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Yohaun's Axe (final version?)

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Jul 24, 1994, 1:44:56 AM7/24/94
Well, there have not been responses for a while, so I think I'll post the
final (?) list of the Axe in the Head translations. I must express my
gratitude for your enthusiastic response to this silliness of mine. It
<sniff> means so much to me...
This list will be transcribed into my "Book of Knowledge", the compilation
of all the things I know.
(And yes, the Book of Knowledge is a very thin volume...)

English: Oh my god! There's an axe in my head.
Bosnian: boje moj! sjekira mi je u glavi.
French: Mon dieu! Il y a une hache dans ma tete.
Visigothic: Meina guth, Ikgastaldan aqizi-wunds meina haubida
Swedish: Herrejävlar! Jag har en yxa i huvudet!
Dutch: O, mijn God! Er zit een bijl in mijn hoofd.
Latin: Meus Deus! Ibi est securis in meus capitalis.
German: Oh mein Gott, da ist eine Axt in meinem Kopf!
Japanese: ahh, kamisama! atama ni ono ga aru
Norwegian: Herre Gud! Jeg har en řks i hodet!
Spanish: !Dios mio! !Hay una hacha que esta en mi cabesa!
Hungarian: Jaj Istenem, de fejsze van a fejemben!!


\|/ Imagine this living carcass, screaming. \|/
-- * -- screaming endlessly into the anechoic void... -- * --
/|\ /|\

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