Any comments from users ?
Please write to me at
Paris Stone
Smile - Someone is watching or listening ....
Paris Stone
World Peace ! E-Mail:
over three years ago I ordered the Mac PAF ($35.00) similar to the PC
version. The huge reports were not included, but the documents sure
look nice.- I update my PC version and about annually I transfer it over
to the Mac for better docs. It is not very fancy, but I like it!
PS> Mac Software for geneology - does it exist ? WHich
PS> program is better ?? Where can I get a demo copy to try ?
PS> Any comments from users ?
The following may be of some use to you.
As of 1 November 1996
by George W. Archer, Contributing Editor,
National Genealogical Society, Computer Interest Group "Digest"
All files are Macintosh unless otherwise indicated
#<filename> designates entries added or modified by Bill Gerber
Abtfamil (freeware)
Branches 2.1 (HyperCard)
Branching Out 1.0 (HyperCard)
Disgen 4.5 + (Swedish, Norwegian)
FamilyData (0.0.4 - beta) - Jeff Sly? +
FamilyDB - Bill Goodman
Family Events Vers 1.5 +
Family Gathering - Commsoft
Family Heritage File 3.3c +
Family History Composer 1.0
Family Record 1.0 (Hypercard)
Family Roots, Vers 3.7m +
Family Roots, Vers 3.4 (Apple ][ or ][C) +
Family Roots, Vers 3.7C (Apple ][e, ][C or HGS) +
Family Stack (Gary Chamberlin)
Family Tree 1.0 (HyperCard) - Jim Palms
Family Tree 1.1 (17 Feb 1991) also knowns as Vinny8
Family Tree 2.1 (Hypercard)
Family Tree 4.0 (Apple)
#Family Tree Maker (Broderbund - 1997)
GENE 4.1.1 * David Eppstein -
Genealogos (France)
Genealogy 1.0 (Hypercard) - James R. Hildred
Genealogy 1.0 (Hypercard) - Garr Henderson
Genealogy 2.0 (Hypercard) - Greg Jorgenson,
Genealogy 2.0.2 (Hypercard) - Joel Finkle
Genealogy 2.1 (Hypercard) - Robert D. Murrow
Genealogy 2.1 (Hypercard) - Tom Rabil
Genealogy Data Base (Hypercard - England) - Kevin Mennitt
Genealogy Explorer (Hypercard - England) - Commercial
Genealogy Pro 2.0 (Australia)
Genealogy Research Program - W. Eichorn
Genedraw (France)
Genitools (France)
GenMac 2.0 (Australia)
#Genogram-Maker^, Genogram-Maker Plus^, Autogenogram^, and
Family Pattern Analyzer^: Humanware
Heartwood 2.5 (Hypercard) (English, French) +
Heredis (France)
Heritage (England)
Heritage 3.0.1 - Tom Grandine (
Hyperfamily (France)
HyperGene (HyperCard)
HyperGenealogy 1.0 (HyperCard)
HyperTree (HyperCard) Mark Yvanovich
HyperTree II 1.4 (HyperCard) Joe Cornich
MacAncestors (HyperCard)
MacGene 3.0
MacGenogram Plus 5.42
MacRoots II 2.0.2 + (U.S. - German, French) - W. Muckala
#Master Genealogist, The (Wholly Genes - due 1997)
Me!AndMYFamily! Explorer (Australia - - for children)
Memory (French)
My Roots 3.0 (Apple II)
Our Family Tree 1.3 (HyperCard) (England) - Timmy G. Bremer
Personal Ancestral File (PAF 2.3.1) +
ProGen 2.0 (England)
Regard (France)
#Reunion 4.0.f + (v5 due out imminently, 9/97)
Roots and Branches 1.2 (HyperCard) +
SunriseGEN 1.2.2 (HyperCard)
#Ultimate Family Tree (Palladiam Interactive, 1997)
Vinny8 also known as Family Tree 1.1 (17 Feb 1991)
* Ancestral File-approved
=15 In Beta - not yet commercially released
=FE GEDCOM import only
> GEDCOM export only
compiled by Bill Gerber
There have been reviews of genealogy software for the Macintosh in the June 1995
issue of MacWorld magazine, and in the January 1996 issue of MacUser.
(References to "MW", "MU" or "Both" indicate in which magazine a review can be
Programs reviewed included: MacRoots II v1.6.5 (Both, $99, Itaska, 218-785-245);
Family Events v1.5 (Both, $35, (M)agreeable, 612-559-1108); Gene v4.0 [now in
v4.1] (Both, shareware, $15, available from the Gene home page at or Eppstein, 714-854-6594); Family
Heritage File v3.3 (MW, $149, StarComm, 801-225-1480); Family Roots v3.7 (MW,
$129, Quinsept, 617-641-2930) and Reunion v4.0 (Both, $149 [$99 street], Leister
Productions, 717-697-1378).
Also mentioned in MW were: Heritage v2.0.5 (shareware [now available inv3.0.1]);
Genealogy Pro; Sesame v1.06 ($75, CommSoft, 707-838-4300); and HyperCard based -
Branches, Genealogy v2.1, and Family Tree.
Personal Ancestral File (PAF) v2.1 was reviewed in MU but not in MW (at the
request of the LDS because a new version was due out in 1996). Also reviewed in
MU was The Life History Disk [a guide for asking questions] ($20, StarComm,
801-225-1480) and several On-Line repositories, e.g., The Genealogy Home Page
(, Yahoo Genealogical Page
Another Genealogy Software article, by Cyndy Bates, appeared in "Computer Life",
July '95, page 80; it compared Reunion for Macintosh; Reunion for Windows 3.0;
Family Tree Maker Deluxe CD (Windows); Family Ties 3.0; Personal Ancestral File
(PAF) 2.1 and Family Origins 3.0.
Whatever you decide upon, be sure that it can import and export GEDCOM
(GEnealogical Data COMmunications) files. This will be useful for exchanging
files with others and for transferring your data if you later decide to use a
different genealogical program.
that I've found useful include:
HC = HyperCard required, frw - freeware, shw = shareware, cmp = commercial
program demonstrator, GIE-y/n/na = GEDCOM Import/Export yes/no/not applicable]
FAMILYST.CPT 241920 10-01-89 Family Stack. HC/frw/GIE-n. Genealogy DB Program,
by Gary Chamberlin.
FPTOUR.SIT 423296 08-16-95 Farmer's Plotter Tutorial, Demo. Program is used
to plot and analyze the content of deeds.
GED2TT.SIT 43776 10-17-93 Reads a GEDCOM file and produces a Tiny Tafel. by
Clyde Poole.
GENE41.SIT 643328 10-28-95 Genealogy DB, GEDCOM & Photos (Very Good Shareware
GENEALOG.CPT 132352 09-01-87 Genealogy Research Helper. HC/shw/GIE-n. A
collection of templates to aid genealogy research, by David Brewer. (Very
Useful. A good alternative to RDF (p/o PAF).)
GENRESPR.SIT 31872 03-02-88 Genealogy Research Program. HC/frw/GIE-n.
Genealogy DB Program, by W. Eichorn. (Flaw in program makes quit/exit
HRTG215.SIT 566400 09-24-95 Heritage v2.15. Shw/GIE-y. Genealogy DB Program,
accommodates Photos. [Limited to 40 entries until program is registered - Now
available n v3.0.1]
HYPRTREE.SIT 99456 09-20-87 Hyper Tree. HC/frw/GIE-y. Genealogy DB Program, by
Mark Yvanovich. (If you use it, plant a tree!)
JWSHCAL.SIT 14336 12-04-94 Jewish Calendar. Frw. Utility to reconcile dates
among the Gregorian, Julian and Jewish calendars, by Frank Yellin.
MPRU12.SIT 66560 03-07-94 Mac PAF Report Utility MPRU. Shw/GIE-na.
Generates: Descendant Reports; Cascading Descendant Charts; Individual,
Marriage & data extracts; Male Line w/wo siblings; and Frequency counts of -
Events, Places, Names, Place Names. For 68000 Macs.
MPRUX12.SIT 66560 03-07-94 Same as MPRU, for 68020/030/040 Macs.
MROOT2DM.SIT 253696 10-14-95 MacRoots 2. Cmp/GIE-disabled. Demonstrator of
Genealogy DB Program, by B. W. Muckala. Limited to 50 entries.
MROOT612.CPT 199808 02-02-91 MacRoots v6.12. Shw/GIE-y. Genealogy DB program,
accommodates photos. (Later program is commercial.)
PAFUTL11.SIT 201178 10-07-93 MacPAF Utility. Shw/GIE-na. Generates:
Individual Records; Marriage Records; lists of Birthdays and Anniversaries;
Data Information (number of - RINs, MRINs, individuals, & individuals with
notes) and allocation of DB memory. Includes a feat
PRSLOG15.SIT 341248 12-04-94 Personal Log. Shw. A utility for recording
research efforts, leads, etc., by Michael Kamprath.
RDFCNVRT.SIT 59008 10-09-93 Research Data Filer (RDF) Convert. Shw/GIE-y. A
utility to convert GEDCOM files to RDF format and vice- versa, by Blake
Rosenvall. (Very useful tool for LDS/FHC research.)
REU4MAC.SEA 444293 05-25-95 Reunion 4. Cmp/GIE-y. Demonstrator for Genealogy
DB Program, by Frank Leister. (Reviews have been very favorable.)
SOUNDEX.SEA 23552 11-19-94 Soundex. Frw/GIE-na. Utility to create soundex
codes from typed-in Surnames. (Runs under System 6, possibly System 7 with 32
bit addressing turned off, but not under 7 with 32 bit addressing on.)
TINYTAFL.SIT 24960 12-04-94 Tiny Tafels. Shw/GIE-na. A utility for manually
generating Tiny Tafels for submission to the Tafel Matching System, by Brian
MACGENSW.REV 36608 07-05-94 Review of Geneo S/W & T-Comm Procedures (by Bill
Gerber, now out of date)
MACSOFT.SIT 4480 06-24-95 Review of Mac Gen SW (now also out of date)
M_TSHOOT.TXT 11392 04-15-94 Modem Trouble Shooting Suggestions
PC_CDROM.TXT 7950 03-11-95 How to Adapt a Mac, using SoftPC, to read PC
formatted CD-ROMs.
The Farmer's Plotter: Macintosh mapping/plotting program using metes and bounds
and quadrangle surveys. $35; order from: James Rogers, c/o Older Kids & Company,
8547 East Arapahoe Rd., #J144, Greenwood Village, CO 80112; e-mail
<>, demo at:
SounDex Converter 1.2 1990 by Douglas Nottage <>
Soundex v1.0.3 4/6/96
Soundex Code Generator 1.b.1 1995
The difference in end-of-line styles: In PC ASCII files (e.g., ordinairy text
files, such as GEDCOM), the end-of-line is made up of two characters: ASCII #13
(cariage return) and #10 (line feed). In Mac files, there is only one: #13.In
UNIX: only #10. OS/2: #13 + #10 (same as DOS). Windows: Windows is NOT an OS, it
runs on DOS (including Win '95). In other words: same as DOS.
# ^Genogram-Maker, Genogram-Maker Plus, Autogenogram, and Family Pattern
Analyzer: are analytical tools used to record, diagram and analyze the
psychological and behavorial patterns of family members through multiple
generations. Humanware, 780 Baconsfield Drive,Building 3, Suite 34, Macon
GA31211; Tel. 800-634-8508
Hope this helps.
Bill Gerber
> Mac Software for geneology - does it exist ? WHich program is better ??
> Where can I get a demo copy to try ?
> Any comments from users ?
The two I've seen mentioned are Gene and Reunion. I haven't seen Gene,
but there's a demo verson of Reunion 4 (v.5 has been released) in the
Genealogy forum on Compu$erve which I've downloaded -- it really looks
good, and I think I'll spring for the full version.
There's also a commercial application named MacROOTS, which did pretty
well as shareware (up through MacROOTS 7, which crashes with 32-bit
addressing turned on). v.II seems to run OK, but doesn't support
pictures; v.II 2.2.6 =supposedly= supports pictures (but I can't get it
to work), but all support has now been dropped by the author so don't
get sucked into buying this.
-= Quantum Mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of... =-
For Mac software I try "
I've done quite well from there !!
Thanks for the tip! (lurking Mac owner)
> For Mac software I try "
> I've done quite well from there !!
I find lots more stuff at the Mac software hyperarchive though. is a nice setup, but they don't get all the new stuff in there
like the hyperarchive does.
-- Via DLG2000 v1.2.3
:)---Holly---<--<-@ * * <GRIN>
BBS 619 549-0278
In article <>, (Holly Sullivan) wrote:
! > I'm presently trying out GENE 4.2 . I'm happy with it so far.
! Thanks for the tip! (lurking Mac owner)
! > For Mac software I try "
! > I've done quite well from there !!
! I find lots more stuff at the Mac software hyperarchive though.
! is a nice setup, but they don't get all the new stuff in there
! like the hyperarchive does.
! -- Via DLG2000 v1.2.3
! :)---Holly---<--<-@ * * <GRIN>
! FunAmigaSysopPaganSexGoddessQuiltArtistSCACostumerAtLarge
! BBS 619 549-0278