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The Definition of "Boi"

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Feb 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/23/99
Whilst reading agf over my shoulder, my significant whatever,
Jason, asked me if I considered him a "boi", and if so, exactly
what one is... I consulted the agf faq glossary, but it's not included in
the list of definitions. So, what does the word boi mean to you?

To me, a boi is a man who is not afraid to express the feminine sides to
his look and personality. For example, a boi is someone who is happy to tote
your lipstick for you because he may need to borrow it himself. Also, a boi
is tolerant of other's life-style choices even if he does not choose them
himself. (For example, a straight boi is not homophobic.)



Feb 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/23/99

Juliette scribbled in blood:

> So, what does the word boi mean to you?

I've always kinda seen it as a male person with a goth look, no matter
WHICH goth look, whether it's androgynous, or whatever. But also
a male not afraid to let others make their own choices.

F'r instance, my "boi" is in no stretch of the word a "boy". Very manly,
my boi (lol)...but when he goes "goth-y" he's my boi, everytime.



Feb 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/23/99

skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie wrote:

> It's another (& more irritating, imo) way to spell "boy".

No, it's not just a spelling. People use it to denote a
specific type of male. Someone who is a little "more" than a
boy. I think Juliette pretty much covered it in her post.


~ Ruhiel 668 of Goth
{insert something funny here}


Feb 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/23/99
On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Juliette wrote:
> the list of definitions. So, what does the word boi mean to you?
> To me, a boi is a man who is not afraid to express the feminine sides to
> his look and personality. For example, a boi is someone who is happy to tote
> your lipstick for you because he may need to borrow it himself. Also, a boi
> is tolerant of other's life-style choices even if he does not choose them
> himself. (For example, a straight boi is not homophobic.)

Since I'm not one that actually uses the term - you can take my
reply as a matter of opinion. I've always seen it as a feminist
put-down (but in a good way), like in Vassar where the bathrooms
are labeled "Women" and "Boys"

listening to Shed Seven

=======****> "What! No rat salad?! This is a day without sunshine."
i of goth Having dreams about a.g.f.'ers? See a.g.f. dreams


Feb 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/23/99
On 24 Feb 1999, Filigree00 wrote:
> I have no idea how the spelling came to be, but I tend to just
> see it as a cute and rather possessive term of endearment.

I would say that it was GothFaeri's spelling and it stuck

Arbitrary round of attribs.:

MakeUpWhoring - At first I had thought this was Christabel LaMotte's
term, but Leigh Gardner told me that Jillian (then) Sutter
was the first to write it in a post

*bounce* *bounce* - This term first appeared on a post when gundy
(Sande's bear) was trying to finagle gundytreats from
brahman. Although these posts were not saved, this
started what would eventually be called the gundysaga,
a long story abt gundies trying to stop the Evil Hoppy
Things from stealing their *bounce* *bounce*

perkygoff - comes from Joel Metz, who wrote the Perkygoff

Cleavage of Doom [TM] - first attributed to Asharte, who
listed on a post the great number of items that
could be stashed in her cleavage.

... any other a.g.f. history questions?

Trystan L. Bass

Feb 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/23/99
Daednu <> wrote:

> Sk8gundy wrote:
> > Since I'm not one that actually uses the term - you can take my
> > reply as a matter of opinion. I've always seen it as a feminist
> > put-down (but in a good way), like in Vassar where the bathrooms
> > are labeled "Women" and "Boys"

> NOT at all! Why would we refer to our husbands/partners as our bois if
> it was a derogatory term? Note that we say "boi" not "boy".

You bet! I've always thot of "boi" as simply a male creature who you like
and think is cute (and everyone has their own definition of "cute", but in
my world, it's not just reserved for babies and bunnies). No particular
style or look is required, tho' certainly goth on a boi is admired ;->

(who really isn't as cutesy offline as I am online;
same goes for perky)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trystan L. Bass @-->---
a.g.f.faq.chick gothic martha stewart
ebay sales at

skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 18:16:02 -0600, "Juliette" <>
fpevooyrq onpxjneqf sbe fngna:


It's another (& more irritating, imo) way to spell "boy".


____Lord Carrie, Keeper of the Foetal Spelling, Pr0tekt0r of the Realm____
| | |
|"When I left you, I was but a user. |Oh no! My site ran away! Have you |
| Now, _I_ have r00t." -Minwee |seen it? Oh, my precious baby!!! |


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Mairwen wrote:

>>Juliette scribbled in blood: So, what does the word boi
>>mean to you?

>I've always kinda seen it as a male person with a goth look,

>no matter WHICH goth look, whether it's androgynous, or

I have no idea how the spelling came to be, but I tend to just

see it as a cute and rather possessive term of endearment.

>F'r instance, my "boi" is in no stretch of the word a "boy".

>Very manly, my boi (lol)...but when he goes "goth-y" he's
>my boi, everytime.

My SO is also very manly =: ) I can't even bring myself to call him a boi
except when he gets all gothed up, then whoo-boi, I melt!!


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
In article <elkXCr4X#GA.250@upnetnews05>,

"Juliette" <> wrote:
> Whilst reading agf over my shoulder, my significant whatever,
> Jason, asked me if I considered him a "boi", and if so, exactly
> what one is... I consulted the agf faq glossary, but it's not included in
> the list of definitions. So, what does the word boi mean to you?
> To me, a boi is a man who is not afraid to express the feminine sides to
> his look and personality. For example, a boi is someone who is happy to tote
> your lipstick for you because he may need to borrow it himself. Also, a boi
> is tolerant of other's life-style choices even if he does not choose them
> himself. (For example, a straight boi is not homophobic.)

Wow. I think you hit the nail on the head. Although I think I would add one
thing. Anyone who's a "boi" to me is usually a close friend or boyfriend, so
a "boi" is also someone with close emotional ties to yourself. i.e., I
wouldn't call a random goth guy "boi" ^_^


Megan Sawyer "It's a world unlike anything I've ever seen, And as hard as I try I can't seem to describe - Like
^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ a most improbable dream" -NMBC

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Sk8gundy wrote:
> Since I'm not one that actually uses the term - you can take my
> reply as a matter of opinion. I've always seen it as a feminist
> put-down (but in a good way), like in Vassar where the bathrooms
> are labeled "Women" and "Boys"

NOT at all! Why would we refer to our husbands/partners as our bois if
it was a derogatory term? Note that we say "boi" not "boy".

~ I wear glitter on the outside ~
~ 'cause glitter is how I feel on the inside. ~

Leigh Gardner

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Sk8gundy ( wrote:

: MakeUpWhoring - At first I had thought this was Christabel LaMotte's

: term, but Leigh Gardner told me that Jillian (then) Sutter
: was the first to write it in a post

no, it was Twilight, in a post called "makeupwhores unite!", where she
talked about the *need* for multiple shades of purple nailie. Everyone
just assumed it was Christabel, cause she always knew *exactly* what
makeup would do for any occassion. Jilli might have liked the term as
well, but I believe it was Twi who coined that phrase.

: *bounce* *bounce*

: perkygoff

: Cleavage of Doom [TM]

geez, I remember all three of these tied together in threads about gundies
wondering if there were gundytreats in the COD...

which reminds me- I haven't seen moses here in *ages*- I guess that's what
happens when you grow up and get married. good thing I'll never grow up
</Peter Pan>.

hmm..who else do I remember...? moses, katydid, Cairo, Christabel- prolly
scads more that I just can't think of at the moment.

Leigh M. Gardner, English Major, Celtic Studies Concentration
Away, come away: Empty your heart of its mortal dream. -Yeats


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
juliette wrote

> So, what does the word boi mean to you?

I always thought a boi was a girl with diff'rent nether parts.


has a man, not a boi, heh!


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Juliette wrote:

>> So, what does the word boi mean to you?

Ermmmm... to be, calling someone a boi has always been a term of endearment.
All my friends that happen to be guys are bois. Boyfriends fall under this
category too, only they're usually promoted to "my boi" or something of the
like. It's just a little term of affection I use, since I don't really use
much, except for calling friends that are girls silly little things (sex
kitten? cleavage goddess? *giggle*)

Jamie *I don't want to go to work... pout*
The AGF eBay Webring:

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99

> Sk8gundy wrote:
> > Since I'm not one that actually uses the term - you can take my
> > reply as a matter of opinion. I've always seen it as a feminist
> > put-down (but in a good way), like in Vassar where the bathrooms
> > are labeled "Women" and "Boys"

<Daednu answered>

> NOT at all! Why would we refer to our husbands/partners as our bois if
> it was a derogatory term? Note that we say "boi" not "boy".

you know, i don't use the term either, and that's how i read it as well:
a sort of fond, ironic, but essentially dismissive way of referring to
a significant other as sort of eye-candy or arm-trophy or dress-up doll
(especially given the "how do i get my boi who won't to wear make-up?"
thread--which i admit i read very little of).

my $.02



Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Daednu wrote:

>NOT at all! Why would we refer to our husbands/partners as our bois if
>it was a derogatory term? Note that we say "boi" not "boy".

I agree. I tend to most oft use it when talking about *my boi* as an
affectionate term. Or if I ask a girlfriend "So hows your boi?" in writing or
whatever, I think to most people I know, they recognise it as a term referring
to their S.O.

I think though that it is funny that when I once used a spelling on agf that
can be taken as being feminist, "Womyn", ( just because I like it, I also use
chick a lot, heh) ....I got jumped on in a dominantly female News Group!!

How to dye/dress/shop Gothic & more!! The AGF FAQ: Your Gothic Fashion Bible
"Well, I don't want to end up being a media whore; and all that. I want to be a
positive and negative symbol at the same time. Make any sense?"


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie wrote:

> It's another (& more irritating, imo) way to spell "boy".

then Ruthiel wrote:

<No, it's not just a spelling. People use it to denote a
specific type of male. Someone who is a little "more" than a
boy. I think Juliette pretty much covered it in her post.>

Eh, I disagree. When I started using it wayyy back after
copying off others on Compuserve (what was that, 1992? '93?
something like that) it was simply another spelling for boi.
But then again, I'm not the best person to ask, since I use all
sorts of "irritating" spellings like gerl, grrrl, gurl, womyn, humyn,
wimmin, etc. But I don't really mean anything by it - it's just a
habit I've done since like, 1991.

Why not just take every usage with a grain of salt? I hardly
think an alternate spelling of a word can be argued about.
Then again, when "boi" is used in conjunction with "lippie" -
it does make me roll my eyes. (or *bouncebounce, for that
matter.) MHO.

.o rose, thou art sick.


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Daednu wrote:
> Sk8gundy wrote:
> > Since I'm not one that actually uses the term - you can take my
> > reply as a matter of opinion. I've always seen it as a feminist
> > put-down (but in a good way), like in Vassar where the bathrooms
> > are labeled "Women" and "Boys"
> NOT at all! Why would we refer to our husbands/partners as our bois if
> it was a derogatory term? Note that we say "boi" not "boy".

I don't mean that it's derogatory, just a joke, one that the
s.o.'s participate in.... Open to interpretation, isn't

Q: How do we say "boi" differently from "boy"?

I've noticed that Mare always referred to her s.o. as the 'man'

Penny Dreadful

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
In article <elkXCr4X#GA.250@upnetnews05>, "Juliette"
<> wrote:

> Whilst reading agf over my shoulder, my significant whatever,
> Jason, asked me if I considered him a "boi", and if so, exactly
> what one is... I consulted the agf faq glossary, but it's not included in
> the list of definitions. So, what does the word boi mean to you?
> To me, a boi is a man who is not afraid to express the feminine sides to
> his look and personality. For example, a boi is someone who is happy to tote
> your lipstick for you because he may need to borrow it himself. Also, a boi
> is tolerant of other's life-style choices even if he does not choose them
> himself. (For example, a straight boi is not homophobic.)

To me, a boi is a boy or a youngish man. A person of the male gender, but
not, like, my dad.

"Boi" w/ a capital "B", however, usually is defined as: The male sigO of
the speaker as in, "I wanted to go off my diet last night, but Boi was
good and refused to order pizza."

Funny how I refer to female people over the age of 14 as "women" and men
under the age of 40 "bois".

love love love--
Penny Dreadful

"It's all about. . .lots of hair for spring. Isn't it
a hoot to think about getting hair extensions?"
--Harper's Bazaar



Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
On 24 Feb 1999, Leigh Gardner wrote:

> Sk8gundy ( wrote:
> : MakeUpWhoring - At first I had thought this was Christabel LaMotte's
> : term, but Leigh Gardner told me that Jillian (then) Sutter
> : was the first to write it in a post
> no, it was Twilight, in a post called "makeupwhores unite!", where she
> talked about the *need* for multiple shades of purple nailie. Everyone
> just assumed it was Christabel, cause she always knew *exactly* what
> makeup would do for any occassion. Jilli might have liked the term as
> well, but I believe it was Twi who coined that phrase.

Which Twilight? The one in N.O. or the one in AZ?

> which reminds me- I haven't seen moses here in *ages*- I guess that's what
> happens when you grow up and get married. good thing I'll never grow up
> </Peter Pan>.

I'm planning to see moses next week. I assume she'll be at C5 too.
She was just in New Orleans abt a wk ago. When she did post on
USENET last year, it was mostly to a.g.

> hmm..who else do I remember...? moses, katydid, Cairo, Christabel- prolly
> scads more that I just can't think of at the moment.

Cairo, I haven't heard from in a while. When I called, her answering
machine said she was on a cruise near Greece.

I saw Katydid a few weeks ago. I hadn't seen her in a long time.

Siani - she's engaged.

Asharte - she took a month off for holiday; she's back at
Microsoft working.

Christabel - well, she's closer to you than me.

Looking for Persephone and Heather Rose.

listening to Shed Seven

P.S. Have you read silentq's '95 88 Lines for 44 Goth Queens?
(on her web page)

oddlystrange is like second on the list, Siani is way in the
beginning, Heather Rose and katydid is in mid-beginning and
I think I'm in the center or near the end

I was reading this post from March 1996... Basically, I had posted:
Where's the FAQ? Where's the FAQ? etc. I talked to Trystan at
the San Jose meet and she said she posted it. And Siani had replied:
I haven't seen it. etc. And moses had posted: That makes the
three of us. etc I thought it was amusing in a nostalgic way.

skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 22:05:15 -0500, Ruhiel <>
fpevooyrq onpxjneqf sbe fngna:

:No, it's not just a spelling. People use it to denote a
:specific type of male.

I wasn't aware there was a set definition.
That is _my_ definition.

:I think Juliette pretty much covered it in her post.

That's her definition.


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
On 24 Feb 1999, LucastaSin wrote:
> I think though that it is funny that when I once used a spelling on agf that
> can be taken as being feminist, "Womyn", ( just because I like it, I also use
> chick a lot, heh) ....I got jumped on in a dominantly female News Group!!

jumped on?

listening to Shed Seven

who doesn't think there's anything wrong w/ 'womyn'


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
>On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 22:05:15 -0500, Ruhiel <>
>fpevooyrq onpxjneqf sbe fngna:
>:No, it's not just a spelling. People use it to denote a
>:specific type of male.
>I wasn't aware there was a set definition.
>That is _my_ definition.
>:I think Juliette pretty much covered it in her post.

Then Skerry Carrie wrote:

>That's her definition.

If you don't mind me asking, what is yours? I'm not sure you should be snipping
about details like that (and it seemed like a snippy one-liner to me, no
offense), if you don't really provide any of your own input. Just something to
roll over in your mind for the time being.

Jamie *not trying to be mean*

The Painted One

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Sk8gundy wrote in message ...

>> I think though that it is funny that when I once used a spelling on agf
>> can be taken as being feminist, "Womyn", ( just because I like it, I
also use
>> chick a lot, heh) ....I got jumped on in a dominantly female News Group!!
>jumped on?

Are there any pictures? ;-)


-- Remove NOPSPAM_ to reply.
'then as now, tis simple truth
sweetest tongue hides sharpest tooth'
The Company of Wolves

The Painted One

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Is a Boi on a NG a
BoiNG ?


Sorry, I couldn't resist that.


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
The Painted One wrote:
> Is a Boi on a NG a
> BoiNG ?
> |-)
> Sorry, I couldn't resist that.

YOU, sir, are fluff man!

*Sister Bethany Daednu (having quite a good giggle with your posts)


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
>Sk8gundy wrote in message ...
>>> I think though that it is funny that when I once used a spelling on agf
>>> can be taken as being feminist, "Womyn", ( just because I like it, I
>also use
>>> chick a lot, heh) ....I got jumped on in a dominantly female News Group!!

Forgot who said this:

>>jumped on?

The Painted One wrote:

>Are there any pictures? ;-)

If so, can I see? =P

Jamie *sorry for the one liner, but this is just too funny... I nearly spit
diet coke all over the computer screen LOL*

The AGF FAQ: The Gothic Clothes Bible

skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
On 24 Feb 1999 02:36:51 GMT, (Filigree00) fpevooyrq
onpxjneqf sbe fngna:

:I have no idea how the spelling came to be, but I tend to just

:see it as a cute and rather possessive term of endearment.

Yep. Just a cutesy way to say 'guy'.

This has been bothering me a lot, lately.. people taking
words & skewing them into things that they aren't and
haven't ever been. ie- "perky goth". Most people don't
understand that it's not some goth who is in a perpetual
state of happyhappyspeedygigglegleehappyjoyjoytoomuchsugar.

This isn't to say that people can't form their own definitions
of a word, nononono, not at all. I do it all the time myself.

But in the case of the young gothling who tried to force her
bubblegum & candycane version of 'perkygoth' down my throat,
insisting that that was the only definition there ever was,
there is no room for diplomacy.


The Painted One

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Daednu wrote in message <>...

>YOU, sir, are fluff man!

Holds his hands up in meek surender, I shall
change my tag to The Fluffy One, forthwith. :-)

skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 23:46:31 -0600, Sk8gundy
<> fpevooyrq onpxjneqf sbe fngna:

:I would say that it was GothFaeri's spelling and it stuck

Oh, it's been around a lot longer than that! :o

::waves to Pawpii::

skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
On 24 Feb 1999 02:36:51 GMT, (Filigree00) fpevooyrq
onpxjneqf sbe fngna:

:I have no idea how the spelling came to be, but I tend to just

:see it as a cute and rather possessive term of endearment.

And I replied w/:

:Yep. Just a cutesy way to say 'guy'.

What I meant to post (bad editing/proofreading job) was:

Yep. Just a cutesy way to say 'guy', or 'my boy/SO'.

Coffee! Bring coffee!


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99

> skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie wrote:
> > It's another (& more irritating, imo) way to spell "boy".

> No, it's not just a spelling. People use it to denote a

> specific type of male. Someone who is a little "more" than a

> boy. I think Juliette pretty much covered it in her post.

Er, I think the original question was, "what does the term 'boi' mean to you?"

Personally, I agree with Carrie. The term doesn't have any deep meaning
to me, it's just cutesy. *shrug*


"All you do is head straight for the grave, a face just covers
a skull a while. Stretch that skull-cover and smile." ~Kerouac

Marjorie Peck

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99

Juliette wrote:

> Whilst reading agf over my shoulder, my significant whatever,
> Jason, asked me if I considered him a "boi", and if so, exactly
> what one is... I consulted the agf faq glossary, but it's not included in
> the list of definitions. So, what does the word boi mean to you?

I always just thought of it as slang for a cute male. The sort of slang that
tends to be specific to a certain group that springs up and gets adopted by old
and new members alike. I personally don't use it, because I don't
use any odd spellings for words that already have a correct spelling. Like Kaos,
or Purty. I understand that other people do and that's fine, doesn't bother me.
I put it down to the fact
that in school Spelling was the only thing I ever got good grades on.
But hey, whatever the spelling, I think I've decided I like men over boys.
Because I feel womanly around men, I feel motherly around boys. ;-)

-Marjorie, saving myself for John Cusack (who looks very manly in G.P.B.)

Leigh Gardner

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Sk8gundy ( wrote:
: > : MakeUpWhoring - At first I had thought this was Christabel LaMotte's
: > : term, but Leigh Gardner told me that Jillian (then) Sutter
: > : was the first to write it in a post
: > no, it was Twilight, in a post called "makeupwhores unite!"
: Which Twilight? The one in N.O. or the one in AZ?

I forget- she signed that post with:

Whips and Kisses--
Twilight, who bought a new stick of her favourite eyeliner, 5 new
purple and silver eyeshadows, and a really cool bottle of blue
with silver glitter in it
"I'll drink the moonlight from your hands.
I'll swim an ocean filled with sorrow. No lover,
please don't go. We can crucify tomorrow" -Swans

...if that helps at all.

: I'm planning to see moses next week. I assume she'll be at C5 too.

: She was just in New Orleans abt a wk ago. When she did post on
: USENET last year, it was mostly to a.g.

I thought I saw her there [a.g].
shame I can't afford a Convergence- I'd love to meet a lot of agfers.

: I saw Katydid a few weeks ago. I hadn't seen her in a long time.

that's right- I remember yr post.

: Siani - she's engaged.

eep! the girl who loves hedgehogs engaged! wow!

: Christabel - well, she's closer to you than me.

I really wish I'd have met her while she was still in Philly. some of us
managed to do so, though.

: P.S. Have you read silentq's '95 88 Lines for 44 Goth Queens?
: (on her web page)

: oddlystrange is like second on the list, Siani is way in the
: beginning, Heather Rose and katydid is in mid-beginning and
: I think I'm in the center or near the end

ooh, no- I should look that up.

: I was reading this post from March 1996... Basically, I had posted:

: Where's the FAQ? Where's the FAQ? etc. I talked to Trystan at
: the San Jose meet and she said she posted it. And Siani had replied:
: I haven't seen it. etc. And moses had posted: That makes the
: three of us. etc I thought it was amusing in a nostalgic way.

old posts are definitely amusing. and they were easier to keep track of-
I remember agf getting ~30 posts/day sometimes.


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
On 24 Feb 1999 19:11:11 GMT, (Leigh
Gardner) wrote:

>>Sk8gundy ( wrote:
>>: Which Twilight? The one in N.O. or the one in AZ?
>I forget- she signed that post with:
>Whips and Kisses--

Uhmmm.. That should be the NO Twilight.. the Az twilight tended to
send as twilitght (with a little "t") after discovering that there was
another Twi.


From An Interview with Dir en grey:
reporter: If you were a gal for one day, what would you want to do?
Die: I think put on make up.
reporter: I thought you always do that?
Die: (laughs) It is so, isn't it? Then I will go buy undergarments.

skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
On 24 Feb 1999 16:40:07 GMT, biu...@aol.compost (BIuAngI) fpevooyrq
onpxjneqf sbe fngna:

:If you don't mind me asking, what is yours?

I believe I've answered that question already.

:I'm not sure you should be snipping

:about details like that (and it seemed like a snippy one-liner to me, no

Why are you trying to inject emotion & intent into my words?

:if you don't really provide any of your own input. Just something to
:roll over in your mind for the time being.

I've said this before on many occasions, but it bears repeating:
I'm not going to pepper my posts with smilies and ascii-hearts just
so other people can feel comfortable. I'm matter-of-fact, I try not
to dress things up in too much fluffy goodness, and that isn't going
to change.

Carrie, spartan.

the Gruamach

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 18:16:02 -0600, "Juliette" <>

> To me, a boi is a man who is not afraid to express the feminine sides to
>his look and personality. For example, a boi is someone who is happy to tote

Not quite that....gender-based, really.

Not so much a guy who's capable of being "feminine", but just a
Male who is considered both cute and also likable at the same time.

Charles/the Gruamach,
Alt.Gothic's own Garibaldi and expecting DaddyGoth
aka "Baron D'Gru, Sheriff of Gothingham, Holy Keeper of
Gothic Donuts, High Protector of Sarkygoff and King of AGP"


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
SaraiCat said

>Er, I think the original question was, "what does the term 'boi' mean to
>Personally, I agree with Carrie. The term doesn't have any deep meaning
>to me, it's just cutesy. *shrug*

I agree with nobody!
'Boi' is from the, err, Latin slang word for 'Guy who wants to be cute but
needs to apply lots of make-up in order to do so because let's face it, with
a little body like that it's the only way he's going to get a snog'.

Don't look it up in your Latin text-books, as I said it's a Latin slang


And Penny Dreadful said -

>Funny how I refer to female people over the age of 14 as "women" and men
>under the age of 40 "bois".

That's b/c we're all childish.
I personally like the word boi - just b/c to me it sounds funny.

BTW - Yes, I came back - I was missing it here a lot more than I ever
thought I would :)

um.. appearently 'Goth Boi Babe of the Week', and doesn't know whether to be
flattered or embarrassed..

People didn't know whether they wanted to marry me,
murder me or mother me... (Marc Almond)
AIM - Antscan


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Sk8gundy wrote:

> I don't mean that it's derogatory, just a joke, one that the
> s.o.'s participate in.... Open to interpretation, isn't
> it?
> Q: How do we say "boi" differently from "boy"?
> I've noticed that Mare always referred to her s.o. as the 'man'

hey, I've got another Q: When saying the word Boi do you visualize it?
Cus I swear it seems when ever *I* say it I can see a thought bubble
with the word in some dopey lil' font.

ok, maybe this is just me. i don't even have a Boi so the point is moot.

-:*:*:pi of goth:*:*:-
--did you just grab my ass?--


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Antonio wrote:

> BTW - Yes, I came back - I was missing it here a lot more than I ever
> thought I would :)


> Antonio,
> um.. appearently 'Goth Boi Babe of the Week', and doesn't know whether to be
> flattered or embarrassed..

be flattered! be flattered!


it's a cute picture. but why aren't you smiling?

(who would post the URL, but got there through another site...)


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Sk8gundy wrote:

> On 24 Feb 1999, Filigree00 wrote:
> > I have no idea how the spelling came to be, but I tend to just
> > see it as a cute and rather possessive term of endearment.
> I would say that it was GothFaeri's spelling and it stuck
> around.

I really don't think this is exclusive to agf though. More of a
net.goth thing. I picked it up from a net.goth friend who to my
knowledge has never been on agf. It was in frequent use on a
separate IRC channel.

who used to wonder how her friend could spend an hour on the comp in
the lab. and who now wonders how she ever managed to get off.


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Basingstoke wrote:
> Sk8gundy wrote:
> >
> > On 24 Feb 1999, Filigree00 wrote:
> > > I have no idea how the spelling came to be, but I tend to just
> > > see it as a cute and rather possessive term of endearment.
> >
> > I would say that it was GothFaeri's spelling and it stuck
> > around.
> I really don't think this is exclusive to agf though. More of a
> net.goth thing. I picked it up from a net.goth friend who to my
> knowledge has never been on agf. It was in frequent use on a
> separate IRC channel.

No, it's certainly not an agf-only thing. My roomie was the first
one I ever saw spelling 'boi,' and that was in 1994-5. And as much
as I adore her, I'm sure she didn't think of it herself.

- greensea
(realizing she's full of totally useless 1-liners tonight,
but doesn't care much; but thinks 'joi' and 'gai' are
mechagothpowertron-originated terms)

-- *
agf's faqs of life --
everything about you is a lie. everything. stay away from me.

Ice Princess

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie wrote:
> Gothskins? Is that like a blackened potato skin?

Yes. But it would be served with lots of ham.


Ice Princess
who is also in desperate need of some sleep...

Ice Princess
"Go-to" gal for Atomic Hyrax Games
"Warm...salty...never dulll--that's Lisa." "Or microwave popcorn."
--"News Radio"


Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
I wrote:

>:If you don't mind me asking, what is yours?

Skerry Carrie wrote:

>I believe I've answered that question already.

Yes, you did, which kind of makes that question irrelevant.

Skerry Carrie wrote again:

>I've said this before on many occasions, but it bears repeating:
>I'm not going to pepper my posts with smilies and ascii-hearts just
>so other people can feel comfortable. I'm matter-of-fact, I try not
>to dress things up in too much fluffy goodness, and that isn't going
>to change.

Didn't say you had to change, just was wondering why you didn't offer any of
your own input at that moment, and you did it later. So sue me for actually
LIKING to hear what other people think on matters. If it bothers you that much
to have somebody ask your opinion, I won't do it again. =) Subject is now

Jamie *not not not NOT being mean, even if it seems like I am because I'm not a
mean person*


Feb 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/25/99
> Whilst reading agf over my shoulder, my significant whatever,
>Jason, asked me if I considered him a "boi", and if so, exactly
>what one is..

Look at the last 2 letters. "Oi". Oi is a skinhead term. NOT a goth term.


Feb 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/25/99
sande wrote

>> I've noticed that Mare always referred to her s.o. as the 'man'

he's ten years older than me! He's the man- when I'm not calling him "Him". Of
course, he could call me "boi", anyday. hehe

Actually, the word MAN is one of those weird words- like mittens? man man man

remember that hen in the froghorn leghorn cartoons? A ...MA-ANN!



skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie

Feb 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/25/99
On Wed, 24 Feb 1999 23:19:32 -0000, "Antonio"
<> fpevooyrq onpxjneqf sbe fngna:

:I agree with nobody!

That is, of course, because boi..


<cue spooky music>

Carrie :D

skerry is that a squashed furby? carrie

Feb 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/25/99
On 25 Feb 1999 00:43:52 GMT, (QgreaserQ) fpevooyrq
onpxjneqf sbe fngna:

:Look at the last 2 letters. "Oi". Oi is a skinhead term. NOT a goth term.

I don't think that "oi" or "oy" has anything to do w/ the word "boi".

"oi"/"oy" is also frequently used by the punk crowd.

Carrie (who knows more than a few skinheads who identify strongly
with th' goth subculture. Heyyy. That's IT! Bois=Gothskins. There
ya go, question answered, problem solved. ;) {Gothskins? Is that like
a blackened potato skin? i should sleep.})

Feb 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/25/99
In article <>,
Sk8gundy <> wrote:

> On 24 Feb 1999, Leigh Gardner wrote:
> > Sk8gundy ( wrote:
> > : MakeUpWhoring - At first I had thought this was Christabel LaMotte's
> > : term, but Leigh Gardner told me that Jillian (then) Sutter
> > : was the first to write it in a post
> > no, it was Twilight, in a post called "makeupwhores unite!", where she
> > talked about the *need* for multiple shades of purple nailie. Everyone
> > just assumed it was Christabel, cause she always knew *exactly* what
> > makeup would do for any occassion. Jilli might have liked the term as
> > well, but I believe it was Twi who coined that phrase.

> Which Twilight? The one in N.O. or the one in AZ?

I *think* it was TwiTwi in N.O. who coined MakeUpWhores.
And I *think* (but am willing to bet that I'm wrong)
that I was the first one to pop up with the
"Boots first, THEN corset" rule.

(Tangent warning)

I've recently started peering into a.g. again. Christobel is posting
sporadically, and it was nice to read some of TSM's posts. But I don't think
I'll end up reading a.g. with the same thoroughness that I do a.g.f.

ObGothFash: um...I bought silk hydrangia blossoms today at Pottery Barn. I'm
going to use them to decorate some hats...Oh, and I'm trying to decide if a
dash of green eyeshadow (as in the look that Vampire Willow on last night's
Buffy was wearing) would look good on me.

-Jilli, rambling. Mmmm...decongestants...

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Feb 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/25/99
>> Antonio,
>> um.. appearently 'Goth Boi Babe of the Week', and doesn't know whether to
>> flattered or embarrassed..

LOL hun, be flattered. Only pretty bois get put up on those, ya know.

Jamie *fluff fluff fluff*


Feb 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/25/99