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I'm programming "X-Wing vs. Reichsflugscheiben"!!!

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Viktor Smootbank

Jan 6, 2008, 4:12:21 AM1/6/08
In this game, Reichsflugscheiben, created by Adolf Hitler,
Josef Mengele and Joseph Goebbels in Berlin, 1945, are
attacking the Star Wars galaxy in great numbers!!!

You have to shoot the Nazi Ufos or the Nazis will rape your
sweet little butt, so board your X-Wing and shoot 'em
or say "bye bye" to your ass!!!

The mothership, the huge Mega-Reichsflugscheibe, is
guided by Hitler himself, destroy him in the final mission
or Hitler gets YOUR ass!!!

Coming soon!!!


Jan 6, 2008, 6:46:08 AM1/6/08

The National Socialists made a movie called "The Eternal Jew". Anyone
can see their movie and see that one of the main reasons they were
against the Jews was because the Jews were promoting homosexual
perversion in the media. Here is an article they made about the movie:

"The self-portrait Jewry offered the world was disgusting from the
beginning. All that is overshadowed by the powerful examples in this
new and most valuable film, The Eternal Jew. This film with its
persuasive power must be shown everywhere where anti-Semitism is still
questioned. No one will will fail to shudder at the sneaking servility
and dirty bartering of the Jews when they start out, at the perfidy,
insidiousness and vulgarity of their methods, at the brutality and
all-devouring hatred they exhibit when they reach their goal and
control finance.
The most revolting scenes show Jewish slaughtering methods. These
customs, which cast a particularly vivid spotlight on the so-called
Jewish religion, are so terrible that it is hard to watch the film as
the grinning Jewish butchers carry out their work. It is illuminating
to see how stubbornly Jewry holds to its method of slaughter and with
which casuistry it defends it against the horror of the civilized
world. Rarely will people feel more horror than which watching the
desperate and horrible death struggle of the slaughtered animals. Long
before the seizure of power, the NSDAP fought against Jewish
slaughter. National Socialist representatives in parliament repeatedly
introduced legislation to abolish this form of animal torture through
a ban on Jewish slaughter. Such proposals were always rejected, since
the entire Jewish and Jewish-influenced press ran long articles
against them and the so-called German parties refused to support
National Socialism in its battle against this evil.
Not only in this regard, but in other areas too we are reminded with a
shudder of what once was reality in Germany: the power of the Jews in
the economy, finance, culture, theater, film, publishing, press,
radio, education and politics. All these Jewish leaders of the Weimar
era had their home or their origin in the filthy ghettos of the East.
One has a deep sense of salvation after seeing this film. We have
broken their power over us. We are the initiators of the fight against
world Jewry, which now directs its hate, its brutal greed and
destructive will toward us. We must win this battle for ourselves, for
Europe, for the world. This film will be a valuable tool in that

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