i want to be happy being alone. im so codependent its sickening. when i do
find a boi thats up to my standards i want to be around im all the time and
they get sick sick sick of me. what me? needy? ::groan::
i have friends... i have hobbies... i have goals... and they all fall into the
background when i have a cute boi to play with. and im sick of it. i want to
be alone. and i want to be happy being alone. i want to feel whole without a
counterpart. but i dont. i decided i need a few months to myself. no
boifriends, no crushes, no kisses, and no sex. ::shudder::
so somehow i managed to remember this in the middle of rolling around on the
floor with a friend of mine... which wasnt in itself a bad thing (not at all!)
except that now i have a crush on him. (foiled again!!!) dammnit!!!! i swore
i would not do this and now i cant control it. to make matters even worse, we
both stated the fact that we are not looking for relationships... ::sigh:: so
even if i were to change my mind... id be screwed because he wouldnt. ::sLAmS
head against desk::
i hate me.
not that you care, i just need to keep myself busy so i dont end up calling
::miserable little sigh::
^v^ bAttty ^v^
(nobody knows im a spy.)
(in which oonh only slightly comments on the post at hand, and draws
`bitter' on the cosmic chalkboard with a 3*10^70^70th long iridium
icepick, unlubricated enough to render Odin deaf)
circumstances that happen to me (bad ones -- the remotely happy ones are
not included because they are about really cool people)
person X sends person A email via pimping cupid
person A sends this email pimping cupid.
this email, via pimping cupid comes to me.
person X already has a boyfriend.
I think "oh great, person X likes me"
I (in a fit of rationality failing to eclispe common sense)
reply to it)
it ends up (going to a rather close friend of mine (L), in another city)
L cheats on her boyfriend because of it
X has a new boyfriend now
X's boyfriend has a new girlfriend right now.
L is still dithering.
I am pissed off.
> not that you care, i just need to keep myself busy so i dont end up calling
> him.
> ::miserable little sigh::
you have it *easy*, silly. *hug*
::battty gives oonh a big hugggggg::
ill kill yours if you kill mine.
so the update (assuming anyone cares) is that im so smitten with this boi that
its not even funny. i cant go half an hour without thinking of him (let alone
half a minute) and hes in a relationship because the other girl he was dating
kinda pressured him into it and he decided it would be good to be commited to
someone, even though he cant really be himself around her and we get along
super and are still attracted to each other...
besides the fact that an aquaintance of mine is now stalking me because hes
decided hes madly in love with me, and my ex is all suicidal over wanting me