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Global Warming Does Not Mean Global WarnING...

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Jun 25, 2023, 5:42:29 PM6/25/23

... it simply means that temperatures go up and temperatures go down in a NON-
linear fashion, while CO2 go up linearly and consistently, meaning CO2 does NOT
cause warming.

Warming comes first.

It is NOT warmer than at least 10 different eras in the last 10,000 years,
including the Medieval Warm Period... The Roman Warm Period... The Minoan Warm
Period... and the granddaddy of them all... the Holocene Maximum.

HOW was it warmer, and I'll humour you here, ALMOST as warm as it is today, if
the CO2 levels were nearly have what they are today, proving it, that you don't
NEED ~420ppm CO2 in the atmosphere to have warming.

And don't give me that bullshit, "you just don't understand how it works", else
YOU'D be TELLING us how it works, instead of just throwing bullshit shade.

YES, we have more CO2... duh! but, it is coming out BECAUSE of the warming, not
the other way 'round.

If you want to argue that point, take it up with Dr. Ian Clark, PhD. - paleo-
climatologist, hydro-geologist, professor, Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Ottawa - graduate studies at the University of Waterloo and at
the Université de Paris Sud (Orsay) in ISOTOPE hydro-geology and


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Jun 25, 2023, 5:46:06 PM6/25/23
On 2023-06-25 14:42, AlleyCat wrote:
> ... it simply means that temperatures go up and temperatures go down in a NON-
> linear fashion, while CO2 go up linearly and consistently, meaning CO2 does NOT
> cause warming.

You should really stop talking about things about which you know nothing.

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