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Re: Weekly posting summary

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May 26, 2008, 12:55:59 PM5/26/08
I was having an argument with someone else about this issue.
The person is a christian conservative and their response to global warming
is that god gave us this earth to do all kinds of stuff with it and your
just interfering with rights of business etc etc.

"marika" <> wrote in message news:...
> "H Duffy" <> wrote in message
>>>> He could and did realise that it was possible; he just wanted actual
>>>> proof.
>>> I wonder what actual proof he would have accepted.
>>> Maybe there was no proof he would accept, and I'm not sure what proof
>>> he was shown why the Earth couldn't move or was the centre of the
>>> universe,
>>> but he seemed to have believed it.
>> You've said that before, but as soon as I asked you _where_ he had said
>> it, you changed your tune. So I'll ask again; what is it that makes you
>> think he believed that the Earth couldn't move? What is it that makes you
>> think he believed that it was the centre of the Universe?
> I read "People of the Book" last month. Saw the author speak at the
> National Press Club too.
> She talked a bit about the Sarajevo Haggadah that was created before
> Galileo's time. It pictures the earth as round. There's a little spot in
> the book where the artist explains why she drew the earth as round. She
> was taught so by her father, a Moorish physician, who respected his Arabic
> scientist and mathematician predecessors' findings on these issues.
> Though the book doesn't elaborate much after that, it's clear that the
> science of many preceding generations of other cultures and religions had
> done the calculations to demonstrate what Galileo was arguing. Galileo
> wasn't bucking science, and Rome wasn't opposing his thoughts because they
> lacked proof of science. It was a religious squabble pure and simple, a
> refusal to acknowledge any other religion's potential superiority on
> dogma.
> We've got a lot of that going on today by not just Rome but just about
> everyone on the planet.
> These types of oppositions are central to the evolution vs intelligent
> design debate. They are also central to the climate change debate. Many
> dispute the science, for and against, in an almost religious fervor.
> Which is being further debated in religious environments, such as some
> extreme fundamentalist churches that say that climage change is good
> because it will lead to the end times.
> I don't know enough about the bible (avoid it on purpose) but I always got
> the idea that the end of days meant that we would still be on earth, but
> that it would somehow be magically transformed back into some kind of
> garden of eden paradise analogue.
> Wouldn't it be nice if we little children made god's work easier if he
> didn't have to go cleaning up after us at the end of days just to make the
> place habitable again.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "marika" <>
> Newsgroups:
> soc.culture.usa,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.japan,soc.culture.australian,alt.usenet.legends.lester-mosley
> Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 7:34 PM
> Subject: Re: INTERNATIONAL STUFF - Severing | Renaissance Popes | Humanism
> | Seinfeld | Waaqeffannaa
>> "Frank Kalder" <> wrote in message
>> M. K. ~ e-glob, Washington, DC
>>> Frank Kalder ~ GLOBAL HAPLIFNET
>> ~ [US+EU Community]
>> - transatlantic daily -
>> . Severing Issue
>>> > > "While Sen. Obama has to explain what he knew and when he
>>> > > knew it about Wright's angry sermons, the Bush Family floats
>>> > > above its financial and political associations with the
>>> > > Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a South Korean theocrat who had denounced
>>> > > the United States as "Satan's harvest" and likened American women
>>> > > to "prostitutes."
>> The Obama Clinton race is on. One of the nearly final primary contests
>> occurs today. They won't announce results til polls are closed
>> ooops breaking news, North Carolina goes to Barack, Indiana is anyone's
>> guess
>>> > That's really mean.
>>> So the question is why does Bush not sever ties with such meanness as
>>> Obama
>>> was required to.
>> . Renaissance & Contemporary Humanism
>> Publisher Alice Schwarzer ["Emma"] (women's lib) received the 'Ludwig
>> Börne Award' in the Paulskirche of Frankfurt/Main. Ludwig Börne,
>> Heinrich Heine et al. were German Jews.
>> Especially: on "girlies", prostitutes, and so on.
>> Also contained: Machiavelli and Cesare Borgia, and some "love"
>> stories.
>> &
>> You may enjoy some of the photos...
>> ---------------
>> couldn't find any, which of the links?
>> _----------------------------
>> . Renaissance Popes
>>> Imperium der Päpste (2/3): Verschwörung im Vatikan
>>> Das neue Herrschaftsprinzip
>>> Unter Papst Sixtus IV. erreicht der Nepotismus neue Dimensionen
>>> Nach dem Attentat kommt es in Florenz zu einem Massaker
>>> "Il papa terrible"
>>> Julius II. als Feldherr und Kriegerpapst
>> You might have enjoyed the (historic) photos?
>> ------------
>> I am just now reading "The People of the Book:"
>> No popes but Torquemada appears as a Darth Vader
>> I'm saying these poor guys, these poor guys
>> The first guy I see is this dried out guy in a red skull cap
>> he's obviously got a magnificent headache based on his scowl
>> and then this fat guy with a gold cross on his t shirt
>> When do I get my gold sequined tshirt
>> seriously??????????????
>> . Excursion (Basics) & Commonness
>>> > Holistic Science | Esalen Institute | 'Notion & Act
>>> > Paradigm' (psychosomatics) by Prof. Helmut Milz
>>> > "Esalen soon became known for its blend of East/West
>>> > philosophies, its experiential/didactic workshops, the
>>> > steady influx of philosophers, psychologists, artists,
>>> > and religious thinkers ..." [http...]
>>> Today, I had the opportunity to read some legal documents in German. I
>>> was
>>> able to get most of the record with some reference to a dictionary.
>>> But boy I am surprised this is over my head.
>>> Although I remember hearing about Esalen.
>> When riding from Los Angeles to San Francisco (on the #1) I had an
>> opportunity to step in and look around. Great 'Big Sur' location!
>> --------
>> one of my most pleasant nights in California was in Big Sur
>> --------------------------
>> . Health Promotion
>>> >
>>> > - Ottawa Charter:
>>> >
>>> > - WHO treatise:
>>> Certainly a valuable viewpoint.
>> . Translations
>> This Google product enables you, e.g., to get texts translated from
>> German to English.
>> I'm using this tool occasionally to get translations from Greek to
>> English (while G. to German is not yet available).
>> Although a machine translation does not provide a really accurate
>> translation, it does, however, give you all the vocabulary involved at
>> a glance...
>> --------
>> I use it daily. Still it was over my head
>> I saw this video a few days ago on MTV and totally enjoyed it
>> you may as well

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