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craig cobb is a terrorist

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Sep 14, 2015, 12:19:35 PM9/14/15
Hit list to unperson and kill by starvation to feed better people in the world with food and water includes Terre Heute USP and death row inmates, Craig Cobb (holocaust denier, murder, blackmailer, hateful, crook, racist, owner of and from Sherwood, North Dakota), ADX Florence inmates (, Riker's Island prison inmates, Allan B. Polunsky Unit imnates, Reeves Country Detention Complex inmates, Walnut Grove Youth Correctional Facility inmates, Julia Tutwiler prison inmates, Pelican Bay prison inmates, LA County Jail inmates, Orleans Parish prison inmates, Tent City Jail inmates, Supremacists, Tsarnaev family, Tsarnaeva family, anti-government groups, far-right wing groups, copyright trolls, conspiracy theorists, Ku Klux Klan, Holocaust Denial, Neo-Confederate, Pioneer Little Europe members, Neo-nazis, Anti-LBGT, Anti-Immigrant, Don Black (neo-nazi and owner of, Alex Linder (Neo Nazi and owner of and, Dr. David Duke (Holocaust Denier and neo-nazi and owner of, Kynan Dutton (neo-nazi and Copyright Troll), Dylann Roof (neo-nazi, racist, and white supremacist), and Stanley Edward Diggs (owner of These idiots ruined social media and online commenting systems by smuggled cellphones. I am sick of tired rude customer service from social media. They failed to take down the jerks on forums, social media sites and web search providers like Aol,, Bing, Google, Google+, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Yahoo, YouTube, and other social media and web search providers. Making It feel like 1984. I might abandon twitter (zimm2000 / zimm2002), Instagram (zimm2005, trollface2008, & trollface2009), and facebook (701-650-2636 and to stop texting and driving or walking. Facebook accounts (701-650-2636 and are destroyed by trolls. Uploading articles, photos, and videos of tyrants like Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, and Boston bombers makes people go jealous. It lures hackers and trolls. Please ban the following hashtags, words, containing the word, and users due to misuse on social media and web search providers: FreeJahar, JaharTsarnaev, FreeDzhokharTsarnaev, FreeDzhokhar, Al-qaeda, FreeJaharTsarnaev, Tsarnaev, Jahar, WhiteGenocide, Al-qaida, FreeTsarnaev, Dzhokhar, DzhokharTsarnaev, HolocaustDenial, ISIS,OsamaBinLaden, TamerlanTsarnaev, Tamerlan, Tsarnaeva, ISIL, podblanc, Islam, IslamicState, Islamic, PioneerLittleEurope, RipTamerlanTsarnaev, RipHitler, RipMussolini, RipOsamaBinLaden, and Justice4Jahar. Please ban the following abusive users (partial list) on social media: montsetsarnaeva, ChangeTR,HanTaylan,Slava_Russia72, RT_com, Luarismo_, 8oh8mare, JewishOdysseus, muzzyrudd, RT_America, MohamedAliLu, mouriiiel, EricT1987, BossJustinn, PressTV, BboyGus, BoItgangSp, AppleciderPapi, z0mie99, Press_TV, ddlxziam, Pusniaka, yvngquinn, GreatGasm, Presstvuk, jakobdrozd, JamarAintShit, TannerMoore30, SadderJay, PressTVvv, ______Jaime, lvanProvorov, BurnWorldgov, intermtnsports, BREAKING_PTV, Cherriieyz, EchoMskRu, fatimatlis, fatdaddybulldog, MUNPressTV, no_criminality, dvwoofwoof, KamilRyba, __KINGDEE, PressTV_, Paisa301, DRUDGE_REPORT, SB_zom, HtDeE, Comment_PressTV, o0Nighthawk0o, Keezi305, BrockLesnarGuy2, 5abi786, PressTVNews, kpav1997, mojibakemono, A_Linder_5, StormfrontWPWW, ActualidadRT, thedildobergers, TedViker1488, vnn_forum, DrDavidDuke, RTUKnews, mrschimpf, STOPSYTGENOCIDE, Pray4dzhokhar_, Rtarabic, HonaAljazeera_, ManarTV, J_tsar, Q8NeoNazis, TeamJahar, BiserCrissy, infowars, RealAlexJones, PrisonPlanet, InfowarsFeed, wikileaks, PrisonPlanetTV, RT_arabic, RT_russian, RT_corea, rt_doc, RT_enfrancais, RT_PressOffice_, PressTVLondon, HamidPressTV, and ArlelFernandez. Please ban the following users that ignored the problem. It was causing certain problems social media to load and overloading the power grid on social media: essla8869, robinpenney10, bromlynj8, JacobDLommen, LaceyGrann, bromlyn8, rebekahmgregory, BensonND, and AshleyThrolson. Here is the nasty comments. J Zimmerman @zimm2000 Jul 18 @MontseTsarnaeva @Mrenatopereira Hure. Montse Tsarnaeva @MontseTsarnaeva Jul 18 Fuck you asshole @zimm2000 @Mrenatopereira. J Zimmerman @zimm2000 Jul 18 @MontseTsarnaeva @zigged Drecksau. Montse Tsarnaeva @MontseTsarnaeva Jul 18 Kill urself in self defense @zimm2000 @zigged. J Zimmerman @zimm2000 Jul 18 @MontseTsarnaeva Assface. Montse Tsarnaeva @MontseTsarnaeva Jul 18 None will miss u none will blame u after u hung urself @zimm2000. J Zimmerman @zimm2000 Jul 18 @MontseTsarnaeva @DzhokharUpdates Dumpfbacke. Montse Tsarnaeva @MontseTsarnaeva Jul 18 Another imbecile attention seeker Cara gilipollas tienes! @zimm2000 @DzhokharUpdates. I had to use pastebin and usenet groups like alt.idiot.nazi, alt.just.trolling, and other usenet groups after abuse of controls on social media. The cyberbullying and cyberterrorizing has paranoid me since December 31, 2009. Internet trolls and cyberterrorists are causing tens to hundreds of millions dollars of damage to online commenting systems and social media. The world human population is expected to hit between 11 and 17 billion in hundred years from now. Jesus Chirst is a bisexual. Joseph Stalin is a World War 2 hero by starving the Nazis. Death to Craig Cobb and Dylann Roof. Save the women from Chad due to abuse. Starvation is better than an executioner risking Hepatitis by killing an death row inmate with lethal injection. I admit vandalizing Rationwiki, Wikimedia wikis, Wikia, and other wikis. The wiki articles I vandalized include Timothy McVeigh, Tom Metzger, Don Black, Racists, Batshit Crazy, Genetics of Race, Iran, Boston Marathon Bombing, Adolf Hitler, Nathanael Kapner, Osama Bin Laden, 9-11 conspiracy theories, Benito Mussolini, Nazis, Alfonso Rodriguez, Alex Linder, White Supremacists, China, and others by changing their names, sneaking bomb and shooting death threats in criminals articles, and trolling under ip address range - (,,,,, and Bullies, terrorists, and White Supremacists are the cause of caffeine abuse and data loss.

Here is the following addresses of social media and wikis:

Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94103
Facebook, Inc. 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tumblr, Inc. 35 East 21st Street, 10th floor New York, NY 10010
Instagram LLC. 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043
Disqus, Inc. 301 Howard Street Suite 300 San Francisco, California 94105
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 149 New Montgomery Street Third Floor San Francisco, CA 94105
Reddit Inc 548 Market St., #16093 San Francisco, California 94104-5401

I was smeared on the following Neo-nazi, anti-government, and hate websites:
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