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Token Goth Boy

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Sean Wilde u

May 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/17/96

*sigh* Anyone else know what I mean? You go to an "alternative" club
with few goths and a lot of plaid...women wonder what it would be like to
be with a "freak"...Of course being constantly depressed with few others
to understand you, you make a great target...You fall for the
know what they are but you convince yourself that this one is
different...this one cares...then of course you get a reputation, which
causes more of them to flock to you...even Xs you weren't that serious
with come out to have a taste of "gothic boy". You get caught in an
endless cycle of --go to club--dance--get picked up--get used--go to
club--etc...but you keep doing it hoping that one day of the women
approaching you will like YOU, not your clothes, your docs, your hair or
the way you dance...*sad smile* But it never happens...

(who's so incredibly fed up with everything...)

Allison C Serpe

May 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/17/96

Excerpts from netnews.alt.gothic: 17-May-96 Token Goth Boy by Sean Wilde
> *sigh* Anyone else know what I mean?

I've been "token" gothgirl a few times myself. Flattering, but shallow.
My sympathies,

Excess and Oohs,

...I am none of these things GothCode (2.0): GoFA TB(MD) (sd)
B11/23/BK!]^1 CBKs++ Mo(Sh) V+s M++4 p1 ZGoGnIn C+ a18+ !!n3na(v)
b+:-3(D) H5'6" g++! m3Ea+3 W++! r-- D++~ h++ s10 K+/K-3n Sry n1
LusPA(NY)+ fms


May 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/17/96

>*sigh* Anyone else know what I mean? You go to an "alternative" club
>with few goths and a lot of plaid...women wonder what it would be like to

>be with a "freak"...

So do a lot of jock boys and frat boys and stuff. "Hey, let's do the

>Of course being constantly depressed with few others
>to understand you, you make a great target...You fall for the

>know what they are but you convince yourself that this one is
>different...this one cares...

You'll be searching far and wide for someone to "really care". Some
people search until they die. There is only one person who you need to
care about you. Three guesses. (No, it's not that chick in the corner)
=) And most of the time when people pick you up in a club/bar, they're
really only interested in your looks, not your mind. After all, it wasn't
your mind they were attracted to all the way across the room...

>then of course you get a reputation, which
>causes more of them to flock to you...even Xs you weren't that serious
>with come out to have a taste of "gothic boy".

Learn to say no. You have every right to refuse. And if you have a
"reputation", that generally means they're flocking to you for sex *only*.
You deserve better than to offer yourself up to everyone in the vain hope
that they'll love you in return.

>You get caught in an
>endless cycle of --go to club--dance--get picked up--get used--go to
>club--etc...but you keep doing it hoping that one day of the women
>approaching you will like YOU, not your clothes, your docs, your hair or
>the way you dance...*sad smile* But it never happens...

You are looking for love, as they say, in all the wrong places... A crime
of which many of us are guilty. *hug*hug*hug*

>(who's so incredibly fed up with everything...)

little o
(who can really, really, empathize)

Black Sun

May 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/18/96

>You get caught in an
>endless cycle of
>--go to club--dance--get picked up--get used--go to

not to be mean, but this seems like a relatively easy cycle to break.
leaving out that whole first step would change things immensely.

i'd been "token weird boy" at certain points in high school and college,
but no "normals" ever talked to me or hit on me in those situations
because they were all afraid of me.

Here lies a youth who died of
consumption: you know why
Do not pray for him

Lisa Covey

May 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/18/96

In article <DrJCo...@info.uucp>, Sean Wilde u <> wrote:
>*sigh* Anyone else know what I mean? You go to an "alternative" club
>with few goths and a lot of plaid...women wonder what it would be like to
>be with a "freak"...Of course being constantly depressed with few others
>to understand you, you make a great target...You fall for the
>know what they are but you convince yourself that this one is
>different...this one cares...then of course you get a reputation, which
>causes more of them to flock to you...even Xs you weren't that serious
>with come out to have a taste of "gothic boy". You get caught in an
>endless cycle of --go to club--dance--get picked up--get used--go to
>club--etc...but you keep doing it hoping that one day of the women
>approaching you will like YOU, not your clothes, your docs, your hair or
>the way you dance...*sad smile* But it never happens...
>(who's so incredibly fed up with everything...)

*smile* Some should have it half as lucky cher..

--the fugue..
"That's the beauty of cyberspace. You can take all the
information you want, and nobody loses anything"
--Zach, "Drawing Blood"

Sean Wilde u

May 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/18/96

Black Sun ( wrote:
: >You get caught in an
: >endless cycle of
: >--go to club--dance--get picked up--get used--go to
: >club--etc...

: not to be mean, but this seems like a relatively easy cycle to break.
: leaving out that whole first step would change things immensely.
: i'd been "token weird boy" at certain points in high school and college,
: but no "normals" ever talked to me or hit on me in those situations
: because they were all afraid of me.

Ah, if it were that easy or simplistic! You failed to catch onto
the second part of the cycle: dance. I go to clubs to release; pain,
anger and sorrow by dancing. It is one of the few things I look forward
to each week. By denying the first part of the cycle I deny the second
which denies my release. This would be a very BAD thing *wry smile*.
I've tried not going to clubs. The lack of release is much worse than
perpetrating the cycle.



May 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/18/96
to (Sean Wilde u) writes:

>You get caught in an
>endless cycle of --go to club--dance--get picked up--get used--go to

>club--etc...but you keep doing it hoping that one day of the women
>approaching you will like YOU, not your clothes, your docs, your hair or
>the way you dance...*sad smile* But it never happens...

Sean, I really wish every goth in the world would read your post.
I hear so much WHINING about "nobody will even look at me, I'm so
fat, I'm so ugly, I'm so awkward" ad nauseam, and never even stop
to consider that what they're missing isn't necessarily love or
even fun.

I'll yell it impolitely and netiquette be damned: PEOPLE, THERE IS
MORE TO LIFE THAN FINDING "THE ONE!" Sure, it's great when it
happens, but it happens damned seldom, and in the meantime people
who scramble to be In A Relationship just for the sake of it often
end up with flakes, scum, or someone who unbeknownst to them has
pledged fidelity to someone else. Just LIVE your fucking LIFE, and
maybe The One will turn up and maybe not; but there's nothing like
obvious emotional hunger to not only attract the sort of shallow
types tha Sean described, but to *drive away* healthy-spirited

YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO LOVE. You may need it, you may deserve it,
you may have oceans of it to give. But life isn't fair, and
expecting it to be fair is emotional suicide.

Love, Columbine
Burden me not with pity's scorn Columbine
Weep for yourself, but not for me
Enrapt in petals, dancing free
While others vie for thorns


May 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/18/96
to (Columbine) hathe written,

>YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO LOVE. You may need it, you may deserve it,

Yes you are.

>you may have oceans of it to give. But life isn't fair, and
>expecting it to be fair is emotional suicide.

You sound a bit bitter Columbine. Tho' I'll agree life isn't
fair. Eventually things seem to work out for just about
everyone. In the meantime... there's nothing wrong with casual
sex {despite the obvious} and casual relationships. You are
right though... you can't expect it to be love everytime.
However, if you redefine your notion of love a bit it can be
love most of the time.



May 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/18/96

Sean Wilde u ( wrote:

: *sigh* Anyone else know what I mean? You go to an "alternative" club
: with few goths and a lot of plaid...women wonder what it would be like to
: be with a "freak"...Of course being constantly depressed with few others
: to understand you, you make a great target...You fall for the
: know what they are but you convince yourself that this one is
: different...this one cares...then of course you get a reputation, which

well there's also the token gothgirl thing. Although i've managed to
convert one of my old friends into thinking a night at the local gothclub
can be good, most of my old friends from high school always went to the
alternative clubs there and i went with them (for the token cure song
perhaps) but anyhow.


guys hit on you because you're not like the other girls. blah. bite me.

you need to go find a nice goffclub :)

that or learn to ignore anything that makes a move on you and isn't worth
your time.


(who recalls once a guy asking her if she was "kinky" and of course the
best of all times "I always wanted to sleep with that girl in beatlejuice")
oddlystrange -- the perkygoff fairy godmother
-----------------(who will make a purtier sig later)----------------------
perkygoff east coast branch office now located at:

David Gerard

May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96

On Sat, 18 May 1996 21:26:07 GMT, Sean Wilde u ( wrote:

: Ah, if it were that easy or simplistic! You failed to catch onto

:the second part of the cycle: dance. I go to clubs to release; pain,
:anger and sorrow by dancing. It is one of the few things I look forward
:to each week. By denying the first part of the cycle I deny the second
:which denies my release. This would be a very BAD thing *wry smile*.
:I've tried not going to clubs. The lack of release is much worse than
:perpetrating the cycle.

Well, just bloody tell them! "No, thank you; you're very decorative, but
I am here to jump up and down. If you have a pen, a piece of paper and an
address, you could write it down and give it to me if you like. Excuse
me." (bounce, whirl, twirl)

Whining child. *slap*

Rev Dr David Gerard Melbourne, Australia
GothCode 2.0: GoAu!3CS+ TJt(ZZ) B10/23Bk^1 cR(DBR){G} p++ PPe(LNa) V++s M+3p1w
ZEx(!!--Go) C+3p1u a29- n!O b+:- H194 g+! m+)++( w+T r-4E D+~! h++TFe(Ad) s7 k+
Rn SrNy N0488Wn LauVIC+* HsMp1 We are much more beautiful than you.

Black Sun

May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96

>YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO LOVE. You may need it, you may deserve it,
>you may have oceans of it to give. But life isn't fair, and
>expecting it to be fair is emotional suicide.

reading this and other posts led me to wonder why this is such a
widespread need of people...i guess it goes back to mating instincts or
something, it's strange that if you look at goths or jocks or ravers or
punks or whatever, most of them have romantic relationships as a major
priority in their lives. then there's the "someone for everyone" myth,
which my female friends keep threatening me with..."one day you're going
to meet the one person right for you and there's no way to escape".
people are pack animals i guess...
(except for the lone wolves)


May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96
to (Sean Wilde u) writes:
(and M. Gerard, previous)
>: Well, just bloody tell them! "No, thank you; you're very decorative, but

>: I am here to jump up and down. If you have a pen, a piece of paper and an
>: address, you could write it down and give it to me if you like. Excuse
>: me." (bounce, whirl, twirl)
>: Whining child. *slap*
> Perhaps if you'd read my first post you'd understand. Obviously you
>didn't considering the ignorance of your post. Unless of course you
>did read it and you're just incredibly dense. *innocent smile* That's
>okay, just watch the more intelligent and caring people on this newsgroup
>for a while and maybe some of it will rub off on you! *pat* *pat* Nice

I dunno.

I thought you came off as a whining child too.

sort of like *whine* I'm in this terrible cycle where I go
to clubs, get picked up, I may or may not get sex, but I
do feel incredibly used. Please feel sympathetic toward me.
Please give me attention. I am not being loved in the way
I should be.
end *whine*

And I think Mr. Gerard is focusing on the very obvious solution.
Stop doing that then.

I could easily sympathise with someone who felt they were being
harrassed or hit on because of tokenism. But you actually
carry on with these people... this isn't bimbette girl
attacking goth boy illllll!!111 get away. If it was, you
wouldn't be in a cycle.

you do enjoy it, don't you?


=======****> "What! No rat salad?! This is a day without sunshine."


Black Sun

May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96

>>YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO LOVE. You may need it, you may deserve it,
> Yes you are.
you may deserve love or be a great wonderful loving person, but there's
no law or guarantee that you or anyone else is going to fall in love.
things work out for many people because there are loads of lonely people
out there, but it's really childish and silly to expect life to hand-
deliver you something. anything can could meet the
girl/boy/cat of your dreams tomorrow and live happily ever after, you
could live to be 122 without ever being loved or cared for, you could get
struck by a piece of debris from a falling airplane right now as you read
this post. they're all just possibilities, you're not entitled to any one
of them.

Sean Wilde u

May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96

David Gerard ( wrote:

: On Sat, 18 May 1996 21:26:07 GMT, Sean Wilde u ( wrote:
: : Ah, if it were that easy or simplistic! You failed to catch onto
: :the second part of the cycle: dance. I go to clubs to release; pain,
: :anger and sorrow by dancing. It is one of the few things I look forward
: :to each week. By denying the first part of the cycle I deny the second
: :which denies my release. This would be a very BAD thing *wry smile*.
: :I've tried not going to clubs. The lack of release is much worse than
: :perpetrating the cycle.
: Well, just bloody tell them! "No, thank you; you're very decorative, but
: I am here to jump up and down. If you have a pen, a piece of paper and an
: address, you could write it down and give it to me if you like. Excuse
: me." (bounce, whirl, twirl)
: Whining child. *slap*

Perhaps if you'd read my first post you'd understand. Obviously you
didn't considering the ignorance of your post. Unless of course you
did read it and you're just incredibly dense. *innocent smile* That's
okay, just watch the more intelligent and caring people on this newsgroup
for a while and maybe some of it will rub off on you! *pat* *pat* Nice

ignoramous. *pat* *pat*

(who always wanted a pet ignoramous...)

Gothic Crusader

May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96
to (Sean Wilde u) wrote:

>*sigh* Anyone else know what I mean?

yep. i know exactly what you mean.

>You go to an "alternative" club
>with few goths and a lot of plaid...women wonder what it would be like to
>be with a "freak"...Of course being constantly depressed with few others
>to understand you, you make a great target...You fall for the
>know what they are but you convince yourself that this one is
>different...this one cares...then of course you get a reputation, which

>causes more of them to flock to you...

especially since i got this reputation for being able to eat poontang
better than anybody in columbia, south carolina--i practiced till i
get real good at it.. all the women, red, yellers, blacks and whites
flock to me now.

>even Xs you weren't that serious

>with come out to have a taste of "gothic boy". You get caught in an

>endless cycle of --go to club--dance--get picked up--get used--go to
>club--etc...but you keep doing it hoping that one day of the women
>approaching you will like YOU, not your clothes, your docs, your hair or
>the way you dance...*sad smile* But it never happens...

in my case, its not that they like my docs because i don't wear docs.
i've built up such a reputation--and it all got started from dressing
gothic--that i believe i could dress normal and still be carrying on
with a bunch of women.

Eddie Turner, The Gothic Crusader!


William C Isenhour

May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96

Excerpts from netnews.alt.gothic: 19-May-96 Re: Token Goth Boy by Gothic
> >*sigh* Anyone else know what I mean?
> yep. i know exactly what you mean.

I think the distinction in question was
"Token Goth"
Not "Town Retard."

But then I suppose that -would- excuse the mistake.

> >different...this one cares...then of course you get a reputation, which
> >causes more of them to flock to you...
> especially since i got this reputation for being able to eat poontang
> better than anybody in columbia, south carolina

Isn't cunnilingus illegal in that state?

> --i practiced till get real good at it..

To bad you didn't practice your english lesson.

> all the women, red, yellers, blacks and whites

And sometimes "Y"

> flock to me now.

It's a rare day in Columbia, South Carolina
when you don't have to pay to see the freaks.
forward-thinking american folks you got down there.

> > not your clothes, your docs, your hair or
> >the way you dance...*sad smile* But it never happens...
> in my case,

The doctor recommended an abortion,
but paw was out of coathangers.

> its not that they like my docs because i don't wear docs.

Eat more docs.
They're good for you.

> i've built up such a reputation-

Try some vinegar and water.
That ought to get that right off,
it's hypoallergenic, too.

> -and it all got started from dressing

Like a woman.

> gothic-


> -that i believe i could dress normal

Dig that Wal-Mart ensemble.
I wish that I was all metropolitan and shit
like you posh bastards down in
Columbia South Carolina.

> and still be carrying on with a bunch of women.

"Get out of my house"
"No, take your clothes off"
"Get out of my house or I'm calling the police."
"No way"
"Alright, Hoss, get the gun."

And so it came to pass.

> Eddie Turner, The Gothic Crusader!

Ya'll go home now.


Ronald Baker

May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96

> Here lies a youth who died of
> consumption: you know why
> Do not pray for him

I don't know why. (blush) What does that mean?
Bloody Kisses,

Gothic Crusader

May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96

it's about time you wrote a decent flame, isenhour. apparently you
have learned something from your study of the writings of rc richards.

Gothic Crusader

May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96
to (David Gerard) wrote:

>On Sat, 18 May 1996 21:26:07 GMT, Sean Wilde u ( wrote:

>: Ah, if it were that easy or simplistic! You failed to catch onto
>:the second part of the cycle: dance. I go to clubs to release; pain,
>:anger and sorrow by dancing. It is one of the few things I look forward
>:to each week. By denying the first part of the cycle I deny the second
>:which denies my release. This would be a very BAD thing *wry smile*.
>:I've tried not going to clubs. The lack of release is much worse than
>:perpetrating the cycle.

>Well, just bloody tell them! "No, thank you; you're very decorative, but
>I am here to jump up and down. If you have a pen, a piece of paper and an
>address, you could write it down and give it to me if you like. Excuse
>me." (bounce, whirl, twirl)

>Whining child. *slap*

excuse me, bozo, but the whole purpose in going to the club is to get

Sean Wilde u

May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96

Skate-Gundy ( wrote::
: I dunno.

:I thought you came off as a whining child too.
: sort of like *whine* I'm in this terrible cycle where I go
: to clubs, get picked up, I may or may not get sex, but I
: do feel incredibly used. Please feel sympathetic toward me.
: Please give me attention. I am not being loved in the way
: I should be.
: end *whine*
: And I think Mr. Gerard is focusing on the very obvious solution.
: Stop doing that then.
: I could easily sympathise with someone who felt they were being
: harrassed or hit on because of tokenism. But you actually
: carry on with these people... this isn't bimbette girl
: attacking goth boy illllll!!111 get away. If it was, you
: wouldn't be in a cycle.
:you do enjoy it, don't you?
: lXs

Actually, I posted it simply to get it out of my system. I
wasn't looking for anyone to write me or anyone to post an answer to it.
I'm actually surprised how many people are. I'd like to think I was
bitching more than whining. *smile* As for enjoying it, I like it when
people like me...until I find out why they like me...then I just want
them to leave me alone.


William C Isenhour

May 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/19/96

Excerpts from netnews.alt.gothic: 19-May-96 Re: Token Goth Boy by Gothic
> it's about time you wrote a decent flame, isenhour. apparently you
> have learned something from your study of the writings of rc richards.

Since other than a compliment
You seem to have totally disregarded my little note,
it would seem that you could learn a little
from RC Richards yourself.

So whassa matter?
You wanna mix it up with the real thing, or are you scared?
you already admitted that it was a decent flame.

So what's your story, Ed?
Are you decent or are you more than that?



May 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/20/96

In ashen ink, Black Sun ( inscribed:
: widespread need of people...i guess it goes back to mating instincts or


: people are pack animals i guess...

: (except for the lone wolves)

I don't see why this is such a big deal.

If, for some of us, the company and love of another (or multiple other)
humans can be a very special thing, why should that bother you? It
certainly doesn't bother me that some people -don't- get the same
enjoyment. It saddens me a little, but I wouldn't try and force my
view of the world on someone else.

- Loki
| Geoffrey Wiseman | |
i wish I could just stop / i know another moment will break my heart /
too many tears / too many times / too many years i've cried for you
it's always the same / wake up in the rain / head in pain / hung in shame

Black Sun

May 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/20/96

>I don't see why this is such a big deal.
>If, for some of us, the company and love of another (or multiple other)

>humans can be a very special thing, why should that bother you?

i wasn't bothered so much as curious...just wondering why it's such a
widespread phenomenon. i guess its cause we're all (most of us) human...


Black Sun

May 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/20/96

it's an inscription on a gravestone in a very good book which will remain
secret for the time being...

anyway, consumption=tuberculosis. the implication is that the youth in
question caught it doing something he shouldn't have been. unfortunately,
the house-sized glow worm did not explain matters further...

Here lies a youth who died of
consumption: you know why
Do not pray for him

>I don't know why. (blush) What does that mean?

Gothic Crusader

May 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/20/96

hey black sun, you don't need to be spelling everything out for the
dumbos--it's funnier when they come up with their own explanations. (Black Sun) wrote:

Eddie Turner, The Gothic Crusader!


Raven St clair

May 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/20/96

Little Goth Boi a.k.a. (Sean Wilde u) beseeched us
by writing:

Actually, I posted it simply to get it out of my system. I
>wasn't looking for anyone to write me or anyone to post an answer to it.

>I'm actually surprised how many people are. I'd like to think I was
>bitching more than whining.

Poor dear, poor dear. Sweet little Goth Boi with whom I empathize deeply.
Just a few days ago, I was having a bit of a drama queen rant myself
when I was rudely interrupted by someone who accused me of "bitching &
moaning." I silenced the little ungulate trollop by retorting "Bitch is
what I am & moan is what I do."


(who is empathizing partially out of guilt since she has, on more than
one occasion, succumbed to the unspeakable temptation of breaking the
sweet, dark hearts of vulnerable little goths...but has since outgrown
such cruelties)


May 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/20/96
to (Sean Wilde u) writes:

>*sigh* Anyone else know what I mean? You go to an "alternative" club

>with few goths and a lot of plaid...women wonder what it would be like to
>be with a "freak"...Of course being constantly depressed with few others
>to understand you, you make a great target...You fall for the
>know what they are but you convince yourself that this one is

>different...this one cares...then of course you get a reputation, which

Well, actually I do understand what you are saying and it is not
simply that you are "gothic" but, also, that you probably possess a quality
that hints of the forbidden and taboo. Many people look for that in a
one night stand, something different, dangerous -- but of course not too
dangerous. You fit the bill, a sort of exotic and wild persona to fling
with for the night and leave in the morning acting as if the entire
experience were nothing more than a wild dream with such realistic feelings.
I am afraid that "gothic" entails such a forward expression of who you are
by the way you walk, body language and style, that people realize right
away who and what "type" of person you are. And most, only want to have
fulfilled some fantasy with the darkly clad man.

>causes more of them to flock to you...even Xs you weren't that serious

>with come out to have a taste of "gothic boy". You get caught in an
>endless cycle of --go to club--dance--get picked up--get used--go to
>club--etc...but you keep doing it hoping that one day of the women

>approaching you will like YOU, not your clothes, your docs, your hair or

>the way you dance...*sad smile* But it never happens...

Well, it does happen, just not very often, and never, ever, when
we think it will. We get caught up in her eyes, and the way she smiles and
the smell of her neck as we get close, but "we" are in just as much of
a fantasy as the girl who would "do goth!". We make believe, we begin to
rationalize and the think of a thousand reasons why this girl understands
and cares and has to be "the one". However, soon, the fantasy ends, the
lights and go on and we are stuck sucking in our breath because damnit
we allowed ourselves to hope to care. Go home, and smoke a clove, turn on
the computer and start writing, often the only escape from the pain of
loneliness. "The one" is an expression of an old model of marriage and
relationships and life ever after. It doesn't really happen that wey, at
least not in my opinion. We simply learn to love ourselves and accept that
someday we may find the person with whom we can share our most inner thoughts
and dreams, and, well, maybe we won't.

>(who's so incredibly fed up with everything...

Shawn, who completely agrees and sympathizes,

On to the next,


Dragoness Eclectic

May 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/20/96

On May 20, 1996 17:18:40 in article <Re: Token Goth Boy>,

'bo...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (BOWIE SHAWN WILLIAM)' wrote:

>>causes more of them to flock to you...even Xs you weren't that serious
>>with come out to have a taste of "gothic boy". You get caught in an
>>endless cycle of --go to club--dance--get picked up--get used--go to
>>club--etc...but you keep doing it hoping that one day of the women
>>approaching you will like YOU, not your clothes, your docs, your hair or

>>the way you dance...*sad smile* But it never happens...

> Well, it does happen, just not very often, and never, ever, when
>we think it will. We get caught up in her eyes, and the way she smiles
>the smell of her neck as we get close, but "we" are in just as much of
>a fantasy as the girl who would "do goth!". We make believe, we begin to
>rationalize and the think of a thousand reasons why this girl understands
>and cares and has to be "the one". However, soon, the fantasy ends, the
>lights and go on and we are stuck sucking in our breath because damnit
>we allowed ourselves to hope to care.

A club is a lousy place to find a permanent relationship.
Sean, you may find music and the dance and hot & heavy casual sex
at your club, but "the one"? Unlikely. It'll be someplace unexpected,
and while you weren't looking--say, when you fall off a dock while
wearing blue jeans and some embarassingly-non-gothic T-shirt, and
she's this girl in a bikini who looks like she escaped from

(Somewhere, this will happen/has happened to someone. Let me know
who it turns out to be, if you know...)

>relationships and life ever after. It doesn't really happen that wey, at
>least not in my opinion. We simply learn to love ourselves and accept
>someday we may find the person with whom we can share our most inner
>and dreams, and, well, maybe we won't.

It helps if you learn to love others, too.

a bit fey this afternoon

"So stand as one defiant, yes, and let your voices swell,
Stare that Beastie in the face and really give him Hell!"
Alt.gothic.CR Master-at-Arms ----------

Dragoness Eclectic

May 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/20/96

On May 18, 1996 17:44:59 in article <Re: Token Goth Boy>,

' (Columbine)' wrote:

>Just LIVE your fucking LIFE, and
>maybe The One will turn up and maybe not; but there's nothing like
>obvious emotional hunger to not only attract the sort of shallow
>types tha Sean described, but to *drive away* healthy-spirited

True. I'll add, "Try friendship for a while; giving affection
without intense emotional need". Find people with common interests,
and do those things with them, just for fun.


Yes, you are. But, it isn't handed out on a silver platter;
you have to cultivate it and nuture it.

>You may need it, you may deserve it,
>you may have oceans of it to give.

Then give it! There are other ways to express love than in
a romantic one-to-one relationship. Friendship, compassion,
caring about others, helping others...

>But life isn't fair, and expecting it to be fair is emotional

Life isn't "fair", but acts have consequences, and often those
consequences are known beforehand. And love isn't something
that falls out of the sky and hits you by random chance...
unless you're godawful lucky. Cultivate a loving heart, and
Love is a *lot* more likely to find you.

fey AND cryptic today...

Gothic Crusader

May 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/21/96
to Eclectic) wrote:

>A club is a lousy place to find a permanent relationship.
>Sean, you may find music and the dance and hot & heavy casual sex
>at your club, but "the one"?

i agree with dragoness that clubs are immoral and you shouldn't go to

>Unlikely. It'll be someplace unexpected,
>and while you weren't looking--say, when you fall off a dock while
>wearing blue jeans and some embarassingly-non-gothic T-shirt, and
>she's this girl in a bikini who looks like she escaped from

the problem with this theory is how will we know if the girl would
accept us for who we are if we: goths. we need to have our goth
clothes on so that we'll know we are being accepted for who we are.

Gothic Crusader

May 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/21/96
to Eclectic) wrote:

>On May 18, 1996 17:44:59 in article <Re: Token Goth Boy>,
>' (Columbine)' wrote:
>>Just LIVE your fucking LIFE, and
>>maybe The One will turn up and maybe not; but there's nothing like
>>obvious emotional hunger to not only attract the sort of shallow
>>types tha Sean described, but to *drive away* healthy-spirited
>True. I'll add, "Try friendship for a while; giving affection
>without intense emotional need". Find people with common interests,
>and do those things with them, just for fun.

yeah, do some things just for fun. like if it's a fat perky goth
female, apply some ice cream to her sweet poontang and lick it off.

Edward Johnson

May 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/21/96

Gothic Crusader ( wrote:

: especially since i got this reputation for being able to eat poontang

: better than anybody in columbia, south carolina

Hey, there's an achievement. Not too much competition from the
good ol boys, eh?

--i practiced till i
: get real good at it..

Now all he needs is a woman and he's set.

all the women, red, yellers,


Old or young?

blacks and whites
: flock to me now.

The only reason people flock to you is cos you work the counter
at the Gas N Gulp.

Ever and Always


May 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/21/96

In ashen ink, Black Sun ( inscribed:
: i wasn't bothered so much as curious...just wondering why it's such a
: widespread phenomenon. i guess its cause we're all (most of us) human...

Well, it was as much addressed to those who try and inflict their view on
you as it was to you. It's silly for them to proclaim that "someday, you
will meet ..." Maybe you won't. If you do, and it works for you, great,
everyone's happy. If it doesn't, oh well, life goes on.

- Loki, feeling fatalistic at the mo'.

| Geoffrey Wiseman | |

"Long Live The New Flesh"

Devil in the Black Dress

May 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/21/96

On Sun, 19 May 1996, Gothic Crusader wrote:

> excuse me, bozo, but the whole purpose in going to the club is to get
> laid.

> Eddie Turner, The Gothic Crusader!

I guess you gave up going to clubs then...

kisses and smirks...
Lady Ophelia



May 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/22/96
to Eclectic) looks damn fine in
rose-colored glasses as she replies to me:

>Yes, you are. But, it isn't handed out on a silver platter;
>you have to cultivate it and nuture it.

I meant "entitled" as in "an inalienable right" or "something
to be expected." Lots of people deserve to be loved.

>>You may need it, you may deserve it,
>>you may have oceans of it to give.
>Then give it! There are other ways to express love than in
>a romantic one-to-one relationship. Friendship, compassion,
>caring about others, helping others...

I'll concur with this, but clarify that it's an "instead of"
rather than an "avenue to" the standard mushy definition. I
live in a world full of beautiful sisters and brothers, and
there are MUCH worse situations to be in.

>>But life isn't fair, and expecting it to be fair is emotional
>Life isn't "fair", but acts have consequences, and often those
>consequences are known beforehand. And love isn't something
>that falls out of the sky and hits you by random chance...
>unless you're godawful lucky. Cultivate a loving heart, and
>Love is a *lot* more likely to find you.

Well - I'd state the - is it inverse? (Perverse perhaps?) That
NOT cultivating a loving heart GUARANTEES that you will not be
loved, but that it's a necessary *but not sufficient* condition
for being loved. It also opens you up to a lot of stuff that
takes a lot of strength to handle, and at 34 it still hits me
pretty damn hard after LOADS of experience.

So, dragoness, yes, being able to love is worth it. But NOT
because it attracts love. It attracts EVERYTHING. Emotional
black holes, users, losers, Mommy-seekers, irresponsible flakes,
worrywarts, and hopeless cases who just think you're being nice
because you're desperate. Love too, but in the usual microscopic

But, as the Scarecrow said, "Now I know I have a heart, because
it's breaking." It's good to know you have a heart.

Love, Columbine (chowing down on heartburger again)
Burden me not with pity's scorn Columbine
Weep for yourself, but not for me
Enrapt in petals, dancing free
While others vie for thorns

David Gerard

May 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/27/96

On Sun, 19 May 1996 07:42:20 GMT, Sean Wilde u ( wrote:
:David Gerard ( wrote:
:: On Sat, 18 May 1996 21:26:07 GMT, Sean Wilde u ( wrote:

:: Well, just bloody tell them! "No, thank you; you're very decorative, but

:: I am here to jump up and down. If you have a pen, a piece of paper and an
:: address, you could write it down and give it to me if you like. Excuse
:: me." (bounce, whirl, twirl)
:: Whining child. *slap*

: Perhaps if you'd read my first post you'd understand. Obviously you

:didn't considering the ignorance of your post. Unless of course you
:did read it and you're just incredibly dense. *innocent smile* That's
:okay, just watch the more intelligent and caring people on this newsgroup
:for a while and maybe some of it will rub off on you! *pat* *pat* Nice
:ignoramous. *pat* *pat*
:(who always wanted a pet ignoramous...)

I did read the first post.

Whining child.

Rev Dr David Gerard Melbourne, Australia
GothCode 2.0: GoAu!3CS+ TJt(ZZ) B10/23Bk^1 cR(DBR){G} p++ PPe(LNa) V++s M+3p1w
ZEx(!!--Go) C+3p1u a29- n!O b+:- H194 g+! m+)++( w+T r-4E D+~! h++TFe(Ad) s7 k+
Rn SrNy N0488Wn LauVIC+* HsMp1 We are much more beautiful than you.

David Gerard

May 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/27/96

On 20 May 1996 19:51:38 GMT, Dragoness Eclectic ( wrote:

:A club is a lousy place to find a permanent relationship.
:Sean, you may find music and the dance and hot & heavy casual sex

:at your club, but "the one"? Unlikely. It'll be someplace unexpected,

:and while you weren't looking--say, when you fall off a dock while
:wearing blue jeans and some embarassingly-non-gothic T-shirt, and
:she's this girl in a bikini who looks like she escaped from

I found my goth love in full goth regalia in a bunch of drunk goths.
It was perfect.

Ha. Beat THAT, whining child [1].

[1] (tm)

David Gerard

May 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/27/96

On 21 May 1996 01:01:17 GMT, Edward Johnson ( wrote:
:Gothic Crusader ( wrote:

:: especially since i got this reputation for being able to eat poontang
:: better than anybody in columbia, south carolina

: Hey, there's an achievement. Not too much competition from the
:good ol boys, eh?

No, he confused 'poontang' with 'possum'. He has M.W. Marlow along to
look out for cars.

I do wish y'all'd stop responding to him, even to flame him. I could almost
ignore his existence.

Sean Wilde u

May 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/27/96

David Gerard ( wrote:

: On Sun, 19 May 1996 07:42:20 GMT, Sean Wilde u ( wrote:
: :David Gerard ( wrote:
: :: On Sat, 18 May 1996 21:26:07 GMT, Sean Wilde u ( wrote:
: :: Well, just bloody tell them! "No, thank you; you're very decorative, but
: :: I am here to jump up and down. If you have a pen, a piece of paper and an
: :: address, you could write it down and give it to me if you like. Excuse
: :: me." (bounce, whirl, twirl)
: :: Whining child. *slap*
: : Perhaps if you'd read my first post you'd understand. Obviously you
: :didn't considering the ignorance of your post. Unless of course you
: :did read it and you're just incredibly dense. *innocent smile* That's
: :okay, just watch the more intelligent and caring people on this newsgroup
: :for a while and maybe some of it will rub off on you! *pat* *pat* Nice
: :ignoramous. *pat* *pat*
: :Sean
: :(who always wanted a pet ignoramous...)
: I did read the first post.
: Whining child.
: --

: Rev Dr David Gerard Melbourne, Australia

Hey! I thought you forgot about me! *big grin* My pet ignoramous came
back! *pat* *pat* Good boy.

(who thinks he may not have to put down his pet ignoramous after all...)

Sean Wilde u

May 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/27/96

David Gerard ( wrote:

: On 20 May 1996 19:51:38 GMT, Dragoness Eclectic ( wrote:
: :A club is a lousy place to find a permanent relationship.
: :Sean, you may find music and the dance and hot & heavy casual sex
: :at your club, but "the one"? Unlikely. It'll be someplace unexpected,
: :and while you weren't looking--say, when you fall off a dock while
: :wearing blue jeans and some embarassingly-non-gothic T-shirt, and
: :she's this girl in a bikini who looks like she escaped from
: :"Babewatch"...
: I found my goth love in full goth regalia in a bunch of drunk goths.
: It was perfect.
: Ha. Beat THAT, whining child [1].
: Rev Dr David Gerard Melbourne, Australia

*sigh* Sorry ignoramous. You win. I've never taken advantage of a
drunk goth girl. I guess you're the better man. I bow to your superiority.

(who's so dissappointed he can't claim the same victories as his pet
ignoramous *roll eyes*)

David Gerard

May 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/27/96

On Mon, 27 May 1996 04:11:10 GMT, Sean Wilde u ( wrote:

:*sigh* Sorry ignoramous. You win. I've never taken advantage of a

:drunk goth girl. I guess you're the better man. I bow to your superiority.
:(who's so dissappointed he can't claim the same victories as his pet
:ignoramous *roll eyes*)

I await the psoting of the girl in question on the subject.

In the meantime, you may have the last word.



Rev Dr David Gerard Melbourne, Australia

Cliff Goodman

May 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/27/96

Sean Wilde u ( writes:

> David Gerard ( wrote:
> :
> : I found my goth love in full goth regalia in a bunch of drunk goths.
> : It was perfect.
> : Ha. Beat THAT, whining child [1].

> : Rev Dr David Gerard Melbourne, Australia

> *sigh* Sorry ignoramous. You win. I've never taken advantage of a
> drunk goth girl. I guess you're the better man. I bow to your superiority.
> Sean
> (who's so dissappointed he can't claim the same victories as his pet
> ignoramous *roll eyes*)

*ahem* 'scuse me for butting in, but I didn't see Monsieur Gerard say
ANYTHING about taking advantage of a drunk goth girl. So he met someone in
a bar.
You can meet someone ANYWHERE. And that include in the drunken revellery
of a night club. So bars have tarnished reps. Is it any less likely than
at the library, grocery store, bookstore, university night course or
anywhere else for that matter? (all places I've been told that it DOES
happen with great regularity but none of which have been places where it
happened to me nor any of many friends).

Th' Elf
Who isn't impressed with folk who restrict themselves in any way

Gothcode 2.0>> GoAuGoBu++GoDJ!3TAnCyFe/60LTacWB(LBR)S+3PPeStRV--sM+3p3gZ**
...Hey, Where's the code bit what says 'm an Elf? Is this allowed? I hope
I got that right but... does it really matter?

Edward Johnson

May 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/27/96

Gothic Crusader ( wrote:

: excuse me, bozo, but the whole purpose in going to the club is to get
: laid.

Not the main purpose, merely an nice way to end a fun night out.

Ever and Always

Edward Johnson

May 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/27/96

Gothic Crusader ( wrote:
: Eclectic) wrote:

: i agree with dragoness that clubs are immoral and you shouldn't go to
: them.

They're only immoral if run properly. I am definitely going for
immoral at my club cos I'll make more money that way. Immoral clubs are
just more fun.

Ever and Always

Sean Wilde u

May 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/28/96

Cliff Goodman (be...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote:
: *ahem* 'scuse me for butting in, but I didn't see Monsieur Gerard say

No. I won't. Sorry. This is between ignoramous and I. (You know, a
master and his pet) :)

: You can meet someone ANYWHERE. And that include in the drunken revellery

: of a night club. So bars have tarnished reps. Is it any less likely than
: at the library, grocery store, bookstore, university night course or
: anywhere else for that matter? (all places I've been told that it DOES
: happen with great regularity but none of which have been places where it
: happened to me nor any of many friends).

Yes, I agree with you here...

: Th' Elf

: Who isn't impressed with folk who restrict themselves in any way

*sigh* Don't go there. Just don't. Leave ignoramous and I to our fun.


Sean Wilde u

May 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/28/96

David Gerard ( wrote:
: I await the psoting of the girl in question on the subject.

: In the meantime, you may have the last word.
: *plonk*
: Rev Dr David Gerard Melbourne, Australia


If you agree it's over, then no more words need be said. Please ignore
other responses to your posts, since they were made before I saw this one.

(*sigh* No more pet...:) )

May 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/28/96

In article <4obsr1$> (David Gerard) writes:

>On Mon, 27 May 1996 04:11:10 GMT, Sean Wilde u ( wrote:

>:*sigh* Sorry ignoramous. You win. I've never taken advantage of a

>:drunk goth girl. I guess you're the better man. I bow to your superiority.
>:(who's so dissappointed he can't claim the same victories as his pet
>:ignoramous *roll eyes*)

>I await the psoting of the girl in question on the subject.

I've already done it. *sigh* Just what I needed in my day - yet ANOTHER

Barbarella - who has indeed landed herself someone who can safely be
described as "the better man". :)

May 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/28/96

In article <Ds1q...@info.uucp> (Sean Wilde u) writes:

>David Gerard ( wrote:
>: On 20 May 1996 19:51:38 GMT, Dragoness Eclectic ( wrote:
>: :A club is a lousy place to find a permanent relationship.
>: :Sean, you may find music and the dance and hot & heavy casual sex
>: :at your club, but "the one"? Unlikely. It'll be someplace unexpected,
>: :and while you weren't looking--say, when you fall off a dock while
>: :wearing blue jeans and some embarassingly-non-gothic T-shirt, and
>: :she's this girl in a bikini who looks like she escaped from
>: :"Babewatch"...

>: I found my goth love in full goth regalia in a bunch of drunk goths.
>: It was perfect.
>: Ha. Beat THAT, whining child [1].

>: Rev Dr David Gerard Melbourne, Australia

>*sigh* Sorry ignoramous. You win. I've never taken advantage of a

>drunk goth girl. I guess you're the better man. I bow to your superiority.

Read the post again, O illerate one. Does David say ANYwhere there that he
took "advantage of a drunk goth girl" ????? We met for the second time at a
drinking festival, in the company of a large number of goths, got along like a
house on fire, and eventually fell in love. No-one took advantage of anyone
else. Also, we'd both had plenty to drink but were both _definitely_ still in
charge of our own faculties and decisions, thankyou very much

(and I would hazard to guess that yes, he probably is a better man than you -
just a hunch I've got about the matter)

>(who's so dissappointed he can't claim the same victories as his pet
>ignoramous *roll eyes*)

My boyfriend is your pet?!? *ahem* I DON'T think so, matey.

One more thing - don't go thinking that I've followed up on this post because
I think anything you say is actually worth two shits. I've only followed up
because I didn't want an accusation of David having "taken advantage" of
anyone settling into the minds of the nice people who read here.

Now, why don't you take your dinky little bat and ball and go home to mother
for a petulent whine or three?


May 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/28/96

>Read the post again, O illerate one. Does David say ANYwhere there that he

*blush* I can't believe that, even in a state of haste and agitation, I
still made a typo of "illiterate". :) D'oh! D'oh! And thrice D'oh!


Cliff Goodman

May 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/28/96

Sean Wilde u ( writes:

> Cliff Goodman (be...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote:
> : *ahem* 'scuse me for butting in, but I didn't see Monsieur Gerard say
> No. I won't. Sorry. This is between ignoramous and I. (You know, a
> master and his pet) :)

Wellllll then, allow me to point out that if'n ya wanna keep it between
you and your... whatever, take it to email, perhaps? Posting is just
inviting comments from the peanut gallery and darnit, I paid good lupins
for this seat!

> : You can meet someone ANYWHERE. And that include in the drunken revellery
> : of a night club. So bars have tarnished reps. Is it any less likely than
> : at the library, grocery store, bookstore, university night course or
> : anywhere else for that matter? (all places I've been told that it DOES
> : happen with great regularity but none of which have been places where it
> : happened to me nor any of many friends).
> Yes, I agree with you here...

Ah, so it's not the arguement, it's the arguer... okay, got it. Thankee.

> : Who isn't impressed with folk who restrict themselves in any way
> *sigh* Don't go there. Just don't. Leave ignoramous and I to our fun.

Don't go where? I wasn't paying attention to the roadmap. Dammit! I'm
supposed to have a navigator!! Where the hell is my navigator?!?

Like I mentioned but moments (and lines) ago, ya wanna tango, dance in
email. This area's a free-fer-all (or at least reasonably-priced-for-all
or so I've been told).

Th' Elf
Who isn't going anywhere... but will later this week.

Sean Wilde u

May 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/29/96
to wrote:
: Read the post again, O illerate one. Does David say ANYwhere there that he
: took "advantage of a drunk goth girl" ????? We met for the second time at a
: drinking festival, in the company of a large number of goths, got along like a
: house on fire, and eventually fell in love. No-one took advantage of anyone
: else. Also, we'd both had plenty to drink but were both _definitely_ still in
: charge of our own faculties and decisions, thankyou very much

According to Canadian law anyone who is intoxicated can't give consent.
Although this is open to interpretation by the courts this means (in
theory) that any physical contact can be deemed assault, if the person
decided it was a mistake the next day. Both of you being intoxicated
doesn't change that. You have one point though. You're not Canadian. I
was being ethnocentric. You did get me there.

: (and I would hazard to guess that yes, he probably is a better man than you -

: just a hunch I've got about the matter)

No, I would say not. Mainly due to what he posted in return for an
honest post I made. He treated me rudely, coldly and ignorantly.
Because of this I'd say he isn't. If you like those qualities that's
your perogative.

: My boyfriend is your pet?!? *ahem* I DON'T think so, matey.

It seems he has grown tired of arguing, which means he is no longer my
pet. He is David. A poster on alt.gothic.

: One more thing - don't go thinking that I've followed up on this post because

: I think anything you say is actually worth two shits. I've only followed up
: because I didn't want an accusation of David having "taken advantage" of
: anyone settling into the minds of the nice people who read here.

I honestly don't care why you posted this.

: Now, why don't you take your dinky little bat and ball and go home to mother

: for a petulent whine or three?

*grin* Methinks I've found a new pet. Would you like to be ignoramous#2
Barbarella? Or would you like to drop it now? The choice is yours.

: yours,
: Barbarella. depends if you continue this or not.

(man o honest post...I get flamed so I retaliate...then I
get shit on for it...*grin* gotta love that...)

Sean Wilde u

May 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/29/96
to wrote:

: In article <4obsr1$> (David Gerard) writes:
: >On Mon, 27 May 1996 04:11:10 GMT, Sean Wilde u ( wrote:
: >:*sigh* Sorry ignoramous. You win. I've never taken advantage of a
: >:drunk goth girl. I guess you're the better man. I bow to your superiority.
: >:Sean

: >:(who's so dissappointed he can't claim the same victories as his pet
: >:ignoramous *roll eyes*)
: >I await the psoting of the girl in question on the subject.

: I've already done it. *sigh* Just what I needed in my day - yet ANOTHER
: fuckwit.
: love,
: Barbarella - who has indeed landed herself someone who can safely be
: described as "the better man". :)

My dear Barbarella, another fuckwit? Don't be so hard on yourself. I
wouldn't describe you as a wit...lack of wit....needing wit
maybe, but not a fuckwit...

(who wonders if this little girl even knows why all of this started...)

Sean Wilde u

May 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/29/96

Cliff Goodman (be...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote:
: Wellllll then, allow me to point out that if'n ya wanna keep it between

: you and your... whatever, take it to email, perhaps? Posting is just
: inviting comments from the peanut gallery and darnit, I paid good lupins
: for this seat!

*grin* Point well taken. You're right. I feel it's rude to email
people to flame them directly. Instead I do it here and waste
everybody's space. Sorry guys. I just wish people knew the whole story
before they jumped into it.

: Ah, so it's not the arguement, it's the arguer... okay, got it. Thankee.


: Th' Elf

: Who isn't going anywhere... but will later this week.

*grin* We'll probably run into each other! Try not to kill my
character. *wink*


Sean Wilde u

May 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/29/96
to wrote:
: >Read the post again, O illerate one. Does David say ANYwhere there that he
: *blush* I can't believe that, even in a state of haste and agitation, I
: still made a typo of "illiterate". :) D'oh! D'oh! And thrice D'oh!
: ashamedly,
: Barbarella.

*giggle* If it makes you feel any better I never would have
noticed...errr...wait a sec...I guess that just reinforces what you said
then doesn't it? *wry grin*

I accept your apology.

(who figures that last line probably got Barbarella hopping mad...*wry
grin* but couldn't resist...)

Cliff Goodman

May 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/29/96

Sean Wilde u ( writes:

> Cliff Goodman (be...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote:
> : Wellllll then, allow me to point out that if'n ya wanna keep it between
> : you and your... whatever, take it to email, perhaps? Posting is just
> : inviting comments from the peanut gallery and darnit, I paid good lupins
> : for this seat!
> *grin* Point well taken. You're right. I feel it's rude to email
> people to flame them directly. Instead I do it here and waste
> everybody's space. Sorry guys. I just wish people knew the whole story
> before they jumped into it.

I dunno... there is a certain style to flaming that is best suited to
email, and then there is that form of debate and flaming best left on the
newsgroup for all to enjoy. I'd followed the story from the start (like, I
got anything else to do besides read alt.gothic some days? *grin*) It was
a nitpicking bit that I responded to but sometimes I'm in the mood to pick
nits. I do applaude Barbarella's response though methinks she looses a
point or two for being too... mmmm... well...

> : Ah, so it's not the arguement, it's the arguer... okay, got it. Thankee.
> Eggsactly!

Okay. I understand now (which is unusual... I rather enjoy being oblivious
most often...)

> : Th' Elf
> : Who isn't going anywhere... but will later this week.
> *grin* We'll probably run into each other! Try not to kill my
> character. *wink*

Likely. Alas, due to whining, bitching and out of game politicking, in two
cities (and you know them both) I've had to retire my character. Just to
shut up some people who can't play the game... ah well... next character
PLEASE! (OOOooooo wait until you meet Arthur *wicked grin*)

See you... mmmm... in a few days no doubt.
or so I'm told

Th' Elf
48 hours counting down

Lisa Covey

May 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/29/96

In article <Ds5Bz...@info.uucp>, Sean Wilde u <> wrote:
>Cliff Goodman (be...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote:
>: Wellllll then, allow me to point out that if'n ya wanna keep it between
>: you and your... whatever, take it to email, perhaps? Posting is just
>: inviting comments from the peanut gallery and darnit, I paid good lupins
>: for this seat!
>*grin* Point well taken. You're right. I feel it's rude to email
>people to flame them directly. Instead I do it here and waste
>everybody's space. Sorry guys. I just wish people knew the whole story
>before they jumped into it.
>: Ah, so it's not the arguement, it's the arguer... okay, got it. Thankee.
>: Th' Elf
>: Who isn't going anywhere... but will later this week.
>*grin* We'll probably run into each other! Try not to kill my
>character. *wink*
Ahh..Sean? That's not why he's coming down...*grin*

--the fugue...knows a secret..;>
"That's the beauty of cyberspace. You can take all the
information you want, and nobody loses anything"
--Zach, "Drawing Blood"


May 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/29/96

Dragoness Eclectic ( wrote:
: A club is a lousy place to find a permanent relationship.
: Sean, you may find music and the dance and hot & heavy casual sex
: at your club, but "the one"? Unlikely. It'll be someplace unexpected,

I don't know, it worked for me.

Postmodernism is the refusal to think--Ron Carrier
Deconstruction is the refusal to believe that anyone else can either
Freedom of choice is what you have, freedom from choice is what you want.

May 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/30/96

In article <Ds5Bp...@info.uucp> (Sean Wilde u) writes:

>*grin* Methinks I've found a new pet. Would you like to be ignoramous#2
>Barbarella? Or would you like to drop it now? The choice is yours.

As I have already told you in reply to the condescending email you sent me, I
have absolutely no wish whatsoever to enter into a correspondance with you.
For the record - this will make it the third time I have said this.

*turns to audience and addresses them*
You know, everyone.... he's actually quite nice and even _decent_ over on
alt.vampyres.... weird, isn't it?

Barbarella - looking forward to making duVivier laugh with the saga of this
sorry tale.

Sean Wilde u

May 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/30/96

Petro ( wrote:

: Dragoness Eclectic ( wrote:
: : A club is a lousy place to find a permanent relationship.
: : Sean, you may find music and the dance and hot & heavy casual sex
: : at your club, but "the one"? Unlikely. It'll be someplace unexpected,
: I don't know, it worked for me.

*grin* You're one of the lucky few! Feel like telling me which club?

(who may have to pay it a visit...)

Sean Wilde u

May 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/30/96
to wrote:
: As I have already told you in reply to the condescending email you sent me, I
: have absolutely no wish whatsoever to enter into a correspondance with you.
: For the record - this will make it the third time I have said this.

Erg...I wasn't trying to be condescending in my email...I was honestly
trying to make peace with you...*sigh* Oh well...I never said I wanted
to "correspond" with you, I said I wanted to explain why your boyfriend
and I were arguing. For someone who doesn't want to talk to me you sure
answer a lot of these posts...*wry grin*

: *turns to audience and addresses them*

: You know, everyone.... he's actually quite nice and even _decent_ over on
: alt.vampyres.... weird, isn't it?

I'm nice and descent on alt.vampyres because people treat me with respect
on that newsgroup and don't insult me for putting up honest posts. I
honestly don't think you've followed this thread from the very beginning,
otherwise you wouldn't be so incensed...

: love,

: Barbarella - looking forward to making duVivier laugh with the saga of this
: sorry tale.

(who thought the Monash looked familiar...)


May 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/30/96

Sean Wilde u ( wrote:

it worked for me too, although I think I got the only decent one at our
clubs around here (well ok some of the girls are ok, but i wouldn't date
any of the guys there except for the one i am now)

roll call of those who met their true loves while bopping along to SOM???


(who looking backsays it was the forward handsprings that won her heart)

oddlystrange -- the perkygoff fairy godmother
-----------------(who will make a purtier sig later)----------------------
perkygoff east coast branch office now located at:


May 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/31/96

oddlystrange ( wrote:
: (who recalls once a guy asking her if she was "kinky" and of course the
: best of all times "I always wanted to sleep with that girl in beatlejuice")

you know, i heard a wonderful line along the same vein at Heaven awhile ago...
i was reading that issue of "Melodia" that features Voron when some fratboy shmuck
came up to me with the same paper. he pointed to a line in it that said something
to the extent of "goths are sluts" and said " this true? wanna prove it
honey?" "sure," i said, grabbed the paper out of his hand, rolled it up, gave him
a saucy look and struck him over the head with it, hard.

things just haven't been the same between us since.



+ + + + + + + + + r e s i d e n t a r t w a n k + + + + + + + + + +
For info on submissions, subscriptions, etc to The Poison Appple, the
NYCnet.goth magazine, email
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


May 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/31/96

kristiina ( wrote:
oddlystrange ( wrote:
: (who recalls once a guy asking her if she was "kinky" and of course the
: best of all times "I always wanted to sleep with that girl in beatlejuice")

you know, i heard a wonderful line along the same vein at Heaven awhile ago...
i was reading that issue of "Melodia" that features Voron when some fratboy shmuck
came up to me with the same paper. he pointed to a line in it that said something
to the extent of "goths are sluts" and said " this true? wanna prove it
honey?" "sure," i said, grabbed the paper out of his hand, rolled it up, gave him
a saucy look and struck him over the head with it, hard.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8

Broken fucken editors.


May 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/31/96

Petro ( wrote:
: kristiina ( wrote:
: you know, i heard a wonderful line along the same vein at Heaven awhile ago...

: i was reading that issue of "Melodia" that features Voron when some fratboy shmuck
: came up to me with the same paper. he pointed to a line in it that said something
: to the extent of "goths are sluts" and said " this true? wanna prove it
: honey?" "sure," i said, grabbed the paper out of his hand, rolled it up, gave him
: a saucy look and struck him over the head with it, hard.
: |........|.........|.........|.........|.........|.........|.........|.......|
: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7
: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
: Broken fucken editors.

what is this all about?
my message seems to have come through fine - what are you referring to here?

Ronald M. Carrier

Jun 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/1/96

kristiina <> wrote:
>Petro ( wrote:

<the Ruler of Doom snipped>

>: Broken fucken editors.
>what is this all about?
>my message seems to have come through fine - what are you referring to here?

Petro is reminding you in his characteristically brusque manner that,
since the majority of the readers of Usenet have screens that are only 80
columns wide, you should set your text editor so that it automatically
wraps at no more than 80 columns (75 is even better, as it allows room
for followups that don't force text off the right edge of the screen).

You are not the only one at whom Petro has had to brandish his ruler
(ooh!). He doesn't do it much here anymore, but then he doesn't look at
alt.gothic much anymore--you're more likely to see his posts on
alt.sysadmin.recovery. And what is sad is that he's had to brandish the
ruler over there as well. After all, one would expect the secure
possession of the relevant clue by those folks.


Ronald M. Carrier (or:
Philosophy, Northwestern U.
"Philosophy--I'm only in it for the money."


Jun 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/1/96
to (kristiina) wrote:

KA>what is this all about?

>my message seems to have come through fine - what are you referring to here?

The way that they are over 80 columns. Please fix it. It may be fine
for you, but it's not for the rest of the world.

- kyper

*15, 6'3", 140lbs |We'll make a deal, you'll grow your hair *
* Edinburghs |As Satan's child you'll start a band *
* mutantbabynetgoth |And spread the word across the land - Ugly Kid Joe*

* 1st 2.00 ~ Vegetarians eat vegetables. Beware of humanitarians!!!


Jun 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/2/96
to (exile) wrote:

> (Columbine) hathe written,

>>YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO LOVE. You may need it, you may deserve it,

> Yes you are.

>>you may have oceans of it to give. But life isn't fair, and
>>expecting it to be fair is emotional suicide.

> You sound a bit bitter Columbine. Tho' I'll agree life isn't
> fair. Eventually things seem to work out for just about
> everyone. In the meantime... there's nothing wrong with casual
> sex {despite the obvious} and casual relationships. You are
> right though... you can't expect it to be love everytime.
> However, if you redefine your notion of love a bit it can be
> love most of the time.

It CANT be love all the time. If it was either a) you'd be an
emotional wreck, or b). love would not be the much-vaunted ('ooooh'
goes the crowd) state that it is. Love, to me, should be an emotional
freight-train of an experience that is precious because of its rarity.
God forbid you should find love in every encounter you have in a club.

Another reason I think love is made such a big deal of is *because*
you have to go through all this crap to eventually get to it.

Also I find confidence attracts confidence, and like attracts like, so
if you're out there being miserable and desperately looking for
someone who's you ideal mate, all you're gonna get are people who are
as messed up emotionally as you may currently be. I'd say chill the
hell out and think about something else.

(that'll be fifty bucks.)

"We all enter this world in the same way: naked; screaming;
soaked in blood. But if you live your life right, that kind
of thing doesn't have to stop there."
- Dana Gould


Jun 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/2/96

>From: (kristiina)

>Petro ( wrote:
>: kristiina ( wrote:

>: you know, i heard a wonderful line along the same vein at Heaven awhile ago.
>: i was reading that issue of "Melodia" that features Voron when some fratboy
>: came up to me with the same paper. he pointed to a line in it that said som
>: to the extent of "goths are sluts" and said " this true? wanna prov
>e it
>: honey?" "sure," i said, grabbed the paper out of his hand, rolled it up, ga
>ve him
>: a saucy look and struck him over the head with it, hard.

>: Broken fucken editors.

>what is this all about?
>my message seems to have come through fine - what are you referring to here?

This is what it looks like at 8o columns.



Jun 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/2/96
to (Coyote) writes:

>> you can't expect it to be love everytime.
>> However, if you redefine your notion of love a bit it can be
>> love most of the time.

Yeah, I know. :-) And, really, I have. Friendship is love. I am,
quite realistically, one of the best-loved people I've ever known.
It's just these damned hormones keep making me forget how lucky I
really am.

Love, Columbine (picturing the Strength card - anybody else love
the Vertigo Tarot deck?)

Burden me not with pity's scorn Columbine
Weep for yourself, but not for me
Enrapt in petals, dancing free
While others vie for thorns

e. rainbow burian

Jun 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/2/96

In article <>,

oddlystrange <> wrote:
>roll call of those who met their true loves while bopping along to SOM???

Personally, I didn't, but I met my current SO when I was selling
my Magic cards and he was interested in trading them for his unused Jyhad
cards... this was all in a place that sold all of these cards... GEEK
ALERT!! No wonder we're both going to be narrators for the 96-97
live-action Vampire in town... GEEKS!

"I couldn't take my eyes from her | cofounder and QUEEN DIVINE:
she whispered | alt.gothic.CRs
'Can I use some of your lipstick?'"|-=
-The Cure | -=+{}+=-


Jun 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/2/96

Coyote ( wrote:

: Also I find confidence attracts confidence, and like attracts like, so

: if you're out there being miserable and desperately looking for
: someone who's you ideal mate, all you're gonna get are people who are
: as messed up emotionally as you may currently be. I'd say chill the
: hell out and think about something else.

opposites seem to attract as well. if you're needy there are vultures out
there who strive off finding people who are needy and using them for
what-ever kind of gratification they need. as soon as their gratified
they take off..

although i agree that love is precious thing because of it's rarity and
all the shit you have to go through to find it.

the funniest thing of all is you tend to find it were you least expected
it to be in the first place.


(who's been thinking about this a lot lately)


Jun 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/3/96

Ronald M. Carrier ( wrote:
: >my message seems to have come through fine - what are you referring to here?
: Petro is reminding you in his characteristically brusque manner that,
: since the majority of the readers of Usenet have screens that are only 80
: columns wide, you should set your text editor so that it automatically
: wraps at no more than 80 columns (75 is even better, as it allows room
: for followups that don't force text off the right edge of the screen).

that's what i had figured, but i couldn't understand how my newsreader
would have formatted itself differently for no apparent reason. then i
came out of my stupor and realized that it was, in fact, my telnet program
that was the culprit. anyway, all should be fixed now.

thanks for helping, and my apologies for being an unreadable twit. ;)


Jun 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/18/96
to (oddlystrange) did cunningly address to alt.gothic..

:::Dragoness Eclectic ( wrote:
:::: A club is a lousy place to find a permanent relationship.
:::: Sean, you may find music and the dance and hot & heavy casual sex
:::: at your club, but "the one"? Unlikely. It'll be someplace
:::: unexpected,

::: I don't know, it worked for me.

:it worked for me too, although I think I got the only decent one at our

:clubs around here (well ok some of the girls are ok, but i wouldn't date
:any of the guys there except for the one i am now)

:roll call of those who met their true loves while bopping along to SOM???

Not actually SOM, but, Hel and I count "our song" as being "You Turn Me Right
Round (Like a Record)" by Dead Or Alive. She asked me to dance, and I said
yes :-).

| |bio,ausgoth-links,tasteless,etc @ |
| | (author of) goth.code v2.5 GoSS6Hu6AS6$ TSePu cDBRw6 PPeSaNi M4p2wD |
/\oo/\-----------ZNrGoPu C6o a24- b55 H173 g6! r3EI k6 RN SrNn N1293 LauWA--'

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