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Re: I thought their diversity made them strong ....

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walt tonne

Jan 24, 2012, 7:55:11 AM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 5:30 am, Gary <> wrote:
> ... Bwahahahaha  !!
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Putin warns ethnic tensions risk tearing Russia apart
> (Reuters) - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, warning ethnic tensions
> could tear Russia apart, said on Monday he would toughen migration
> rules and keep a tight rein on Russia's regions to prevent it
> following the Soviet Union into oblivion.
> In a newspaper article and an address in southern Russia, Putin used
> the danger of ethnic discord to call for limits on electoral reforms.
> "With the collapse of the country (the Soviet Union), we were on the
> edge -- and in some regions over the edge -- of civil war," Putin
> wrote in Nezavisimaya Gazeta.
> "With great effort, with great sacrifice we were able to douse these
> fires. But that doesn't mean that the problem is gone," he wrote in
> the second of a series of articles promoting his leadership goals
> ahead of a March 4 presidential election.
> Putin, in power since 2000 and favored to win a six-year presidential
> term in March, described a Soviet-style vision of a country in which
> the rights of ethnic minorities would be respected but Russian
> language and culture would dominate.
> "The Russian people, the Russian culture is the glue holding together
> the unique fabric of this civilization," Putin wrote.

Bravo for Putin! Imagine one of our usual political hacks making such
a statement?

Diversity proves toxic again and again. The Occidental Observer

Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 8:45:31 AM1/24/12

There's no denying that there will be challenges, even confrontations
as Hispanics claim their legitimate share of political AND economic
power. (upper left)

However, if one country can pull this one off, it is the good Ole'

If the success of this experiment called America is predicated upon a
white majority, then it was a crappy civilization to begin with and it
does not deserve preserving.

Like individual persons, no country-race is indispensable!

IF (big if) that's the case: good riddance! Let's make something


Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 8:51:03 AM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 7:45 am, Ramon F Herrera <> wrote:
> There's no denying that there will be challenges, even confrontations
> as Hispanics claim their legitimate share of political AND economic
> power.
> left)
> However, if one country can pull this one off, it is the good Ole'
> USA.
> If the success of this experiment called America is predicated upon a
> white majority, then it was a crappy civilization to begin with and it
> does not deserve preserving.
> Like individual persons, no country-race is indispensable!
> IF (big if) that's the case: good riddance! Let's make something
> better.
> -Ramon

Let me put it in another way: Any gringo who refuses to take part of
the new, better, "equality America" will be promptly replaced by a

Whitey is being enthusiastically invited to help build that new
America, but nobody is putting a gun to their heads...


ps: The whiners will be dead at the time, anyways.

Red Cloud

Jan 24, 2012, 12:51:23 PM1/24/12
Who will replace failing Latino?

Can Latino population able to carry out the nation to compete in
rising global competition?

Bottomline: Latino is nothing but a mass consumers. Latino is here to
Mx is a calories loving culture due to gluttonous lifestyle. Their
street obesity is due to consuming mass amount of greasy Chinese
junk-food .

Hey! Mexican mom! Stop eating that Chinese greasy food! Your
children will get
fat and rotund!!!!!

Who will replace growing fat and rotund Mexicans?

Red Cloud

Jan 24, 2012, 1:10:10 PM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 5:45 am, Ramon F Herrera <> wrote:
> There's no denying that there will be challenges, even confrontations
> as Hispanics claim their legitimate share of political AND economic
> power.
> left)
> However, if one country can pull this one off, it is the good Ole'
> USA.
> If the success of this experiment called America is predicated upon a
> white majority, then it was a crappy civilization to begin with and it
> does not deserve preserving.
> Like individual persons, no country-race is indispensable!
> IF (big if) that's the case: good riddance! Let's make something
> better.
> -Ramon

Hey stand up! Face south! Look beyond US-Mexico border! You will see
the destiny of your Latino Nation in USA! Add some obesity flavor in
Latino menu!!!

Ramon! Do you know why I truly despise you and your Latino race?
Beating and abusing animal which formed a cultural behavior of
Spanish and later acculturated
into Mexican Machismo. I wonder if Mexican obesity is a symbol of
Mexican cultural and national Machismo. The sad fact that Mexican race
can't run nor can't jump and that's why Mexican can't win Olympic

f. barnes

Jan 24, 2012, 3:00:08 PM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 7:45 am, Ramon F Herrera <> wrote:
> There's no denying that there will be challenges, even confrontations
> as Hispanics claim their legitimate share of political AND economic
> power.
> left)
> However, if one country can pull this one off, it is the good Ole'
> USA.
> If the success of this experiment called America is predicated upon a
> white majority, then it was a crappy civilization to begin with and it
> does not deserve preserving.
> Like individual persons, no country-race is indispensable!
> IF (big if) that's the case: good riddance! Let's make something
> better.
> -Ramon

Where will they go "just looking for a better life" after they turn
the US is into another turd world Hispanic cesspool? That is the


Jan 24, 2012, 3:25:36 PM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 7:45 am, Ramon F Herrera <> wrote:
> There's no denying that there will be challenges, even confrontations
> as Hispanics claim their legitimate share of political AND economic
> power.
> left)
> However, if one country can pull this one off, it is the good Ole'
> USA.
> If the success of this experiment called America is predicated upon a
> white majority, then it was a crappy civilization to begin with and it
> does not deserve preserving.
> Like individual persons, no country-race is indispensable!
> IF (big if) that's the case: good riddance! Let's make something
> better.
> -Ramon

If the success of this experiment called America is predicated upon a
white majority, then it was a crappy civilization to begin with and it
does not deserve preserving.
it wasn't only whites who made the USA the greatest nation in the
history of the planet.
it will be, however, hispanics who turn it into a shit hole to avoid

Like individual persons, no country-race is indispensable!
have you ever been to school? even for a visit?

Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 5:21:44 PM1/24/12
Obviously you don't believe in America as much as we Hispanics, and
young people, and most of America do.

The great news is that you are little representative of America, and
becoming less and less with every passing year.


ps: Congratulations on finally having removed your hypocritical white
supremacist mask! Follow Walt Tonne's lead and speak clearly and
sincerely. Drop the pretense of not being racist.

Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 5:24:36 PM1/24/12
Yup. Got multiple degrees at some of our best schools. Was at MIT
(helped invent the Internet for you to enjoy).

The concept of "Country-race" comes from mathematical set theory. In
order to make it easier for you, it is equivalent to a multiplication,
with 2 orthogonal qualifiers.


Ron M.

Jan 24, 2012, 7:26:56 PM1/24/12
You keep trotting this horse but can never seem to provide any proof.
Maybe just once prove it if you can. Until you do it's just another
person boasting big on the Internet.

f. barnes

Jan 24, 2012, 8:19:30 PM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 4:21 pm, Ramon F Herrera <> wrote:
> On Jan 24, 2:00 pm, "f. barnes" <> wrote:
> > On Jan 24, 7:45 am, Ramon F Herrera <> wrote:
> > > There's no denying that there will be challenges, even confrontations
> > > as Hispanics claim their legitimate share of political AND economic
> > > power.
> > >
> > > However, if one country can pull this one off, it is the good Ole'
> > > USA.
> > > If the success of this experiment called America is predicated upon a
> > > white majority, then it was a crappy civilization to begin with and it
> > > does not deserve preserving.
> > > Like individual persons, no country-race is indispensable!
> > > IF (big if) that's the case: good riddance! Let's make something
> > > better.
> > > -Ramon
>  > Where will they go "just looking for a better life" after they
>  > turn the US is into another turd world Hispanic cesspool?
>  > That is the question.
> Obviously you don't believe in America as much as we Hispanics, and
> young people, and most of America do.

I just look around the world at other Hispanic countries and draw the
obvious conclusion. And the Hispanic motherland, Spain, don't show
me much either.

> The great news is that you are little representative of America, and
> becoming less and less with every passing year.
> -Ramon
> ps: Congratulations on finally having removed your hypocritical white
> supremacist mask! Follow Walt  Tonne's lead and speak clearly and
> sincerely. Drop the pretense of not being racist.- Hide quoted text -

What race are Hispanics? It would set my mind at ease to know what
race I am racist against. I would like to be able to show my proper
racism whenever I meet someone of the Hispanic race, whatever race
that is.

> - Show quoted text -


Jan 24, 2012, 8:29:04 PM1/24/12
On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 05:45:31 -0800 (PST), Ramon F Herrera
<> wrote:

>There's no denying that there will be challenges, even confrontations
>as Hispanics claim their legitimate share of political AND economic
Are you talking about front door Hispanics or back door Hispanics?

Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 9:08:55 PM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 7:29 pm, Metspitzer <> wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 05:45:31 -0800 (PST), Ramon F Herrera
> <> wrote:
> >There's no denying that there will be challenges, even confrontations
> >as Hispanics claim their legitimate share of political AND economic
> >power.

> Are you talking about front door Hispanics
> or back door Hispanics?

Both. Conceivably, the ones that came illegally (as many of your
gringo ancestors did) should have better genes, more resolve, fought
harder and are helping build America with more sacrifices than most

Time will tell...



Jan 24, 2012, 9:11:54 PM1/24/12

"f. barnes" <> wrote in message
I think all hispanics are caucasians except for a few who are mixed with
negroids. They are usually called mulattos, but that term has been
torpedoed in this group. Religion alone does not define a group of people,
although many think that it does.


Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 9:27:12 PM1/24/12
Human race.

Reply #1:
In actual usage, "racist" has become synonymous with "bigot".

Reply #2:
The United Nations declared that prejudice and attacks based on race
and those based on ethnicity are EXACTLY the same.

Reply #3:
Since a Hispanic can be black, white, brown or yellow, you are 4 times
as racist.

Therefore, if you have any complaint, take it to alt.usage.english and
the UN.



Jan 24, 2012, 9:37:17 PM1/24/12

"Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in message
Please cite that many white ancestors came here illegally.

Oh, and please remember to cite the specific law(s) you claim were violated.

Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 9:31:07 PM1/24/12
You have absolutely no clue. Hang out at alt.politics.immigration
where we have been very successful at teaching some elemental stuff to

Any of the gringo old-timers can give you a proper tutorial. Sandy,
for instance is the local expert.


Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 9:45:44 PM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 8:37 pm, "Scout"
<> wrote:
> "Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in
Here's one cite that is fished on the net, from "Colonel Jim":

"I served as a military officer for 26 years, and took seriously my
oath to support and defend the Constitution. I capitalize the word
because I believe this nation has contributed two sacred texts to the
betterment of the world: our Declaration of Independence and our
Constitution. The Constitution was the first of its kind. A written
outline of how a republic should operate.

"One of the most notable accomplishments of the Founders was creating
the ability to amend the Constitution. The 13th, 14th, and 15th
amendments came about because an entire section of our nation (the
defeated South) did not want to recognize, even in the face of costly
defeat in a war they precipitated, that black Americans were, in fact,
citizens of the Republic. Ratifying these amendments was a condition
of readmission to the union, and that was just. However, we all know
that Jim Crow laws were introduced to continue to deny blacks their
rights affirmed by these three amendments for 100 years.

"Whatever you believe about our immigration problem, and whatever view
you hold of people who do not speak English with the same accent you
do, the fact is the 14th amendment says a person born in this nation
is a citizen. That ends the conversation. Now, if you want to change
that, then lobby for a new amendment. But just one word of advice:
many of us in this nation had ancestors who immigrated under less-
than- completely legal circumstances. No one is asking me to "go back
to England" because my ancestors just sort of showed up in the late


Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 9:50:28 PM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 8:37 pm, "Scout"
<> wrote:
> "Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in
There you go:

Our Founders were illegal immigrants

By William Hogeland



Jan 24, 2012, 9:55:18 PM1/24/12

"Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in message
I see, so you try to support your statement by quoting someone else's
unsupported statement, and you seem to think that is some sort of proof?

ROFL....I really hope you can do better on your 2nd attempt.


Jan 24, 2012, 9:57:05 PM1/24/12

"Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in message
Sorry, you failed again.

There is a difference between illegal occupancy (what your article talks
about) and illegal immigration.

Shall you go for your 3rd attempt?

Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 10:07:11 PM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 8:57 pm, "Scout"
<> wrote:
> "Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in
So, not only you are ignorant of America's history, but you are
actually proud of your ignorance.

Once thing you could do is what I did: I took my van, spent a couple
years on the road (surveying the domain of my descendants). One of my
important stops was Ellis Island. Go there, learn a little. What
happened there wasn't as clean cut as people think.

It is not my job to supplement your glaring educational shortcomings.

See you at the voting booth!!


Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 10:19:15 PM1/24/12
Pay special attention to the part about "SELF APPOINTED immigrants".

A Nation Built on Immigrant Genes


Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 10:23:10 PM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 8:37 pm, "Scout"
<> wrote:
> "Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in
Tell us something: If you were illegally in the US, if you were in the
shoes of the undocumented workers (as some of your ancestors may have
been), would you leave? Would you go back home, and wait in line?

You would? Really?

Well, I am ashamed of being your compatriot. I guess the illegal
immigrants love America a lot more than you do.


Ramon F Herrera

Jan 24, 2012, 10:12:25 PM1/24/12
On Jan 24, 8:57 pm, "Scout"
<> wrote:
> "Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in
Oh! I am sorry we Hispanics are not interested in illegally occupying
the US! I guess we are not that arrogant and evildoers. We are humble

May I assume that you are absolutely clueless about the history of how
Florida ended in gringo hands?

Again: I we don't want it back. I wouldn't change a comma of history.



Jan 24, 2012, 10:46:00 PM1/24/12

"Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in message
Nope, I'm asking you to back up your claim with facts. If you can't, just
say so.

> Once thing you could do is what I did: I took my van, spent a couple
> years on the road (surveying the domain of my descendants).

Really? Exactly how much domain do your descendants have, and what does that
have to do with your claim above?

>One of my
> important stops was Ellis Island.

Really? You have descendants that own Ellis Island?

Ellis Island? Isn't that the place where a lot of LEGAL immigrants passed

Are you suggesting that Ellis Island was actually a major station in the
underground railroad of illegal immigrants?

> Go there, learn a little.

I don't think Ellis Island can tell me much about the illegal immigration
you claimed occurred, nor is it up to me to try to prove your claims.

> happened there wasn't as clean cut as people think.

I see a lot of evasions, and attempts to change the subject what I'm not
seeing is your presentation that shows most white immigrants to the US did
so illegally.

> It is not my job to supplement your glaring educational shortcomings.

But it IS your job to support the claims you make.

Seems you don't want to do that. Is it because you can't?

> See you at the voting booth!!

Why? Are we voting on how stupid you are?


Jan 24, 2012, 10:46:57 PM1/24/12

"Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in message
Attempt to change the subject noted.

I take this to mean you've shot your wad and can't find anything to support
your claims?


Jan 24, 2012, 10:50:06 PM1/24/12

"Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in message
Sorry, I see nothing about self appointed. Now if you mean self selected,
well yes most immigrants to the US did so voluntarily and chose to come

What does that have to with your claim that most did so illegally?


Jan 24, 2012, 10:52:08 PM1/24/12

"Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in message
> On Jan 24, 8:37 pm, "Scout"
> <> wrote:
>> "Ramon F Herrera" <> wrote in
>> > On Jan 24, 7:29 pm, Metspitzer <> wrote:
>> >> On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 05:45:31 -0800 (PST), Ramon F Herrera
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >> >There's no denying that there will be challenges, even confrontations
>> >> >as Hispanics claim their legitimate share of political AND economic
>> >> >power.
>> > > Are you talking about front door Hispanics
>> > > or back door Hispanics?
>> > Both. Conceivably, the ones that came illegally (as many of your
>> > gringo ancestors did) should have better genes, more resolve, fought
>> > harder and are helping build America with more sacrifices than most
>> > Americans.
>> Please cite that many white ancestors came here illegally.
>> Oh, and please remember to cite the specific law(s) you claim were
>> violated.
> Tell us something: If you were illegally in the US, if you were in the
> shoes of the undocumented workers (as some of your ancestors may have
> been), would you leave? Would you go back home, and wait in line?

I take your attempt to change the subject to mean that you can't cite any
statute being violated by those you claim immigrated illegally.

> You would? Really?
> Well, I am ashamed of being your compatriot. I guess the illegal
> immigrants love America a lot more than you do.

What I love or don't love is immaterial to the challenge I made concerning
your claim.

That you're dancing around trying to avoid supporting that claim confirms
that I was right to challenge you on it. Because apparently it was Bullshit.

Message has been deleted

Kaufmans itinerent father

Jan 25, 2012, 12:04:05 AM1/25/12
On 1/24/2012 6:51 AM, Ramon F Herrera wrote:
> On Jan 24, 7:45 am, Ramon F Herrera<> wrote:
>> There's no denying that there will be challenges, even confrontations
>> as Hispanics claim their legitimate share of political AND economic
>> power.
>> left)
>> However, if one country can pull this one off, it is the good Ole'
>> USA.
>> If the success of this experiment called America is predicated upon a
>> white majority, then it was a crappy civilization to begin with and it
>> does not deserve preserving.
>> Like individual persons, no country-race is indispensable!
>> IF (big if) that's the case: good riddance! Let's make something
>> better.
>> -Ramon
> Let me put it in another way: Any gringo who refuses to take part of
> the new, better, "equality America" will be promptly replaced by a
> Latino.
> Whitey is being enthusiastically invited to help build that new
> America, but nobody is putting a gun to their heads...
> -Ramon
> ps: The whiners will be dead at the time, anyways.
Go home you fucking greasy bastard.

Kaufmans itinerent father

Jan 25, 2012, 12:06:38 AM1/25/12

> > I think all hispanics are caucasians except for a few
> > who are mixed with negroids.
> You have absolutely no clue. Hang out at alt.politics.immigration
> where we have been very successful at teaching some elemental stuff to
> posters.

Like how to molest children? How to steal bicycles? How to avoid getting
car insurance? Where to get free food?

Kaufmans itinerent father

Jan 25, 2012, 12:11:05 AM1/25/12

> So, not only you are ignorant of America's history, but you are
> actually proud of your ignorance.

If we had to rely on hispanics to build America, we'd all be running
around on dirt roads with leave blowers looking for bicycles to steal.
> Once thing you could do is what I did: I took my van, spent a couple
> years on the road (surveying the domain of my descendants). One of my
> important stops was Ellis Island. Go there, learn a little. What
> happened there wasn't as clean cut as people think.

That's not an excuse to allow Mexican criminals to flood over the border.
> It is not my job to supplement your glaring educational shortcomings.
> See you at the voting booth!!

Vote for your Democrat Socialist Obama, and you greasers have to go to
Mexico just to eat and buy gas.
> -Ramon

Kaufmans itinerent father

Jan 25, 2012, 12:11:52 AM1/25/12
They just like free shit, and loafing around fucking pubescent Mexican

> -Ramon

Kaufmans itinerent father

Jan 25, 2012, 12:14:13 AM1/25/12
Arguing with government paid posters is a waste of time. Haven't you
figured out that Ramon the supposed beaner is paid to post pro-socialist
bullshit? He's probably sitting at a government computer posting White
House talking points.
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