>

>Something tells me you're going to do all right. Good luck!

Another factor is that I am in guitar transition.
My 1965 Fender Malibu acoustic is in for repairs (tone block glue let
I just sold my Les Paul Custom and I am waiting for my new Telecaster
to arrive.
The truss rod broke on my hand made dreadnought.
So I am guitarless.
What a helpless feeling!
I haven't been guitarless in over 40 years.


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