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Oh, I'm in heaven...

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Aug 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/2/98
Fem wears something cool to bed last a simple male I
appreciate these things...

I get up at 7am, without waking her...go walk to a doughnut shop nearby
and purchase doughnuts and pretty decent coffee.

She wakes up at 11:30, looks at the doughnuts, looks at me, looks at
the clock and says "The time for doughnuts is past." Then she walks to
the kitchen and makes quesadillas. And salsa.

Rock on.

Pants - appreciating simple things


Aug 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/2/98

NicePants wrote in message <>...

lucky bastard! :)
s. daniel


Aug 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/2/98
>She wakes up at 11:30, looks at the doughnuts, looks at me, looks at
>the clock and says "The time for doughnuts is past." Then she walks to
>the kitchen and makes quesadillas. And salsa.
> Rock on.

Don't you love it when simple little things such as that remind you *why* you
are spending time with that person? ----Feeling
rather fuzzy and oddly emotional ---- Lord Makar


Aug 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/2/98

NicePants wrote in message <>...
> Rock on.

Don't ever let her, go, Pantalones. Unless she has to go to the bathroom...
(well, unless you like that kind of thing.)


Psychedelic Lemming

Aug 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/2/98

NicePants wrote in message <>...
>Fem wears something cool to bed last a simple male I
>appreciate these things...
> I get up at 7am, without waking her...go walk to a doughnut shop nearby
>and purchase doughnuts and pretty decent coffee.
> She wakes up at 11:30, looks at the doughnuts, looks at me, looks at
>the clock and says "The time for doughnuts is past." Then she walks to
>the kitchen and makes quesadillas. And salsa.
> Rock on.

You're so lucky I want to kill you.

The Psychedelic Lemming

Pain is, to me, the ultimate form of pleasure
A slap is, to me, a caress
To whip me is to make me beg for more
So bring out the handcuffs, Mistress


Aug 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/2/98
> Don't ever let her, go, Pantalones. Unless she has to go to the bathroom...
> (well, unless you like that kind of thing.)
> xizar

See man, the problem is....these things always START well, but I end up
saying or doing something COMPLETELY stupid and ruining everything.

Never fails. I'll make a joke and she'll get pissed.

Or I'll start taking these things for granted.

Regardless, *I* will fuck it up. Never fear.



Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
>Don't you love it when simple little things such as that remind you *why* you
>are spending time with that person?
>rather fuzzy and oddly emotional


OH my.... I DO love that stuff...
says Blu..who is taking applications to provide warm fuzzy memories to the
right person...
"But I still did not realize how mad she was and how accustomed to dreaming;
and that she would not cry out for reality, but rather feed reality to her
dreams..." (IWTV)

Neal Stanifer

Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
NicePants wrote:
> She wakes up at 11:30, looks at the doughnuts, looks at me, looks at
> the clock and says "The time for doughnuts is past." Then she walks to
> the kitchen and makes quesadillas. And salsa.

Mmmmm... Quesadillas and salsa... You have a keeper, my friend.

Was it HOT salsa. Perhaps a serrano blend? Just a tad punishing?

Now, THAT is love. That is the waking dream.

"Rock on" is right.



Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98

I have NO clue. I just was tickled when she used the phrase "the time
for doughnuts is past..."

Salsa wasn't that hot.

She was.

I love women who wake up all mussed in the mornin'.


cheating judas

Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98

On Sun, 2 Aug 1998, NicePants wrote:

> Or I'll start taking these things for granted.
> Regardless, *I* will fuck it up. Never fear.

**shakes you around**

don't take things for granted! reciplicate your feelings in return.
don't let her give you all the loving. you won't fuck up if you tried
putting in a bit more muscle in your relationship. scratch her back and
she'll scratch yours dear..



Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
Pants wrote: > I love women who wake up all mussed in the mornin'.

This reminded me of something that happened earlier this year.
I had been out clubbing and was extremely tired. I opted to pass on showering
til morning and just collapsed into bed with my bf (now ex). When I woke up
that afternoon...I looked absolutely horrid. My makeup would've made a
trucker's wife blush. My mascara and eyeliner were all smeared under my foundation was smudgy...lipstick crooked. And my hair...ick! Can we
say troll doll? And do you know what my bf rolled over to say me? "G'
mornin', sweetie. You look beautiful" Beautiful?!?! And he meant it. Now
that's love. :) I made him breakfast, then took him out to one of my favorite
places in the woods and read to him.
No...I don't miss those days. *sigh*

Angel Absinthe,
regretting losing him...


Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
>From: NicePants <>

> I love women who wake up all mussed in the mornin'.

Amen, little brother. I just thank the Gods that my lady looks as beautiful in
the a.m. as she does in the p.m. *swoon*

"I think...therefore I ache."


Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98

Dude, I DO. For now....

Just saying I WILL start taking it for granted.

And I won't even notice.


Ron Cecchini

Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98

NicePants <> wrote:

> cheating judas wrote:

> Dude, I DO. For now....

I always thought CJ (btw, "she" loves being called that) was a transsexual...


cheating judas

Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98

yes, there seems to be a confusion with my alias b/c it's not your typical
'girlie' name. but ron is correct, i am a female (not transsexual).

and mr. thumb bells, why don't you just 'shut up and train' some more eh?



..convinced that ron is the last of the neanderthals..

Aug 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/4/98
In article <>,

NicePants <> wrote:
> cheating judas wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, 2 Aug 1998, NicePants wrote:
> >
> > > Or I'll start taking these things for granted.
> > >
> > > Regardless, *I* will fuck it up. Never fear.
> >
> > **shakes you around**
> >
> > don't take things for granted! reciplicate your feelings in return.
> > don't let her give you all the loving. you won't fuck up if you tried
> > putting in a bit more muscle in your relationship. scratch her back and
> > she'll scratch yours dear..
> >
> > s..
> Dude, I DO. For now....
> Just saying I WILL start taking it for granted.
> And I won't even notice.

Everyone takes their SO for granted at one time or another. thats where the
"commitment" part comes in. i take my bf for granted all the time- i get too
busy with school, work, etc that i put off quality time with him. after a
few weeks of it, he complains and i feel bad and then we spend lots of time
together. the cycle repeats indefinitely on both sides. you just have to
learn to recognize when youre taking your woman for granted and remedy the
situation. but if the problem is that the women are unwilling to let you make
it up to them, then they have unrealistic expectations of you and perhaps
they werent for you anyway.

<sigh> love...

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Aug 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/4/98
In article <>, (DarkXVixen) wrote:
> Pants wrote: > I love women who wake up all mussed in the mornin'.

I looked absolutely horrid. My makeup would've made a
> trucker's wife blush. My mascara and eyeliner were all smeared under my
> foundation was smudgy...lipstick crooked. And my hair...ick! Can we
> say troll doll? And do you know what my bf rolled over to say me? "G'
> mornin', sweetie. You look beautiful" Beautiful?!?! And he meant it. Now
> that's love. :)

that's what i dont understand about makeup- MEN WILL LOVE YOU/ THINK YOURE
BEAUTIFUL ANYWAY! i know so many females who are very beautiful because they
DONT wear makeup- they are secure with themselves. a little eyeliner,
lipgloss and mascara aint so bad every once in a while, but i hate it that so
many females NEED their foundation and pancake makeup every day.

can you tell i dont wear makeup? and i still have a boyfriend who
once-upon-a- time thought he'd never have a chance because he thought i was
so pretty, even without makeup.

i resent the pressure to conform. sure, i feel ugly for about a week every
month, but more women should really learn to be happy with themselves THE WAY
THEY ARE! ugly-assed people breed all the goddamn time! so what if you dont
look like [insert any model's name], she doesnt look like that either!
airbrushing! develop a charming character and razor-sharp wit! learn how to
hula-hoop with flaming rings of steel, just dont feel like you are inferior to
everyone else because you werent born with "bedroom eyes" for chrissakes.

this is one of those situations where most women keep themselves down,
regardless of how males treat them. more women need to feel like they have
intrinsic value and are ACTUALLY capable of doing anything they want if they
work hard. sure there are some sexist males, but i find that there are still
many women who believe in adherence to 1950's-style gender roles, and it ruins
it for the women who want choices.


-getsu sorry. pet peeve. but WOMEN buy the damn fashion magazines and
enforce the "beauty aesthetic", not men. okay.... deep breaths...deep


Aug 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/4/98
getsu wrote: >! i know so many females who are very beautiful because they

>DONT wear makeup- they are secure with themselves. a little eyeliner,
>lipgloss and mascara aint so bad every once in a while, but i hate it that so
>many females NEED their foundation and pancake makeup every day.

When did wearing makeup become an issue of security? I'm plenty secure with
myself. I agree that pancake makeup is a bit excessive, but I see nothing
wrong with wanting to wear foundation, etc. And if one likes pancake makeup,
more power to 'em.

>can you tell i dont wear makeup? and i still have a boyfriend who
>once-upon-a- time thought he'd never have a chance because he thought i was
>so pretty, even without makeup.

Good for you. :) No one ever said you had to wear makeup to be pretty. Most
women are beautiful with or without it... it's their choice. *shrug*

>i resent the pressure to conform. sure, i feel ugly for about a week every
>month, but more women should really learn to be happy with themselves THE WAY

Conform? Err.... I wear it because *I* want to. And I'm fine with the way I
am. I like to wear makeup. It's fun. *I* like how I look in it. . And more
often than not... women are pressured to NOT wear makeup (or wear very little).

> so what if you dont
>look like [insert any model's name], she doesnt look like that either!

Neither I nor most people I know give a rat's ass about [insert any model's
name]'s makeup. I do mine however I want it. I let my creativity go... I
don't seek to look "perfect". I want to look beautiful in *my* eyes... And
what I consider beautiful is NOT what you'll find in fashion magazines on
models. :)

>develop a charming character and razor-sharp wit! learn how to
>hula-hoop with flaming rings of steel, just dont feel like you are inferior
>everyone else because you werent born with "bedroom eyes" for chrissakes.

Once again... I really don't see what this has to do with makeup. We can be
charming and witty... And we sure don't feel inferior because we weren't born
with "bedroom eyes". Makeup just isn't a security issue with me and most
people I know. We don't care about looking beautiful for anyone. We don't
care about how we compare to models. We do what we do for ourselves.

>this is one of those situations where most women keep themselves down,
>regardless of how males treat them.

Women are keeping themselves down by wearing makeup?!?! Well, I must be really
down.... I'm one of the horrid things that wear corsets and heels. :)

> more women need to feel like they have
>intrinsic value and are ACTUALLY capable of doing anything they want if they
>work hard.

Agreed...but once again...what the hell does this have to do with makeup?!?!
There are plenty of women who work hard and feel they can do anything....Did
you ever think that maybe some women do what they do for themselves? Maybe
they like to wear it? I can't think of single friend or acquaintance that
wears makeup to look "perfect", look like a model, conform to a "beauty
aesthetic", or to attract men.

> sure there are some sexist males, but i find that there are still
>many women who believe in adherence to 1950's-style gender roles, and it
>it for the women who want choices.

Bwahaha! So my wearing makeup is ruining your choices? I think not. And if
I'm not mistaken...the 1950s slavish things you speak of dressed very simply
and didn't wear makeup... It was considered deviant and "trampy". And
speaking of's a woman's choice to look however she wants... no
makeup or wearing enough to make drag queens jealous.

Angel Absinthe,
painted and proud
(and needing to get to sleep)


Aug 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/4/98
they say don't make breakfast (or lunch) in the beginning because the other party
comes to expect it always!


NicePants wrote:

> Fem wears something cool to bed last a simple male I
> appreciate these things...
> I get up at 7am, without waking her...go walk to a doughnut shop nearby
> and purchase doughnuts and pretty decent coffee.

> She wakes up at 11:30, looks at the doughnuts, looks at me, looks at
> the clock and says "The time for doughnuts is past." Then she walks to
> the kitchen and makes quesadillas. And salsa.

> Rock on.
> Pants - appreciating simple things



"How many bubbles in soap?
How many chews in gum?
How many rolls in a wheel?
Where did eyeballs come from?"

- Screamin' Jay Hawkins

Aug 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/5/98
In article <>, (DarkXVixen) wrote:

> When did wearing makeup become an issue of security? I'm plenty secure with
> myself. I agree that pancake makeup is a bit excessive, but I see nothing
> wrong with wanting to wear foundation, etc. And if one likes pancake makeup,
> more power to 'em.

ah, but for many women, makeup is a kind of security. if you are truly happy
with the way you look, why would you bother to wear makeup every day? it
takes up quite a bit of time and expense. there are also lots of women who
say things like "i love my body, but i need to lose 20 lbs..." i dont
understand that.

> >i resent the pressure to conform. sure, i feel ugly for about a week every
> >month, but more women should really learn to be happy with themselves THE WAY
> Conform? Err.... I wear it because *I* want to. And I'm fine with the way I
> am. I like to wear makeup. It's fun. *I* like how I look in it. . And more
> often than not... women are pressured to NOT wear makeup (or wear very little).

though you may feel a little pressure to look more "natural" and to wear less
makeup, i hear "you should really wear some lipstick or eyeshadow or some
blush and mascara too" ALL THE GODDAMN TIME from various well-meaning women.
while other women and most guys i know tell me that im beautiful because i
dont wear makeup. really confusing. and i hate it that many women, perhaps
unconsciously, equate grooming and femininity with wearing makeup.

> > so what if you dont
> >look like [insert any model's name], she doesnt look like that either!
> Neither I nor most people I know give a rat's ass about [insert any model's
> name]'s makeup. I do mine however I want it. I let my creativity go... I
> don't seek to look "perfect". I want to look beautiful in *my* eyes... And
> what I consider beautiful is NOT what you'll find in fashion magazines on
> models. :)

its good that you dont have a complex about it, and i didnt mean to imply that
all females who wear makeup do.

> >develop a charming character and razor-sharp wit! learn how to
> >hula-hoop with flaming rings of steel, just dont feel like you are inferior
> >to
> >everyone else because you werent born with "bedroom eyes" for chrissakes.
> Once again... I really don't see what this has to do with makeup. We can be
> charming and witty... And we sure don't feel inferior because we weren't born
> with "bedroom eyes". Makeup just isn't a security issue with me and most
> people I know. We don't care about looking beautiful for anyone. We don't
> care about how we compare to models. We do what we do for ourselves.

it has to do with makeup in the sense that it has to do with how women
picture themselves. i hear women talk about how they need makeup to fix
"imperfections" all the time. i also know many women who are perfectly happy
with the way they look, even if they dont think theyre necessarily beautiful,
and NONE of them wear any makeup at all. to me, makeup has nothing to do
with being pretty, even if it is only for yourself.

> >this is one of those situations where most women keep themselves down,
> >regardless of how males treat them.
> Women are keeping themselves down by wearing makeup?!?! Well, I must be really
> down.... I'm one of the horrid things that wear corsets and heels. :)

in my opinion, most women i have met feel the NEED to wear makeup. if you
didnt feel inferior, why would you NEED it on a daily basis? i dont care
about occasional makeup or getting all super-made up when one goes clubbing,
i mean every day wear. its great not to have to worry about reapplication in
the middle of the day, etc. makeup is such a pain in the ass! if you like
it, great, i'm just curious why, that's all...

> > more women need to feel like they have
> >intrinsic value and are ACTUALLY capable of doing anything they want if they
> >work hard.
> Agreed...but once again...what the hell does this have to do with makeup?!?!
> There are plenty of women who work hard and feel they can do anything....Did
> you ever think that maybe some women do what they do for themselves? Maybe
> they like to wear it? I can't think of single friend or acquaintance that
> wears makeup to look "perfect", look like a model, conform to a "beauty
> aesthetic", or to attract men.

(i kinda moved onto "how women picture themselves and how they think they
should appear to others" from the original "makeup" rant. sorry for the
confusion, but it was a rant, and they tend to get a little emotional, ya

then why bother with it? thats the part i dont get. someone help me to
understand- maybe i'm missing out on something really cool since virtually all
women wear makeup on a daily basis.

> > sure there are some sexist males, but i find that there are still
> >many women who believe in adherence to 1950's-style gender roles, and it
> >ruins
> >it for the women who want choices.
> Bwahaha! So my wearing makeup is ruining your choices? I think not. And if
> I'm not mistaken...the 1950s slavish things you speak of dressed very simply
> and didn't wear makeup... It was considered deviant and "trampy". And
> speaking of's a woman's choice to look however she wants... no
> makeup or wearing enough to make drag queens jealous.

yes, it ruins the choices of young females who get the idea from their
mothers, aunts and friends that "when you turn 15, you can enter the
woman-club by starting to wear makeup". women pressure each other all the
time to fit into the majority view of how a woman should be. this includes
whether or not to wear makeup, whether or not to put your kids in daycare,
etc. the pressuring invades all aspect of a woman's life. and women often
blame males for a woman's low self-esteem, but the fact is that young girls
dont look to their fathers on what a beautiful woman is, they see their
mothers painting their faces and going on diets. i know when i was a kid, i
automatically thought the application of makeup was to cover imperfections,
real or imagined.

maybe i'm just being dense about the whole makeup thing... but no one has ever
satisfactorily explained it to me. all i've heard women say is "i'm not
insecure. i like makeup because it makes ME feel pretty". duh.

interestingly, in academia, it is BAD to wear makeup- no one will take you
seriously because they percieve women who wear makeup as caring too much about
appearances, therefore implying that their data is also superficial.

apologizing for spewing off about a major pet peeve in a kinda unorganized
fashion. oops.

David Gerard

Aug 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/5/98
On Sun, 02 Aug 1998 23:31:38 GMT, NicePants <> wrote:

: See man, the problem is....these things always START well, but I end up

:saying or doing something COMPLETELY stupid and ruining everything.
: Never fails. I'll make a joke and she'll get pissed.

: Or I'll start taking these things for granted.

: Regardless, *I* will fuck it up. Never fear.

The way I'm dealing with this is to warn the current loved one that,
despite my fantastic intelligence, cluefulness and sanity, I really AM a
blond bimbo and I really do fuck up quite badly many times.

Then I keep doing really nice things that I put a lot of effort into, on a
daily basis, and think of NEW nice things, to keep the loved one reminded
that I am in fact good. Even if I fuck up.

It seems to be working so far. I'll report in a year or so on how it works
as a general method.

-- AGSF Unit 0|4
"rant all ya want, there are too many people here who A) can't be bothered to
think harder B) can't think harder and C) are offended by the suggestion that
they need to think harder." - Leanan Sidhe


Aug 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/5/98
getsu wrote:
>ah, but for many women, makeup is a kind of security. if you are truly happy
>with the way you look, why would you bother to wear makeup every day? it
>takes up quite a bit of time and expense. there are also lots of women who
>say things like "i love my body, but i need to lose 20 lbs..." i dont
>understand that.

i agree with you here...and i'm not entirely sure how to answer your question.
i personally love to bother with it. this may sound silly to some, but makeup
is an art to me. i can't draw or paint...and makeup is my creative outlet, so
to speak... and i take any chance i can to wear it.

> i hear "you should really wear some lipstick or eyeshadow or some
>blush and mascara too" ALL THE GODDAMN TIME from various well-meaning women.
>while other women and most guys i know tell me that im beautiful because i
>dont wear makeup. really confusing.

I guess it's all a matter of opinion. Some people like girls in makeup...some
don't. This reminds me of a girl at the club...she doesn't wear a bit of
makeup and she is one of the most stunning women I've ever seen...but there's
probably someone out there who thinks she should wear lipstick or something.

>its good that you dont have a complex about it, and i didnt mean to imply
>all females who wear makeup do.

i didn't think that you did. :) i was pretty tired and ranty when i wrote
that post and i didn't mean to come off so bitchy. my apologies.

> in my opinion, most women i have met feel the NEED to wear makeup. if you
>didnt feel inferior, why would you NEED it on a daily basis?

Hmm.. can't answer this because i don't feel like i NEED to wear it. My
reasons for wearing it are pretty different from most women' maybe I'm
not the right person to argue the point. :)

i dont care
>about occasional makeup or getting all super-made up when one goes clubbing,
>i mean every day wear. its great not to have to worry about
reapplication in
>the middle of the day, etc. makeup is such a pain in the ass!

Super-made up! That's me! But certainly not for every day. It just isn't
practical. Yet I do still see women all made up during the day...even during
this hot weather. And while I respect their choice to do so, I disagree with
most of their reasons...which are probably the same ones you've mentioned
(insecurity, etc.)

>(i kinda moved onto "how women picture themselves and how they think they
>should appear to others" from the original "makeup" rant. sorry for the
>confusion, but it was a rant, and they tend to get a little emotional, ya

:) Ah, I see. I might have caught that, but I was pretty tired... Oops.

>then why bother with it? thats the part i dont get. someone help me to
>understand- maybe i'm missing out on something really cool since virtually
>women wear makeup on a daily basis.

Reasons differ. I mentioned above that mine is an artistic thing. It's not
bothersome at all for me...but I can see why you ask. There are women who
complain about "having" to wear it and gripe about needing to do touchups...
And i wonder too why they even bother.

>interestingly, in academia, it is BAD to wear makeup- no one will take you
>seriously because they percieve women who wear makeup as caring too much
>appearances, therefore implying that their data is also superficial.

I remember talking about that in psych class...and it just spawned a huge
argument over stereotypes and assumptions. I also read some book...the title
escapes me...about how someone with X characteristic (size, whether they have a
beard or not, etc.) is perceived. It added to my hatred of people :) But I
won't go off about that...

Angel Absinthe,
wondering why it's so hard for people to judge a person by *who they are*
instead of by *what they look like*
(straying off-topic...sorry)

Aug 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/5/98
In article <>, (DarkXVixen) wrote:

> getsu wrote:
> >ah, but for many women, makeup is a kind of security. if you are truly happy
> >with the way you look, why would you bother to wear makeup every day? it
> >takes up quite a bit of time and expense. there are also lots of women who
> >say things like "i love my body, but i need to lose 20 lbs..." i dont
> >understand that.
> i agree with you here...and i'm not entirely sure how to answer your question.
> i personally love to bother with it. this may sound silly to some, but makeup
> is an art to me. i can't draw or paint...and makeup is my creative outlet, so
> to speak... and i take any chance i can to wear it.

OKAY! WOW! the first person i've ever spoken to that had a legitimate reason
for wearing makeup that had nothing to do with insecurities. artistic outlet
i can understand. youre cool. because beleeeve me, i've asked quite a few
women why and they always give me a crappy circular argument. i think most
people just really really try really damn hard not to confront their
insecurities and weaknesses. sad. anyway, thanks for clearing that up for

#angel-type music# "i now... understand..."

and GOD said to me... "know thyself, damnit, and stop acting like such a

Neal Stanifer

Aug 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/5/98
to wrote:

> OKAY! WOW! the first person i've ever spoken to that had a legitimate reason
> for wearing makeup that had nothing to do with insecurities.

Got another one for you. One of my old schoolmates had a face that was
rather handsome. He looked like one of those typical, strait-laced,
Leave-It-To-Beaver overachievers with cardigan and deck shoes, you
know? Handsome in a Fifties kind of way.

Until he put on his makeup. He made a *very* sexy woman. Of course,
with him, the makeup was just the part of the package (along with the
dresses or whatever) that completed the picture. He had the mannerisms,
the voice, everything. (I sometimes wonder if he ever went

Makeup can also be a form of expression of something inside that can't
be released any other way, right? And women do this too. I knew a girl
in junior college who liked to do the Egyptian-eye thing with her
makeup. I didn't think it looked that great, but it made her feel good,
so who am I to judge?

I've noticed many of the women I know, even those who apply makeup each
and every day, will really do the job up when they go out on the town.
I think it's become something with them like dressing in the morning.
You get up, you do it, you go to work, you come home. You don't really
think about it or put a lot of effort into it. But on the weekends, you
do it *right*. And it may not be to impress anyone, but it probably is
-- in a general sense.

When I get dressed to go out, I'm dressing to impress. Not to impress
women, necessarily. Not to play one-up with anyone. But to make an
entrance and be felt and acknowledged as a presence. Maybe it's this
way with some women and their makeup? I know if I wore makeup, I'd
probably wear it differently when I went out than when I was at work,
and I probably wouldn't bother when I was at home. But that's just me.

My sister, on the other hand, won't even leave her house to check the
mailbox without five kinds of makeup.



Aug 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/5/98
>> >ah, but for many women, makeup is a kind of security. if you are truly
>> >with the way you look, why would you bother to wear makeup every day?

Because it's fun! =] Because I like running around like a girlie-girl in my
red lips and black rimmed eyes. =] Because I'm less than two weks from my
twenty-first but still look about fifteen without it.

>> >takes up quite a bit of time and expense.

My makeup takes about six to eight minutes to apply. I keep it simple.
lippie, liner, and I'm good to go. I could run out and buy everrything I need
with a ten dollar bill and come home with change. About seven minutes a day
and less than ten dollars? I don't see a big deal... it takes my friend Chuck
longer to put on his makeup than me!

there are also lots of women
>> >say things like "i love my body, but i need to lose 20 lbs..." i dont
>> >understand that.

I have to admit I'm guilty of this....

I honestly like my body. I'm small but curvy and I had to drag my brother's
girlfriend into the bathroom and have her look at the scale as I weighed myself
before she would believe I weighed as much as I said I did. I'm about five
two and a half, and fluctuating within five pounds either way of 140. I
think I look okay for the most part. However, it's nearly imposssible to find
clothes (espescially skirts) that fit pproperly. For the sheer convenience it
would add to my life, yeah, I'd drop twenty in an instant if I could.

I guess a better way of saying it would be "I love my body, but I have to
lose twenty pound so that I don't spend my entire life altering my

>this may sound silly to some, but makeup
>> is an art to me. i can't draw or paint...and makeup is my creative outlet,
>> to speak... and i take any chance i can to wear it.

It is an art. =] That's why even though my makeup routine is extremely
basic, I have a huge assortment of cosmetic and interesting hairstuffs. I
might not always feel like it, but when the muse strikes!

My body is a canvas and only I am in charge of the proccess!

"Give me Life, give me Pain, give me Myself
again..." --Tori Amos
"Those who do not know how to weep with
their whole heart don't know how to laugh
either" - Golda Meir


Aug 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/5/98
>You don't really
>think about it or put a lot of effort into it. But on the weekends, you
>do it *right*.

Maybe for some.. but I wear the same stuff no matter what. Personally, I
depend on my hair to make the transition. If I'm going to work or run
errands or some such thing, I'll put my hair in two Wednesday Addams
style pigtails, if I want to look a bit more "done up", I'll twist it all into
a very
tight bun at the base of my head.

Club Nights?

I let it down in all it's glory. Two feet of thick bouncy raven black curls
about in all directions, falling here and there, every stray curl a perfection
and of itself. Occasionally, I'll put it up with a few lazy strands here and
crimped to perfection.

I guess I always did identify with both Snow White and Rapunzel a bit too


Aug 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/5/98
getsu wrote:

> OKAY! WOW! the first person i've ever spoken to that had a legitimate reason
> for wearing makeup that had nothing to do with insecurities.

I wear make-up because *I* think it's pretty.

I put on make-up in my home when most likely _No One_ will see it,
because I am doing it, because *I* want to look.. not because I want
someone else to look.

Heck I've done myself right up, worn it for an hour or two and taken it
off. Because it's fun. Because it's different. Because it's interesting.

I basically don't wear make-up out of the house. It's just me and my
face. But if an opportunity arises and I'm in the right mood on it goes,
and out I go... I've done that about 4 times perhaps.

I wear makeup 100% for me. me. me.

I don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks of the way I look (after
all, if you're going to base me on a look I'm probably not going to want
to talk to you anyway).

I hate people who judge by the surface so I wouldn't want to perpitrate
that by wearing make-up to make myself look more attractive to someone

Makeup is fun!


"I'm standing on the edge of a dream,
I look down and see nothing."


Aug 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/5/98
NicePants wrote in message <>...

>> Don't ever let her, go, Pantalones. Unless she has to go to the
>> (well, unless you like that kind of thing.)
>> xizar
> See man, the problem is....these things always START well, but I end
>saying or doing something COMPLETELY stupid and ruining everything.
> Never fails. I'll make a joke and she'll get pissed.
> Or I'll start taking these things for granted.
> Regardless, *I* will fuck it up. Never fear.

That's what I think ... I'm sure that things only go wrong BECAUSE I
am sure I'll mess it up .. it's like ended in my own head, just as
it's started.

UKVexen, not dead, just going out for the night.

Kimberly Garbacz

Aug 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/6/98

: When did wearing makeup become an issue of security? I'm plenty secure with

: myself. I agree that pancake makeup is a bit excessive, but I see nothing
: wrong with wanting to wear foundation, etc. And if one likes pancake makeup,
: more power to 'em.

I agree with this....some people have the time and patience to deal with do
the whole face every day and some don;t...i am one that doesn;t bother
(makeup is expensive too ...the stuff i like is anyway) everyday ...If I am
dressed up to go out I feel that I look more complete with a bit on and even
than I don;t wear much (power, my glitter eyeliner-I love this stuff- little
mascare and dark lipstick ..) the contacts...

: >can you tell i dont wear makeup? and i still have a boyfriend who

: >once-upon-a- time thought he'd never have a chance because he thought i was
: >so pretty, even without makeup.

: Good for you. :) No one ever said you had to wear makeup to be pretty. Most
: women are beautiful with or without it... it's their choice. *shrug*

It is good that woman don;t feel they need makeup ..but ifyou do than that
is fine too

: >i resent the pressure to conform. sure, i feel ugly for about a week every

: >month, but more women should really learn to be happy with themselves THE WAY

: Conform? Err.... I wear it because *I* want to. And I'm fine with the way I
: am. I like to wear makeup. It's fun. *I* like how I look in it. . And more
: often than not... women are pressured to NOT wear makeup (or wear very little).

I used to wear a lot ofmakeup in the '80's mainly to look more outlandish
and now I don;t care for that ..and I don;t have time to do it too ...I also
used to spend like half an hour on my hair than too! (i still can;t believe
I had the time to do that) now it is wash and leave the house with my hair

: > so what if you dont

: >look like [insert any model's name], she doesnt look like that either!

: Neither I nor most people I know give a rat's ass about [insert any model's
: name]'s makeup. I do mine however I want it. I let my creativity go... I
: don't seek to look "perfect". I want to look beautiful in *my* eyes... And
: what I consider beautiful is NOT what you'll find in fashion magazines on
: models. :)

i think makeup has two uses: camoflague (?) and creativity ...I use it
mainly for the later too ...
also 'perfect' is different for everyone

: >this is one of those situations where most women keep themselves down,

: >regardless of how males treat them.

: Women are keeping themselves down by wearing makeup?!?! Well, I must be really
: down.... I'm one of the horrid things that wear corsets and heels. :)

I don;t see what wearing makeup has anythig to do with how men treat woman a second point...(unless I am reading with wrong)
I am of the opinion (males would be better to comment on this ) that men
would prefer a woman look good sans the makeup ....because they aren;t
surprise one day when she takes it off and AREGH!

: wears makeup to look "perfect", look like a model, conform to a "beauty

: aesthetic", or to attract men.

models are perfect ...most models are so because their is something unusual
but still beautiful about them ...nowadays it is more important (if you want
to be a model) to be unusual than stereotypical

feline fatale
(who likes the glitters around her eyes)


Aug 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/6/98
>getsu wrote:
>ah, but for many women, makeup is a kind of security. if you are truly
>with the way you look, why would you bother to wear makeup every day?

I wear makeup because I'm shallow as hell!!! Well, really, the only time I
tend to like the way I look without makeup is around three am, when I'm
starting to get flushed from sleep deprivation, and my eyes look a little too
bright...if only it could always be three am:(

However, I think I have a really great face for makeup. I can be anything. I
can look trampy or angelic, severe or soft. Lately I like to be Annie Lennox
severe, an agressive kind of minimalism...and I don't think the boys like it
too much; a friend told me a while ago that I looked like a "really scary
buisinesswoman." I like to think of it as visual sarcasm.

Makeup can be an art, but it can also be a quick way to shape the way people
perceive you. When I go to work (at a taffy shop) I want to look approachable
and friendly (and normal). At any other given time, I just want people to stay I wear my black, nothing too outrageous because that attracts
attention, and paint my face to look proud and harsh.

Maybe that's just a reflection of my insecurities...but I don't look the way I
do in order to shock or gain approval from anyone, I just want to look as
distant as possible. That way only the strong and the foolish approach me.
The strong ones I like.

"Respect my gloom, my gloom is lodged in my craw,
Do not mark, fold, tear or staple my gloom, it is recommended for mature
audiences, it is void where prohibited by law." ~Ogden Nash

Kelly H Watts

Aug 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/6/98
Ummm... somebody that my shitty server doens't like said:

!>> >ah, but for many women, makeup is a kind of security. if you are truly
!>> >with the way you look, why would you bother to wear makeup every day?

I have a lot of reasons for wearing makeup. I've always painted and drawn
on my skin. There are pictures of me at the age of 5 with pictures going
up both arms and on my face.
That's fine and all in kindergarden, but I draw enough stares now without
looking like the world's only 5-year old college sophmore.

It's where I put the colors, too. I've always been slightly overweight
and have gravitated towards wearing black as a result for, well, as long
as I can remember. If I were to wear a bright red dress I think I would
hide in the corner all night. However, I can wear a red lipstick with no
problems. I ould never wear a silver sparkely dress, but I see nothing
wrong with covering myself in glitter on occasion.

Well, mostly I wear makeup because it's _fun_! I like that I can make my
eyes green by using a certin eyeshadow, and blue with another. I like
copying the makeup from different eras and watching people who grew up
then responding to me. It's like another toy to play with.


RealAudio goth radio * * WNY Goth *ICQ 6206391 AIM Kali199

David Gerard

Aug 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/8/98
On 3 Aug 1998 21:13:32 GMT, (DarkXVixen) wrote:

:My makeup would've made a

:trucker's wife blush. My mascara and eyeliner were all smeared under my foundation was smudgy...lipstick crooked. And my hair...ick! Can we
:say troll doll? And do you know what my bf rolled over to say me? "G'
:mornin', sweetie. You look beautiful" Beautiful?!?! And he meant it. Now

:that's love. :) I made him breakfast, then took him out to one of my favorite

:places in the woods and read to him.

I actually managed to explain *why* a girlie looks *so* damned gorgeous
first thing in the morning to a friend of mine. I forget the exact wording,
but it was something to do with being relaxed from sleep or something.

And if you think any man will think "hmm, the love of my life ... oh dear,
her makeup is smeary. Must be yucky" then you have either been hanging
around the WRONG men or have problems no good words will solve.

"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and
evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the
lack of evidence." (Richard Dawkins)

Fallen Angel

Aug 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/9/98
David Gerard <> wrote this...

>I actually managed to explain *why* a girlie looks *so* damned gorgeous
>first thing in the morning to a friend of mine. I forget the exact wording,
>but it was something to do with being relaxed from sleep or something.
>And if you think any man will think "hmm, the love of my life ... oh dear,
>her makeup is smeary. Must be yucky" then you have either been hanging
>around the WRONG men or have problems no good words will solve.

And I'm writing...

Most of the arguements with my exs have been over the fact that i find
them attractive in the morning, and they try and hide until they've done
their make up.

Fallen Angel

Read, absorb, understand. Then explain it to me.
--------------- ICQ# 12332225


Aug 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/10/98
>Most of the arguements with my exs have been over the fact that i find
>them attractive in the morning, and they try and hide until they've done
>their make up.
>Fallen Angel

<purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs> you'd NEVER hear me argue over that one! I think a bunch
of us girls would adore such a man! Why is it _I_ dont meet anyone like that
"But I still did not realize how mad she was and how accustomed to dreaming;
and that she would not cry out for reality, but rather feed reality to her
dreams..." (IWTV)

Ron Cecchini

Aug 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/10/98

Fallen Angel <> wrote:

> Most of the arguements with my exs have been over the fact that i find
> them attractive in the morning, and they try and hide until they've done
> their make up.

If that's what constituted "most" of your arguments, then I can't fathom
why they're *ex* girlfriends! I think many guys would consider you lucky.


I'd say most of the arguments I had w/ my exs were due to the fact that
most of 'em were just plain psycho...


cheating judas

Aug 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/10/98

On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Ron Cecchini wrote:

> I'd say most of the arguments I had w/ my exs were due to the fact that
> most of 'em were just plain psycho...

ahem...but psychos attract psychos..



Aug 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/10/98
>ahem...but psychos attract psychos..

So what you are saying is that someone "who needs help" seeks a partner who
also "needs help" and in the process they both lose whatever grasp of reality
they have, then break up, and continue the cycle? That would explain
society...hmmm. One person really can make a difference. <g>

~~Sunekh ful-asar~~
"Nothing is more dangerous to a new truth than an old error" -Van Goethe


Aug 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/10/98
On 10 Aug 1998 06:28:44 GMT, Sunekh <> wrote:

>So what you are saying is that someone "who needs help" seeks a partner who
>also "needs help" and in the process they both lose whatever grasp of reality
>they have, then break up, and continue the cycle?

It appears to be more common than coincidence, yes.

-- ICQ:2526788
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AGSF mirror also see

Ron Cecchini

Aug 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/10/98

cheating judas <> wrote:

> ahem...but psychos attract psychos..

*What* did I tell you about the next I want your opinion, huh?

I'm holdin' the can o' Whup-Ass.

Don't make me open it...



Aug 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/10/98
Ron Cecchini wrote in message ...

>Fallen Angel <> wrote:
>> Most of the arguements with my exs have been over the fact that i find
>> them attractive in the morning, and they try and hide until they've done
>> their make up.
>I'd say most of the arguments I had w/ my exs were due to the fact that
>most of 'em were just plain psycho...

Hmm... and when you have had those two arguments with the same person? Is
that when you're glad they're ex-s?


cheating judas

Aug 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/10/98

On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Ron Cecchini wrote:

> *What* did I tell you about the next I want your opinion, huh?

that you were gonna reward me with a nice wet one..

> I'm holdin' the can o' Whup-Ass.
> Don't make me open it...

go ahead and open it dear. my fighting nature's been out and i'm ready to
relieve some bottled up aggression..


Ron Cecchini

Aug 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/10/98

"xizar" <> wrote:

> Hmm... and when you have had those two arguments with the same person?
> Is that when you're glad they're ex-s?


Let the psychos find each other out.
End up on Springer.
And then hopefully off each other before reproducing.


(who's convinced that many idiots end up w/ the same type over & over & over
& over & over ... again, leading him to the conclusion which he's vocalized
several times to the people in question as: "I know lab rats that learn
faster than you.")

Ron Cecchini

Aug 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/10/98

cheating judas <> wrote:

> > *What* did I tell you about the next I want your opinion, huh?
> that you were gonna reward me with a nice wet one..

Is that 7' tall, invisible rabbit Harvey telling you things again?

> my fighting nature's been out and i'm ready to relieve some bottled up
> aggression..

This should be good...

A pre-C4 Celebrity Deathmatch in the Cage @ Manray.

"Let's GET IT ON!"

<pounces on K. and gets her in a strangle-hold w/ her feather boa>


David Gerard

Aug 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/20/98
On Mon, 10 Aug 1998 18:12:48 -0500, Ron.Ce...@GSC.GTE.Com (Ron Cecchini)

:(who's convinced that many idiots end up w/ the same type over & over & over

: & over & over ... again, leading him to the conclusion which he's vocalized
: several times to the people in question as: "I know lab rats that learn
: faster than you.")

"When you keep hooking up with different people who all have the same type
of insanity, it's not the *world* that has the problem."

"I wouldn't sneak on usenet at my desk at work like a teenager smoking in a
school bathroom if there wasn't still *something* here." (oddlystrange)

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