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Fashion resolutions?

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elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore

Dec 25, 2000, 9:58:56 PM12/25/00

Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

Mine is to spend much, much less on clothes/shoes/makeup.


"No email, hot dog."
eBay auctions:

Rachel Gilley

Dec 25, 2000, 10:16:35 PM12/25/00
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
> Mine is to spend much, much less on clothes/shoes/makeup.
> -e

Mine is to become more unique looking and save more money, by learning
to sew!



Dec 25, 2000, 10:40:15 PM12/25/00

elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore <> wrote in

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
> Mine is to spend much, much less on clothes/shoes/makeup.

Mine is to save up for something really really really good and expensive
(like, some Pennangalan boots, some formal outfit for prom IF and that's a
big IF I actually go, and some functioning corsets -- my Hot Topic one may
be pretty but that's about all it does..sure it holds me in a *tad* and it's
cleavage-inducing..but...I want a bit more FUNCTION). I need to learn how
to save for expensive things, that's a biggie. I usually get to restless to
spend. Don't get me wrong, I'm not crazy with the money, but saving just
bugs me. I have no problem with bargain-hunting, but I MUST SPEND every
time I'm out, even if it's a quarter. Gah.



Dec 25, 2000, 11:34:16 PM12/25/00
elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore wrote:
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

Try before I buy. I have so much stuff that is in my closet that looks bad on
me or does not fit.

the gothic princess<kendy>
"Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real." -Tupac Shakur
(Remove the tiara to reply.)

Lady Miss Violet

Dec 25, 2000, 11:50:38 PM12/25/00
>> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

My resolution is to take more care of myself, and to dress better. I am sick of
looking like a slob=) Hee, i want to be able to wear a dress or makeup and not
have everyone freak out.

25 of goth, Electric Violet Sparkles of glitter goth=)
~illusions of grandeur~ Http://
"Every harlot was a virgin once" William Blake

Margaret A Sawyer

Dec 26, 2000, 12:11:16 AM12/26/00
Excerpts from 26-Dec-100 Fashion
resolutions? by
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
> Mine is to spend much, much less on clothes/shoes/makeup.

I've gotta kick my butt and make sure that I don't give in to winter.
Every night I plan a fabulous outfit, but in the morning, I retreat into
thermals, a t-shirt and black jeans because I'm too cold to contemplate
anything else. Gotta quit that. :P

Megan Sawyer - New and Improved!
"No Ralph, Jesus didn't have wheels"


Dec 26, 2000, 12:30:58 AM12/26/00
Elly was wondering:

<< Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise? >>

To finally grow my hair out to beyond the pixie cut that I've been sporting for
the past two years. (Think Run Lola Run, not Rapunzel)

Chrome*Shirt - remove the "b" to reply
"I think that crossed the line from ironic coincidence to evil omen."
- Calvin and Hobbes

Ice Princess

Dec 26, 2000, 1:10:14 AM12/26/00
"elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore" wrote:
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
> Mine is to spend much, much less on clothes/shoes/makeup.

Yup. Gotta go with that one. I'm just horribly, horribly bad about
this and it's really hurting my budget. (Although I found out last
night that shoewhoredom is apparently genetic: my grandmother, in the
later years of her life, owned more than 100 pairs of shoes. Compared
to her, I'm a piker.)


--A carryover from last year (and the year before that), to take better
care of my stuff! This one is *such* an ongoing challenge. This means,
put things away promptly and don't leave them lying around for weeks
(aside from the untidiness factor, I can never *find* things when I
don't put them away--I spent 10 minutes this morning looking for my
green & black stripey tights); iron what needs to be ironed (not least
because I end up with a half-closet of shirts I can't wear 'cause
they're all wrinkled); promptly mend rips and missing buttons; and take
better care of my shoes--in particular, get the heels fixed on my
square-toed lace-up boots and my cuban-heel granny boots.

--Stick with my weight-loss plans and continue moving towards my goal of
a size 12. If I keep up the rate and progress I made this year, I
should hit that goal in June.

--Get rid of stuff that doesn't fit or I don't ever wear, no matter how
loved. Do a lot of eBay or GA sales. (A tiny part of me is hoping that
my job *does* get eliminated in February; it'll give me the time needed
to run a lot of auctions.)

--Wear my contacts more often. Geez, I dropped $240 on a buttload of
disposable lenses, I've got no excuse not to.

--Find more opportunities to wear nifty outfits, particularly hats.

--Get a photo shoot with Sebastian done. :)

Ice Princess

*** The FAQ: ***
Ice Princess
++ Stuff for sale: ++

Darkness Falls

Dec 26, 2000, 1:36:16 AM12/26/00
from the mouth of elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore:

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

Well, with the money that I'll be saving by quitting smoking[1] I'll be able to
buy some pretty new frocks... and some hats... and some shoes... :) mmmm...
*new shoes*
But definitely no more makeup until my birthday in April! More perfume and body
stuff, tho. Also, to quit chopping off my hair when i get bored with it.

~Darkness Falls
[1]My REAL new year's resolution that I plan on keeping for lots of reasons,
namely it scares the crap out of me now. I just take it a few days at a time.
So far, 5 days. Averaging 3 packs a week @$4.25 each, that's $12.75/wk,
$51/mo, $612/yr.!!! At a minimum because i know I've been smoking almost a
pack a day for the past month!! :/ ummm no, I don't need black lungs to match
my clothes, thankyouverymuch!
"Darkness falls across the land, the midnight hour is close at hand."
"Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another"


Dec 26, 2000, 2:34:07 AM12/26/00
elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore wrote:

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
> Mine is to spend much, much less on clothes/shoes/makeup.

* do more exercise so I can fit into a lot of clothes that have been
closeted too long.* not to buy any more makeup, except eyeliner,
foundation & powder.
* buy *more* shoes, with the money saved on makeup - hee hee.
* be nicer to my mum, so she makes me more clothes. I've tried sewing
myself but I do not have the patience. I'm good on the overlocker though
:) .
* enjoy what I wear and not worry about what others say!


Sharon Gore

Dec 26, 2000, 3:32:02 AM12/26/00

"elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore wrote
>Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
> Mine is to spend much, much less on clothes/shoes/makeup.
> -e

To get rid of all the raver shite in my closet....all those colora are
making me nauseous.
Start using all the vintage 20's & 40's patterns I have been buying on
Resist the temptation to get loose hair extensions for the next three months
as I try to grow out my hair and instead use that money for shoe to go with
the above.



Dec 26, 2000, 4:49:19 AM12/26/00

elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore <> wrote in
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
> Mine is to spend much, much less on clothes/shoes/makeup.

Probably to make sure I *really* want something when I buy it, not because
it's cheap/pretty/the last one left. I have numerous clothes that just sit
in the cupboard and never get worn.
Also to save up for "expensive" purchases and stop blowing money on crap.

***"I'm a professional cynic but my heart's not in it"***


Dec 26, 2000, 10:57:31 AM12/26/00
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

yep. mine is to exercise a bit more. (ahem, a lot more :).

on that note, has anyone tried tae-bo? it seems like it's fun at the
very least, but i always take those miracle claims with a grain of
salt. has anyone really lost fat and got in shape (or better shape
anyway) with tae-bo? i don't want to waste money i barely have if
something doesn't work. can someone please answer?

ja ne

"In fact you're so earnest about morality, old Georgie, that I hate to
think how essentially immoral you must be underneath." - Babbit


Dec 26, 2000, 1:19:37 PM12/26/00
elly wrote:

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001 fashion-wise?

Make an effort to look nice on a daily basis. I think my
problem is that I kind of feel like a git being the only
person in any of my classes wearing makeup and a
skirt, but I really do feel nicer when I at least put on a
little makeup.

Sew more often. I've been slacking big-time the last
several months, just as a result of having little space
to do it in and feeling bleh.

Bleach my hair to white :) This'll take a while,
because it's bright red right now and I don't want to
destroy my hair by going from red to white in one go.
So I'll prolly do it purple for a couple months in

Get rid of all the clothes I don't wear. I'm making a
big move in the summer, so it'll help if I get rid of all
my useless stuff.


Dec 26, 2000, 1:35:30 PM12/26/00
elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore ( wrote:
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

* not to buy *anything* more. not for a long time anyway. i don't wear
enough of what i do own, and i'm getting deeper and deeper in credit
card debt every day. so no more clothes, no more shoes.

* wear more of my funky stuff. i've been doing the 'it's winter, it's
too cold for anything other than plain trousers and a sweater' routine.

* i also want to get back into going to the gym at least twice a week. i
still do my ballet workouts at home, and i'm still the same *size* i was
when i was training regularly, but i miss all the muscle i once worked
so hard to gain. i've gone soft! so that's more of a confidence thing.
and hey, what makes a girl look better than confidence?

* drink 2L of water a day. i don't know why i ever got out of this
habit, but i want to start it up again. better skin, better health...

* sunblock every day, no matter what.

hmm, that might be it.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

moira the internet girl
"..."--the Dancing Gnus, re: the upcoming moira film!

Sent via

Rachel Gilley

Dec 26, 2000, 1:55:22 PM12/26/00
> --A carryover from last year (and the year before that), to take better
> care of my stuff!

OMG, I have got to do this, myself. I have loads of nice things, in
various piles in my floor, in my closet floor, thrown
around, accessories lost in the this point, just getting
stuff washed doesn't help, I have to make myself find *homes* for all
this stuff!

> --Get rid of stuff that doesn't fit or I don't ever wear, no matter how
> loved. Do a lot of eBay or GA sales. (A tiny part of me is hoping that
> my job *does* get eliminated in February; it'll give me the time needed
> to run a lot of auctions.)

Now that I have my webcam working, maybe I'll be able to take some
crappy pictures and do the ebay thing again....

> --Find more opportunities to wear nifty outfits, particularly hats.

Unfortunately, wearing more nifty things, hats, and fake hair means me
going out clubbing more often. Oh, wait, that's not a bad thing.

On a sad note, I have *way* too much makeup, hair stuff, etc...I turned
a whole bookshelf into storage for that stuff and it now resides right
next to my vanity table. My super-vain table, I should call it...


Rachel Gilley

Dec 26, 2000, 1:57:50 PM12/26/00
> Make an effort to look nice on a daily basis. I think my
> problem is that I kind of feel like a git being the only
> person in any of my classes wearing makeup and a
> skirt, but I really do feel nicer when I at least put on a
> little makeup.

But caring for yourself is contagious...I went to a little
mountain-hippie college, but I would come in in my crushed velvet skirts
and full makeup (a casual "day goth" look), and after a while, even the
little hippie girls would wear some makeup and nicer things to class.
It makes *everyone* feel better when they take a little pride in their



Dec 26, 2000, 4:27:53 PM12/26/00
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

#3.Find a style of bra that really fits me and is sexy, satiny and comfortable-
#2.NO NO NO more makeup impulse buys.
#1 resolution for 2001:
More long SKIRTS!

killing time at work
(I think the phone has rung twice today!?)


Dec 26, 2000, 4:40:05 PM12/26/00
In article <XOZ16.4904$>,

"spyinthesky" <> wrote:
> Probably to make sure I *really* want something when I buy it, not
> it's cheap/pretty/the last one left. I have numerous clothes that
just sit
> in the cupboard and never get worn.
> Also to save up for "expensive" purchases and stop blowing money on

Me too on this point. I've reached a point where my basic closet is
extremely strong, and I have no reason really to be continuously
replacing things that don't need replacing. I have to get up the
gumption to finally start saving for a long leather or PVC trench. I
think what slapped me in the face for this one was seeing one that was
everything I ever dreamed of in a long PVC trench, and knowing that I
didn't have anywhere near enough money, and couldn't if I hadn't
planned ahead to get it. If I started saving for it now, it would be
gone by the time I could afford it.

I think the ultimate for me is to stop blowing money on costume jewelry
when I have bad days. It's my usual bad day fix-up, and I have to
quit, take the money I would have spent on jewelry, and put it in a tin
can or something for a PVC coat (if I put it in a bank account, I'll
withdraw it).

Of course, if I didn't smoke, I could have three PVC coats and a pair
of New Rocks. But I'm not quitting smoking this year; I don't have the

The Pocketwop
[collapsible, portable, and convenient!
Get your own Mini-Ginny Pocketwop(tm) today!]

Trystan L. Bass

Dec 26, 2000, 5:39:45 PM12/26/00
to (elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore) wrote:

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
> Mine is to spend much, much less on clothes/shoes/makeup.

Count me in on that one too (not having a job might help w/that ;-). I
want to force m'self to really *think* over each purchase. Do I have
s'thing similar already? Will I wear it frequently enough to make it feel
like a joyful item, not just a space-waster & debt-enhancer? Does it go
w/other things in my wardrobe? Is it really, genuinely flattering? I want
to eliminate impulse purchases (which I've been doing pretty good on in
the past yr, but I can always improve).

Other resolutions...

--Wear the more odd things in my closet (like hats & ballgown skirts) more
often. Work them into my everyday wardrobe more (another thing I've been
starting & want to continue with).
--Use a face masque weekly & wash my face w/gentler products more often.
--Dye my hair a bright color again. It's been a yr & I really miss it.
--Take a long, luxurious bath at least once a month, if not more.
--Sell all that stuff I've been meaning to get on eBay.

That's about it. I don't go for the over-ambitious stuff like exercise &
loose weight. It's too hard, I get disappointed & down on m'self. After
the wedding, I resoved to not give a shit about how much I weighed ever
again. I'd rather do what makes me happy than what makes me look like
s'one else's ideal of "good."


Trystan L. Bass @->---
a.g.f.faq.chick gothic martha stewart
buy my weird posters, videos, books, & junk at

lady mystique

Dec 27, 2000, 12:13:21 AM12/27/00

"elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore" <> wrote in
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
Start working out more as I've been feeling like a slug
Sell/donate everything I don't wear before buying new stuff
Use up all of my face creams/cleaners/toners/masks/shampoos/etc before
buying stuff as the cosmetics graveyard in my bathroom is getting a tad
Stop impulse buying on everything from makeup to clothes
To sew/pattern draft more as I am starting to get out of practice

Lady Mystique


Dec 27, 2000, 12:44:09 AM12/27/00
"elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore" wrote:

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

Yes, After reading this list for awhile, I've decided to do many more
things with my nails and hair! More black!! More Black! And as always, I
intend to continue to wear hats and gloves as often as possible.

Thanks A.G. F. for all the inspiration!!!!

Mystress Prynne


Dec 27, 2000, 1:04:51 AM12/27/00
On 26 Dec 2000 18:19:37 GMT, (SaraiCat) scrawled in
metallic purple eyeliner:

>elly wrote:
>> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001 fashion-wise?

>Sew more often. I've been slacking big-time the last
>several months, just as a result of having little space
>to do it in and feeling bleh.

I need to do this, too. I've got a huge stash of patterns &
fabric I've never used. I'm also going to buy big plastic storage bins
and /organize/ all my patterns, and buy a smaller bin in which to
store my quilt squares from the swap. I definitely want to get some
lightweight cotton stuff sewn before summer.
I need to do more with my hair on a day-to-day basis. I've
gotten lazy & just put it up in a ponytail all the time.
Diet & exercise. I've gained 10 lbs in the past several months
and some of my clothes are too tight.
Reorganize my bathroom. It's about to explode, and I have no
place to put the makeup & soaps I've recently gotten. Also reorganize
my jewelry stuff.
Go through my closets & jewelry again to see if there are
thing I can Ebay!

"How many warriors slated for the coming apocalypse you think are gonna be
using that hair gel? Don't get me wrong, you're out there battling ultimate
evil, you're gonna want something with hold."

Dec 27, 2000, 1:35:51 AM12/27/00
On Tue, 26 Dec 2000 02:58:56 GMT, (elly,
Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore) wrote:

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

Hm, I don't think mine have changed much since last year:

1. get in shape / eat better
2. dress better (buy more shoes and only clothes that I love
whether they be for clubbing or work) [1]
3. take better care of my clothes
4. finish that damn novel!!!! [2]


[1] my lovely grandmother has already started me on the road by
buying several great outfits
[2] okay not fashion related directly but think of all the
corsets i can buy when i'm as big as King or Rice (haha!)

"There I was, my nose was bleeding in the
supermarket and all these people were crowding
around me. I felt like a geek." My grandmother recently
AIM: Spaceygoth

poster girl with no poster

Dec 27, 2000, 3:03:56 AM12/27/00
elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore wrote in message ...

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

1. Get a decent haircut.
2. Find some decent moisturizer.
3. Clean out closet of all the old clothes I've packed and unpacked through
the last 3 moves and never worn.

There will probably be more by next week.

-- Bex

Bring me to the end and softly back again
Make the night as safe as you can keep
Tell me that you need something I can give
A better way to curl inside your skin
Make me me again ~Feisty, "Night"

MorbidPrincess (Sanguinaria)

Dec 27, 2000, 5:25:04 AM12/27/00

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
> Mine is to spend much, much less on clothes/shoes/makeup.

egh. ok:

1. clean out my closet, dresser, attic, etc. i've got tons of stuff i don't
wear (cuz i don't like it/don't fit it) and sort it into: goodwill; mum
wants me to keep this (ugh); and love it but it's too small.

2. take better care of my stuff. fixing rips, etc.

3. make more clothing!

4. stop shopping at lane bryant, they ruined my credit history. see number 3
and number 5.

5. LOSE weight! augh.... back to lettuce and birdseed.... i guess my
ultimate goal is to get down to a 12... hmm, only 16 more sizes to go. yuck.

6. actually exercize for a change. i'm so lethargic lately.

7. wear the contacts more often. i also dropped a buttload on
disposables... or...

8. get cool new glasses for the off days.... i dropped my last pair into the
pacific ocean!

9. bargain shop more..... stop taking advantage of my mother.

10. obtain a bottle of mac's shimmery white foundation. that stuff looks
fun! and cadjole rachel into letting me peruse her L+T employee discount.

geez, 10. ok, beat that =)



Dec 27, 2000, 8:57:16 AM12/27/00
My fashion resoulion is to be true to myself if i like it no matter how
freaky or attetion getting ,i am going to do it . i can idenify with
Besty Johnson we are in the same age group lol ! If
someone comment's in a negative way about how i look i make sure i wear
it again when in there presence ! It has tooken a long time for me to
get some back bone , now i have it and i feel free!!! Samantha

Angel Dust

Dec 27, 2000, 12:03:08 PM12/27/00
On 26 Dec 2000, Lady Miss Violet wrote:

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

I have a couple of resolutions that aren't fashion, but tie into the whole
looking better thing. :)

-Cut down on the soda, in hopes of retaining less water.
-drink low sodium V8 juice (not hard, as I actually like the
stuff) everyday, to get some vitamins I may not be getting otherwise.
-Do Tai-Bo, or some other exercise to trim down my hip measure by about
2.5", so that my beloved 80's fitted hip yoke skirts will fit
again. Exercise needs to be low impact for my knees (suggestions,
anyone?), so running or Stairmaster is kindof right out. :(
-Do some more experimentation with Make-up techniques, wear make-up more
often :)
-develop a better skincare regimen (currently using only moisturiser,
wondering if I may need to use an eye cream now).
-make peace with my midriff (I'm a size 6/8 for crying out loud) so I can
wear shorter tops without issues. :)

Guess that's it. :)

DC Sewing Goth
Original Sin Custom Design


Dec 27, 2000, 12:53:39 PM12/27/00
to (elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore) wrote:
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

1. To get sewing... I've sewn about four things since I started two
years ago. I have the patterns and the cloth, and now that I'm out of
school I actually have time to do so...

2. To start exercising, even it's just walking around the block once a
day. I like the way I look, but I don't like being winded after going
up four flights of stairs, and it's hard to be fashionable when you're
out of breath. ;)

3. To get rid of stuff I don't wear any more. That's the downside of
having a sixth sense when it comes to finding cheap resale stuff: it
piles up a lot faster.

4. To do all the alterations/fixing I've been planning to: there's two
pairs of boots that desperately need to be resoled, there's a broken
zipper or two that need replacing, etc.

5. To buy a real, honest to God steel-boned corset. The steel boned
vinyl waist cincher I got for a song has spoiled me, and now I must...
have... more.

6. To make/buy some ponyfalls. Thanks to you people ;) I now want
black ponyfalls with streaks to combat my occasional short hair boredom.


Brat Fink

Dec 27, 2000, 1:56:41 PM12/27/00
> On 26 Dec 2000, Lady Miss Violet wrote:
> > Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

I want to stop buying "disposable clothing" from places like Clothestime,
Contempo, Wet Seal, and start building a wardrobe of better made pieces.
I'm tired of cheap things that fall winds up being such a waste
of money! The same thing goes for cheapie makeup.

Stop being lazy and sew! I often buy things that are WAY overpriced or not
exactly what I want because I'm too much of a slug to make 'em myself.
That's gonna change, I'm gonna devote more time to making my own stuff. It's
such a cool feeling when someone compliments you and you can tell them you
made it!

Get in shape!!!! I am thinking about buying a treadmill. along with this
goes eating well. I want to learn to cook and eat more nutricious meals.

Learn to walk gracefully in heels, something I never quite mastered.

Have my nails and eyebrows done once a week (or two) and get regular hair

I guess that's it for now.

Brat Fink!


Dec 27, 2000, 2:05:04 PM12/27/00
1. I must find an eyeliner (black/smoke etc.) that does not irritate my eyes. I
seem to have developed an allergy to my Prestige Kohl eyeliner pencils ...
especially the smoke color. The Bronze eyeliner pencil (does not say Kohl on
it) does not make my eyes red. I do not like the Revlon liners because they
"pull" at the skin and do not go on well.

2. Sew that black wool cloak that is cut out and ready to go. I have not done
much sewing lately.

3. Make more fused glass (winter colors and Dichro Glass) and get it on Ebay
and Amazon auctions. I must stop doing it all for presents and for myself! OK,
I am a sucker for sparkle and this stuff is amazing, ... it is going to take
willpower not to hoard it like some kind of Dragon Treasure.

4. Buy some really fun stuff when I go to Tucson (Gem and Mineral Shows and
Bead Shows) this February.

Blessings of the Yuletide Season!

Christina L Sawyer

Dec 27, 2000, 2:03:45 PM12/27/00
Excerpts from 26-Dec-100 Fashion
resolutions? by
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
> Mine is to spend much, much less on clothes/shoes/makeup.

Yup. I already started a couple months ago. My new thing is that I'm
going to make more stuff that I want to save money. I can't afford lots
of stuff I want, but I can buy cheaper things and alter them into what I
want. DIY! :D

So far I've made blue leopard print creepers out of old second hand
creepers, a plain Walmart hoodie into one with a rhinestone skull &
crossbones,I screenprinted a Good Charlotte shirt and tons of
patches[1]. My next project is a sweater with skulls and safety pins,
but it has to be the *perfect* sweater and I'm too cheap/picky. ^_^

School of Art, Carnegie Mellon University


Dec 27, 2000, 2:29:51 PM12/27/00
"Brat Fink" <> wrote:

> Learn to walk gracefully in heels, something I never quite mastered.

The trick that worked for me when it comes to heels, and looking more
confident in general, is to do this. Imagine a woman you really admire
who's a sexy, confident, powerful woman, and imagine you're her as you
walk. Without really realizing what you're doing, you'll probably put
your chin up, your back straight, and your strides will become more
measured and graceful.

It sounds corny, but after a few tries at this it became really easy
for me to slip into 'supermodel mode' and walk gracefully and
confidently not only in heels, but whenever I feel like it. :)

Dec 27, 2000, 6:45:58 PM12/27/00
On 27 Dec 2000, Angel Dust wrote:

> again. Exercise needs to be low impact for my knees (suggestions,
> anyone?), so running or Stairmaster is kindof right out. :(

I highly recommend inline skating. It's good aerobic exercise, tones the
lower body really well, and doesn't bother my bad knees and ankles.

As for my fashion resolutions:

Start taking care of myself again. I was doing quite well for a while
with eating a healthy diet, drinking tons of water, getting regular
aerobic exercise, and taking good care of my skin. With the holidays and
finishing school and looking for a job, I've just been to stressed and
busy to put forth effort.

Start a strength training routine. Everything will be firmer and perkier
so all my clothes will look better.

Take better care of my clothes. Pay attention to the care tags and stop
doing things like throwing dry clean only items in the washer out of
laziness. Use a milder detergent and less heat and time in the dryer for
my black things. Hand wash my bras.

Get rid of the things that don't look good, don't fit (and aren't ever
going to fit again, not the lose-or-gain-5-lbs-and-it'll-fit kind of don't
fit). Without that wardrobe buffer, I'll do laundry sooner and won't have
to wear unflattering clothes out of laziness.

Buy myself some nice makeup. I wear most makeup so rarely (the only thing
I wear on a daily basis is a colored lip gloss) that I deserve to have
something nice and special for when I do wear it.

Find a good waxing salon and go for regular eyebrow and upper lip waxings.

Buy myself more good bras. After all, even the most beautiful outfit can
look unflattering without a good foundation garment.

Treat myself to a pedicure at least once a month.

Wear everything in my closet at least once during the year. (I have
things I bought over a year ago and still haven't been able to wear. I
engage in way too much retail therapy.)

Gads, that list is long!


* Ebay - *
* Kimono, velvets, corset top, satin, and more NOW! *
* My Realm of Self Importance - *


Dec 27, 2000, 7:05:31 PM12/27/00


(1) Stop buying eyeshadow.

I really like makeup, but I only wear eye makeup and lip
gloss/liner/stick. I don't wear anything else, like foundation or
powder or any of that stuff, yet I havethree boxes of makeup. I need
to stop! It's a sickness. (Though, I *am* allowed to buy orange and
deep green eyeshadow, as I do not have these, as well as a deeper,
more garnet-like red shadow, if I ever find it. And anything truly
glitter packed. I am not made of stone.)

(2) Get back into the *good* healthy way I was.

For a while, I was drinking tons of water. I was eating tons of salad.
I was losing weight. Losing my job has thrown me into this weird
depression, and all I do is clean the house and cook and eat and
write. Not very healthy. It makes me sad, I undid all my progress.
Unfortunately for me, it seems sweets are a major comfort food for me.
I used to not eat chocolate at all... I need to start that again.

I want to do this again. I'm drinking water right now! ^_^

(3) Re-learn how to walk in heels.

I've forgotten! When I used to go to clubs all the time, I learned
how to walk, dance and run in 6" heels. Now, I totter around like a
jerk if I have something more than oh, 2". I was so proud that I had
learned how to walk in heels... I'm gonna do that again.

(4) Let my hair grow

I keep chopping it off. As soon as the black is all cut out, I am
going to let it grow. But I'll keep dyeing it. I want to find the
perfect ruby/garnet dye this year as well.

(5) Stop beating myself up.

I do this too much. If I feel fat, I beat myself up. If I feel like I
put my makeup on sloppy, I get mad and wash it off and start over.
Things like that. I'm a chronic "10 outfits to go grocery shopping"
girl, I am never happy with what I put on. The problem isn't my
clothes, it's me. Knowing is half the battle - now I just have to stop
beating myself up.


"Don't touch the monkeys, they got diseases..."


Dec 28, 2000, 8:56:54 AM12/28/00
Fireraven9 wrote:
> 2. Sew that black wool cloak that is cut out and ready to go. I have not
> done much sewing lately.

I have a cloak cut out and ready to sew, too.
(In fact it's been cut out for an embarassing
length of time... going on 3 years now!) It's
a gray wool Kinsale cloak with black satin lining.
Getting the cloak done is one of my resolutions.

Also, working on my house. I need to paint,
make curtains, finish the kitchen remodel. Do
a bathroom remodel. I'd love to screen in my
front porch so this summer my cats can enjoy it.
(I would too!) Plant stuff in the flowerbed
that I created in the fall. That particular
resolution won't be hard to keep -- I love doing
garden stuff once the hard part of digging the
bed is done.

Make more clothes, and work on quilt stuff more.
I have one that I started as a lapquilt for my
husband's grandmother, and she died before I could
get it quilted. I'd like to finish it and donate
it to the nursing home she lived in before she died.
I don't want to keep it this quilt -- too many
unpleasant associations.

I usually don't do resolutions. This year I want to
do something different by making and actually keeping
a few resolutions. I think the trick, for me, is
resolving to do things that I will enjoy doing once
I get started. It's getting started that's the hard
part for me.

a morning without coffee is like sleep.


Dec 28, 2000, 12:44:38 PM12/28/00
On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore wrote:

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

I would like to buy fewer quality pieces this year.

I'm also going to be focusing on working on the bod. Not
weight loss stuff, but things that are pretty when the
clothes are off. Manicures, pedicures, eyebrows, soft skin,
sparkley sweet smelling powers. Focusing on the lily rather
than the gilding:)

traceyb: keeper of the corsets and CheapSkates


Dec 28, 2000, 12:49:06 PM12/28/00

<> wrote in message

> On 27 Dec 2000, Angel Dust wrote:

> Get rid of the things that don't look good, don't fit (and aren't ever
> going to fit again, not the lose-or-gain-5-lbs-and-it'll-fit kind of don't
> fit). Without that wardrobe buffer, I'll do laundry sooner and won't have
> to wear unflattering clothes out of laziness.

Okay, this made me laugh out loud - not 'cause you're funny but because I do
the SAME THING! I get so mad at myself but the cycle continues. If I
didn't have so much clothing I wouldn't constantly have PILES of laudry to
do/put away/mend/whatever. But when you've got 3-4 weeks worth of stuff to
wear, what incentive is there to do weekly laundry? Yesterday, someone
commented on liking my outfit at work (nothing special - black velvet
button-down shirt and olive green dress pants) and I just cringed because I
knew I'd never be wearing it if I was caught up on laundry. Yet I keep
buying more clothes!

Anyway, I won't make a resolution to do more laundry 'cause I know I won't.
But I do plan to put a lot of the stuff that's not "active" in my wardrobe
into storage just to *get it out of the way* (sheesh!)


Venus In Furs

Dec 28, 2000, 2:04:44 PM12/28/00
In article <>, (elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore) wrote:
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
Sew more.
Clean out the unfinished project drawer of my dresser.
Write down all the projects I've had ideas for. Post them on my wall
above my sewing desk.
Fix my Beadazzler. (I must Beadazzle! Rhinestone the WORLD baybee!!!)
Try on everything in my closet. Ebay all that doesn't fit or flatter.
Go through my storage boxes. Ebay everything I haven't missed.
Stop buying clothes I won't wear with anything resembling frequency.
Clean out my makeup cabinet.
Buy a really nice corset. (custom, most likely from Yosa)
Get the clutter out of my life. (physically and emotionally.)
Pick 2 or 3 different styles and try to keep other stuff out of my
closet. (I'll be a goth/punk/rivethead and nothing else!)
Invest in really nice basic wardrobe items. (black dress/skirt/pants)
Glam up my life.
Open a bank account to be spent only on making me happy. No more taking
out of my savings to buy fun things. (I'd love a new
stereo/wardrobe/etc., but I'd like to go to college too!)

Corinne (off to go take pics for her eBay stuff.)


Dec 28, 2000, 5:08:38 PM12/28/00
On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore wrote:

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?>>

yep..sure do..and they are:

-Wear my "nice" clothing more often. I have a few long, pretty skirts that sit
in my closet that I hardly ever wear. I have the bad habit of staring into my
closet at the skirts when getting ready to go out, thinking "eh.." and putting
on jeans instead.

-Start using my creative talents for fashion again. I used to do all sorts of
things like make necklaces, bracelets, rings..I'd bead plain tank tops and t
shirts or decorate my purses..but for some reason, I hardly ever do it anymore.

-find the perfect pair of boots to wear with long skirts. I have all of five
pairs of shoes. the only pair of boots I have that look good with long skirts
are uncomfortable, and also have side zippers that tend to rip large holes in
my stockings. I've lost 3 pairs of fishnets to the damn things.

-perfect the art of liquid liner.

-start doing more interesting things with my hair. it's rather thick, and is a
bit past my waist. I never put it up or style it, my routine is wash, comb, let
dry. and the only thing I do to it to make it "interesting" is dye it
occasionally. I might as well start doing something with it beyond just letting
it hang there.

-learn how to sew, even if it's just simple things like plain skirts and

-start taking better care of myself. this means start physical therapy for my
shoulders again, work out more, get more sleep, cut back on the caffeine, and
work on beating my impossible nails into submission. they will grow longer,
stronger, and stop splitting, dammit. or so I hope.

-and, finally, this may not be fashion related..but it's still a resolution of
mine. I will stop being so shy and actually talk to members of the opposite sex
when they try to talk to me, rather than recoiling in fear/horror and leaving
them standing there with a confused look on their face as I hurry off in the
other direction. :)
Amber. (Recoil)
The plague full swift goes by;
I am sick, I must die.


Dec 28, 2000, 9:05:25 PM12/28/00
My cloak is a black wool Kinsale with black lightweight twill lining. I used to
use satin, but it shreds after about 6 years heavy use. I might change the hood
a bit too. I have long hair (mid back in length) but not BIG hair and the
traditional hood sometimes hangs funny. It looks like it was made for someone
with a big put-up hairdo.
Gardening I love! I must resolve to buy no more houseplants (way too many) but
I can plant plenty of flowers and trees this year. We live in the mountains in
a rural area. Lots of coyotes, owls, bunnies, deer and ravens. Hummingbirds in
the summer. It is a big place - 5 acres - and a lot of it is woods. Gardening
is the best. In winter, I pour over catalogs ... black poppies, black
hollyhocks and ruby lilies. I miss the garden forum "Corpse in the Garden" that
was on mAlice's site ... Something Wicked This Way Grows (Gothic Gardening) ...
but it was hacked and last I looked was not back up yet. Flowers and herbs have
so many good uses.
So many things to do ... never enough time!


Dec 28, 2000, 9:19:06 PM12/28/00
Fireraven9 wrote:

> My cloak is a black wool Kinsale with black lightweight twill lining. I used to
> use satin, but it shreds after about 6 years heavy use. I might change the hood
> a bit too. I have long hair (mid back in length) but not BIG hair and the
> traditional hood sometimes hangs funny. It looks like it was made for someone
> with a big put-up hairdo.

I was thinking of altering the Kinsale hood, too. (Would it still
be Kinsale without that hood?) I have only seen them in photos,
though. From photos, I think I like standard hoods better. Less

> Gardening I love! I must resolve to buy no more houseplants (way too many) but
> I can plant plenty of flowers and trees this year. We live in the mountains in
> a rural area. Lots of coyotes, owls, bunnies, deer and ravens. Hummingbirds in
> the summer. It is a big place - 5 acres - and a lot of it is woods.

Sounds lovely! I want a few acres with a good sized woods myself.
I have a decent sized yard, but one huge tree fell this summer,
and took down three others, so I have rather more sunlight and less
shade than I'd planned on. I'll take advantage of it with a bigger
veggie garden, though.

> is the best. In winter, I pour over catalogs ... black poppies, black
> hollyhocks and ruby lilies. I miss the garden forum "Corpse in the Garden" that
> was on mAlice's site ... Something Wicked This Way Grows (Gothic Gardening) ...
> but it was hacked and last I looked was not back up yet. Flowers and herbs have
> so many good uses.
> So many things to do ... never enough time!

I haven't planned out all my flowerbed in the front yard yet.
Need to get some gardening catalogs. My spouse is pretty
intent on using only native plants, which I agree with in
principle, but if I see something I have to have, I'm getting
it anyway. He talks about native plants and all, but I've seen
very little actual gardening out of him. *heh*

> Blessings of the Yuletide Season!
> Fireraven9

You too! (Were you able to see the solar eclipse on
Christmas day?)


Dec 29, 2000, 4:51:10 PM12/29/00
On Tue, 26 Dec 2000 15:57:31 GMT, hotaru <> wrote:

>> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

My main resolution is just to continue to relentlessly be myself and
see where that takes me.

I also want to make an effort to meet people with similar tastes and
values as mine.

I want to learn how to be a DIY goth and learn how to sew in

I want to find more excuses to dress gaf on a regular basis.

And I want to figure out how to do all this without spending all of my


"There is a place with four suns in the sky--red, white, blue, and yellow; two of them are so
close together that they touch, and star-stuff flows between them.
I know of a world with a million moons.
I know of a sun the size of the Earth--and made of diamond."
Carl Sagan, The Cosmic Connection:
An Extraterrestrial Perspective

Ms. Qué

Dec 30, 2000, 12:36:28 PM12/30/00
"elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore" wrote:
> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?
> Mine is to spend much, much less on >clothes/shoes/makeup.

I have a few..dunno how many I'll actually be able to keep though.

Buy less clothes, buy more boots, clear my closet of stuff that I never
wear or doesn't fit right(going on year three of doing this), learn to
not impulse shop in malls, stop buying earrings(too much already), make
more homemade beauty supplies/treatments, find a good fitting long
sleeve white dress shirt - I don't have one and am always stuck when
there's occasions where I need to wear one.

~ Qué
~*~ Memory is a great betrayer - Anais Nin ~*~

Online Thriftshop
Island Diva's Link Page


Dec 30, 2000, 1:46:57 PM12/30/00
to (wrote:

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

Mine is to:

*Spend less on everything
*Organize my closet
*eBay stuff I never wore & give the rest to Goodwill.

who knows if it will ever happen tho!


Dec 30, 2000, 10:50:34 PM12/30/00
elly wrote ...

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

1. Lose 3-4" from my hips. I've become pear-shaped, and the styles I like
and am used to don't look so great on me any more. I struggle to get a
dress around my butt, only to find that it's huge in the bust. I'll never
be a single-digit size, but I'd like to be a 10 on the bottom as well as the
top. :P

2. Stop screwing around with my hair. I like black, I like purple... stick
with one of those and quit "experimenting" before I'm completely bald.

3. Learn to draft patterns. Not just alter existing ones, but actually
make them from scratch.

As for cleaning out my closet, I did that today. Ruthlessly. Two years ago
I got rid of a lot of stuff, but this time I stripped it clean. No more
hanging on to things I "might" wear again. If I haven't worn it in two
years, it's gone. Now I have a trunk *full* of stuff that I guess will have
to go to Goodwill since I don't know anyone my size.


Dec 31, 2000, 11:21:12 AM12/31/00
In article
<>, (elly, Eater of Souls & Darkwave Whore)

> Does anyone have any resolutions for 2001, fashion-wise?

My big life one, which impacts fashion, is my commitment to
veganism. The more I learn the more I realize that certian
products, clothes, shoes 'n boots, CHOCOLATES and CHEESES
(oops, that's not fashion related!) have to GO! I'm inspired and
glad about it all, but it's a huge change. Thankfully there is much
support in my daily life (the hubbi is making the switch with me,
and I have sympathetic friends and co-workers) and there are
lotsa books and web sites and such to turn to when I feel
alienated and lonely.

I've found a bunch of alternatives (Tony and Tina cosmetics are
vegan AND neato! I'm still stressing about the shoe and boot
situation but Pangea has some pretty great stuff
( AND its not sweatshop labor. And of
course there is vegetarian shoes...).

I also invite anyone here to e-mail me who is vegan or trying to be,
so we can share our trials and tribulations! Being goth and vegan
presents many unique problems that say a hippievegan or
punkvegan would not have!



Dec 31, 2000, 1:10:27 PM12/31/00
>I was thinking of altering the Kinsale hood, too. (Would it still
>be Kinsale without that hood?) I have only seen them in photos,
>though. From photos, I think I like standard hoods better. Less

I do not do lots of froo froo well either. I made my husbands cloak without the
hood but he has such thick hair that he could fill the traditional hood. It
would look silly on him though and damn inconvenient if he has occasion (the
cloak is used more in ceremonial settings and he wears leather for street wear)
to wear the antler headpiece. The other thing is the way it is attached ...
buttons under the collar (at least the Folkways pattern has that) and it causes
the collar to flip up. If I replace the collar with a cut down hood ... but I
am not sure that will work. The reason the hood is so full is so it will lay
across the shoulders (when it is not up and drawstring pulled tight) like a
mantle (is that the right word?) so it has to have a lot of fabric in it. This
will require some figuring. I am not sure it would be a "Kinsale cloak" if it
was altered ... but the hood bugs me. Maybe there are other traditional designs
that could be put on in place of the Kinsale hood.

>Sounds lovely! I want a few acres with a good sized woods myself.
>I have a decent sized yard, but one huge tree fell this summer,
>and took down three others, so I have rather more sunlight and less
>shade than I'd planned on. I'll take advantage of it with a bigger
>veggie garden, though.


>I haven't planned out all my flowerbed in the front yard yet.
>Need to get some gardening catalogs. My spouse is pretty
>intent on using only native plants, which I agree with in
>principle, but if I see something I have to have, I'm getting
>it anyway. He talks about native plants and all, but I've seen
>very little actual gardening out of him. *heh*
>> Blessings of the Yuletide Season!
>> Fireraven9
>You too! (Were you able to see the solar eclipse on
>Christmas day?)
>a morning without coffee is like sleep.

I do mostly native plants and those that will survive the harsh conditions.
Where are you located? Indiana? If your spouse is fond of "native" plants/trees
(REDBUD is beautiful) and not so fond of the grunt work ... maybe Permaculture
would be useful. Once a good "system" is established in the garden ... the
plants mostly care for themselves. You can also select the right locations for
the occasional exotic types in that system.
I did not see the eclipse ... it was snowing on Christmas and Boxing Day.

Blessings of the Yuletide Season! (full SIG below)
Lee Corbin
7200 feet Zone 5 & Sunset Z 2
5+ Acres of Forest & Meadow
Central New Mexico Mountains

Ice Princess

Dec 31, 2000, 3:21:58 PM12/31/00
I decided to post a revised version of this, since I've had other things
occur to me since I first posted it. Also, some of these are not
strictly "fashion," but *are* within the scope of regular a.g.f topics. :)

The original batch:

--To spend less money. A *lot* less. I really don't need a whole lot
of new clothes, shoes, lipsticks and nailies.

--A carryover from last year (and the year before that), to take better
care of my stuff: put things away promptly and don't leave them lying
around for weeks; iron what needs to be ironed; promptly mend rips and
missing buttons; and take better care of my shoes--in particular, get
the heels fixed on my square-toed lace-up boots and my cuban-heel granny boots.

--Stick with my weight-loss plans and continue moving towards my goal of
a size 12. If I keep up the rate and progress I