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33 Bullet Points Proving "Global Warming" Is Caused By The Sun, Not CO2 - By Geologist, Dr Roger Higgs - Part 5

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Jun 13, 2023, 5:22:43 PM6/13/23

33 Bullet Points Proving "Global Warming" Is Caused By The Sun, Not CO2 - By
Geologist, Dr Roger Higgs - Part 5

28) NASA's "ClimateKids" website says "Extra greenhouse gases in our atmosphere
are the main reason that Earth is getting warmer" and "today the planet is
warming much faster than it has over human history." The first statement is
untrue (see many Bullets above). The wording of the second statement, which may
or not be true, gives the impression that man is to blame, and omits to mention
that the Sun's increase in output from the Little Ice Age (Bullet 9) to the
1991 solar-magnetic peak was the greatest for at least the last 9,000 years
(Bullet 12). Society is in a sad state when even NASA, who put men on the moon,
is reduced to uncritically jumping on the AGW bandwagon/gravy train and scaring
children with a fairy tale (i.e. first statement above) affecting their mental
health (see also Bullet 8).

29) In March 2020 I exposed Wikipedia's November 2019 deletion of its "List of
scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming"
(Bullet 4), which named 79 renowned PhD scientists (each with his/her own
Wikipedia entry), from diverse sciences, brave enough to publicly challenge the
global CO2 madness. (Tens of thousands of other "skeptical" scientists are
sadly too timid to join in, frightened for their jobs.) Thus, your children may
never know that many prominent, impartial scientists disagree with the claim by
the under-qualified (Bullet 1), disingenuous (Bullets 6, 22) IPCC that global
warming is due to man-made CO2. This is global censorship by "Tricky Wiki'.
Fortunately the list survives, both hard-copy (contact me for pdf) and online
(for now).

30) Dismissing Modern Warming's clear correlation with 20th-century rising
solar activity based on sunspots (especially after applying a time-lag of ~60-
100 years; Bullets 12, 21), the Royal Observatory of Belgium's SILSO group
(connections to IPCC) produced a "corrected" new sunspot series, now widely
accepted, greatly inflating the 1778 sunspot peak, so that the 1958 peak
(Bullet 12) looks much less exceptional. The result was announced in a 2015
press release by SILSO Director Frédéric Clette: "The new record has no
significant long-term upward trend in solar activity since 1700, as was
previously indicated. This suggests that rising global temperatures since the
industrial revolution cannot be attributed to increased solar activity." Voilà
! How pleased must the IPCC have been? My Technical Note 2019-17 shows the
"correction" to be incorrect.

31) The NASA and HadCRUT graphs (Bullet 11) show global land surface air
temperature rising faster than sea surface temperature since 1985. Land and sea
warming from 1985 to 2016 was supposedly 1.2 and 0.5 centigrade degrees,
respectively (NASA), i.e. the land warmed more than twice as fast! This
divergence is highly doubtful, for two reasons: (1) the same graphs show much
less divergence before 1985 and sometimes in the opposite sense; and (2) the
ocean governs global average air temperature (Bullet 5A), therefore how can the
latter warm more than the former? Computer models blame the divergence on
global warming by CO2, but models can produce any desired result (Bullet 6). A
far more likely explanation is inadequate land-temperature correction for the
"urban heat island" effect. Indeed, there has been massive urbanisation
worldwide since 1985, out-of-control world population increasing 60% and urban
population more than doubling.

32) The "Hockey stick controversy" (Wiki) refers to Michael Mann's 1999
temperature graph for 1000AD to 1998, shaped like a hockey stick, with its
"shaft" and "blade" joining at the Little Ice Age (Bullet 9). Many AGW skeptics
and deniers (Bullet 4) accused Mann of fraudulently erasing the warm "hump" of
the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) in the previously accepted temperature graph for
900 to 1950AD by pioneer palaeoclimatologist and originator of the MWP concept
Hubert Lamb (1965), re-published with minor alterations by IPCC itself (Folland
et al. 1990), showing the MWP peak ~1150AD, and warmer than today. But Lamb's
graph was only intended as a gross approximation, based mostly on historical
documents. In contrast, post-1999 graphs based (like Mann's) on temperature
proxies (tree rings etc.) and extending further back to 1AD, vindicated Mann
and confirmed the MWP hump was lower and broader, and started centuries
earlier, and was already surpassed by Modern Warming by 2000 or possibly as
early as 1950.

33) The IPCC assures us that Earth's temperature is controlled by CO2 and that
the Sun has minuscule or zero effect. This is precisely backwards. In truth,
solar-magnetic output controls our climate (Svensmark effect, Bullet 14) and
CO2 has little or no influence (Bullets 1, 10, 11, 19, 32). Varying solar
output even controls the timing of large earthquakes, making it even harder to
believe the IPCC's claim that the Sun might not affect climate.


These 33 bullets collectively prove that any CO2 effect on global temperatures
of the Holocene period (i.e. the last 11,650 years), including the "Modern
Warming" period since 1815, was nil or too small to detect.

Almost certainly CO2's greenhouse effect is nullified by negative-feedback
effects greatly underestimated by the IPCC. This explains "The Holocene
Temperature Conundrum" and why "runaway" warming is unknown throughout
geological history.

Holocene temperature changes were instead driven by solar-magnetic changes
(controlling cloudiness via the Svensmark Theory), superimposed on long-term
cooling due to Earth's declining axial obliquity.

I, Dr Higgs, predict another few decades (to about 2050) of ocean-lagged Modern
Warming by the Sun's 20th-century surge, offset by CO2's net (including
feedbacks) cooling effect, while CO2 climbs nearer the optimum for plant
photosynthesis. Then Sun-forced cooling will begin. There is no "climate
emergency'. There has never been a better time to be alive. Be happy.

Dr Roger Higgs (DPhil geology, Oxford, 1982-86)


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