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Brynn Hartman's secret lover tells all!

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Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98


'She lured me to the bedroom, Phil lay dead -- I was next!'

The mystery friend Phil Hartman's wife Brynn brought to her house after she
killed the "NewsRadio" star was her secret lover -- and he's convinced she
planned to shoot him too and set him up for Phil's murder!

And secret lover Ron Douglas paints a horrific scene as Brynn showed him Phil's
blood-spattered body and locked him in a nearby room:

"I'm in a locked room and I don't know where Brynn is or what she's doing!
There's a dead man in the next room and a murderess running through the house.
I'm turning the door handle trying feverishly to get out. All the while I'm
thinking, 'Dear God, she's going to kill me next and try to pin Phil's murder
on me!

" 'She lured me to the bedroom, Phil lay dead -- and I was next'"

But Brynn's plans went awry when her 9-year-old son unlocked the door, letting
Douglas run from the house -- and 40-year-old Brynn took her own life instead.

Douglas poured out his shocking revelations to his Studio City, Calif.,
next-door neighbor and closest friend Omer Scarpidis.

Ron revealed the full horror of the murder night when Brynn, according to the
coroner's report, was drunk, on the antidepressant Zoloft and had taken cocaine
within five hours of her death.

Rumors swirled that Ron was her dealer. But Scarpidis divulged:

"Ron told me everything.  Ron didn't give her drugs. He is not a drug dealer
and he doesn't do drugs. He was her friend -- and after she shot Phil, Brynn
came right over to his house. I know, I saw her!"

Scarpidis said that about 3:35 a.m. on May 29, just hours after the murder, he
was opening his door to take his dog for a walk when Brynn's vehicle roared up.

"It hit my van in the rear, damaging the bumper. Then out staggered Brynn,
weaving like a drunk, wearing flimsy nightclothes, her hair bedraggled. She
went right to Ron's front door."

The ENQUIRER has learned that hours before that, Brynn had made a first visit
to the 57-year- old musician's house.

"Brynn and Ron have known each other for 16 years," said an insider. "He told
me, 'We met when we were trying out for acting roles. More recently she wrote a
script based on a wife who murders her husband. She let me read it.

" 'The night of the murder she stopped by to see me after having dinner with a
girlfriend. She stayed a short while, then left.' "

Exclusively in The ENQUIRER, here's what Douglas told Scarpidis about the drama
that unfolded later that night:

"Brynn called me around 3 a.m. She said: 'Ronnie! I want to come over.' I said:
'I'm sleeping.'

"She just kept repeating over and over, in a slurred voice: 'I want to talk to
you.' Not long after that, she's at my door.

"She bounced from wall to wall in the hallway and flopped down on a sofa,
babbling incoherently. I don't know what she was on, it could have been drugs
or alcohol.

"I said to her: 'Where's Phil?'

"She said: 'I shot him. I killed him.'

"But she was so high, I just didn't believe her. It was too ridiculous to take

Ron tried to calm Brynn for more than an hour, but she was still babbling.

"Then she got up as if to go to the bathroom and she was fumbling to get
something from her bag when a gun fell to the floor. I picked it up. I looked
inside and there were bullets missing.

"She said: 'Phil told me tonight he was leaving me for another woman. We had a
big fight, then he went to sleep -- that's when I shot him. He was in our bed.
He wanted to divorce me!'

"I was still disbelieving. But she was so high, I thought I'd better go home
with her. I drove there in my car, she went in hers. When we got to the Hartman
home she said: 'I want to show you Phil. Come and see!'

"I walked in the bedroom and there was Phil Hartman -- a bullet hole right in
the center of his forehead.

"Brynn had slipped out of the room. Now I'm scared. Really scared. I go looking
for the nearest phone.

"I can't stay in that room with a corpse lying there. I go to another room and
try to dial 911. But Brynn's on the line, telling me to get off the phone.
She's screaming: 'Don't call the police. I don't want to go to jail. I can't
spend the rest of my life in prison.'

"Finally I get through to 911. After the call I try to get out of the room but
find the door's locked!

"I don't know where Brynn is or what she's doing! I don't know how long it's
going to take the police to get there. I felt like a living dead man.

"I was afraid I was next to be shot. Why had she led me into the bedroom to see
her dead husband's bloody body after she'd brought the gun to my home and I'd
handled it?

"Phil lay dead and I was next!"

Ron was terrified that Brynn might have another gun in the house -- and it
turned out that she did.

"Then, like in a dream, I hear a kid's voice outside. It's their little boy,
Sean. He says: 'Why is my mommy screaming?'

"I yell: 'I'm locked in here!'

"And he says, 'I know where Mommy hides the key.'

"He gets it and as he opens the door I grab him and sprint through the house.
And as I plunge out onto the street with him the police arrive and grab him
from me.

"That's when Brynn killed herself -- with a second gun! I don't know who got
her little girl out.

"When I go over it in my brain I come up with this dark scenario that in her
crazed state she wanted to get my fingerprints on the gun, then shoot me and
have me accused of the murder of her husband!"

Then Douglas told Scarpidis details he'd never before revealed about Brynn

"Over the last few months she told me the marriage was in trouble. She said
they hadn't had sex for a year and only stayed together for the kids. She was
convinced he had a girlfriend but she didn't know who.

"About a month ago, she gave me that come-hither look and purred: 'Let's go

"I gave her a polite smile and declined without offending her."

Said Scarpidis: "Brynn used to be Ron's girlfriend before she married Hartman.
But no one knew about Ron Douglas and Brynn's past. I don't think anyone knew
about their affair, and very few people knew about their current relationship."

And another source said: "It was obvious that sex-starved Brynn was trying to
seduce Ron. She made a point of telling a close pal, 'Once I get him in bed
again, he'll never let go!'"

Added Scarpidis: "Ron and I discussed what may have been in Brynn's mind. He
and I are both convinced she had some crazy plan to shoot him, get his prints
on the gun and have him take the rap for Phil Hartman's murder!"



Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98

>And secret lover Ron Douglas paints a horrific scene as Brynn showed him
>Phil's blood-spattered body and locked him in a nearby room.

**Wow. Can this get any worse? What happened to Ron "I want to keep
everything out of the press" Douglas? Does he need some deniro to rejuvenate
his dead acting career?????? YIKES.


Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98

>Scarpidis said that about 3:35 a.m. on May 29, just hours after the murder,
>was opening his door to take his dog for a walk

Absoultely the time that I would take my dog out too, if I had one
.>"I said to her: 'Where's Phil?'
Totally normal question - LOL

>. But she was so high, I thought I'd better go home
>with her. I drove there in my car, she went in hers.

Hey, what are friends for but to folow you when you are driving drunk.

Sorry, am I the only one that thinks this whole thing is a crock??


Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

This is such old news! Why is this being posted NOW?


Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

>Scarpidis said that about 3:35 a.m. on May 29, just hours after the murder,
>was opening his door to take his dog for a walk when Brynn's vehicle roared

Who walks their dog at 3:35 in the morning?

Roseanne Roseannadanna
AGC Visually Impaired Item Maintenance Technician
Alternatively, Keeper Intact of Blind Bits Listed Entirely Separately and Blind
Items Together for Searches (KIBBLES & BITS) AND Keeper of Daniel Day-Lewis!


Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

<<Who walks their dog at 3:35 in the morning? >>

hey, if eddie murphy can go out driving for a newspaper at 4 am, surely someone
else can think it's dog-walkin' time...


Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98
to (SIBBELL) wrote:

>Hey, what are friends for but to folow you when you are driving drunk.
>Sorry, am I the only one that thinks this whole thing is a crock??

Nope, you're not the only one...


"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."
--Raoul Duke


Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98
to (Writermss) wrote:

>>This is such old news! Why is this being posted NOW?<<

Hey get off my back! So, I'm lazy, and wait for the NE to put it on their
website, rather than type it out! Go headbutt me!


~I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow
isn't looking good either.~


Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

Michele 317 writes:

Yeah, I know. These people think we are idiots. Wasn't OJ playing golf in his
front yard at the time of the murders, like at about midnight? I lost track of
his lies.


Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

<<Who walks their dog at 3:35 in the morning? >>

Hey, after she heard the infamous bumps in the night, a terrified Rosa Lopez
(remember her) brought her owners' old arthritic dog out for a walk and that
was around 12:00am.

Oct 14, 2017, 12:45:44 AM10/14/17
Hey don't let anyone get on your case for posting this. It was just aired on that new series "Autopsy, The final hours of *****'s life (insert whatever celebrity is airing that week).

I can't believe that they got away with blaming Zoloft. I say that, not because Zoloft might not have some dangerous side effects, but more so because it is a proven fact that Brynn was a nut ball from the time she started dating Phil. From what I have read and researched and what that show revealed, it seems to me that Brynn married Phil because she thought she could ride his coattails to fame. She saw him as her meal ticket into Hollywood. Every single Saturday night live writer on the show and producers who worked on projects with Phil, stated that she had no tact when meeting them. She asked for favors right up front. Not that she shouldn't have been able to have her husband help her I mean so much of Hollywoods A list is made up of connected people who got in on their parents fame, or their Aunt's fame (Emma Roberts) the whole Sofia Coppola (sp) Gwenyth Paltrow and the list goes on. But Brynn was so desperate and she didn't have much talent. She was blaming her husband for her failed career and that is not right to do that. She wrote that 4 page letter to his ex wife threatening to rip her eyes out, just because she sent them a congratulations card on their first child. And I mean the most important clue to me that Zoloft was not to blame that night, is the copious amounts of liquor and cocaine that she had in her system. I believe she had something else too like a hydrocodone. Did she REALLY need a doctor to tell her at 40 years old not to mix her zoloft with a shit ton of booze and an illegal dangerous drug?? BUT at the end of the day, if Zoloft wants to take one for the team so that the two, poor, innocent, heart broken children who were left parent less did not have to beleive that their mother was the raging nut she was, who killed their father because she was a spoiled, selfish, entitled, drug crazed, woman who cared more about becoming famous than appreciating having two beautiful children, and living a very rich life style for a girl who came from a working class family in Minnesota. I mean damn, she had it pretty damn good and her husband was faithful to her. SO maybe the Zoloft story is best for the children's sake. Thank you for posting this by the way ;)

Apr 30, 2019, 9:49:02 AM4/30/19
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