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Mrs. Peter Lawford pissed at Tony Curtis

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Jan 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/6/99
By RICHARD JOHNSON with Jeane MacIntosh and Kate Coyne
THE widow of Rat Pack actor Peter Lawford is seething over statements made by
Tony Curtis during A&E's Biography profile Monday night on the legendary troupe
- and she's not keeping quiet about it.

Patricia Lawford Stewart, the nubile beauty Lawford married when she was just
16, and who was with him when he died 14 years ago, became enraged while
watching the program.

During the A&E special, Curtis says that, because of continued drug and alcohol
abuse, Lawford had succumbed to a "series of delusions" by the time he died.

But Patricia, who was wed to the English star for over a decade, is astonished
that Curtis would tarnish his pal's memory.

"Peter was not delusional. He had a death wish. He knew exactly how he wanted
to exit this world, and he was very clear about the path he chose," she fumes

"As if Tony Curtis never had a substance abuse problem? It was a careless,
reckless and vile thing to say.

"Peter did not need to be trashed by one of his cohorts," she continues. "It's
absolute s---. My husband worked, and did more movies than Tony Curtis ever
did. I don't expect Peter's ass to be kissed, but I do expect him to be treated
fairly. And what Tony did amounts to character assasination. Tony's just full
of it."

Patricia also feels that Curtis barely had the authority to discuss Lawford in
the first place.

"Tony went on the record like he knew everything. He knows very little. I was
the one who was there while Peter was dying and in pain," she seethes. "Tony
was just wildly vindictive about what Peter did with his life and with his
career - like Tony's career is so hot."

The raging widow finally snaps: "Hey, Bernie Schwartz [Curtis's real name] -
shut up! Go get a new rug for your head, instead. Your silver pompadour isn't
fooling anyone."

Ultimately, though, she says she's more concerned about Lawford's legacy than
trading insults.

"One day my daughter and my son are going to ask me, 'Mommy, who was your first
husband?' And I don't need people like Tony Curtis out there trashing his
memory," she explains. "I protect the people I care about. This man still has
children out there."

A spokesperson for Curtis said the actor had "absolutely no comment" about
Patricia's statements, but went on to add: "This does not dignify a comment. If
she's distraught, that's her problem. Mr. Lawford certainly had some serious
problems towards the end, and what Tony said wasn't derogatory or insulting in
any way."


Jan 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/6/99
I th ought this widow was the Kennedy...guess not.

Jan 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/6/99
In article <>,
chaos...@aol.comNoSpam00 (ChaosinRed) wrote:

> I th ought this widow was the Kennedy...guess not.

Her maiden name is Patricia Kennedy.

--linda denise--
(Scorpio Spice)

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Jan 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/6/99
No, the one making the outraged statements is Patricia SEATON Lawford. She
came after Pat Kennedy Lawford. That is, Peter had two wives named Pat. wrote in message <770s74$f3a$>...


Jan 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/6/99
to wrote:
> No, the one making the outraged statements is Patricia SEATON Lawford. She
> came after Pat Kennedy Lawford. That is, Peter had two wives named Pat.

And a total of *four* wives:
Patricia Kennedy
Mary Rowan
Victoria Gould
Patricia Seaton

Linda C.

Jan 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/7/99
In article <>, wrote:
> wrote:
> >
> > No, the one making the outraged statements is Patricia SEATON Lawford. She
> > came after Pat Kennedy Lawford. That is, Peter had two wives named Pat.
> And a total of *four* wives:
> Patricia Kennedy
> Mary Rowan
> Victoria Gould
> Patricia Seaton

Thank you, ladies....I stand corrected.

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