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Cap Allon: Calling Out The Climate Scam: A Princeton Professor, An MIT Scientist, And A Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist...

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Aug 23, 2023, 10:37:24 PM8/23/23

... and YOUR credentials, please?

Calling Out The Climate Scam: A Princeton Professor, An Mitt Scientist, And A
Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist

Two prominent climate scientists recently argued, in testimony, that new
Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) rules to cut CO2 emissions "will be
disastrous for the country, for no scientifically justifiable reason."

William Happer, professor emeritus in physics at Princeton University, and
Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of atmospheric science at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) argue, quoting extensive data, that the EPA's
justification of the new regulations are not based on scientific facts but
rather political opinions and speculative models that have consistently been
proven wrong.

"The unscientific method of analysis, relying on consensus, peer review,
government opinion, models that do not work, cherry-picking data and omitting
voluminous contradictory data, is commonly employed in these studies and by the
EPA in the Proposed Rule," Happer and Lindzen stated. "None of the studies
provides scientific knowledge, and thus none provides any scientific support
for the Proposed Rule."

"All of the models that predict catastrophic global warming fail the key test
of the scientific method: they grossly overpredict the warming versus actual
data," they stated. "The scientific method proves there is no risk that fossil
fuels and carbon dioxide will cause catastrophic warming and extreme weather."

Climate models like the ones that the EPA is using have been consistently wrong
for decades in predicting actual outcomes, Happer told The Epoch Times,
offering the table below to illustrate his point:

"That was already an embarrassment in the 1990s, when I was director of energy
research in the U.S. Department of Energy," continued Happer. "I was funding a
lot of this work, and I knew very well then that the models were overpredicting
the warming by a huge amount."

One popular way to fight the EPA's climate regulations is cite what's called
the "major questions doctrine", which argues that the agency does not have the
authority to invent regulations that have such an enormous impact on Americans
without clear direction from Congress. Happer and Lindzen, however, have taken
a different tack, arguing that the EPA regulations fail the "State Farm" test
because they are "arbitrary and capricious."

"Time and again, courts have applied "State Farm's" principles to invalidate
agency rules where the agency failed to consider an important aspect of the
problem, or cherry-picked data to support a pre-ordained conclusion," they
explained, referring to the 2003 case of State Farm v. Campell in which the
Supreme Court argued that "a State can have no legitimate interest in
deliberately making the law so arbitrary that citizens will be unable to avoid
punishment based solely upon bias or whim."

According to Happer and Lindzen's testimony, "600 million years of CO2 and
temperature data contradict the theory that high levels of CO2 will cause
catastrophic global warming" - and they present the following chart which shows
little correlation between historical levels of CO2 and temperature, arguing
also that current CO2 levels are at a low point:

This chart shows CO2 levels (blue) and temperatures (red) over time, indicating
little correlation and current levels of both at historic lows [Analysis of the
Temperature Oscillations in Geological Eras by Dr. C. R. Scotese; Earth's
Climate: Past and Future by Mark Peganini; Marked Decline in Atmospheric Carbon
Dioxide Concentrations During the Paleocene, Science magazine vol. 309.]

"The often highly emphasized 140 [parts per million] increase in CO2 since the
beginning of the Industrial Age is trivial compared to CO2 changes over the
geological history of life on Earth," they stated. And in any case, "Increased
levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere create more food for people
worldwide, including more food for people in drought-stricken areas. Increases
in carbon dioxide over the past two centuries since the Industrial Revolution,
from about 280 parts per million to about 420 ppm, caused an approximate 20
percent increase in the food available to people worldwide, as well as
increased greening of the planet and a benign warming in temperature."

More CO2 in the atmosphere leads to more plant growth and higher farming
yields, even NASA concedes this. In addition, synthetic fertilizers, which are
derivatives of natural gas, are responsible for nearly half the world's food
production today. However, "net zero" goals would reduce CO2 emissions by more
than 40 gigatons per year, reducing the food supply proportionally.

In addition to teaching physics at Princeton, decades of William Happer's life
have been devoted to physics, primarily atmospheric radiation and atmospheric
turbulence, and his inventions have been used by astronomers and in national

"Radiation in the atmosphere is my specialty," said Happer, "and I know more
about it than, I would guess, any climate scientists. [My expertise] involves
much of the same physics that's involved in climate, and none of it is very
alarming," he stated.

The global warming narrative argues that as people burn fossil fuels they emit
higher concentrations of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which absorbs
sunlight and creates a "greenhouse effect," trapping the Sun's radiation and
warming the Earth.

But one aspect of CO2 emissions that global warming models fail to take into
account, Happer explained, is a phenomenon called "saturation," or the
diminishing effect of CO2 in the atmosphere at higher concentrations.

"At the current concentrations of CO2, around 400 parts per million, it
decreases the radiation to space by about 30 percent, compared to what you
would have if you took it all away," Happer said. "So that's enough to cause
quite a bit of warming of the earth, and thank God for that; it helps make the
earth habitable, along with the effects of water vapor and clouds."

"But if you could double the amount of CO2 from 400 to 800, and that will take
a long time, the amount that you decrease radiation to space is only one
percent. Very few people realize how hard it is for additional carbon dioxide
to make a difference to the radiation to space. That's what's called
saturation, and it's been well known for a century."

The "greenhouse effect" of additional CO2 does not increase in proportion to
the amount of CO2 added [William Happer]

Happer and Lindzen also state that modern datasets have been manipulated to fit
the climate-change narrative.

"The most striking example of that is the temperature record," continued
Happer. "If you look at the temperature records that were published 20 years
ago, they showed very clearly that in the United States by far the warmest
years we had were during the mid-1930s. If you look at the data today, that is
no longer true. People in charge of that data, or what the public sees, have
gradually reduced the temperatures of the "30s, then increased the temperature
of more recent measurements."

One example of misleading data used by the EPA as proof of global warming is
seen in the chart below:

EPA data shows an increasing ratio of daily record high-to-low temperatures in
order to indicate rising global temperatures [NOAA/NCEI]



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